February 9, 2018


SENATE FLOOR AMENDMENT number ___1__ to SENATE BILL 51, as amended

Amendment sponsored by Senator Gay G. Kernan

    1. Strike Senate Public Affairs Committee Amendments 1, 2 and 4.

    2. Strike all senate finance committee amendments.

    3. On page 1, line 14, before the period, insert "; REQUIRING REPORTING".

    4. On page 2, line 8, strike the period and the remainder of the line, strike line 9 in its entirety and strike line 10 up to the semicolon.

    5. On page 3, line 18, strike "not to exceed seven and one-half" and insert in lieu thereof "which reasonable costs shall not exceed five".

    6. On page 3, line 19, strike "collected" and insert in lieu thereof "distributed to the subaccount".

    7. On page 6, line 7, after "fund", insert a period and "The New Mexico department of agriculture shall provide for inclusion in the annual report the number of pet food product labels by registrant for the current and previous year registered pursuant to Section 76-19A-10 NMSA 1978".

    8. On page 7, lines 6 and 7, strike "a fee of one hundred dollars ($100)" and insert in lieu thereof "an annual fee" and on line 8, before the period, insert the following:

"as follows:

             (1) beginning January 1, 2019, fifty dollars ($50.00);

             (2) beginning January 1, 2020, seventy-five dollars ($75.00); and

             (3) on and after January 1, 2021, one hundred dollars ($100)".

    9. On page 7, lines 18 through 21, strike Subsection C in its entirety and insert in lieu thereof the following new subsection:

         "C. The fee collected pursuant to Subsection A of this section shall be distributed as follows:

             (1) ninety-six percent of the fee to the state treasurer to be credited to the statewide spay and neuter subaccount of the animal care and facility fund; and

             (2) four percent of the fee to the board for the department to administer the New Mexico Commercial Feed Act."".


                                    Gay G. Kernan

Adopted ___________________ Not Adopted ________________________

          (Chief Clerk)                (Chief Clerk)

                  Date _________________