INTRODUCED BYJohn Arthur Smith















     Section 1. SHORT TITLE.--This act may be cited as the “General Appropriation Act of 2014".

Section 2. DEFINITIONS.--As used in the General Appropriation Act of 2014:

            A. “agency” means an office, department, agency, institution, board, bureau, commission, court, district attorney, council or committee of state government;

           B. “efficiency” means the measure of the degree to which services are efficient and productive and is often expressed in terms of dollars or time per unit of output;

           C. “explanatory” means information that can help users to understand reported performance measures and to evaluate the significance of underlying factors that may have affected the reported information;

           D. “federal funds” means any payments by the United States government to state government or agencies except those payments made in accordance with the federal Mineral Leasing Act;

            E. “full-time equivalent” or “FTE” means one or more authorized positions that alone or together receives or receive compensation for not more than two thousand eighty-eight hours worked in fiscal year 2015. The calculation of hours worked includes compensated absences but does not include overtime, compensatory time or sick leave paid pursuant to Section 10-7-10 NMSA 1978;

            F. “general fund” means that fund created by Section 6-4-2 NMSA 1978 and includes federal Mineral Leasing Act receipts and those payments made in accordance with the federal block grant and the federal Workforce Investment Act but excludes the general fund operating reserve, the appropriation contingency fund, the tax stabilization reserve and any other fund, reserve or account from which general appropriations are restricted by law;

            G. “interagency transfers” means revenue, other than internal service funds, legally transferred from one agency to another;

            H. “internal service funds” means:

                 (1) revenue transferred to an agency for the financing of goods or services to another agency on a cost-reimbursement basis; and

                 (2) balances in agency internal service fund accounts appropriated by the General Appropriation Act of 2014;

            I. “other state funds” means:

                 (1) nonreverting balances in agency accounts, other than in internal service funds accounts, appropriated by the General Appropriation Act of 2014;

                 (2) all revenue available to agencies from sources other than the general fund, internal service funds, interagency transfers and federal funds; and

                 (3) all revenue, the use of which is restricted by statute or agreement;

            J. “outcome” means the measure of the actual impact or public benefit of a program;

            K. “output” means the measure of the volume of work completed or the level of actual services or products delivered by a program;

            L. “performance measure” means a quantitative or qualitative indicator used to assess a program;

            M. “quality” means the measure of the quality of a good or service produced and is often an indicator of the timeliness, reliability or safety of services or products produced by a program;

            N. “revenue” means all money received by an agency from sources external to that agency, net of refunds and other correcting transactions, other than from issue of debt, liquidation of investments or as agent or trustee for other governmental entities or private persons; and

            O. “target” means the expected level of performance of a program’s performance measures.

      Section 3. GENERAL PROVISIONS.--

            A. Amounts set out under column headings are expressed in thousands of dollars.

            B. Amounts set out under column headings are appropriated from the source indicated by the column heading. All amounts set out under the column heading “Internal Service Funds/Interagency Transfers” are intergovernmental transfers and do not represent a portion of total state government appropriations. All information designated as “Total” or “Subtotal” is provided for information and amounts are not appropriations.

            C. Amounts set out in Section 4 of the General Appropriation Act of 2014, or so much as may be necessary, are appropriated from the indicated source for expenditure in fiscal year 2015 for the objects expressed.

            D. Unexpended balances in agency accounts remaining at the end of fiscal year 2014 shall revert to the general fund by October 1, 2014, unless otherwise indicated in the General Appropriation Act of 2014 or otherwise provided by law.            E. Unexpended balances in agency accounts remaining at the end of fiscal year 2015 shall revert to the general fund by October 1, 2015, unless otherwise indicated in the General Appropriation Act of 2014 or otherwise provided by law.

            F. The state budget division shall monitor revenue received by agencies from sources other than the general fund and shall reduce the operating budget of any agency whose revenue from such sources is not meeting projections. The state budget division shall notify the legislative finance committee of any operating budget reduced pursuant to this subsection.

            G. Except as otherwise specifically stated in the General Appropriation Act of 2014, appropriations are made in that act for the expenditures of agencies and for other purposes as required by existing law for fiscal year 2015. If any other act of the second session of the fifty-first legislature changes existing law with regard to the name or responsibilities of an agency or the name or purpose of a fund or distribution, the appropriation made in the General Appropriation Act of 2014 shall be transferred from the agency, fund or distribution to which an appropriation has been made as required by existing law to the appropriate agency, fund or distribution provided by the new law.

            H. The department of finance and administration will regularly consult with the legislative finance committee staff to compare fiscal year 2015 revenue collections with the revenue estimate. If the analyses indicate that revenues and transfers to the general fund are not expected to meet appropriations, then the department shall present a plan to the legislative finance committee that outlines the methods by which the administration proposes to address the deficit.

            I. Pursuant to Sections 6-3-23 through 6-3-25 NMSA 1978, agencies whose revenue from state board of finance loans, from revenue appropriated by other acts of the legislature, or from gifts, grants, donations, bequests, insurance settlements, refunds or payments into revolving funds exceeds specifically appropriated amounts may request budget increases from the state budget division. If approved by the state budget division, such money is appropriated.

            J. For fiscal year 2015, the number of permanent and term full-time-equivalent positions specified for agencies with two hundred or more positions shows the maximum number of employees intended by the legislature for that agency, unless another provision of the General Appropriation Act of 2014 or another act of the second session of the fifty-first legislature provides for additional employees.

            K. Except for gasoline credit cards used solely for operation of official vehicles, telephone credit cards used solely for official business and procurement cards used as authorized by Section 6-5-9.1 NMSA 1978, none of the appropriations contained in the General Appropriation Act of 2014 may be expended for payment of agency-issued credit card invoices.

            L. To prevent unnecessary spending, expenditures from the General Appropriation Act of 2014 for gasoline for state-owned vehicles at public gasoline service stations shall be made only for self-service gasoline provided that a state agency head may provide exceptions from the requirement to accommodate disabled persons or for other reasons the public interest may require.

            M. For the purpose of administering the General Appropriation Act of 2014, the state of New Mexico shall follow the modified accrual basis of accounting for governmental funds in accordance with the manual of model accounting practices issued by the department of finance and administration.


(1) Legislative building services:


      (a)  Personal services and 

            employee benefits            2,915.1                                             2,915.1

      (b)  Contractual services            97.7                                                97.7

      (c)  Other                      1,364.5                                             1,364.5 (2) Energy council dues:

      Appropriations:                       38.4                                                38.4       Subtotal                          [4,415.7]                                            4,415.7

      TOTAL LEGISLATIVE                  4,415.7                                             4,415.7B. JUDICIALSUPREME COURT LAW LIBRARY:

The purpose of the supreme court law library is to provide and produce legal information for the judicial, legislative and executive branches of state government, the legal community and the public at large so they may have equal access to the law, effectively address the courts, make laws and write regulations, better understand the legal system and conduct their affairs in accordance with the principles of law.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits              634.5                                               634.5

      (b)  Contractual services           380.5          1.8                                  382.3

      (c)  Other                        521.1                                               521.1

      Performance measures:

      (a) Output:       Number of research requests                                               8,800

      Subtotal                          [1,536.1]        [1.8]                               1,537.9


The purpose of the New Mexico compilation commission is to publish in print and electronic format, distribute and sell (1) laws enacted by the legislature, (2) opinions of the supreme court and court of appeals, (3) rules approved by the supreme court, (4) attorney general opinions and (5) other state and federal rules and opinions. The commission ensures the accuracy and reliability of its publications.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits                           519.4                                  519.4

      (b)  Contractual services                        714.8        400.0                   1,114.8

      (c)  Other                                     149.4                                  149.4       Subtotal                                       [1,383.6]      [400.0]                  1,783.6


The purpose of the judicial standards commission program is to provide a public review process addressing complaints involving judicial misconduct to preserve the integrity and impartiality of the judicial process.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits              692.6                                               692.6

      (b)  Contractual services            28.3                                                28.3

      (c)  Other                        120.5         10.0                                  130.5 Any unexpended balances in the judicial standards commission remaining at the end of fiscal year 2015 from appropriations made from other state funds from funds received from trial cost reimbursements from respondents shall not revert to the general fund. 

      Subtotal                            [841.4]       [10.0]                                 851.4


The purpose of the court of appeals program is to provide access to justice, resolve disputes justly and timely and maintain accurate records of legal proceedings that affect rights and legal status to independently protect the rights and liberties guaranteed by the constitutions of New Mexico and the United States.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits            5,366.6                                             5,366.6

      (b)  Contractual services            34.0                                                34.0

      (c)  Other                        469.4          1.0                                  470.4

      Performance measures:

      (a)Explanatory:   Cases disposed as a percent of cases filed                                  100%

      Subtotal                          [5,870.0]        [1.0]                               5,871.0


The purpose of the supreme court program is to provide access to justice, resolve disputes justly and timely and maintain accurate records of legal proceedings that affect rights and legal status to independently protect the rights and liberties guaranteed by the constitutions of New Mexico and the United States.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits            3,111.5                                             3,111.5

      (b)  Contractual services            14.3                                                14.3

      (c)  Other                         91.7                                                91.7 Notwithstanding the provisions of Sections 35-8-7 and 38-5-15 NMSA 1978, the supreme court has the authority to reduce juror pay as needed to stay within the appropriation for the jury and witness fund. 

      Performance measures:

      (a)Explanatory:   Cases disposed as a percent of cases filed                                   98%

      Subtotal                          [3,217.5]                                            3,217.5


(1) Administrative support:

The purpose of the administrative support program is to provide administrative support to the chief justice, all judicial branch units and the administrative office of the courts so that they can effectively administer the New Mexico court system.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits            3,316.9                     213.9                   3,530.8

      (b)  Contractual services           458.6        226.0        390.1        701.6      1,776.3

      (c)  Other                      4,299.6      2,218.0                     264.5      6,782.1

      Authorized FTE: 38.75 Permanent; 3.00 Term

      Performance measures:

      (a) Output:       Average cost per juror                                                    $50.00

(2) Statewide judiciary automation:

The purpose of the statewide judicial automation program is to provide development, enhancement, maintenance and support for core court automation and usage skills for appellate, district, magistrate and municipal courts and ancillary judicial agencies.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits            2,758.3      2,429.3                                5,187.6

      (b)  Contractual services                      1,427.2                                1,427.2

      (c)  Other                        644.0      2,207.2                                2,851.2

      Authorized FTE: 44.50 Permanent; 9.00 Term

      Performance measures:

      (a) Quality:      Percent of accurate driving-while-intoxicated court reports                  98%

(3) Magistrate court:

The purpose of the magistrate court and warrant enforcement program is to provide access to justice, resolve disputes justly and timely and maintain accurate records of legal proceedings that affect rights and legal status in order to independently protect the rights and liberties guaranteed by the constitutions of New Mexico and the United States.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits           17,871.9      2,533.3                               20,405.2

      (b)  Contractual services            60.0        324.3        150.0                     534.3

      (c)  Other                      7,478.4      1,916.8                                9,395.2       Authorized FTE: 285.00 Permanent; 57.50 Term

      Performance measures:

      (a) Outcome:      Bench warrant revenue collected annually, in millions                       $3.3

      (b) Explanatory:  Cases disposed as a percent of cases filed                                   95%

(4) Special court services:

The purpose of the special court services program is to provide court advocates, legal counsel and safe exchanges for children and families; to provide judges pro tem; and to adjudicate water rights disputes so the constitutional rights and safety of citizens, especially children and families, are protected.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits              322.7         76.4         36.7                     435.8

      (b)  Contractual services         5,846.0                     318.8                   6,164.8

      (c)  Other                         42.3                       3.0                      45.3

      (d)  Other financing uses         2,756.2                     751.5                   3,507.7

      Authorized FTE: 4.50 Permanent

Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 11-6A-3 NMSA 1978 or other substantive law, the internal service funds/interagency transfers appropriation to the special court services program of the administrative office of the courts in the other financing uses category includes five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000) from the local DWI grant fund for drug courts. Any unexpended balances from appropriations made from the local DWI grant fund remaining at the end of fiscal year 2015 shall revert to the local DWI grant fund. 

