February 16, 2015

Mr. President:

    Your JUDICIARY COMMITTEE, to whom has been referred


has had it under consideration and reports same with recommendation that it DO PASS, amended as follows:

    1. On page 2, line 1, strike "or informal".

    2. On page 2, line 20, strike "and", and between lines 20 and 21, insert the following:

             "(6) sending a postcard notice with an internet and street address where the information may be found to persons who provide a postal address; and".

    3. Renumber the succeeding paragraph accordingly.


    4. On page 6, lines 11 through 23, strike Section 4 in its entirety.

    5. Renumber the succeeding sections accordingly.

    6. On page 8, line 20, strike ", if any,".

    7. On page 8, line 24, strike "a" and insert in lieu thereof "the".

    8. On page 11, line 13, after the semicolon, insert "or" and strike lines 14 and 15 in their entirety.

    9. Renumber the succeeding paragraph accordingly.

    10. On page 12, line 15, before the period, insert "and may not be readopted as an emergency rule".

                               Respectfully submitted,


                               Richard C. Martinez, Chairman

Adopted_______________________ Not Adopted_______________________

          (Chief Clerk) (Chief Clerk)

                  Date ________________________

The roll call vote was 6 For 0 Against

Yes:     6

No:      0

Excused: Cervantes, Lopez, Sanchez, M., Torraco

Absent:  None

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