52nd legislature - STATE OF NEW MEXICO - second session, 2016
SECTION 1. Section 7-24-9 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1989, Chapter 326, Section 2) is amended to read:
"7-24-9. DEFINITIONS.--As used in the Local Liquor Excise Tax Act:
A. "alcoholic beverages" means distilled or rectified spirits, potable alcohol, brandy, whiskey, rum, gin and aromatic bitters or any similar alcoholic beverage, including blended or fermented beverages, dilutions or mixtures of one or more of the foregoing containing more than one-half of one percent alcohol, but excluding medicinal bitters;
B. "county" means:
(1) a class B county having a population of more than fifty-six thousand but less than seventy-five thousand, according to the most recent federal decennial census or any subsequent decennial census, and having a net taxable value for rate-setting purposes for the 1988 or any subsequent property tax year of more than five hundred million dollars ($500,000,000) but less than seven hundred million dollars ($700,000,000); or
(2) any county in the state other than a county identified in Paragraph (1) of this subsection;
C. "department" means the taxation and revenue department, the secretary of taxation and revenue or any employee of the department exercising authority lawfully delegated to that employee by the secretary;
D. "governing body" means the board of county commissioners of a county;
E. "microbrewer" means a person licensed as a small brewer pursuant to Section 60-6A-26.1 NMSA 1978 to produce beer in New Mexico and who produces less than five thousand barrels of beer in a calendar year;
[E.] F. "person" means any individual, estate, trust, receiver, cooperative association, club, corporation, company, firm, partnership, joint venture, syndicate or other association; "person" also means, to the extent permitted by law, any federal, state or other governmental unit or subdivision or agency, department or instrumentality thereof;
[F.] G. "price" means the total amount of money or the reasonable value of other consideration or both paid for alcoholic beverages, inclusive of the amount of any tax paid pursuant to the Liquor Excise Tax Act; [and
G.] H. "retailer" means any person having a place of business within the county who sells, offers for sale or possesses for the purpose of selling alcoholic beverages within the county; and
I. "small winegrower" means a winegrower licensed pursuant to Section 60-6A-11 NMSA 1978 and who produces fewer than nine hundred fifty thousand liters of wine in a year."
SECTION 2. Section 7-24-10 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1989, Chapter 326, Section 3, as amended) is amended to read:
A. The majority of the members elected to the governing body of a county identified in Paragraph (1) of Subsection B of Section 7-24-9 NMSA 1978 may enact an ordinance imposing on any retailer an excise tax on the price paid by the retailer for alcoholic beverages purchased by the retailer upon which the tax imposed by this section has not been paid. The tax may be imposed at a rate not to exceed six percent, provided that any lower rate shall be an even multiple of one percent. [The tax imposed under this section may be referred to as the "local liquor excise tax". Any tax imposed under this section shall be for a period of not more than three years from the effective date of the ordinance imposing the tax.]
B. The majority of the members elected to the governing body of a county identified in Paragraph (2) of Subsection B of Section 7-24-9 NMSA 1978 may enact an ordinance imposing on all wholesalers distributing alcoholic beverages to retailers in that county an excise tax at a rate not to exceed:
(1) on spirituous liquors, ninety-nine cents ($.99) per liter;
(2) on beer, except as provided in Paragraph (5) of this subsection, twenty-five cents ($.25) per gallon;
(3) on wine, except as provided in Paragraphs (4) and (6) of this subsection, twenty-eight cents ($.28) per liter;
(4) on fortified wine, ninety-three cents ($.93) per liter;
(5) on beer manufactured or produced by a microbrewer, which beer is sold in this state, provided that proof is furnished to the department that the beer was manufactured or produced by a microbrewer, there shall be no tax up to and including twelve thousand gallons, and five cents ($.05) per gallon on all gallons sold over twelve thousand gallons but less than one hundred fifty-five thousand gallons;
(6) on wine manufactured or produced by a small winegrower and sold in New Mexico, provided that proof is furnished to the department that the wine was manufactured or produced by a small winegrower, there shall be no tax up to and including eighty thousand liters, and twelve cents ($.12) per liter on all liters sold over eighty thousand liters but less than nine hundred fifty thousand liters; and
(7) on cider, twenty-five cents ($.25) per gallon.
C. A tax imposed pursuant to this section shall be for a period of not more than three years from the effective date of the tax and may be referred to as the "local liquor excise tax".