      Performance measures:

      (a) Output:       Number of required events attended by attorneys in abuse  

                        and neglect cases                                                          8,000

      Subtotal                         [45,854.9]   [13,358.5]    [1,864.0]      [966.1]    62,043.5


The purpose of the supreme court building commission is to retain custody and control of the supreme court building and its grounds, to provide care, preservation, repair, cleaning, heating and lighting and to hire necessary employees for these purposes.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits              713.3                                               713.3

      (b)  Contractual services             7.2                                                 7.2

      (c)  Other                        187.2                                               187.2       Subtotal                            [907.7]                                              907.7


(1) First judicial district:

The purpose of the first judicial district court program, statutorily created in Santa Fe, Rio Arriba and Los Alamos counties, is to provide access to justice, resolve disputes justly and timely and maintain accurate records of legal proceedings that affect rights and legal status to independently protect the rights and liberties guaranteed by the constitutions of New Mexico and the United States.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits            6,366.2        275.6        302.8                   6,944.6

      (b)  Contractual services            62.2         35.0        262.6                     359.8

      (c)  Other                        244.0        154.1         41.6                     439.7

      Authorized FTE: 89.00 Permanent; 7.75 Term

      Performance measures:

      (a) Explanatory:  Cases disposed as a percent of cases filed                                  100%

(2) Second judicial district:

The purpose of the second judicial district court program, statutorily created in Bernalillo county, is to provide access to justice, resolve disputes justly and timely and maintain accurate records of legal proceedings that affect rights and legal status to independently protect the rights and liberties guaranteed by the constitutions of New Mexico and the United States.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits           21,080.3      2,714.7      1,103.6                  24,898.6

      (b)  Contractual services           362.1                                               362.1

      (c)  Other                      1,261.0        308.4         18.2                   1,587.6       Authorized FTE: 328.50 Permanent; 55.50 Term

      Performance measures:

      (a) Explanatory:  Cases disposed as a percent of cases filed                                   95%

(3) Third judicial district:

The purpose of the third judicial district court program, statutorily created in Dona Ana county, is to provide access to justice, resolve disputes justly and timely and maintain accurate records of legal proceedings that affect rights and legal status to independently protect the rights and liberties guaranteed by the constitutions of New Mexico and the United States.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits            5,686.4         85.6        519.0                   6,291.0

      (b)  Contractual services           501.2        132.0        142.8                     776.0

      (c)  Other                        231.3          8.6         67.1                     307.0

      Performance measures:

      (a) Explanatory:  Cases disposed as a percent of cases filed                                   95%

(4) Fourth judicial district:

The purpose of the fourth judicial district court program, statutorily created in Mora, San Miguel and Guadalupe counties, is to provide access to justice, resolve disputes justly and timely and maintain accurate records of legal proceedings that affect rights and legal status to independently protect the rights and liberties guaranteed by the constitutions of New Mexico and the United States.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits            2,034.7                                             2,034.7

      (b)  Contractual services            20.1          7.0        161.2                     188.3

      (c)  Other                        149.3         20.0                                  169.3

      Performance measures:

      (a) Explanatory:  Cases disposed as a percent of cases filed                                   95%

(5) Fifth judicial district:

The purpose of the fifth judicial district court program, statutorily created in Eddy, Chaves and Lea counties, is to provide access to justice, resolve disputes justly and timely and maintain accurate records of legal proceedings that affect rights and legal status to independently protect the rights and liberties guaranteed by the constitutions of New Mexico and the United States.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits            5,985.4                      59.4                   6,044.8

      (b)  Contractual services           297.5         65.0        335.0                     697.5

      (c)  Other                        238.9         65.0         12.9                     316.8

      Performance measures:

      (a) Explanatory:  Cases disposed as a percent of cases filed                                   95%

(6) Sixth judicial district:

The purpose of the sixth judicial district court program, statutorily created in Grant, Luna and Hidalgo counties, is to provide access to justice, resolve disputes justly and timely and maintain accurate records of legal proceedings that affect rights and legal status to independently protect the rights and liberties guaranteed by the constitutions of New Mexico and the United States.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits            2,510.5                      39.0                   2,549.5

      (b)  Contractual services           563.7         14.0        124.1                     701.8

      (c)  Other                        142.0         17.0                                  159.0

      Performance measures:

      (a) Explanatory:  Cases disposed as a percent of cases filed                                   95%

(7) Seventh judicial district:

The purpose of the seventh judicial district court program, statutorily created in Torrance, Socorro, Catron and Sierra counties, is to provide access to justice, resolve disputes justly and timely and maintain accurate records of legal proceedings that affect rights and legal status to independently protect the rights and liberties guaranteed by the constitutions of New Mexico and the United States.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits            1,983.8                     272.7                   2,256.5

      (b)  Contractual services           238.0         27.0        108.9                     373.9

      (c)  Other                        135.5          5.0         24.7                     165.2

      Performance measures:

      (a) Explanatory:  Cases disposed as a percent of cases filed                                   95%

(8) Eighth judicial district:

The purpose of the eighth judicial district court program, statutorily created in Taos, Colfax and Union counties, is to provide access to justice, resolve disputes justly and timely and maintain accurate records of legal proceedings that affect rights and legal status to independently protect the rights and liberties guaranteed by the constitutions of New Mexico and the United States.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits            2,177.8                                             2,177.8

      (b)  Contractual services           620.9         55.0        143.9                     819.8

      (c)  Other                         79.0         26.0                                  105.0

      Performance measures:

      (a) Explanatory:  Cases disposed as a percent of cases filed                                   95%

(9) Ninth judicial district:

The purpose of the ninth judicial district court program, statutorily created in Curry and Roosevelt counties, is to provide access to justice, resolve disputes justly and timely and maintain accurate records of legal proceedings that affect rights and legal status to independently protect the rights and liberties guaranteed by the constitutions of New Mexico and the United States.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits            3,191.7                     521.3                   3,713.0

      (b)  Contractual services            29.2         16.5        103.4                     149.1

      (c)  Other                        133.7         51.5         44.6                     229.8

      Performance measures:

      (a) Explanatory:  Cases disposed as a percent of cases filed                                   95%

(10) Tenth judicial district:

The purpose of the tenth judicial district court program, statutorily created in Quay, De Baca and Harding counties, is to provide access to justice, resolve disputes justly and timely and maintain accurate records of legal proceedings that affect rights and legal status to independently protect the rights and liberties guaranteed by the constitutions of New Mexico and the United States.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits              731.9                                               731.9

      (b)  Contractual services            61.8         27.8                                   89.6

      (c)  Other                         83.3          8.0                                   91.3

      Performance measures:

      (a) Explanatory:  Cases disposed as a percent of cases filed                                   95%

(11) Eleventh judicial district:

The purpose of the eleventh judicial district court program, statutorily created in San Juan and McKinley counties, is to provide access to justice, resolve disputes justly and timely and maintain accurate records of legal proceedings that affect rights and legal status to independently protect the rights and liberties guaranteed by the constitutions of New Mexico and the United States.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits            5,573.7                     377.1                   5,950.8

      (b)  Contractual services           420.0        100.1        167.6                     687.7

      (c)  Other                        232.1         48.9         41.5                     322.5

      Performance measures:

      (a) Explanatory:  Cases disposed as a percent of cases filed                                   95%

(12) Twelfth judicial district:

The purpose of the twelfth judicial district court program, statutorily created in Otero and Lincoln counties, is to provide access to justice, resolve disputes justly and timely and maintain accurate records of legal proceedings that affect rights and legal status to independently protect the rights and liberties guaranteed by the constitutions of New Mexico and the United States.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits            2,858.3         71.3                                2,929.6

      (b)  Contractual services           143.2         10.0        102.1                     255.3

      (c)  Other                        228.1         49.0                                  277.1

      Performance measures:

      (a) Explanatory:  Cases disposed as a percent of cases filed                                   95%

(13) Thirteenth judicial district:

The purpose of the thirteenth judicial district court program, statutorily created in Valencia, Sandoval and Cibola counties, is to provide access to justice, resolve disputes justly and timely and maintain accurate records of legal proceedings that affect rights and legal status to independently protect the rights and liberties guaranteed by the constitutions of New Mexico and the United States.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits            5,890.6         50.0        279.0                   6,219.6

      (b)  Contractual services           639.4        240.9        323.0                   1,203.3

      (c)  Other                        478.2         56.0         25.0                     559.2

      Performance measures:

      (a) Explanatory:  Cases disposed as a percent of cases filed                                   95%

      Subtotal                         [73,667.0]    [4,745.0]    [5,724.1]                 84,136.1


The purpose of the Bernalillo county metropolitan court program is to provide access to justice, resolve disputes justly and timely and maintain accurate records of legal proceedings that affect rights and legal status to independently protect the rights and liberties guaranteed by the constitutions of New Mexico and the United States.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits           18,636.0      1,672.6        125.8                  20,434.4

      (b)  Contractual services         2,280.2        581.6        310.0                   3,171.8

      (c)  Other                      2,561.6        335.9                                2,897.5

      (d)  Other financing uses                         15.0                                   15.0       Authorized FTE: 299.00 Permanent; 40.00 Term

      Performance measures:

      (a) Explanatory:  Cases disposed as a percent of cases filed                                   95%

      Subtotal                         [23,477.8]    [2,605.1]      [435.8]                 26,518.7


(1) First judicial district:

The purpose of the prosecution program is to provide litigation, special programs and administrative support for the enforcement of state laws as they pertain to the district attorney and to improve and ensure the protection, safety, welfare and health of the citizens within Santa Fe, Rio Arriba and Los Alamos counties.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits            4,749.0                                  163.5      4,912.5

      (b)  Contractual services            21.0                                                21.0

      (c)  Other                        345.8                                               345.8

      Performance measures:

      (a) Efficiency:   Average time from filing of petition to final disposition,  

                        in months                                                                      6

(2) Second judicial district:

The purpose of the prosecution program is to provide litigation, special programs and administrative support for the enforcement of state laws as they pertain to the district attorney and to improve and ensure the protection, safety, welfare and health of the citizens within Bernalillo county.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits           17,132.6        414.1         86.7        201.9     17,835.3

      (b)  Contractual services            96.0                                                96.0

      (c)  Other                        821.9        170.4          1.3                     993.6       Authorized FTE: 283.00 Permanent; 9.00 Term

      Performance measures:

      (a) Efficiency:   Average time from filing of petition to final disposition,  

                        in months                                                                      9

(3) Third judicial district:

The purpose of the prosecution program is to provide litigation, special programs and administrative support for the enforcement of state laws as they pertain to the district attorney and to improve and ensure the protection, safety, welfare and health of the citizens within Dona Ana county.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits            4,360.8        290.1        129.8        521.6      5,302.3

      (b)  Contractual services            19.0                                                19.0

      (c)  Other                        257.2                                               257.2

      Performance measures:

      (a) Efficiency:   Average time from filing of petition to final disposition,  

                        in months                                                                      6

(4) Fourth judicial district:

The purpose of the prosecution program is to provide litigation, special programs and administrative support for the enforcement of state laws as they pertain to the district attorney and to improve and ensure the protection, safety, welfare and health of the citizens within Mora, San Miguel and Guadalupe counties.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits            2,915.3                                             2,915.3

      (b)  Contractual services            30.0                                                30.0

      (c)  Other                        174.1                                               174.1

      Performance measures:

      (a) Efficiency:   Average time from filing of petition to final disposition,  

                        in months                                                                      6

(5) Fifth judicial district:

The purpose of the prosecution program is to provide litigation, special programs and administrative support for the enforcement of state laws as they pertain to the district attorney and to improve and ensure the protection, safety, welfare and health of the citizens within Eddy, Lea and Chaves counties.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits            4,588.5                                             4,588.5

      (b)  Contractual services            16.5                                                16.5

      (c)  Other                        173.4                                               173.4

      Performance measures:

      (a) Efficiency:   Average time from filing of petition to final disposition,  

                        in months                                                                      6

(6) Sixth judicial district:

The purpose of the prosecution program is to provide litigation, special programs and administrative support for the enforcement of state laws as they pertain to the district attorney and to improve and ensure the protection, safety, welfare and health of the citizens within Grant, Hidalgo and Luna counties.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits            2,527.7                      44.5        136.5      2,708.7

      (b)  Contractual services            19.0                                                19.0

      (c)  Other                        194.0                                               194.0

      Performance measures:

      (a) Efficiency:   Average time from filing of petition to final disposition,  

                        in months                                                                      5

(7) Seventh judicial district:

The purpose of the prosecution program is to provide litigation, special programs and administrative support for the enforcement of state laws as they pertain to the district attorney and to improve and ensure the protection, safety, welfare and health of the citizens within Catron, Sierra, Socorro and Torrance counties.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits            2,308.9                                             2,308.9

      (b)  Contractual services            13.8                                                13.8

      (c)  Other                        143.5                                               143.5

      Performance measures:

      (a) Efficiency:   Average time from filing of petition to final disposition,  

                        in months                                                                    5.5

(8) Eighth judicial district:

The purpose of the prosecution program is to provide litigation, special programs and administrative support for the enforcement of state laws as they pertain to the district attorney and to improve and ensure the protection, safety, welfare and health of the citizens within Taos, Colfax and Union counties.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits            2,434.8                                             2,434.8

      (b)  Contractual services            14.8                                                14.8

      (c)  Other                        152.0                                               152.0

      Performance measures:

      (a) Efficiency:   Average time from filing of petition to final disposition,  

                        in months                                                                      6

(9) Ninth judicial district:

The purpose of the prosecution program is to provide litigation, special programs and administrative support for the enforcement of state laws as they pertain to the district attorney and to improve and ensure the protection, safety, welfare and health of the citizens within Curry and Roosevelt counties.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits            2,671.1                                             2,671.1

      (b)  Contractual services            18.6                                                18.6

      (c)  Other                        117.1                                               117.1

      Performance measures:

      (a) Efficiency:   Average time from filing of petition to final disposition,  

                        in months                                                                      6

(10) Tenth judicial district:

The purpose of the prosecution program is to provide litigation, special programs and administrative support for the enforcement of state laws as they pertain to the district attorney and to improve and ensure the protection, safety, welfare and health of the citizens within Quay, Harding and De Baca counties.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits              928.2                                               928.2

      (b)  Contractual services            11.2                                                11.2

      (c)  Other                        101.2                                               101.2

      Performance measures:

      (a) Efficiency:   Average time from filing of petition to final disposition,  

                        in months                                                                      5

(11) Eleventh judicial district, division I:

The purpose of the prosecution program is to provide litigation, special programs and administrative support for the enforcement of state laws as they pertain to the district attorney and to improve and ensure the protection, safety, welfare and health of the citizens within San Juan county.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits            3,248.4        506.4        117.0         86.0      3,957.8

      (b)  Contractual services            26.6                                                26.6

      (c)  Other                        200.6                                               200.6

      Performance measures:

      (a) Efficiency:   Average time from filing of petition to final disposition,  

                        in months                                                                      6

(12) Eleventh judicial district, division II:

The purpose of the prosecution program is to provide litigation, special programs and administrative support for the enforcement of state laws as they pertain to the district attorney and to improve and ensure the protection, safety, welfare and health of the citizens within McKinley county.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits            2,065.5                     167.4                   2,232.9

