March 13, 2015



Amendment sponsored by Senator Jacob R. Candelaria

    1. On page 7, line 25, strike "twenty-four" and insert in lieu thereof "seventy-two".

    2. On page 9, line 10, after the period, insert:

     "This subsection applies only when the prescription drug that is the subject of the internal appeal has been prescribed for at least three months as of the date of the appeal request. This subsection shall not apply to a prescription drug that the enrollee obtained:

             (1) as a sample from a health care provider;

             (2) by means of a coupon from the prescription drug's pharmaceutical manufacturer;

             (3) as part of a pharmaceutical manufacturer's study; or

             (4) through a cash purchase at the prescription drug's full retail price.".

    3. On page 16, line 2, strike "twenty-four" and insert in lieu thereof "seventy-two".

    4. On page 17, line 11, after the period, insert:

     "This subsection applies only when the prescription drug that is the subject of the internal appeal has been prescribed for at least three months as of the date of the appeal request. This subsection shall not apply to a prescription drug that the enrollee obtained:

             (1) as a sample from a health care provider;

             (2) by means of a coupon from the prescription drug's pharmaceutical manufacturer;

             (3) as part of a pharmaceutical manufacturer's study; or

             (4) through a cash purchase for the prescription drug's full retail price.".


                                    Jacob R. Candelaria

Adopted ___________________ Not Adopted ________________________

          (Chief Clerk)                (Chief Clerk)

                  Date _________________