D. Within the final year that a local liquor excise tax is in effect, the governing body may impose the tax for another three-year period, to begin in the month following the termination of the tax currently in effect, and submit the question of the tax to the voters of the county in the same manner as was required to approve the original tax.
[B. The] E. A governing body at the time of enacting an ordinance imposing [the] a tax authorized in [Subsection A of] this section shall dedicate the revenue to fund [educational programs and] direct services for the prevention and treatment, including social detoxification, of alcoholism and drug abuse within the county and for no other purpose. After approval of the imposition of a local liquor excise tax by the voters but before the effective date of the ordinance, the governing body shall hold a public meeting for the purpose of inviting comment on and suggestions for the most appropriate programs on which to expend the revenue produced by the tax. The governing body shall invite representatives from the appropriate Indian tribes, nations and pueblos to the meeting. If the governing body awards [any] a contract using funds derived from the local liquor excise tax, it shall do so only through a selection process requiring submission of sealed bids or proposals after public notice of the opportunity to submit the sealed bids or proposals.
[C.] F. The governing body enacting an ordinance imposing the local liquor excise tax shall submit the question of imposing the tax to the qualified voters of the county at a regular or special election.
[D.] G. Only those voters who are registered within the county shall be permitted to vote. The election shall be called, conducted and canvassed in substantially the same manner as provided by law for general elections.
[E.] H. If at an election called pursuant to this section the majority of the voters voting on the question vote in the affirmative on the question, then the ordinance imposing the local liquor excise tax shall be approved. If at such an election the majority of the voters voting on the question fail to approve the question, then the ordinance shall be disapproved and the question required to be submitted by [Subsection B of] this section shall not be submitted to the voters for a period of at least one year from the date of the election.
[F. Any] I. An ordinance enacted under the provisions of this section that imposes a local liquor excise tax or changes the rate of tax imposed shall include an effective date that is the first day of any month that begins no earlier than ninety days after the date of the election. A certified copy of any ordinance imposing a local liquor excise tax shall be mailed or personally delivered to the department within five days after the ordinance is certified to have been approved by the voters.
[G. Any] J. An ordinance repealing the imposition of a tax under the provisions of this section shall contain an effective date that is the first day of any month beginning no earlier than sixty days from the date the ordinance repealing the tax is adopted by the governing body. A certified copy of any ordinance repealing a local liquor excise tax shall be mailed or personally delivered to the department within five days of the date the ordinance is adopted."
SECTION 3. Section 7-24-10.1 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1992, Chapter 35, Section 1, as amended) is amended to read:
A. Prior to an election on the question of imposing a local liquor excise tax pursuant to the provisions of the Local Liquor Excise Tax Act, the governing body of a county shall enter into a joint powers agreement with the governing body of the most populated municipality and the governing bodies of any other municipalities in the county that choose to be parties to the agreement to provide for the use and administration of the tax proceeds. The agreement shall provide for the establishment and appointment of a local liquor excise tax committee to provide advice, assist in preventing duplication and supplanting of program funding and make recommendations to the governing body of the county and the municipal governing bodies that are parties to the agreement on the use of the tax proceeds. The agreement shall:
(1) clearly specify the use of the proceeds of the proposed local liquor excise tax, including the identification of specific local programs, agencies or entities, including those that provide direct services for the prevention and treatment of alcoholism and drug abuse within the county, that will be funded from the tax proceeds;
(2) determine the allocation of election expenses among the parties to the agreement;
(3) clearly specify that the detoxification center [located within a municipality with a population of not less than fifteen thousand and not more than thirty-five thousand according to the most recent federal decennial census] providing social detoxification treatment with the greatest numbers of adult clients shall receive the funding necessary to provide social detoxification of alcohol and drug treatment for adults;
(4) provide that the remaining proceeds of the proposed local liquor excise tax shall be used to fund social detoxification of alcohol and drugs for juveniles and other prevention and treatment programs as recommended by the local liquor excise tax committee; and
(5) clearly specify that each specific local program, agency or entity that is funded from the tax proceeds shall be audited at its own expense and provide accountability reports to the governing body of the county and municipal governing bodies that are parties to the agreement within thirty days of the end of each quarter of the calendar year, including an itemized breakdown of program services and expenditures.
B. Prior to the agreement by the governing body of a county and the municipal governing bodies for use of the proposed local liquor excise tax proceeds, the local liquor excise tax committee established pursuant to the provisions of Subsection A of this section shall conduct a public hearing for the purpose of inviting public comment on use of the proposed local liquor excise tax proceeds. The committee shall make every effort to provide public notice of the hearing and to invite a broad cross-section of community representatives and groups to comment on community needs. Following the hearing, the committee shall make its funding recommendations to the governing body of the county and the municipal governing bodies.