      (b)  Contractual services            13.5                                                13.5

      (c)  Other                         94.0                                                94.0

      Performance measures:

      (a) Output:       Average time from filing complaint to final disposition, in  

                        months                                                                         3

(13) Twelfth judicial district:

The purpose of the prosecution program is to provide litigation, special programs and administrative support for the enforcement of state laws as they pertain to the district attorney and to improve and ensure the protection, safety, welfare and health of the citizens within Lincoln and Otero counties.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits            2,515.5                      53.6        247.9      2,817.0

      (b)  Contractual services            29.2                                                29.2

      (c)  Other                        164.1                       0.7                     164.8

      Performance measures:

      (a) Efficiency:   Average time from filing of petition to final disposition,  

                        in months                                                                      6

(14) Thirteenth judicial district:

The purpose of the prosecution program is to provide litigation, special programs and administrative support for the enforcement of state laws as they pertain to the district attorney and to improve and ensure the protection, safety, welfare and health of the citizens within Cibola, Sandoval and Valencia counties.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits            4,608.5        137.5                                4,746.0

      (b)  Contractual services            22.4                                                22.4

      (c)  Other                        334.7         10.2                                  344.9

      Performance measures:

      (a) Efficiency:   Average time from filing of petition to final disposition,  

                        in months                                                                      6

      Subtotal                         [60,680.0]    [1,528.7]      [601.0]    [1,357.4]    64,167.1


(1) Administrative support:

The purpose of the administrative support program is to provide fiscal, human resource, staff development, automation, victim program services and support to all district attorneys' offices in New Mexico and to members of the New Mexico children's safehouse network so that they may obtain and access the necessary resources to effectively and efficiently carry out their prosecutorial, investigative and programmatic functions.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits            1,108.6        102.5                                1,211.1

      (b)  Contractual services           227.2                                               227.2

      (c)  Other                        768.8        150.4                                  919.2       Subtotal                          [2,104.6]      [252.9]                               2,357.5

TOTAL JUDICIAL                         218,157.0     23,886.6      9,024.9      2,323.5    253,392.0C. GENERAL CONTROLATTORNEY GENERAL:

(1) Legal services:

The purpose of the legal services program is to deliver quality legal services including opinions, counsel and representation to state government entities and to enforce state law on behalf of the public so New Mexicans have an open, honest, efficient government and enjoy the protection of state law.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits            8,448.7      5,623.6                               14,072.3

      (b)  Contractual services           469.0        303.8                                  772.8

      (c)  Other                      1,350.6        838.6                                2,189.2

      (d)  Other financing uses                                   2,000.0                   2,000.0 The other state funds appropriation to the legal services program of the attorney general in the other category include six million seven hundred sixty-six thousand dollars ($6,766,000) from the consumer settlement fund and the mortgage settlement fund. 

      Performance measures:

      (a) Outcome:      Percent of inquiries resolved within sixty days of  

                        complaint or referral receipt                                                40%

(2) Medicaid fraud:

The purpose of the medicaid fraud program is to investigate and prosecute medicaid provider fraud, recipient abuse and neglect in the medicaid program.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits              456.9                                1,371.0      1,827.9

      (b)  Contractual services             2.2                                    6.5          8.7

      (c)  Other                         69.3                                  207.8        277.1

      (d)  Other financing uses                          2.0          1.0                       3.0

      Performance measures:

      (a) Explanatory:  Total medicaid fraud recoveries identified, in thousands                  $3,000

      Subtotal                         [10,796.7]    [6,768.0]    [2,001.0]    [1,585.3]    21,151.0


The purpose of the state auditor program is to audit the financial affairs of every agency annually so they can improve accountability and performance and to assure New Mexico citizens that funds are expended properly.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits            2,464.5        190.0        386.0                   3,040.5

      (b)  Contractual services            90.3                                                90.3

      (c)  Other                        428.5         10.0         44.0                     482.5

      Performance measures:

      (a) Explanatory:  Percent of audits completed by regulatory due date                           80%

      Subtotal                          [2,983.3]      [200.0]      [430.0]                  3,613.3


(1) Tax administration:

The purpose of the tax administration program is to provide registration and licensure requirements for tax programs and to ensure the administration, collection and compliance of state taxes and fees that provide funding for support services for the general public through appropriations.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits           16,242.6      7,033.6                   1,298.3     24,574.5

      (b)  Contractual services            49.4         48.3                      13.0        110.7

      (c)  Other                      5,788.2        507.0                     195.5      6,490.7       Authorized FTE: 435.50 Permanent; 26.00 Term; 17.50 Temporary

      Performance measures:

      (a) Output:       Percent of electronically filed returns for personal income  

                        tax and combined reporting system                                            90%

      (b) Outcome:      Collections as a percent of collectible audit assessments  

                        generated in the current fiscal year                                         65%

      (c) Outcome:      Collections as a percent of collectible outstanding  

                        balances from the end of the prior fiscal year                               18%

(2) Motor vehicle:

The purpose of the motor vehicle program is to register, title and license vehicles, boats and motor vehicle dealers and to enforce operator compliance with the Motor Vehicle Code and federal regulations by conducting tests, investigations and audits.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits            6,961.9      9,078.9                               16,040.8

      (b)  Contractual services         1,576.8      2,697.5                                4,274.3

      (c)  Other                      3,904.5      2,173.1                                6,077.6

      (d)  Other financing uses                      1,265.9                                1,265.9       Authorized FTE: 337.00 Permanent; 3.00 Term; 3.00 Temporary

      Performance measures:

      (a) Outcome:      Percent of registered vehicles with liability insurance                      91%

      (b) Efficiency:   Average call center wait time to reach an agent, in minutes                    6

      (c) Efficiency:   Average wait time in qmatic-equipped offices, in minutes                      20

      (d) Quality:      Percent of customers rating customer service as good or  

                        higher                                                                       80%

(3) Property tax:

The purpose of the property tax program is to administer the Property Tax Code, to ensure the fair appraisal of property and to assess property taxes within the state.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits                         2,537.2                                2,537.2

      (b)  Contractual services                        194.0                                  194.0

      (c)  Other                                     647.7                                  647.7

      Authorized FTE: 39.00 Permanent

      Performance measures:

      (a) Outcome:      Percent of counties in compliance with sales ratio standard  

                        of eighty-five percent assessed value-to-market value                        92%

(4) Compliance enforcement:

The purpose of the compliance enforcement program is to support the overall mission of the taxation and revenue department by enforcing criminal statutes relative to the New Mexico Tax Administration Act and other related financial crimes, as they impact New Mexico state taxes, to encourage and achieve voluntary compliance with state tax laws.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits            1,656.6        263.9                                1,920.5

      (b)  Contractual services            24.1                                                24.1

      (c)  Other                        319.4                                               319.4

      Authorized FTE: 28.00 Permanent

      Performance measures:

      (a) Outcome:      Number of tax investigations referred to prosecutors as a  

                        percent of total investigations assigned during the year                     50%

(5) Program support:

The purpose of program support is to provide information system resources, human resource services, finance and accounting services, revenue forecasting and legal services to give agency personnel the resources needed to meet departmental objectives. For the general public, the program conducts hearings for resolving taxpayer protests and provides stakeholders with reliable information regarding the state’s tax programs.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits           13,348.5        823.6        404.3                  14,576.4

      (b)  Contractual services         3,657.7         81.2         31.5                   3,770.4

      (c)  Other                      3,646.2          0.4        195.0                   3,841.6

      Authorized FTE: 189.00 Permanent; 1.00 Temporary

Notwithstanding the provisions of the Tax Administration Act or other substantive law, the department shall withhold an administrative fee in the amount of three and twenty-five hundredths percent of the distributions specified in Sections 7-1-6.46, 7-1-6.47, and Subsection E of Section 7-1-6.41 NMSA 1978.

      Notwithstanding the provisions of the Tax Administration Act or other substantive law, of the amounts withheld, an amount equal to three percent of the distributions specified in Subsection E of Section 7-1-6.41 NMSA 1978 shall be deposited into the general fund and the remainder of the amounts withheld shall be retained by the department and is included in the other state funds appropriations to the department. 

      Subtotal                         [57,175.9]   [27,352.3]      [630.8]    [1,506.8]    86,665.8


(1) State investment:

The purpose of the state investment program is to provide investment management of the state's permanent funds for the citizens of New Mexico to maximize distributions to the state's operating budget while preserving the real value of the funds for future generations of New Mexicans.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits                         4,416.1                                4,416.1

      (b)  Contractual services                     44,840.4                               44,840.4

      (c)  Other                                     862.8                                  862.8

      Performance measures:

      (a) Outcome:      Five-year annualized investment returns to exceed internal  

                        benchmarks, in basis points                                                 >25

      (b) Outcome:      Five-year annualized percentile performance ranking in  

                        endowment investment peer universe                                          <49

      Subtotal                                      [50,119.3]                              50,119.3


(1) Policy development, fiscal analysis, budget oversight and education accountability:

The purpose of the policy development, fiscal analysis, budget oversight and education accountability program is to provide professional and coordinated policy development and analysis and oversight to the governor, the legislature and state agencies so they can advance the state's policies and initiatives using appropriate and accurate data to make informed decisions for the prudent use of the public's tax dollars.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits            3,152.6                                             3,152.6

      (b)  Contractual services            85.9                                                85.9

      (c)  Other                        169.6                                               169.6

      Performance measures:

      (a) Outcome:      General fund reserves as a percent of recurring  

                        appropriations                                                               10%

(2) Community development, local government assistance and fiscal oversight:

The purpose of the community development, local government assistance and fiscal oversight program is to help counties, municipalities and special districts maintain strong communities through sound fiscal advice and oversight, technical assistance, monitoring of project and program progress and timely processing of payments, grant agreements and contracts.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits            1,814.8        977.2                     404.9      3,196.9

      (b)  Contractual services         1,949.7      1,716.2                      12.6      3,678.5

      (c)  Other                         94.2     29,123.7                  10,522.5     39,740.4

      (d)  Other financing uses                        800.0                                  800.0

Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 11-6A-3 NMSA 1978 or other substantive law, the other state funds appropriation in the other financing uses category includes five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000) from the local DWI grant fund, including local DWI grant program distributions, to be transferred to the administrative office of the courts for drug courts.

     The other state funds appropriations to the community development, local government assistance and fiscal oversight program of the department of finance and administration include twelve million fifty thousand dollars ($12,050,000) from the enhanced 911 fund, eighteen million nine hundred thousand dollars ($18,900,000) from the local DWI grant fund, and one million six hundred sixty-seven thousand one hundred dollars ($1,667,100) from the civil legal services fund. 

      Performance measures:

      (a) Output:       Percent of county and municipality budgets approved  

                        by the local government division (of budgets  

                        submitted timely)                                                            90%

      (b) Outcome:      Number of counties and municipalities operating under a  

                        conditional certification during the fiscal year                               5

(3) Fiscal management and oversight:

The purpose of the fiscal management and oversight program is to provide for and promote financial accountability for public funds throughout state government by providing state agencies and the citizens of New Mexico with timely, accurate and comprehensive information on the financial status and expenditures of the state.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits            4,562.5                                             4,562.5

      (b)  Contractual services           895.5                     500.0                   1,395.5

      (c)  Other                        553.1                                               553.1

      Performance measures:

      (a) Efficiency:   Percent of vendor and employee payment vouchers processed  

                        within five working days                                                     95%

      (b) Output:       Percent of bank accounts reconciled                                         100%

(4) Program support:

The purpose of program support is to provide other department of finance and administration programs with central direction to agency management processes to ensure consistency, legal compliance and financial integrity, to administer the executive's exempt salary plan and to review and approve all state professional service contracts.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits            1,180.0                                             1,180.0

      (b)  Contractual services            75.2                                                75.2

      (c)  Other                         41.2                                                41.2

(5) Dues and membership fees/special appropriations:


      (a)  Council of state governments   107.5                                               107.5

      (b)  Western interstate commission                                             

            for higher education           137.0                                               137.0

      (c)  Education commission of the                                               

            states                          60.5                                                60.5

      (d)  National association of                                                   

            state budget officers           18.0                                                18.0

      (e)  National conference of state                                              

            legislatures                   139.0                                               139.0

      (f)  Western governors'                                                        

            association                     36.0                                                36.0

      (g)  National center for state                                                 

            courts                         110.2                                               110.2

      (h)  National conference of                                                    

            insurance legislators           10.0                                                10.0

      (i)  National council of legislators                                           

            from gaming states               3.0                                                 3.0

      (j)  National governors'                                                       

            association                     88.0                                                88.0

      (k)  Citizen substitute care                                                   

            review                         405.7                     174.3                     580.0

      (l)  Emergency water supply fund    118.4                                               118.4

      (m)  Fiscal agent contract        1,210.8                                             1,210.8

      (n)  State planning districts       670.2                                               670.2

      (o)  Statewide teen court                        190.0                                  190.0

      (p)  Law enforcement protection                                                

            fund                                      7,809.4                                7,809.4

      (q)  Leasehold community                                                       

            assistance                     128.9                                               128.9

      (r)  County detention of                                                       

            prisoners                    3,300.0                                             3,300.0

      (s)  Acequia and community ditch                                               

            education program              200.0                                               200.0

      (t)  New Mexico acequia                                                        

            commission                      35.4                                                35.4

      (u)  Food banks                     439.4                                               439.4

      (v)  Land grant council              50.0                                                50.0

      (w)  Youth development clubs         69.0                                                69.0

      (x)  Boys and girls clubs            75.0                                                75.0

      (y)  Youth mentoring program      2,417.7                                             2,417.7

      (z)  One-on-one youth mentoring     140.0                                               140.0 On certification by the state board of finance pursuant to Section 6-1-2 NMSA 1978 that a critical emergency exists that cannot be addressed by disaster declaration or other emergency or contingency funds, the secretary of the department of finance and administration is authorized to transfer from the general fund operating reserve to the state board of finance emergency fund the amount necessary to meet the emergency. Such transfers shall not exceed an aggregate amount of two million dollars ($2,000,000) in fiscal year 2015. Repayments of emergency loans made pursuant to this paragraph shall be deposited in the board of finance emergency fund pursuant to the provisions of Section 6-1-5 NMSA 1978.

