March 6, 2015

Mr. President:

    Your JUDICIARY COMMITTEE, to whom has been referred

SENATE BILL 284, as amended

has had it under consideration and reports same WITHOUT RECOMMENDATION, amended as follows:

    1. On page 2, line 14, strike "nursing" and insert in lieu thereof "nurse" and after "committee", insert ", including:

             (1) a large hospital nurse staffing committee established pursuant to Subsection A of Section 3 of the Patient Safe Staffing Act as pertains to hospitals licensed for more than forty-five beds; and

             (2) a small hospital nurse staffing committee established pursuant to Subsection B of Section 3 of the Patient Safe Staffing Act as pertains to hospitals licensed for forty-five or fewer beds;".

    2. On page 2, line 22, through page 3, line 5, strike Section 3 in its entirety and insert in lieu thereof the following new section:


         A. A hospital that the department licenses for more than forty-five beds shall maintain a "large hospital nurse staffing committee" composed of eleven members as follows:

             (1) seven nurses who provide direct patient care but are not hospital nurse managers or hospital administrators, at least one of whom provides direct care in a nurse specialty unit; and

             (2) four other qualified persons as determined by the hospital.

         B. A hospital that the department licenses for forty-five or fewer beds shall maintain a "small hospital nurse staffing committee" composed of six members as follows:

             (1) four nurses who provide direct patient care but who are not hospital nurse managers or hospital administrators, at least one of whom provides direct care in a nurse specialty unit; and

             (2) two other qualified persons as determined by the hospital."".,

and thence referred to the FINANCE COMMITTEE.

                               Respectfully submitted,


                               Richard C. Martinez, Chairman

Adopted_______________________ Not Adopted_______________________

          (Chief Clerk) (Chief Clerk)

                  Date ________________________

The roll call vote was 6 For 4 Against

Yes:      6

No:       Griggs, Payne, Ryan, Torraco

Excused: None

Absent:   None

SB0284JU1.wpd                                              .201194.1