March 11, 2019

Mr. President:

    Your EDUCATION COMMITTEE, to whom has been referred


has had it under consideration and reports same with recommendation that it DO PASS, amended as follows:

    1. On pages 1 through 6, strike Section 1 in its entirety.

    2. Renumber the succeeding sections accordingly.

    3. On page 8, line 8, strike "all".

    4. On page 8, line 12, strike "sufficient".

    5. On page 9, line 11, strike "input" and insert in lieu thereof "advice".

    6. On page 9, line 17, strike "assistant".

    7. On page 9, line 17, after "shall", strike the remainder of the line, strike lines 18 through 22 and insert in lieu thereof "ensure the duties prescribed in the Bilingual Multicultural Education Act are carried out and that each division within the department is collaborating to fulfill its responsibilities to bilingual and multicultural students."".

    8. On pages 9 and 10, strike Subsection D in its entirety.

    9. On page 10, line 25, strike "--DUTIES".

    10. On page 11, line 4, strike "effective" and insert in lieu thereof "effectiveness of the".

    11. On page 11, line 5, strike "all".

    12. On page 12, strike line 8 and insert in lieu thereof "shall stagger terms on the council such that five members are appointed to an initial one-year term, five members are appointed to an initial two-year term and five members are appointed to an initial three-year term."".

    13. On pages 12 through 14, strike Subsection E in its entirety.

    14. On page 14, line 16, strike "and outside experts as needed".

    15. On page 14, line 19, strike "all".

    16. On page 14, line 21, after "shall", insert "include provisions that".

    17. On page 14, line 24, strike "all".

    18. On page 14, line 25, strike "require that" and insert in lieu thereof "provide guidelines for school districts and charter schools on how to align their".

    19. On page 15, lines 1 and 2, strike "by school districts and charter schools be aligned".

    20. On page 15, lines 3 and 4, strike ", the Indian Education Act and the Hispanic Education Act".

    21. On page 15, line 4, after the semicolon, insert "and".

    22. On page 15, line 5, strike "require that" and insert in lieu thereof "provide guidelines for school districts and charter schools related to".

    23. On page 15, line 7, strike "provided by school districts and charter schools".

    24. On page 15, line 8, strike "be" and insert in lieu thereof "that are".

    25. On page 15, line 9, strike the semicolon and insert in lieu thereof a period.

    26. On page 15, strike lines 10 through 20.

    27. On page 15, lines 23 and 24, strike "the colleges of education at state institutions of higher education" and insert in lieu thereof "public education department-approved teacher preparation programs".

    28. On page 16, lines 10 and 11, strike "that need such professional development to make them more proficient at their jobs".

    29. On page 16, line 13, strike "advisory councils of the three divisions" and insert in lieu thereof "state bilingual multicultural advisory council, the Indian education advisory council and the Hispanic education advisory council".

    30. On page 16, line 16, strike "for all students".

    31. On page 16, line 22, after the semicolon, insert "and".

    32. On pages 16 and 17, strike Paragraphs (7) through (9) in their entirety.

    33. Renumber the succeeding paragraph accordingly.

    34. On page 17, line 11, after "annual", insert "statewide bilingual multicultural education status" and after "report", insert "no later than November 15".

     35. On page 17, line 13, after "divisions", insert a period, strike the remainder of the line, strike lines 14 through 20 and insert in lieu thereof:

    "The status report shall include detailed information about the participation and performance of students in bilingual multicultural education programs, those English language learners not in bilingual programs and an analysis of the effectiveness of the department's, school districts' and charter schools' services for English language learners, including implementation of the Bilingual Multicultural Education Act, statewide professional development efforts related to English language learners, use of funds specific to that act and recommendations for improving English language learner services and bilingual multicultural education programs."".

    36. On page 17, line 24, after "The", strike the remainder of the line, strike line 25 through "issue" and insert in lieu thereof "department, in consultation with the division, shall promulgate" and on line 25, remove the brackets and the line through "rules".

    37. On page 18, line 2, remove the brackets and the line through "department" and strike the underscored "division".

    38. On page 18, line 5, remove the brackets and the line through "department" and strike the underscored "division".

    39. On page 18, line 10, remove the brackets and the line through "the department" and strike the underscored language on that line and line 11.

    40. On page 19, line 4, after the semicolon, insert "and".

    41. On page 19, lines 5 through 8, strike Subsection D in its entirety.

    42. Reletter the succeeding subsection accordingly.

    43. On page 20, line 19, strike "all".

    44. On page 20, line 23, after "divisions", strike the remainder of the line, strike lines 24 and 25 and insert in lieu thereof "regarding the implementation of the Bilingual Multicultural Education Act, the Indian Education Act and the Hispanic Education Act;".

    45. On page 21, line 18, strike "input and recommendation" and insert in lieu thereof "advice".

    46. On page 21, line 24, after "and", insert "appropriate".

    47. On page 22, line 1, after the period, insert a closing quotation mark.

    48. On pages 22 and 23, strike Subsection D in its entirety.

    49. On page 23, line 20, strike "division" and insert in lieu thereof "department".

    50. On page 23, line 23, strike "division" and insert in lieu thereof "department".

    51. On page 23, line 24, strike "department" and insert in lieu thereof "division".,

and thence referred to the FINANCE COMMITTEE.

                               Respectfully submitted,


                               William P. Soules, Chairman

Adopted_______________________ Not Adopted_______________________

          (Chief Clerk) (Chief Clerk)

                  Date ________________________

The roll call vote was 7 For 0 Against

Yes:      7

No:       0

Excused: O'Neill, Stewart

Absent:   None

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