      The department of finance and administration shall not distribute a general fund appropriation made in items (k) through (z) to a New Mexico agency or local public body that is not current on its audit or financial reporting or otherwise in compliance with the Audit Act.

       Subtotal                         [24,544.0]   [40,616.5]      [674.3]   [10,940.0]    76,774.8


(1) Benefits:

The purpose of the benefits program is to provide an effective health insurance package to educational employees and their eligible family members so they can be protected against catastrophic financial losses due to medical problems, disability or death.


      (a)  Contractual services                    305,931.4                              305,931.4

      (b)  Other financing uses                        643.2                                  643.2

      Performance measures:

      (a) Outcome:      Percent change in per-member health claims costs as  

                        compared with the prior fiscal year                                          ≤5%

      (b) Outcome:      Percent change in medical premium as compared with industry  

                        average                                                                      ≤3%

(2) Risk:

The purpose of the risk program is to provide economical and comprehensive property, liability and workers’ compensation programs to educational entities so they are protected against injury and loss.


      (a)  Contractual services                     68,543.6                               68,543.6

      (b)  Other financing uses                        643.2                                  643.2

      Performance measures:

      (a) Outcome:      Average cost per claim for current fiscal year as compared with  

                        prior fiscal year                                                        ≤$3,800

      (b) Outcome:      Total claims count for current fiscal year as compared with  

                        prior fiscal year                                                          1,500

(3) Program support:

The purpose of program support is to provide administrative support for the benefits and risk programs and to assist the agency in delivering services to its constituents.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits                                        924.1                     924.1

      (b)  Contractual services                                     166.0                     166.0

      (c)  Other                                                  232.9                     232.9       Subtotal                                     [375,761.4]    [1,323.0]                377,084.4


(1) Health care benefits administration:

The purpose of the healthcare benefits administration program is to provide fiscally solvent core group and optional healthcare benefits and life insurance to current and future eligible retirees and their dependents so they may access covered and available core group and optional healthcare benefits and life insurance benefits when they need them.


      (a)  Contractual services                    272,122.0                              272,122.0

      (b)  Other financing uses                      2,889.7                                2,889.7

      Performance measures:

      (a) Output:       Minimum number of years of solvency                                           30

      (b) Efficiency:   Total revenue increase to the reserve fund in millions                       $25

(2) Program support:

The purpose of program support is to provide administrative support for the healthcare benefits administration program to assist the agency in delivering its services to its constituents.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits                                      1,866.8                   1,866.8

      (b)  Contractual services                                     467.4                     467.4

      (c)  Other                                                  555.5                     555.5 Any unexpended balance in program support of the retiree health care authority remaining at the end of fiscal year 2015 shall revert to the healthcare benefits administration program. 

      Subtotal                                     [275,011.7]    [2,889.7]                277,901.4


(1) Employee group health benefits:

The purpose of the employee group health benefits program is to effectively administer comprehensive health-benefit plans to state and local government employees.


      (a)  Contractual services                     20,562.8                               20,562.8

      (b)  Other                                 353,660.1                              353,660.1

      (c)  Other financing uses                      1,067.1                                1,067.1

      Performance measures:

      (a) Efficiency:   Percent change in state employee medical premium compared  

                        with industry average                                                        ≤3%

      (b) Outcome:      Percent reduction in claims costs for the top three  

                        diagnostic causes                                                             3%

      (c) Output:       Average monthly per-participant claim cost                                  $350

(2) Risk management:

The purpose of the risk management program is to protect the state’s assets against property, public liability, workers’ compensation, state unemployment compensation, local public bodies unemployment compensation and surety bond losses so agencies can perform their missions in an efficient and responsive manner.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits                                      4,197.4                   4,197.4

      (b)  Contractual services                                     169.3                     169.3

      (c)  Other                                                  522.9                     522.9

      (d)  Other financing uses                                   3,242.0                   3,242.0

      Authorized FTE: 58.00 Permanent; 2.00 Term

      Performance measures:

      (a) Outcome:      Percent decrease in overall legal counsel dollars spent                       5%

      (b) Outcome:      Number of state employees trained on loss control and  

                        prevention                                                                   300

(3) Risk management funds:


      (a)  Contractual services                     21,431.5                               21,431.5

      (b)  Other                                  68,234.7                               68,234.7

      (c)  Other financing uses                      7,064.5                                7,064.5

      Performance measures:

      (a) Explanatory:  Projected financial position of the public property fund                     50%

      (b) Explanatory:  Projected financial position of the workers' compensation  

                        fund                                                                         50%

      (c) Explanatory:  Projected financial position of the public liability fund                    50%

 (4) State printing services:

The purpose of the state printing services program is to provide cost-effective printing and publishing services for governmental agencies.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits                           897.5                                  897.5

      (b)  Contractual services                         12.0                                   12.0

      (c)  Other                                     683.1                                  683.1

      (d)  Other financing uses                         59.7                                   59.7

      Authorized FTE: 15.00 Permanent

      Performance measures:

      (a) Outcome:      Sales growth in state printing revenue compared with  

                        previous fiscal year                                                          7%

(5) Facilities management:

The purpose of the facilities management division program is to provide employees and the public with effective property management so agencies can perform their missions in an efficient and responsive manner.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits            6,265.0                                             6,265.0

      (b)  Contractual services           333.8                                               333.8

      (c)  Other                      5,552.4                                             5,552.4

      (d)  Other financing uses           114.4                                               114.4

      Authorized FTE: 138.00 Permanent

      Performance measures:

      (a) Efficiency:   Percent of facilities management division capital projects  

                        on schedule and within approved budget                                       93%

      (b) Outcome:      Percent decrease in lease costs from previous year                            3%

      (c) Outcome:      Percent decrease in leased space compared with the previous  

                        fiscal year                                                                   3%

      (d) Explanatory:  Percent of agencies in compliance with facilities  

                        management division office space standards                                   75%

(6) Transportation services:

The purpose of the transportation services program is to provide centralized and effective administration of the state’s motor pool and aircraft transportation services so agencies can perform their missions in an efficient and responsive manner.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits              299.0      2,047.0                                2,346.0

      (b)  Contractual services             3.0        124.0                                  127.0

      (c)  Other                        341.5      8,286.0                                8,627.5

      (d)  Other financing uses                        417.8                                  417.8

      Authorized FTE: 33.00 Permanent

      Performance measures:

      (a) Explanatory:  Percent increase in short-term vehicle use                                    5%

      (b) Efficiency:   Percent of passenger vehicle lease revenues to expenses                      90%

(7) Procurement services:

The purpose of the procurement services program is to provide a procurement process for tangible property for government entities to ensure compliance with the Procurement Code so agencies can perform their missions in an efficient and responsive manner.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits            1,161.5        771.5                                1,933.0

      (b)  Contractual services            25.0         10.0                                   35.0

      (c)  Other                         89.0        150.7                                  239.7

      (d)  Other financing uses            92.0         24.1                                  116.1

      Authorized FTE: 27.00 Permanent

      Performance measures:

      (a) Output:       Percent reduction in procurement code violations compared  

                        with the previous fiscal year                                                 5%

      (b) Outcome:      Percent increase in awards to companies receiving a New  

                        Mexico preference                                                             5%

      (c) Outcome:      Percent decrease in sole source procurements                                  3%

(8) Program support:

The purpose of program support is to manage the program performance process to demonstrate success.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits                                      3,206.9                   3,206.9

      (b)  Contractual services                                     303.2                     303.2

      (c)  Other                                                  439.9                     439.9

      Authorized FTE: 39.00 Permanent

Any unexpended balances in program support of the general services department remaining at the end of fiscal year 2015 shall revert to the procurement services, state printing services, risk management, employee group benefits, facilities management and transportation services programs based on the proportion of each individual program's assessment for program support. 

      Performance measures:

      (a) Outcome:      Percent of audit findings resolved from prior fiscal year  

                        excluding findings related to fund solvency                                  90%

      Subtotal                         [14,276.6]  [485,504.1]   [12,081.6]                511,862.3


(1) Educational retirement:

The purpose of the educational retirement program is to provide secure retirement benefits to active and retired members so they can have secure monthly benefits when their careers are finished.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits                         5,503.8                                5,503.8

      (b)  Contractual services                     23,548.2                               23,548.2

      (c)  Other                                     911.7                                  911.7

      Performance measures:

      (a) Outcome:      Average rate of return over a cumulative five-year period                  7.75%

      (b) Outcome:      Funding period of unfunded actuarial accrued liability in  

                        years                                                                        30

      Subtotal                                      [29,963.7]                              29,963.7


The purpose of the New Mexico sentencing commission is to provide information, analysis, recommendations and assistance from a coordinated cross-agency perspective to the three branches of government and interested citizens so they have the resources they need to make policy decisions that benefit the criminal and juvenile justice systems.


      (a)  Contractual services           574.5         30.0                                  604.5

      (b)  Other                          5.3                                                 5.3       Subtotal                            [579.8]       [30.0]                                 609.8


(1) Criminal legal services:

The purpose of the criminal legal services program is to provide effective legal representation and advocacy for eligible clients so their liberty and constitutional rights are protected and to serve the community as a partner in assuring a fair and efficient criminal justice system that sustains New Mexico’s statutory and constitutional mandate to adequately fund a statewide indigent defense system.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits           27,520.6                                            27,520.6

      (b)  Contractual services        10,603.6         50.0                               10,653.6

      (c)  Other                      5,395.9        220.0                                5,615.9       Authorized FTE: 398.00 Permanent

      Performance measures:

      (a) Output:       Number of alternative sentencing treatment placements for  

                        felony and juvenile clients                                               10,000

      (b) Efficiency:   Percent of cases in which application fees were collected                    45%

      (c) Quality:      Percent of felony cases resulting in a reduction of  

                        original formally filed charges                                              65%

      Subtotal                         [43,520.1]      [270.0]                              43,790.1


(1) Executive management and leadership:

The purpose of the executive management and leadership program is to provide appropriate management and leadership to the executive branch of government to allow for a more efficient and effective operation of the agencies within that branch of government on behalf of the citizens of the state.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits            2,991.8                                             2,991.8

      (b)  Contractual services           100.8                                               100.8

      (c)  Other                        516.4                                               516.4       Subtotal                          [3,609.0]                                            3,609.0


(1) State ombudsman:

The purpose of the state ombudsman program is to facilitate and promote cooperation and understanding between the citizens of New Mexico and the agencies of state government, refer any complaints or special problems citizens may have to the proper entities, keep records of activities and submit an annual report to the governor.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits              501.1                                               501.1

      (b)  Contractual services            44.8                                                44.8

      (c)  Other                         43.9                                                43.9       Subtotal                            [589.8]                                              589.8


(1) Compliance and project management:

The purpose of the compliance and project management program is to provide information technology strategic planning, oversight and consulting services to New Mexico government agencies so they can improve services provided to New Mexico citizens.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits              706.2                                               706.2

      (b)  Contractual services            32.4                                                32.4

      (c)  Other                         42.2                                                42.2

      (d)  Other financing uses            84.7                                                84.7

      Authorized FTE: 7.00 Permanent

(2) Enterprise services:

The purpose of the enterprise services program is to provide reliable and secure infrastructure for voice, radio, video and data communications through the state’s enterprise data center and telecommunications network.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits                                     14,857.1                  14,857.1

      (b)  Contractual services                                   6,836.0                   6,836.0

      (c)  Other                                               20,142.1                  20,142.1

      (d)  Other financing uses                                  10,134.9                  10,134.9

      Authorized FTE: 169.00 Permanent; 1.00 Term

      Performance measures:

      (a) Output:       Queue-time to reach a customer service representative at  

                        the help desk, in seconds                                                  <0:20

      (b) Output:       Percent of service desk incidents resolved within the  

                        timeframe specified for their priority level                                 90%

(3) Equipment replacement revolving funds:


      (a)  Contractual services                                   3,749.0                   3,749.0

      (b)  Other                                                3,300.0                   3,300.0 (4) Program support:

The purpose of program support is to provide management and ensure cost recovery and allocation services through leadership, policies, procedures and administrative support for the department.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits                                      2,876.8                   2,876.8

      (b)  Contractual services                                      40.0                      40.0

      (c)  Other                                                  253.7                     253.7

      Authorized FTE: 34.00 Permanent

      Performance measures:

      (a) Outcome:      Dollar amount of account receivables over sixty days old              $7,500,000

      Subtotal                            [865.5]                [62,189.6]                 63,055.1


(1) Pension administration:

The purpose of the pension administration program is to provide information, retirement benefits and an actuarially sound fund to association members so they can receive the defined benefit they are entitled to when they retire from public service.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits                         5,694.4                                5,694.4

      (b)  Contractual services                     33,849.7                               33,849.7

      (c)  Other                                   1,054.9                                1,054.9

      Performance measures:

      (a) Quality:      Percent of accurately computed retirements                                   99%

      (b) Outcome:      Funding period of unfunded actuarial accrued liability, in  

                        years                                                                        30

      (c) Outcome:      Average rate of return on investments over a cumulative  

                        five-year period                                                           7.75%

      Subtotal                                      [40,599.0]                              40,599.0


(1) Records, information and archival management:

The purpose of the records, information and archival management program is to develop, implement and provide tools, methodologies and services for use by, and for the benefit of, government agencies, historical record repositories and the public so the state can effectively create, preserve, protect and properly dispose of records, facilitate their use and understanding and protect the interests of the citizens of New Mexico.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits            2,401.0         55.8                                2,456.8

      (b)  Contractual services            45.7          7.3                       7.5         60.5

      (c)  Other                        239.2        155.3                      18.7        413.2

      Performance measures:

      (a) Outcome:      Percent of total records items scheduled, reviewed, amended  

                        or replaced within a five-year period                                        40%

      Subtotal                          [2,685.9]      [218.4]                    [26.2]     2,930.5


(1) Administration and operations:

The purpose of the administration and operations program is to provide operational services to commercial and business entities and citizens, including administration of notary public commissions, uniform commercial code filings, trademark registrations and partnerships, and to provide administrative services needed to carry out elections.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits            3,800.8                                             3,800.8

      (b)  Contractual services           154.1                                               154.1

      (c)  Other                        491.7                                               491.7

      Performance measures:

      (a) Output:       Average number of days to issue charter documents                             10

(2) Elections:

The purpose of the elections program is to provide voter education and information on election law and government ethics to citizens, public officials and candidates so they can comply with state law.