C. On or before April 1 of each calendar year, the governing body of a county or municipality that has entered into an agreement pursuant to Subsection A of this section shall submit to the department of finance and administration a report itemizing the receipts, expenditures and number of clients served pursuant to any such agreement for the preceding calendar year. On or before July 1 of each year, the department of finance and administration shall complete an audit of the county's report submitted pursuant to this section and shall report its findings to the appropriate interim legislative committee before September 1 of that year.
D. If a local program, agency or entity receiving funds from local liquor excise tax proceeds fails to timely submit an accountability report pursuant to Paragraph (5) of Subsection A of this section, the county or municipality shall be immediately prohibited from disbursing any further funds to such local program, agency or entity until the delinquent accountability report has been submitted to and accepted by the governing board of the county and the municipal governing bodies."
SECTION 4. Section 66-8-101 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1978, Chapter 35, Section 509, as amended) is amended to read:
A. Homicide by vehicle is the killing of a human being in the unlawful operation of a motor vehicle.
B. Great bodily harm by vehicle is the injuring of a human being, to the extent defined in Section 30-1-12 NMSA 1978, in the unlawful operation of a motor vehicle.
C. A person who commits homicide by vehicle or great bodily harm by vehicle while under the influence of intoxicating liquor or while under the influence of any drug or while violating Section 66-8-113 NMSA 1978 is guilty of a [third] second degree felony and shall be sentenced pursuant to the provisions of Section 31-18-15 NMSA 1978, provided that violation of speeding laws as set forth in the Motor Vehicle Code shall not per se be a basis for violation of Section
66-8-113 NMSA 1978.
D. A person who commits homicide by vehicle or great bodily harm by vehicle while under the influence of intoxicating liquor or while under the influence of any drug, as provided in Subsection C of this section, and who has incurred a prior DWI conviction within ten years of the occurrence for which [he] the person is being sentenced under this section shall have [his] the person's basic sentence increased by four years for each prior DWI conviction.
E. For the purposes of this section, "prior DWI conviction" means:
(1) a prior conviction under Section 66-8-102 NMSA 1978; or
(2) a prior conviction in New Mexico or any other jurisdiction, territory or possession of the United States, including a tribal jurisdiction, when the criminal act is driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
F. A person who willfully operates a motor vehicle in violation of Subsection C of Section 30-22-1 NMSA 1978 and directly or indirectly causes the death of or great bodily harm to a human being is guilty of a third degree felony and shall be sentenced pursuant to the provisions of Section 31-18-15 NMSA 1978."
SECTION 5. Section 66-8-102 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1953, Chapter 139, Section 54, as amended) is amended to read:
A. It is unlawful for a person who is under the influence of intoxicating liquor to drive a vehicle within this state.
B. It is unlawful for a person who is under the influence of any drug to a degree that renders the person incapable of safely driving a vehicle to drive a vehicle within this state.
C. It is unlawful for:
(1) a person to drive a vehicle in this state if the person has an alcohol concentration of eight one hundredths or more in the person's blood or breath within three hours of driving the vehicle and the alcohol concentration results from alcohol consumed before or while driving the vehicle; or
(2) a person to drive a commercial motor vehicle in this state if the person has an alcohol concentration of four one hundredths or more in the person's blood or breath within three hours of driving the commercial motor vehicle and the alcohol concentration results from alcohol consumed before or while driving the vehicle.
D. Aggravated driving under the influence of intoxicating liquor or drugs consists of:
(1) driving a vehicle in this state with an alcohol concentration of sixteen one hundredths or more in the driver's blood or breath within three hours of driving the vehicle and the alcohol concentration results from alcohol consumed before or while driving the vehicle;
(2) causing bodily injury to a human being as a result of the unlawful operation of a motor vehicle while driving under the influence of intoxicating liquor or drugs; or
(3) refusing to submit to chemical testing, as provided for in the Implied Consent Act, and in the judgment of the court, based upon evidence of intoxication presented to the court, the driver was under the influence of intoxicating liquor or drugs.
