53rd legislature - STATE OF NEW MEXICO - first session, 2017


Joseph Cervantes









     WHEREAS, John Gaw Meem is known for designing architecture that is of New Mexico: sunbaked, open to the vast panoramas of the desert landscape and that speaks of New Mexico's rich cultural diversity; and

     WHEREAS, he is known for bringing Spanish pueblo-style architecture to maturity and is known as the father of Spanish pueblo revival architecture; and

     WHEREAS, he developed the university of New Mexico's master plan, and served as the architect for Scholes hall, Johnson gymnasium, Hokona hall, the masterful and iconic Zimmerman library and thirty-five other buildings; and

     WHEREAS, John Gaw Meem was instrumental in the development of the Santa Fe planning commission and was its first chairman in 1945; and

     WHEREAS, he served as a regional advisor for the historic American buildings survey from 1934 to 1955; and

     WHEREAS, he was a pioneer in historic preservation and was instrumental in the development of the 1957 Santa Fe historic district ordinance, which became the template for other municipalities, towns and villages; and

     WHEREAS, John Gaw Meem is recognized for his work with historic churches, including San Esteban del rey mission at the Pueblo of Acoma; the church of the holy faith in Santa Fe; St. John's Episcopal church in Albuquerque; the Presbyterian church in Taos; Santo Tomas church in Abiquiu; and Cristo Rey church in Santa Fe, among others; and

     WHEREAS, he is also recognized for his landmark buildings in the southwest, including the Colorado Springs fine arts center, the Santa Fe plaza facades, La Fonda on the plaza and Los Poblanos in Albuquerque, which was once the Governor Albert F. Simms residence; and

     WHEREAS, he is recognized for his work with local craftsmen participating in the federal works progress administration's employment and training programs, as well as for his related interior design work, including traditional furniture, woodwork, lighting and metalwork designs; and

     WHEREAS, in 1947, as the first president of the American institute of architects' New Mexico chapter, he recognized the role that architects have in safeguarding the health, safety and welfare of the people of New Mexico in the built environment; and

     WHEREAS, John Gaw Meem led a life of service, including serving on the juvenile affairs committee, the Santa Fe boy's club and the committee for the United Nations appeal for children; and as a board member of the school of American research, St. John's college, the museum of international folk art foundation and the Santa Fe fiesta council; and

     WHEREAS, he is recognized for his honesty, generosity, humility and integrity and for his dedication as a family man who raised a family equally dedicated to service, architecture and New Mexico;

     NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE SENATE OF THE STATE OF NEW MEXICO that John Gaw Meem be recognized and honored for the value he brought to the built environment and the people of New Mexico; and

     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of this memorial be transmitted to the family members of John Gaw Meem.

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