      (a)  Contractual services           738.5                                               738.5

      (b)  Other                      1,648.9      1,500.0         18.0                   3,166.9 Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 1-19A-10 NMSA 1978, the other state funds appropriation to the elections program of the secretary of state includes one million five hundred thousand dollars ($1,500,000) from the public elections fund.

      Any unexpended balances in the elections program of the secretary of state remaining at the end of fiscal year 2015 from appropriations made from the public elections fund shall revert to the public elections fund. 

      Performance measures:

      (a) Outcome:      Percent of eligible voters who are registered to vote                        80%

      (b) Output:       Percent of laws in the Election Code that require rules for  

                        which rules have been promulgated                                           100%

      (c) Efficiency:   Percent of public requests and complaints responded to  

                        within the three day statutory deadline                                     100%

      (d) Outcome:      Percent of eligible Native American voters who are  

                        registered to vote                                                           80%

      Subtotal                          [6,834.0]    [1,500.0]       [18.0]                  8,352.0


(1) Human resource management:

The purpose of the human resource management program is to provide a flexible system of merit-based opportunity, appropriate compensation, human resource accountability and employee development that meets the evolving needs of the agencies, employees, applicants and the public so economy and efficiency in the management of state affairs may be provided while protecting the interest of the public.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits            3,892.1                     216.5                   4,108.6

      (b)  Contractual services            50.6                                                50.6

      (c)  Other                        290.5                                               290.5

      Performance measures:

      (a) Outcome:      Average number of days to fill a vacant position from the  

                        date of posting                                                               40

      (b) Explanatory:  Percent of new employees who successfully complete their  

                        probationary period                                                          85%

      (c) Explanatory:  Percent of classified employees voluntarily leaving state  

                        service                                                                      14%

      (d) Explanatory:  Percent of classified employees involuntarily leaving state  

                        service                                                                       4%

      (e) Explanatory:  Statewide classified service vacancy rate                                    10%

      (f) Efficiency:   Average state classified employee compa-ratio                                95%

      (g) Output:       Percent of eligible employees with a completed performance  

                        appraisal on record at the close of the fiscal year                          95%

      Subtotal                          [4,233.2]                   [216.5]                  4,449.7


The purpose of the public employee labor relations board is to assure all state and local public body employees have the right to organize and bargain collectively with their employers or to refrain from such.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits              164.2                                               164.2

      (b)  Contractual services             8.5                                                 8.5

      (c)  Other                         59.1                                                59.1       Subtotal                            [231.8]                                              231.8


The purpose of the state treasurer program is to provide a financial environment that maintains maximum accountability for receipt, investment and disbursement of public funds to protect the financial interests of New Mexico citizens.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits            3,126.9                                             3,126.9

      (b)  Contractual services           207.0                                               207.0

      (c)  Other                        405.7        122.3                       4.0        532.0

      Performance measures:

      (a) Outcome:      One-year annualized investment return on general fund core  

                        portfolio to exceed internal benchmarks, in basis points                      5

      Subtotal                          [3,739.6]      [122.3]                     [4.0]     3,865.9

TOTAL GENERAL CONTROL                  176,665.2  1,334,036.7     82,454.5     14,062.3  1,607,218.7D. COMMERCE AND INDUSTRYBOARD OF EXAMINERS FOR ARCHITECTS:

(1) Architectural registration:

The purpose of the architectural registration program is to provide architectural registration to approved applicants so they can practice architecture.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits                           253.7                                  253.7

      (b)  Contractual services                         19.4                                   19.4

      (c)  Other                                      97.3                                   97.3

       Subtotal                                         [370.4]                                 370.4BORDER AUTHORITY:(1) Border development:

The purpose of the border development program is to encourage and foster trade development in the state by developing port facilities and infrastructure at international ports of entry to attract new industries and business to the New Mexico border and to assist industries, businesses and the traveling public in their efficient and effective use of ports and related facilities.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits              313.8                                               313.8

      (b)  Contractual services                         82.3                                   82.3

      (c)  Other                         16.3         78.6                                   94.9

      Performance measures:

      (a) Outcome:      Annual trade share of New Mexico ports within the west  

                        Texas and New Mexico region                                                  21%

      (b) Outcome:      Commercial and noncommercial vehicular port traffic at New  

                        Mexico ports                                                             830,000

      Subtotal                            [330.1]      [160.9]                                 491.0


(1) Marketing and promotion:

The purpose of the marketing and promotion program is to produce and provide collateral and editorial materials and special events for the consumer and trade industry so they may increase their awareness of New Mexico as a premier tourist destination.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits            1,606.6                                             1,606.6

      (b)  Contractual services           352.7                                               352.7

      (c)  Other                      7,757.3         30.0                                7,787.3 The general fund appropriation to the marketing and promotion program of the tourism department in the other category includes thirty thousand dollars ($30,000) for the Santa Fe fiesta council, twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000) for advertising the Santa Fe Indian market and twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000) for advertising the Santa Fe Spanish market. 

      Performance measures:

      (a) Outcome:      New Mexico's domestic overnight visitor market share                        1.1%

      (b) Outcome:      Percent increase of gross receipts tax revenue from  

                        accommodations revenue                                                      2.5%

(2) Tourism development:

The purpose of the tourism development program is to provide constituent services for communities, regions and other entities so they may identify their needs and assistance can be provided to locate resources to fill those needs, whether internal or external to the organization.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits              157.7                     150.0                     307.7

      (b)  Contractual services             2.3                     151.5                     153.8

      (c)  Other                        914.2                     728.1                   1,642.3

      Performance measures:

      (a) Output:       Number of entities participating in collaborative  

                        applications for the cooperative advertising program                         230

      (b) Outcome:      Combined advertising spending of communities and entities  

                        using the tourism department’s current approved brand, in  

                        thousands                                                                 $1,600

(3) New Mexico magazine:

The purpose of the New Mexico magazine program is to produce a monthly magazine and ancillary products for a state and global audience so the audience can learn about New Mexico from a cultural, historical and educational perspective.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits                           912.8                                  912.8

      (b)  Contractual services                        956.4                                  956.4

      (c)  Other                                   1,496.4                                1,496.4

      Performance measures:

      (a) Output:       Advertising revenue per issue, in thousands                                  $75

      (b) Outcome:      Annual circulation rate                                                   95,000

(4) Program support:

The purpose of program support is to provide administrative assistance to support the department’s programs and personnel so they may be successful in implementing and reaching their strategic initiatives and maintaining full compliance with state rules and regulations.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits            1,096.4                                             1,096.4

      (b)  Contractual services            42.0                                                42.0

      (c)  Other                        422.9                                               422.9       Subtotal                         [12,352.1]    [3,395.6]    [1,029.6]                 16,777.3


(1) Economic development:

The purpose of the economic development program is to assist communities in preparing for their role in the new economy, focusing on high-quality job creation and improved infrastructure so New Mexicans can increase their wealth and improve their quality of life.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits            1,664.8                                             1,664.8

      (b)  Contractual services         2,095.8                                             2,095.8

      (c)  Other                        732.8                                               732.8 The general fund appropriation to the economic development program of the economic development department in the contractual services category includes nine hundred thirty thousand dollars ($930,000) for the New Mexico economic development corporation and one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) for certified business incubators.

      The general fund appropriation to the economic development program of the economic development department in the other category includes five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000) for the job training incentive program. 

      Performance measures:

      (a) Outcome:      Number of workers trained by the job training incentive  

                        program                                                                    1,000

      (b) Outcome:      Total number of jobs created due to economic development  

                        department efforts                                                         3,000

      (c) Outcome:      Number of rural jobs created                                               1,500

      (d) Outcome:      Number of jobs created through business relocations and  

                        competitive expansions facilitated by the economic  

                        development partnership                                                    1,500

(2) Film:

The purpose of the film program is to maintain the core business for the film location services and stimulate growth in digital film media to maintain the economic vitality of New Mexico's film industry.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits              502.2                                               502.2

      (b)  Contractual services            97.8                                                97.8

      (c)  Other                        107.4                                               107.4

      Performance measures:

      (a) Output:       Number of film and media worker days                                     200,000

      (b) Outcome:      Direct spending by film industry productions, in millions                   $225

(3) Program support:

The purpose of program support is to provide central direction to agency management processes and fiscal support to agency programs to ensure consistency, continuity and legal compliance.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits            1,569.0                                             1,569.0

      (b)  Contractual services           206.9                                               206.9

      (c)  Other                        201.2                                               201.2       Subtotal                          [7,177.9]                                            7,177.9


(1) Construction industries and manufactured housing:

The purpose of the construction industries and manufactured housing program is to provide code compliance oversight; issue licenses, permits and citations; perform inspections; administer exams; process complaints; and enforce laws, rules and regulations relating to general construction and manufactured housing standards to industry professionals.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits            7,071.4         65.0                                7,136.4

      (b)  Contractual services           144.7                                               144.7

      (c)  Other                        905.4         51.3        250.0          5.9      1,212.6

      (d)  Other financing uses                         16.2                                   16.2  

      Authorized FTE: 110.00 Permanent; 3.00 Term

      Performance measures:

      (a) Output:       Percent of consumer complaints against licensed contractors  

                        and investigations involving unlicensed contracting  

                        resolved out of the total number of complaints filed                         95%

      (b) Efficiency:   Percent of all construction inspections performed within  

                        three days of inspection request                                             92%

(2) Financial institutions and securities:

The purpose of the financial institutions and securities program is to issue charters and licenses; perform examinations; investigate complaints; enforce laws, rules and regulations; and promote investor protection and confidence so that capital formation is maximized and a secure financial infrastructure is available to support economic development.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits            2,272.7      1,039.1        350.0                   3,661.8

      (b)  Contractual services            18.5        189.5                                  208.0

      (c)  Other                        234.9        296.4                                  531.3

      (d)  Other financing uses                        476.4                                  476.4

      Authorized FTE: 55.00 Permanent

      Performance measures:

      (a) Outcome:      Percent of statutorily complete applications processed  

                        within a standard number of days by type of application                      95%

      (b) Outcome:      Percent of examination reports mailed to a depository  

                        institution within thirty days of exit from the institution  

                        or the exit conference meeting                                               95%

(3) Alcohol and gaming:

The purpose of the alcohol and gaming program is to regulate the sale, service and public consumption of alcoholic beverages and, in cooperation with the department of public safety, enforce the Liquor Control Act to protect the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of and visitors to New Mexico.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits              851.0                                               851.0

      (b)  Contractual services            22.7                                                22.7

      (c)  Other                         44.9                                                44.9

      Authorized FTE: 15.00 Permanent

      Performance measures:

      (a) Output:       Number of days to resolve an administrative citation that  

                        does not require a hearing                                                    60

      (b) Outcome:      Number of days to issue a restaurant (beer and wine) liquor  

                        license                                                                       75

(4) Program support:

The purpose of program support is to provide leadership and centralized direction, financial management, information systems support and human resources support for all agency organizations in compliance with governing regulations, statutes and procedures so they can license qualified applicants, verify compliance with statutes and resolve or mediate consumer complaints.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits            1,377.3                   1,388.8                   2,766.1

      (b)  Contractual services            93.8                     254.1                     347.9

      (c)  Other                        260.3                     288.0                     548.3

      Authorized FTE: 32.10 Permanent; 0.90 Term

(5) New Mexico public accountancy board:

The purpose of the public accountancy board program is to provide efficient licensing, compliance and regulatory services to protect the public by ensuring that licensed professionals are qualified to practice.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits                           275.9                                  275.9

      (b)  Contractual services                         16.6                                   16.6

      (c)  Other                                     125.8                                  125.8

      (d)  Other financing uses                         79.4                                   79.4

      Authorized FTE: 5.00 Permanent

(6) Board of acupuncture and oriental medicine:

The purpose of the acupuncture and oriental medicine board program is to provide efficient licensing, compliance and regulatory services to protect the public by ensuring that licensed professionals are qualified to practice.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits                           145.5                                  145.5

      (b)  Contractual services                         24.3                                   24.3

      (c)  Other                                      21.6                                   21.6

      (d)  Other financing uses                         36.8                                   36.8

      Authorized FTE: 2.7 Permanent

(7) New Mexico athletic commission:

The purpose of the New Mexico athletic commission program is to provide efficient licensing, compliance and regulatory services to protect the public by ensuring that licensed professionals are qualified to practice.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits                            74.1                                   74.1

      (b)  Contractual services                         15.0                                   15.0