E. A first conviction pursuant to this section shall be punished, notwithstanding the provisions of Section 31-18-13 NMSA 1978, by imprisonment for not more than ninety days or by a fine of not more than five hundred dollars ($500), or both; provided that if the sentence is suspended in whole or in part or deferred, the period of probation may extend beyond ninety days but shall not exceed one year. Upon a first conviction pursuant to this section, an offender shall be sentenced to not less than twenty-four hours of community service. In addition, the offender may be required to pay a fine of three hundred dollars ($300). The offender shall be ordered by the court to participate in and complete a screening program described in Subsection [K] L of this section and to attend a driver rehabilitation program for alcohol or drugs, also known as a "DWI school", approved by the bureau and also may be required to participate in other rehabilitative services as the court shall determine to be necessary. In addition to those penalties, when an offender commits aggravated driving under the influence of intoxicating liquor or drugs, the offender shall be sentenced to not less than forty-eight consecutive hours in jail. If an offender fails to complete, within a time specified by the court, any community service, screening program, treatment program or DWI school ordered by the court or fails to comply with any other condition of probation, the offender shall be sentenced to not less than an additional forty-eight consecutive hours in jail. Any jail sentence imposed pursuant to this subsection for failure to complete, within a time specified by the court, any community service, screening program, treatment program or DWI school ordered by the court or for aggravated driving under the influence of intoxicating liquor or drugs shall not be suspended, deferred or taken under advisement. On a first conviction pursuant to this section, any time spent in jail for the offense prior to the conviction for that offense shall be credited to any term of imprisonment fixed by the court. A deferred sentence pursuant to this subsection shall be considered a first conviction for the purpose of determining subsequent convictions.
F. A second or third conviction pursuant to this section shall be punished, notwithstanding the provisions of Section 31-18-13 NMSA 1978, by imprisonment for not more than three hundred sixty-four days or by a fine of not more than one thousand dollars ($1,000), or both; provided that if the sentence is suspended in whole or in part, the period of probation may extend beyond one year but shall not exceed five years. Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary for suspension or deferment of execution of a sentence:
(1) upon a second conviction, an offender shall be sentenced to a jail term of not less than ninety-six consecutive hours, not less than forty-eight hours of community service and a fine of five hundred dollars ($500). In addition to those penalties, when an offender commits aggravated driving under the influence of intoxicating liquor or drugs, the offender shall be sentenced to a jail term of not less than ninety-six consecutive hours. If an offender fails to complete, within a time specified by the court, any community service, screening program or treatment program ordered by the court, the offender shall be sentenced to not less than an additional seven consecutive days in jail. A penalty imposed pursuant to this paragraph shall not be suspended or deferred or taken under advisement; and
(2) upon a third conviction, an offender shall be sentenced to a jail term of not less than thirty consecutive days, not less than ninety-six hours of community service and a fine of seven hundred fifty dollars ($750). In addition to those penalties, when an offender commits aggravated driving under the influence of intoxicating liquor or drugs, the offender shall be sentenced to a jail term of not less than sixty consecutive days. If an offender fails to complete, within a time specified by the court, any community service, screening program or treatment program ordered by the court, the offender shall be sentenced to not less than an additional sixty consecutive days in jail. A penalty imposed pursuant to this paragraph shall not be suspended or deferred or taken under advisement.
G. Upon a fourth conviction pursuant to this section, an offender is guilty of a fourth degree felony and, notwithstanding the provisions of Section 31-18-15 NMSA 1978, shall be sentenced to a term of imprisonment of eighteen months, six months of which shall not be suspended, deferred or taken under advisement.
H. Upon a fifth conviction pursuant to this section, an offender is guilty of a fourth degree felony and, notwithstanding the provisions of Section 31-18-15 NMSA 1978, shall be sentenced to a term of imprisonment of two years, one year of which shall not be suspended, deferred or taken under advisement.
I. Upon a sixth conviction pursuant to this section, an offender is guilty of a third degree felony and, notwithstanding the provisions of Section 31-18-15 NMSA 1978, shall be sentenced to a term of imprisonment of thirty months, eighteen months of which shall not be suspended, deferred or taken under advisement.
J. Upon a seventh [or subsequent] conviction pursuant to this section, an offender is guilty of a third degree felony and, notwithstanding the provisions of Section 31-18-15 NMSA 1978, shall be sentenced to a term of imprisonment of three years, two years of which shall not be suspended, deferred or taken under advisement.
K. Upon an eighth or subsequent conviction pursuant to this section, an offender is guilty of a second degree felony and, notwithstanding the provisions of Section 31-18-15 NMSA 1978, shall be sentenced to a term of imprisonment of twelve years, ten years of which shall not be suspended, deferred or taken under advisement.
