February 6, 2019




Mr. Speaker:


    Your JUDICIARY COMMITTEE, to whom has been referred




has had it under consideration and reports same with recommendation that it DO PASS, amended as follows:


     1. On page 3, line 2, after “of” insert “a diverse set of”.


    2. On page 3, line 9, after “appoint” insert “a diverse set of”.


    3. On page 3, line 12, after the period, insert the following:


    "All persons having experience and expertise in the topics under evaluation shall be eligible to be selected by the center to be members of the water law review panel.". 


    4. On page 3, between lines 24 and 25, insert the following new subsection:


         "E. By September 30, 2021, the center shall transmit to the legislative council service for distribution to the appropriate interim committees a second detailed report of its evaluation and water law amendment recommendations that specifically address any water law issues that were not resolved in the 2021 legislative session. The appropriate interim committees shall review the center's findings and consider the need for the specific, recommended amendments to state water law.".


    5. Reletter the succeeding subsection accordingly.


    6. On page 4, line 6, strike "and 2021" and insert in lieu thereof "through 2022".


    7. On page 4, line 10, strike "2021" and insert in lieu thereof "2022".,




and thence referred to the APPROPRIATIONS & FINANCE COMMITTEE.                            

                             Respectfully submitted,





Gail Chasey, Chair



Adopted     Not Adopted

           (Chief Clerk)                            (Chief Clerk)





The roll call vote was 8 For 6 Against

Yes:      8

No:       Chandler, Cook, McQueen, Nibert, Rehm, Townsend

Excused:  None

Absent:   None






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