      (c)  Other                                      37.3                                   37.3

      (d)  Other financing uses                         26.4                                   26.4

      Authorized FTE: 1.30 Permanent

(8) Athletic trainer practice board:

The purpose of the athletic trainer practice board program is to provide efficient licensing, compliance and regulatory services to protect the public by ensuring that licensed professionals are qualified to practice.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits                            14.9                                   14.9

      (b)  Contractual services                          0.5                                    0.5

      (c)  Other                                       5.8                                    5.8

      (d)  Other financing uses                          4.5                                    4.5

      Authorized FTE: 0.20 Permanent

(9) Board of barbers and cosmetologists:

The purpose of the barbers and cosmetologists board program is to provide efficient licensing, compliance and regulatory services to protect the public by ensuring that licensed professionals are qualified to practice.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits                           592.3                                  592.3

      (b)  Contractual services                         45.0                                   45.0

      (c)  Other                                      83.7                                   83.7

      (d)  Other financing uses                        272.3                                  272.3

      Authorized FTE: 10.50 Permanent

(10) Chiropractic board:

The purpose of the chiropractic board program is to provide efficient licensing, compliance and regulatory services to protect the public by ensuring that licensed professionals are qualified to practice.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits                            97.3                                   97.3

      (b)  Contractual services                          4.1                                    4.1

      (c)  Other                                      18.8                                   18.8

      (d)  Other financing uses                         26.9                                   26.9

      Authorized FTE: 1.90 Permanent

(11) Counseling and therapy practice board:

The purpose of the counseling and therapy practice board program is to provide efficient licensing, compliance and regulatory services to protect the public by ensuring that licensed professionals are qualified to practice.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits                           305.6                                  305.6

      (b)  Contractual services                         10.5                                   10.5

      (c)  Other                                      57.8                                   57.8

      (d)  Other financing uses                         97.6                                   97.6

      Authorized FTE: 5.40 Permanent

(12) New Mexico board of dental health care:

The purpose of the dental health care board program is to provide efficient licensing, compliance and regulatory services to protect the public by ensuring that licensed professionals are qualified to practice.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits                           229.3                                  229.3

      (b)  Contractual services                         10.0                                   10.0

      (c)  Other                                      74.8                                   74.8

      (d)  Other financing uses                         91.9                                   91.9

      Authorized FTE: 4.20 Permanent

(13) Interior design board:

The purpose of the interior design board program is to provide efficient licensing, compliance and regulatory services to protect the public by ensuring that licensed professionals are qualified to practice.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits                             7.6                                    7.6

      (b)  Other                                       9.5                                    9.5

      (c)  Other financing uses                          2.6                                    2.6

      Authorized FTE: 0.10 Permanent

(14) Board of landscape architects:

The purpose of the landscape architects board program is to provide efficient licensing, compliance and regulatory services to protect the public by ensuring that licensed professionals are qualified to practice.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits                             5.2                                    5.2

      (b)  Contractual services                          0.5                                    0.5

      (c)  Other                                      13.5                                   13.5

      (d)  Other financing uses                          4.3                                    4.3

      Authorized FTE: 0.10 Permanent

(15) Massage therapy board:

The purpose of the massage therapy board program is to provide efficient licensing, compliance and regulatory services to protect the public by ensuring that licensed professionals are qualified to practice.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits                           155.2                                  155.2

      (b)  Contractual services                          5.0                                    5.0

      (c)  Other                                      25.9                                   25.9

      (d)  Other financing uses                         61.2                                   61.2

      Authorized FTE: 3.20 Permanent

(16) Board of nursing home administrators:

The purpose of the nursing home administrators board program is to provide efficient licensing, compliance and regulatory services to protect the public by ensuring that licensed professionals are qualified to practice.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits                            14.2                                   14.2

      (b)  Contractual services                          1.0                                    1.0

      (c)  Other                                      10.0                                   10.0

      (d)  Other financing uses                          6.5                                    6.5

      Authorized FTE: 0.30 Permanent

(17) Nutrition and dietetics practice board:

The purpose of the nutrition and dietetics practice board program is to provide efficient licensing, compliance and regulatory services to protect the public by ensuring that licensed professionals are qualified to practice.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits                             9.6                                    9.6

      (b)  Contractual services                          1.0                                    1.0

      (c)  Other                                      14.1                                   14.1

      (d)  Other financing uses                          7.5                                    7.5

      Authorized FTE: 0.20 Permanent

(18) Board of examiners for occupational therapy:

The purpose of the examiners for occupational therapy board program is to provide efficient licensing, compliance and regulatory services to protect the public by ensuring that licensed professionals are qualified to practice.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits                            54.1                                   54.1

      (b)  Contractual services                          3.0                                    3.0

      (c)  Other                                      20.2                                   20.2

      (d)  Other financing uses                         22.5                                   22.5

      Authorized FTE: 1.00 Permanent

(19) Board of optometry:

The purpose of the optometry board program is to provide efficient licensing, compliance and regulatory services to protect the public by ensuring that licensed professionals are qualified to practice.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits                            50.6                                   50.6

      (b)  Contractual services                         10.6                                   10.6

      (c)  Other                                      15.9                                   15.9

      (d)  Other financing uses                         13.7                                   13.7

      Authorized FTE: 0.90 Permanent

(20) Board of osteopathic medical examiners:

The purpose of the osteopathic medical examiners board program is to provide efficient licensing, compliance and regulatory services to protect the public by ensuring that licensed professionals are qualified to practice.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits                            91.0                                   91.0

      (b)  Contractual services                         10.0                                   10.0

      (c)  Other                                      32.4                                   32.4

      (d)  Other financing uses                         23.4                                   23.4

      Authorized FTE: 1.60 Permanent

(21) Board of pharmacy:

The purpose of the pharmacy board program is to provide efficient licensing, compliance and regulatory services to protect the public by ensuring that licensed professionals are qualified to practice.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits                         1,345.4                                1,345.4

      (b)  Contractual services                         68.7                                   68.7

      (c)  Other                                     333.6                                  333.6

      (d)  Other financing uses                        260.6                                  260.6

      Authorized FTE: 14.00 Permanent

(22) Physical therapy board:

The purpose of the physical therapy board program is to provide efficient licensing, compliance and regulatory services to protect the public by ensuring that licensed professionals are qualified to practice.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits                            70.8                                   70.8

      (b)  Contractual services                         10.0                                   10.0

      (c)  Other                                      50.0                                   50.0

      (d)  Other financing uses                         35.3                                   35.3

      Authorized FTE: 1.30 Permanent

(23) Board of podiatry:

The purpose of the podiatry board program is to provide efficient licensing, compliance and regulatory services to protect the public by ensuring that licensed professionals are qualified to practice.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits                            20.9                                   20.9

      (b)  Contractual services                          1.0                                    1.0

      (c)  Other                                      10.9                                   10.9

      (d)  Other financing uses                          6.4                                    6.4

      Authorized FTE: 0.40 Permanent

(24) Private investigations advisory board:

The purpose of the private investigations advisory board program is to provide efficient licensing, compliance and regulatory services to protect the public by ensuring that licensed professionals are qualified to practice.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits                           219.8                                  219.8

      (b)  Contractual services                          5.0                                    5.0

      (c)  Other                                      39.2                                   39.2

      (d)  Other financing uses                        100.5                                  100.5

      Authorized FTE: 4.20 Permanent

(25) New Mexico state board of psychologist examiners:

The purpose of the psychologist examiners board program is to provide efficient licensing, compliance and regulatory services to protect the public by ensuring that licensed professionals are qualified to practice.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits                           140.3                                  140.3

      (b)  Contractual services                         13.4                                   13.4

      (c)  Other                                      29.3                                   29.3

      (d)  Other financing uses                         34.4                                   34.4

      Authorized FTE: 2.40 Permanent

(26) Real estate appraisers board:

The purpose of the real estate appraisers board program is to provide efficient licensing, compliance and regulatory services to protect the public by ensuring that licensed professionals are qualified to practice.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits                           207.3                                  207.3

      (b)  Contractual services                         22.5                                   22.5

      (c)  Other                                      44.2                                   44.2

      (d)  Other financing uses                         50.0                                   50.0

      Authorized FTE: 3.60 Permanent

(27) New Mexico real estate commission:

The purpose of the real estate commission program is to provide efficient licensing, compliance and regulatory services to protect the public by ensuring that licensed professionals are qualified to practice.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits                           595.6                                  595.6

      (b)  Contractual services                          8.0                                    8.0

      (c)  Other                                     139.8                                  139.8

      (d)  Other financing uses                        165.8                                  165.8

      Authorized FTE: 9.00 Permanent

(28) Advisory board of respiratory care practitioners:

The purpose of the respiratory care practitioners advisory board program is to provide efficient licensing, compliance and regulatory services to protect the public by ensuring that licensed professionals are qualified to practice.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits                            57.1                                   57.1

      (b)  Contractual services                          1.5                                    1.5

      (c)  Other                                       6.9                                    6.9

      (d)  Other financing uses                         18.3                                   18.3

      Authorized FTE: 1.10 Permanent

(29) Board of social work examiners:

The purpose of the social work examiners board program is to provide efficient licensing, compliance and regulatory services to protect the public by ensuring that licensed professionals are qualified to practice.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits                           199.1                                  199.1

      (b)  Contractual services                          9.0                                    9.0

      (c)  Other                                      38.7                                   38.7

      (d)  Other financing uses                         70.9                                   70.9

      Authorized FTE: 3.60 Permanent

(30) Speech language pathology, audiology and hearing aid dispensing practices board:

The purpose of the speech language pathology, audiology and hearing aid dispensing practices board program is to provide efficient licensing, compliance and regulatory services to protect the public by ensuring that licensed professionals are qualified to practice.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits                            96.4                                   96.4

      (b)  Contractual services                          7.7                                    7.7

      (c)  Other                                      26.2                                   26.2

      (d)  Other financing uses                         34.2                                   34.2

      Authorized FTE: 1.70 Permanent

(31) Board of funeral services:

The purpose of the funeral services board program is to provide efficient licensing, compliance and regulatory services to protect the public by ensuring that licensed professionals are qualified to practice.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits                            80.5                                   80.5

      (b)  Contractual services                          5.7                                    5.7

      (c)  Other                                      23.3                                   23.3

      (d)  Other financing uses                         25.0                                   25.0

      Authorized FTE: 1.60 Permanent

(32) Animal sheltering services board:

The purpose of the animal sheltering services board program is to provide efficient licensing, compliance and regulatory services to protect the public by ensuring that licensed professionals are qualified to practice.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits                            42.6                                   42.6

      (b)  Contractual services            21.5          1.7                                   23.2

      (c)  Other                          7.3                                                 7.3

      (d)  Other financing uses                         13.9                                   13.9

      Authorized FTE: 1.00 Permanent

(33) Signed language interpreting practices board:

The purpose of the signed language interpreting practices board program is to provide efficient licensing, compliance and regulatory services to protect the public by ensuring that licensed professionals are qualified to practice.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits                            66.2                                   66.2

      (b)  Contractual services                         11.0                                   11.0

      (c)  Other                                       8.4         25.0                      33.4

      (d)  Other financing uses                         17.2                                   17.2

      Authorized FTE: 1.00 Permanent

      Subtotal                         [13,326.4]   [10,648.2]    [2,555.9]        [5.9]    26,536.4


(1) Policy and regulation:

The purpose of the policy and regulation program is to fulfill the constitutional and legislative mandates regarding regulated industries through rulemaking, adjudications and policy initiatives to ensure the provision of adequate and reliable services at fair, just and reasonable rates so the interests of the consumers and regulated industries are balanced to promote and protect the public interest.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits            5,769.2                     569.5                   6,338.7

      (b)  Contractual services           105.0                                               105.0

      (c)  Other                        568.1                                               568.1

      Performance measures:

      (a) Efficiency:   Average number of days for a rate case to reach final order                 <250

      (b) Outcome:      Comparison of average commercial electric rates between  

                        major New Mexico utilities and selected utilities in  

                        regional western states                                                   +/- 4%

      (c) Explanatory:  Percent of kilowatt hours of renewable energy provided  

                        annually by New Mexico's electric utilities, measured as a  

                        percent of total retail kilowatt hours sold by New Mexico's  

                        electric utilities to New Mexico's retail electric utility  

                        customers                                                                    11%

      (d) Explanatory:  Comparison of average residential electric rates between  

                        major New Mexico utilities and selected utilities in  

                        regional western states                                                    +/-3%

(2) Public safety:

The purpose of the public safety program is to provide services and resources to the appropriate entities to enhance their ability to protect the public from fire and pipeline hazards and other risk as assigned to the public regulation commission.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits                                      3,218.2        573.6      3,791.8

      (b)  Contractual services                                     402.4         60.2        462.6

      (c)  Other                                                1,236.1        179.7      1,415.8

      Performance measures:

      (a) Output:       Number of personnel completing training through the state  

                        firefighter training academy                                               4,250

      (b) Outcome:      Percent of statewide fire districts with insurance office  

                        ratings of eight or better                                                   65%

(3) Program support:

The purpose of program support is to provide administrative support and direction to ensure consistency, compliance, financial integrity and fulfillment of the agency mission.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits            1,078.3                     432.5                   1,510.8

      (b)  Contractual services            76.0                                                76.0

      (c)  Other                        151.9                                               151.9

(4) Special revenues:


      (a)  Other financing uses                      5,654.1                                5,654.1

      Subtotal                          [7,748.5]    [5,654.1]    [5,858.7]      [813.5]    20,074.8


(1) Special revenues:


      (a)  Other financing uses                      7,092.9                                7,092.9

(2) Insurance policy:

The purpose of the insurance policy program is to ensure easy public access to reliable insurance products that meet consumers' needs and are underwritten by dependable, reputable, financially sound companies that charge fair rates and are represented by trustworthy, qualified agents, while promoting a positive competitive business climate.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits                                      6,450.8                   6,450.8

      (b)  Contractual services                                     579.0                     579.0

      (c)  Other                                                  728.2                     728.2 The internal service funds/interagency transfer appropriation to the insurance policy program of the office of superintendent of insurance in the personal services and employee benefits category includes one hundred fourteen thousand dollars ($114,000) for the salary of the superintendent. 