[K.] L. Upon any conviction pursuant to this section, an offender shall be required to participate in and complete, within a time specified by the court, an alcohol or drug abuse screening program approved by the department of finance and administration and, if necessary, a treatment program approved by the court. The requirement imposed pursuant to this subsection shall not be suspended, deferred or taken under advisement.
[L.] M. Upon a second or third conviction pursuant to this section, an offender shall be required to participate in and complete, within a time specified by the court:
(1) not less than a twenty-eight-day inpatient, residential or in-custody substance abuse treatment program approved by the court;
(2) not less than a ninety-day outpatient treatment program approved by the court;
(3) a drug court program approved by the court; or
(4) any other substance abuse treatment program approved by the court.
The requirement imposed pursuant to this subsection shall not be suspended, deferred or taken under advisement.
[M.] N. Upon a felony conviction pursuant to this section, the corrections department shall provide substance abuse counseling and treatment to the offender in its custody. While the offender is on probation or parole under its supervision, the corrections department shall also provide substance abuse counseling and treatment to the offender or shall require the offender to obtain substance abuse counseling and treatment.
[N.] O. Upon a conviction pursuant to this section, an offender shall be required to obtain an ignition interlock license and have an ignition interlock device installed and operating on all motor vehicles driven by the offender, pursuant to rules adopted by the [traffic safety] bureau. Unless determined by the bureau to be indigent, the offender shall pay all costs associated with having an ignition interlock device installed on the appropriate motor vehicles. The offender shall operate only those vehicles equipped with ignition interlock devices for:
(1) a period of one year, for a first offender;
(2) a period of two years, for a second conviction pursuant to this section;
(3) a period of three years, for a third conviction pursuant to this section; or
(4) the remainder of the offender's life, for a fourth or subsequent conviction pursuant to this section.
[O.] P. Five years from the date of conviction and every five years thereafter, a fourth or subsequent offender may apply to a district court for removal of the ignition interlock device requirement provided in this section and for restoration of a driver's license. A district court may, for good cause shown, remove the ignition interlock device requirement and order restoration of the license; provided that the offender has not been subsequently convicted of driving a motor vehicle under the influence of intoxicating liquor or drugs. Good cause may include an alcohol screening and proof from the interlock vendor that the person has not had violations of the interlock device.
[P.] Q. An offender who obtains an ignition interlock license and installs an ignition interlock device prior to conviction shall be given credit at sentencing for the time period the ignition interlock device has been in use.
[Q.] R. In the case of a first, second or third offense under this section, the magistrate court has concurrent jurisdiction with district courts to try the offender.
[R.] S. A conviction pursuant to a municipal or county ordinance in New Mexico or a law of any other jurisdiction, territory or possession of the United States or of a tribe, when that ordinance or law is equivalent to New Mexico law for driving under the influence of intoxicating liquor or drugs, and prescribes penalties for driving under the influence of intoxicating liquor or drugs, shall be deemed to be a conviction pursuant to this section for purposes of determining whether a conviction is a second or subsequent conviction.
[S.] T. In addition to any other fine or fee that may be imposed pursuant to the conviction or other disposition of the offense under this section, the court may order the offender to pay the costs of any court-ordered screening and treatment programs.
[T.] U. With respect to this section and notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, if an offender's sentence was suspended or deferred in whole or in part and the offender violates any condition of probation, the court may impose any sentence that the court could have originally imposed and credit shall not be given for time served by the offender on probation.
[U.] V. As used in this section:
(1) "bodily injury" means an injury to a person that is not likely to cause death or great bodily harm to the person, but does cause painful temporary disfigurement or temporary loss or impairment of the functions of any member or organ of the person's body; and
(2) "commercial motor vehicle" means a motor vehicle or combination of motor vehicles used in commerce to transport passengers or property if the motor vehicle:
(a) has a gross combination weight rating of more than twenty-six thousand pounds inclusive of a towed unit with a gross vehicle weight rating of more than ten thousand pounds;
(b) has a gross vehicle weight rating of more than twenty-six thousand pounds;
(c) is designed to transport sixteen or more passengers, including the driver; or
(d) is of any size and is used in the transportation of hazardous materials, which requires the motor vehicle to be placarded under applicable law."
SECTION 6. EFFECTIVE DATE.--The effective date of the provisions of this act is July 1, 2016.
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