October 3, 2016




Mr. Speaker:


    Your APPROPRIATIONS AND FINANCE COMMITTEE, to whom has been referred




has had it under consideration and reports same with recommendation that it DO PASS, amended as follows:


     1. On page 8, line 13, after "before", insert "either".


     2. On page 8, line 14, before the period, insert "or a jury empaneled for the purpose of sentencing".


     3. On page 8, line 16, after "judge", insert "or a jury".


     4. On page 13, line 9, strike "MENTALLY RETARDED" and after "PERSONS", insert "WITH AN INTELLECTUAL DISABILITY".


     5. On page 13, line 10, strike "mentally retarded" and insert in lieu thereof "intellectual disability".


     6. On page 13, line 15, strike "mental retardation" and insert in lieu thereof "intellectual disability".


     7. On page 13, line 17, strike "who is mentally retarded" and insert in lieu thereof "with an intellectual disability".


     8. On page 13, line 23, strike "is mentally retarded" and insert in lieu thereof "has an intellectual disability".


     9. On page 18, lines 3 and 4, strike ", in the presence of the court, but with closed doors, if requested by the defendant,".


     10. On page 19, line 15, strike "a continuous," and insert in lieu thereof "an".


     11. On page 19, lines 16 and 17, strike "quantity of an ultra-short-acting barbiturate in combination with a chemical paralytic agent" and insert in lieu thereof "substance into the convicted person in a quantity sufficient to cause death".




     12. On page 20, line 25, after the period, insert "The identities of the persons designated to conduct the execution are confidential and not subject to public disclosure.".



The roll call vote on Amendments 1 through 12 was 8 For

 6 Against

Yes:      8

No:       Gallegos, DY, Garcia Richard, Salazar, T., Steinborn, Trujillo, CH, Varela

Excused:  Lundstrom, Maestas Barnes, Salazar, N.

Absent:   None


                             Respectfully submitted,





Larry A. Larrañaga, Chairman



Adopted     Not Adopted

           (Chief Clerk)                            (Chief Clerk)





The roll call vote was 8 For 6 Against

Yes:      8

No:       Gallegos, DY, Garcia Richard, Salazar, T., Steinborn, Trujillo, CH, Varela

Excused:  Lundstrom, Maestas Barnes, Salazar, N.

Absent:   None




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