      Performance measures:

      (a) Output:       Percent of internal and external insurance-related  

                        grievances closed within one hundred eighty days of filing                   98%

      (b) Efficiency:   Percent of insurance fraud bureau complaints processed and  

                        recommended for either further administrative action or  

                        closure within sixty days                                                    88%

(3) Patient’s compensation fund:


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits                            59.3                                   59.3

      (b)  Contractual services                        466.4                                  466.4

      (c)  Other                                  15,310.9                               15,310.9

      (d)  Other financing uses                        665.1                                  665.1

      Subtotal                                      [23,594.6]    [7,758.0]                 31,352.6


(1) Licensing and certification:

The purpose of the licensing and certification program is to provide regulation and licensure to healthcare providers regulated by the New Mexico medical board and to ensure competent and ethical medical care to consumers.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits                         1,224.3                                1,224.3

      (b)  Contractual services                        241.9                                  241.9

      (c)  Other                                     419.8                                  419.8  Performance measures:

      (a) Output:       Number of triennial physician licenses issued or renewed                   3,600

      (b) Output:       Number of biennial physician assistant licenses issued or  

                        renewed                                                                      350

      Subtotal                                       [1,886.0]                               1,886.0


(1) Licensing and certification:

The purpose of the licensing and certification program is to provide regulations to nurses, hemodialysis technicians, medication aides and their education and training programs so they provide competent and professional healthcare services to consumers.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits                         1,509.5                                1,509.5

      (b)  Contractual services                        172.1                                  172.1

      (c)  Other                                     455.4        200.0                     655.4

      (d)  Other financing uses                        200.0                                  200.0

      Performance measures:

      (a) Output:       Number of licensed practical nurse, registered nurse,  

                        advanced practice nurse licenses and unlicensed assistive  

                        personnel certificates issued                                             15,000

      Subtotal                                       [2,337.0]      [200.0]                  2,537.0


The purpose of the state fair program is to promote the New Mexico state fair as a year-round operation with venues, events and facilities that provide for greater use of the assets of the agency.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits                         5,507.4                                5,507.4

      (b)  Contractual services                      2,857.7                                2,857.7

      (c)  Other                         75.0      3,428.4        381.2                   3,884.6 The general fund appropriation to the New Mexico state fair in the other category includes seventy-five thousand dollars ($75,000) for the African American performing arts center and exhibit hall for operations, administration, programs and services.

      The other state funds appropriations to the New Mexico state fair are contingent on the state fair commission meeting monthly.

      The internal service funds/interagency transfers appropriation to the New Mexico state fair in the other category includes three hundred eighty-one thousand two hundred dollars ($381,200) from parimutuel revenues for debt service and debt service interest on negotiable bonds issued for capital improvements. 

      Performance measures:

      (a) Output:       Number of paid attendees at annual state fair event                      400,000

      Subtotal                             [75.0]   [11,793.5]      [381.2]                 12,249.7



(1) Regulation and licensing:

The purpose of the regulation and licensing program is to regulate the practices of engineering and surveying in the state as they relate to the welfare of the public in safeguarding life, health and property and to provide consumers with licensed professional engineers and licensed professional surveyors.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits                           555.3                                  555.3

      (b)  Contractual services                         73.5                                   73.5

      (c)  Other                                     164.7                                  164.7

      Performance measures:

      (a) Output:       Number of licenses or certifications issued                                  675

      Subtotal                                         [793.5]                                 793.5


(1) Gaming control:

The purpose of the gaming control board is to provide strictly regulated gaming activities and to promote responsible gaming to the citizens of New Mexico so they can attain a strong level of confidence in the board's administration of gambling laws and assurance the state has competitive gaming free from criminal and corruptive elements and influences.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits            3,897.4                                             3,897.4

      (b)  Contractual services           773.9                                               773.9

      (c)  Other                        994.3                                               994.3

      Performance measures:

      (a) Output:       Percent of all tribal inspection reports completed and  

                        mailed within thirty days of field work completion                           95%

      (b) Output:       Percent of racetrack audit reports completed and mailed  

                        within thirty days of field work completion                                  95%

      Subtotal                          [5,665.6]                                            5,665.6


(1) Horse racing regulation:

The purpose of the horse racing regulation program is to provide regulation in an equitable manner to New Mexico’s parimutuel horse racing industry and to protect the interest of wagering patrons and the state of New Mexico in a manner that promotes a climate of economic prosperity for horsemen, horse owners and racetrack management.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits            1,381.5                                             1,381.5

      (b)  Contractual services           923.9                     350.0                   1,273.9

      (c)  Other                        116.9                                               116.9

      Performance measures:

      (a) Outcome:      Percent of equine samples testing positive for illegal  

                        substances                                                                 0.03%

      (b) Output:       Total amount collected from parimutuel revenues, in millions                $1.0

      Subtotal                          [2,422.3]                   [350.0]                  2,772.3


(1) Veterinary licensing and regulatory:

The purpose of the veterinary licensing and regulatory program is to regulate the profession of veterinary medicine in accordance with the Veterinary Practice Act and to promote continuous improvement in veterinary practices and management to protect the public.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits                           154.5                                  154.5

      (b)  Contractual services                        127.9                                  127.9

      (c)  Other                                      58.0                                   58.0

      Performance measures:

      (a) Output:       Number of veterinarian licenses issued annually                            1,000

      Subtotal                                         [340.4]                                 340.4


The purpose of the Cumbres and Toltec scenic railroad commission is to provide railroad excursions through, into and over the scenic San Juan mountains.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits                           127.2                                  127.2

      (b)  Contractual services           117.0      3,327.6                                3,444.6

      (c)  Other                                     224.4                                  224.4       Performance measures:

      (a) Output:       Revenue generated from ticket sales, in millions                            $3.5

      Subtotal                            [117.0]    [3,679.2]                               3,796.2


The purpose of the office of military base planning and support is to provide advice to the governor and lieutenant governor on New Mexico's four military installations, to work with community support groups, to ensure that state initiatives are complementary of community actions and to identify and address appropriate state-level issues that will contribute to the long-term viability of New Mexico military installations.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits              112.7                                               112.7

      (b)  Contractual services            20.0                                                20.0

      (c)  Other                         13.7                                                13.7

      Subtotal                            [146.4]                                              146.4


The purpose of the spaceport authority is to finance, design, develop, construct, equip and safely operate spaceport America and thereby generate significant high technology economic development throughout the state.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits              459.9        668.5                                1,128.4

      (b)  Contractual services                      3,597.8                                3,597.8

      (c)  Other                                   1,317.8                                1,317.8

      Performance measures:

      (a) Outcome:      Annual number of jobs created due to New Mexico spaceport  

                        authority efforts                                                            200

      Subtotal                            [459.9]    [5,584.1]                               6,044.0

TOTAL COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY             49,821.2     70,237.5     18,133.4        819.4    139,011.5E. AGRICULTURE, ENERGY AND NATURAL RESOURCESCULTURAL AFFAIRS DEPARTMENT:

(1) Museums and monuments:

The purpose of the museums and monuments program is to develop and enhance the quality of state museums and monuments by providing the highest standards in exhibitions, performances and programs showcasing the arts, history and science of New Mexico and cultural traditions worldwide.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits           14,860.8      2,975.5        110.0        122.7     18,069.0

      (b)  Contractual services           676.1        458.8                                1,134.9

      (c)  Other                      4,146.6      1,707.0          2.0          0.3      5,855.9       Authorized FTE: 299.75 Permanent; 37.50 Term

      Performance measures:

      (a) Output:       Attendance to museum and monument exhibitions,  

                        performances, films and other presenting programs                        825,000

(2) Preservation:

The purpose of the preservation program is to identify, study and protect New Mexico's unique cultural resources, including its archaeological sites, architectural and engineering achievements, cultural landscapes and diverse heritage.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits              426.0      2,298.2                     882.5      3,606.7

      (b)  Contractual services                        787.9                     655.1      1,443.0

      (c)  Other                         88.6        416.2                     618.9      1,123.7

      Authorized FTE: 23.00 Permanent; 33.50 Term

The other state funds appropriations to the preservation program of the cultural affairs department include one million dollars ($1,000,000) from the department of transportation for archaeological studies as needed for highway projects. 

      Performance measures:

      (a) Output:       Number of participants in educational, outreach and special  

                        events related to preservation mission                                    22,000

      (b) Outcome:      Percent of grant funds from recurring appropriations  

                        distributed to communities outside of Santa Fe, Albuquerque  

                        and Las Cruces                                                               60%

(3) Library services:

The purpose of the library services program is to empower libraries to support the educational, economic and health goals of their communities and to deliver direct library and information services to those who need them.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits            1,866.8        152.1                     753.8      2,772.7

      (b)  Contractual services           758.1                                   11.7        769.8

      (c)  Other                      1,284.4         35.0                     607.7      1,927.1

      Authorized FTE: 33.50 Permanent; 13.00 Term

      Performance measures:

      (a) Outcome:      Percent of grant funds from recurring appropriations  

                        distributed to communities outside of Santa Fe, Albuquerque  

                        and Las Cruces                                                               88%

      (b) Output:       Number of participants in educational, outreach and special  

                        events related to library mission                                         22,000

(4) Arts:

The purpose of the arts program is to preserve, enhance and develop the arts in New Mexico through partnerships, public awareness and education.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits              701.1         63.6                     145.0        909.7

      (b)  Contractual services           564.5                                  424.7        989.2

      (c)  Other                        160.8                                    3.9        164.7

      Authorized FTE: 11.00 Permanent; 3.50 Term

      Performance measures:

      (a) Outcome:      Percent of grant funds from recurring appropriations  

                        distributed to communities outside of Santa Fe, Albuquerque  

                        and Las Cruces                                                               35%

      (b) Output:       Number of participants in educational and outreach programs  

                        and workshops, including participants from rural areas                     3,000

(5) Program support:

The purpose of program support is to deliver effective, efficient, high-quality services in concert with the core agenda of the governor.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits            3,665.3        281.1                                3,946.4

      (b)  Contractual services           171.3                                               171.3

      (c)  Other                        164.6         81.1                                  245.7

      Authorized FTE: 53.00 Permanent

      Performance measures:

      (a) Outcome:      Percent of material weaknesses noted in next-to-last  

                        completed external audit that are resolved or eliminated in  

                        the last completed external audit                                           100%

      Subtotal                         [29,535.0]    [9,256.5]      [112.0]    [4,226.3]    43,129.8


(1) Livestock inspection:

The purpose of the livestock inspection program is to protect the livestock industry from loss of livestock by theft or straying and to help control the spread of dangerous livestock diseases.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits            1,380.0      3,123.2                                4,503.2

      (b)  Contractual services                        283.1                                  283.1

      (c)  Other                                   1,110.4                                1,110.4

      Performance measures:

      (a) Output:       Number of road stops per month                                                50

      (b) Outcome:      Number of livestock thefts reported per one thousand head  

                        inspected                                                                   0.01

      (c) Outcome:      Number of disease cases per one thousand head inspected                     0.05

      Subtotal                          [1,380.0]    [4,516.7]                               5,896.7


(1) Field operations:

The purpose of the field operations program is to promote and assist the implementation of law enforcement, habitat and public outreach programs throughout the state.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits                         5,952.1                     213.1      6,165.2

      (b)  Contractual services                         72.8                                   72.8

      (c)  Other                                   1,701.0                                1,701.0

      Authorized FTE: 91.00 Permanent

      Performance measures:

      (a) Output:       Number of conservation officer hours spent in the field  

                        checking for compliance                                                   31,000

      (b) Output:       Number of hunter and conservation education programs  

                        delivered by field staff                                                     350

      (c) Output:       Number of special field operations to deter, detect and  

                        apprehend off-highway vehicle and game and fish violators                    130

(2) Conservation services:

The purpose of the conservation services program is to manage and conserve the state’s public wildlife resources and associated habitats for the benefit of the wildlife and for the hunters, anglers and other wildlife users. Actions include the procurement and progressive management of wildlife habitat, providing technical assistance services and consultation to both public and private landowners and other affected interests regarding wildlife management and working to educate all sectors of the public about the wildlife resources of the state.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits                         3,693.2                   5,963.5      9,656.7

      (b)  Contractual services                      1,270.6                   1,857.2      3,127.8

      (c)  Other                                   4,455.8                   3,826.8      8,282.6

      (d)  Other financing uses                        124.4                     372.9        497.3

      Authorized FTE: 134.00 Permanent; 10.00 Term; 3.00 Temporary

      Performance measures:

      (a) Outcome:      Number of days of elk hunting opportunity provided to New  

                        Mexico resident hunters on an annual basis                               200,000

      (b) Outcome:      Percent of public hunting licenses drawn by New Mexico  

                        resident hunters                                                             86%

      (c) Output:       Annual output of fish from the department's hatchery  

                        system, in pounds                                                        600,000

(3) Wildlife depredation and nuisance abatement:

The purpose of the wildlife depredation and nuisance abatement program is to provide complaint administration and intervention processes to private landowners, leaseholders and other New Mexicans so they may be relieved of, and precluded from, property damage and annoyances or risks to public safety caused by protected wildlife.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits                           282.2                                  282.2

