March 3, 2015




Mr. Speaker:


    Your WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE, to whom has been referred




has had it under consideration and reports same WITHOUT RECOMMENDATION, amended as follows:


     1. On page 1, line 22, after "section", insert "and as land used primarily for agricultural purposes is valued".


     2. On page 2, line 2, after "body", insert "that has jurisdiction over it".


     3. On page 2, line 6, strike "and".


     4. On page 2, between lines 6 and 7, insert the following new paragraph:


                "(4) in one or more of the three years preceding the year in which the determination is made, it was classified as land used primarily for agricultural purposes; and".


     5. Renumber the succeeding paragraph accordingly.


     6. On page 2, line 14, strike the comma and insert in lieu thereof "and".


     7. On page 2, line 15, strike "and", strike line 16 in its entirety and on line 17, strike "property".


     8. On page 3, line 25, and page 4, line 1, strike "having jurisdiction over the land subject to classification as recreational property".,



and thence referred to the JUDICIARY COMMITTEE.          



                             Respectfully submitted,





Jason C. Harper, Chairman



Adopted     Not Adopted

           (Chief Clerk)                            (Chief Clerk)





The roll call vote was 11 For 0 Against

Yes:      11

No:       0

Excused:  Harper, Trujillo, J.

Absent:   None




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