      (b)  Contractual services                        125.7                                  125.7

      (c)  Other                                     634.3                                  634.3

      Authorized FTE:   4.00 Permanent

      Performance measures:

      (a) Outcome:      Percent of depredation complaints resolved within the  

                        mandated one-year timeframe                                                  95%

(4) Program support: 

The purpose of program support is to provide an adequate and flexible system of direction, oversight, accountability and support to all divisions so they may successfully attain planned outcomes for all department programs.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits                         3,369.3                     322.4      3,691.7

      (b)  Contractual services                        573.4                                  573.4

      (c)  Other                                   3,251.2                                3,251.2

      Authorized FTE: 47.00 Permanent

      Subtotal                                      [25,506.0]                [12,555.9]    38,061.9


(1) Energy conservation and management:

The purpose of the energy conservation and management program is to develop and implement clean energy programs to decrease per capita energy consumption, utilize New Mexico's substantial renewable energy resources, minimize local, regional and global air emissions, lessen dependence on foreign oil and reduce in-state water demands associated with fossil-fueled electrical generation.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits              571.6                                  453.3      1,024.9

      (b)  Contractual services             3.5                                  684.9        688.4

      (c)  Other                         22.2                                  105.1        127.3

      (d)  Other financing uses             6.7                                1,240.4      1,247.1

      Authorized FTE: 12.00 Permanent

(2) Healthy forests:

The purpose of the healthy forests program is to promote the health of New Mexico's forest lands by managing wildfires, mitigating urban-interface fire threats and providing stewardship of private and state forest lands and associated watersheds.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits            2,958.2        139.9                   1,553.2      4,651.3

      (b)  Contractual services            73.6          1.0                     384.8        459.4

      (c)  Other                        448.3        309.0                   2,276.3      3,033.6

      (d)  Other financing uses            42.5         33.1                                   75.6

      Authorized FTE: 65.00 Permanent; 10.00 Term

      Performance measures:

      (a) Output:       Number of nonfederal wildland firefighters provided  

                        professional and technical incident command system training                1,700

      (b) Output:       Number of acres treated in New Mexico's forest and  

                        watersheds                                                                20,000

(3) State parks:

The purpose of the state parks program is to create the best recreational opportunities possible in state parks by preserving cultural and natural resources, continuously improving facilities and providing quality, fun activities and to do it all efficiently.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits            9,530.8      1,539.8         96.4        417.3     11,584.3

      (b)  Contractual services           106.7        479.2                     700.0      1,285.9

      (c)  Other                      1,185.9      5,338.1      2,754.1      2,482.7     11,760.8

      (d)  Other financing uses                      3,129.7                                3,129.7       Authorized FTE: 188.00 Permanent; 6.00 Term; 53.00 Temporary

      Performance measures:

      (a) Explanatory:  Number of visitors to state parks                                      3,800,000

      (b) Explanatory:  Self-generated revenue per visitor, in dollars                             $0.97

(4) Mine reclamation:

The purpose of the mine reclamation program is to implement the state laws that regulate the operation and reclamation of hard rock and coal mining facilities and to reclaim abandoned mine sites.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits              377.0        574.1                   1,900.0      2,851.1

      (b)  Contractual services                         55.9                   4,717.6      4,773.5

      (c)  Other                         10.0         87.1                     246.3        343.4

      (d)  Other financing uses                        134.5                                  134.5

      Authorized FTE: 17.00 Permanent; 17.00 Term

(5) Oil and gas conservation:

The purpose of the oil and gas conservation program is to assure the conservation and responsible development of oil and gas resources through professional, dynamic regulation.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits            2,913.2      1,419.6                     206.4      4,539.2

      (b)  Contractual services            98.9      4,142.8                                4,241.7

      (c)  Other                        575.4        111.6                      18.0        705.0

      (d)  Other financing uses            31.3        336.3                     115.0        482.6

      Authorized FTE: 56.00 Permanent; 5.00 Term

      Performance measures:

      (a) Output:       Number of inspections of oil and gas wells and associated  

                        facilities                                                                37,500

(6) Program leadership and support:

The purpose of program leadership and support is to provide leadership, set policy and provide support for every division in achieving their goals.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits            2,456.2                   1,097.7        851.6      4,405.5

      (b)  Contractual services           100.0                      56.9                     156.9

      (c)  Other                        110.7                     269.0         25.0        404.7       Authorized FTE: 49.00 Permanent

      Subtotal                         [21,622.7]   [17,831.7]    [4,274.1]   [18,377.9]    62,106.4


The purpose of the youth conservation program is to provide funding for the employment of New Mexicans between the ages of fourteen and twenty-five to work on projects that will improve New Mexico's natural, cultural, historical and agricultural resources.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits                           164.0                                  164.0

      (b)  Contractual services                      4,046.9                                4,046.9

      (c)  Other                                      73.8                                   73.8

      (d)  Other financing uses                        225.0                                  225.0

      Performance measures:

      (a) Output:       Number of youth employed annually                                            800

      Subtotal                                       [4,509.7]                               4,509.7


The purpose of the intertribal ceremonial office is to aid in the planning, coordination and development of a successful intertribal ceremonial event in coordination with the Native American population.


      (a)  Contractual services           105.0                                               105.0

      Subtotal                            [105.0]                                              105.0


(1) Land trust stewardship:

The purpose of the land trust stewardship program is to generate sustainable revenue from state trust lands to support public education and other beneficiary institutions and to build partnerships with all New Mexicans to conserve, protect and maintain the highest level of stewardship for these lands so that they may be a significant legacy for generations to come.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits                        11,186.7                               11,186.7

      (b)  Contractual services                        884.8                                  884.8

      (c)  Other                                   1,820.5                                1,820.5

      (d)  Other financing uses                        620.6                                  620.6 The commissioner of public lands is authorized to hold in suspense amounts received pursuant to agreements entered into for the sale of state royalty interests that, as a result of the sale, became eligible for tax credits under Section 29 of the Internal Revenue Code, above those amounts required by law to be transferred to the land grant permanent fund. The commissioner may expend as much of the money so held in suspense, as well as additional money held in escrow accounts resulting from the sales and money held in fund balance, as is necessary to repurchase the royalty interests pursuant to the agreements. 

      Performance measures:

      (a) Outcome:      Bonus income per leased acre from oil and gas activities,  

                        in dollars                                                                  $500

      (b) Outcome:      Dollars generated through oil, natural gas and mineral  

                        audit activities, in millions                                               $1.5

      (c) Output:       Average income per acre from oil, natural gas and mineral  

                        activities, in dollars                                                      $189

      Subtotal                                      [14,512.6]                              14,512.6


(1) Water resource allocation:

The purpose of the water resource allocation program is to provide for efficient use of the available surface and underground waters of the state to any person so they can maintain their quality of life and to provide safety inspections of all nonfederal dams within the state for owners and operators of such dams so they can operate the dam safely.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits           11,433.4        505.4                               11,938.8

      (b)  Contractual services                                     624.7                     624.7

      (c)  Other                        320.1        119.2      1,001.8                   1,441.1

      Authorized FTE: 167.00 Permanent

The internal service funds/interagency transfers appropriations to the water resource allocation program of the state engineer include one hundred forty-seven thousand six hundred dollars ($147,600) from the improvement of Rio Grande income fund and one million four hundred seventy-eight thousand nine hundred dollars ($1,478,900) from the New Mexico irrigation works construction fund. 

      Performance measures:

      (a) Output:       Average number of unprotested new and pending applications  

                        processed per month                                                           65

      (b) Explanatory:  Number of unprotested and unaggrieved water right  

                        applications backlogged                                                      650

      (c) Outcome:      Number of dams inspected per year and notices delivered to  

                        owners notifying them of potential problems                                  100

      (d) Outcome:      Number of transactions abstracted annually into the water  

                        administration technical engineering resource system  

                        database                                                                  23,000

(2) Interstate stream compact compliance and water development:

The purpose of the interstate stream compact compliance and water development program is to provide resolution of federal and interstate water issues and to develop water resources and stream systems for the people of New Mexico so they can have maximum sustained beneficial use of available water resources.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits            2,051.0         75.3      1,901.5                   4,027.8

      (b)  Contractual services            50.0         35.0      5,302.0         16.0      5,403.0

      (c)  Other                                       9.7      3,314.8        107.5      3,432.0

      (d)  Other financing uses                        647.4                                  647.4

      Authorized FTE: 46.00 Permanent; 3.00 Term

The internal service funds/interagency transfers appropriations to the interstate stream compact compliance and water development program of the state engineer include one million eight hundred nine thousand dollars ($1,809,000) from the improvement of Rio Grande income fund and seven million eight hundred seventy-nine thousand six hundred dollars ($7,879,600) from the irrigation works construction fund.

      Revenue from the sale of water to United States government agencies by New Mexico for the emergency drought water agreement and from contractual reimbursements associated with state engineer use of the revenue is appropriated to the interstate stream commission for the conservation and recovery of the listed species in the middle Rio Grande basin, including optimizing middle Rio Grande conservancy district operations.

      The internal service funds/interagency transfers appropriation to the interstate stream compact compliance and water development program of the state engineer includes one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) from the game protection fund for Ute dam operations. Any unexpended balances remaining at the end of fiscal year 2015 from this appropriation shall revert to the game protection fund.

      The internal service funds/interagency transfer appropriation to the interstate stream compact compliance and water development program of the state engineer in the other category includes eighty-two thousand three hundred dollars ($82,300) from the game protection fund for Eagle Nest dam operations. Any unexpended balances remaining at the end of fiscal year 2015 from this appropriation shall revert to the game protection fund.

      The appropriations to the interstate stream compact compliance and water development program of the state engineer include one million nine hundred thousand dollars ($1,900,000) for the construction, restoration, repair and protection of dams, reservoirs, ditches, diversions, flumes and appurtenances of acequias and community ditches in the state. The one million nine hundred thousand dollar ($1,900,000) appropriation is authorized for acequia and community ditch projects through the interstate stream commission as a 90/10 match program, provided that: a) not more than one hundred fifty thousand dollars ($150,000) of this appropriation shall be used as the state share for any one acequia or community ditch, and b) state money shall not be used to meet the acequia’s or community ditch’s ten percent share of project costs. Any unexpended amount reverts to the irrigation works construction fund for use for acequia and community ditch projects in subsequent years. The interstate stream commission shall report twice a year to the legislative finance committee on expenditures of funds for acequia and community ditch projects. The internal service funds/interagency transfers appropriation to the interstate stream compact compliance and water development program of the state engineer in the contractual services category includes up to three hundred thousand dollars ($300,000) for engineering services for approved acequia or community ditch projects.

      The interstate stream commission’s authority to make loans for irrigation improvements includes five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000) for loans to acequia, irrigation and conservancy districts. The interstate stream commission’s authority also includes five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000) for loans to irrigation districts, conservancy districts and soil and water conservation districts for re-loan to farmers for implementation of water conservation improvements.

      The interstate stream commission’s authority to make loans from the irrigation works construction fund includes two million dollars ($2,000,000) for irrigation districts, acequias, conservancy districts and soil and water conservation districts for purchase and installation of meters and measuring equipment. The maximum loan term is five years. 

      Performance measures:

      (a) Outcome:      Cumulative state-line delivery credit per the Pecos river  

                        compact and amended decree at the end of calendar year, in  

                        acre-feet                                                                      0

      (b) Outcome:      Rio Grande river compact accumulated delivery credit or  

                        deficit at end of calendar year, in acre-feet                                  0

(3) Litigation and adjudication:

The purpose of the litigation and adjudication program is to obtain a judicial determination and definition of water rights within each stream system and underground basin to effectively perform water rights administration and meet interstate stream obligations.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits              719.3                   4,035.9                   4,755.2

      (b)  Contractual services                                   1,435.8                   1,435.8

      (c)  Other                                                  335.4                     335.4

      Authorized FTE: 68.00 Permanent

The internal service funds/interagency transfers appropriations to the litigation and adjudication program of the state engineer include three million three hundred forty thousand three hundred dollars ($3,340,300) from the New Mexico irrigation works construction fund and two million four hundred sixty-six thousand eight hundred dollars ($2,466,800) from the water project fund pursuant to Section 72-4A-9 NMSA 1978. 

      Performance measures:

      (a) Outcome:      Number of offers to defendants in adjudications                              600

      (b) Outcome:      Percent of all water rights with judicial  

                        determinations                                                               54%

(4) Program support:

The purpose of program support is to provide necessary administrative support to the agency programs so they may be successful in reaching their goals and objectives.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits            3,024.7                     355.9                   3,380.6

      (b)  Contractual services            52.0                     198.2                     250.2

      (c)  Other                                                  578.5                     578.5

      Authorized FTE: 43.00 Permanent

The internal service funds/interagency transfers appropriations to the program support program of the state engineer include one million one hundred thirty-two thousand six hundred dollars ($1,132,600) from the New Mexico irrigation works construction fund.

(5) New Mexico irrigation works construction fund:


      (a)  Other financing uses                     13,831.4                               13,831.4

(6) Improvement of Rio Grande income fund:


      (a)  Other financing uses                      1,956.6                                1,956.6       Subtotal                         [17,650.5]   [17,180.0]   [19,084.5]      [123.5]    54,038.5


NATURAL RESOURCES                       70,293.2     93,313.2     23,470.6     35,283.6    222,360.6F. HEALTH, HOSPITALS AND HUMAN SERVICESOFFICE OF AFRICAN AMERICAN AFFAIRS:

(1) Public awareness:

The purpose of the public awareness program is to provide information and advocacy services to all New Mexicans and to empower African Americans of New Mexico to improve their quality of life.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits              421.2                                               421.2

      (b)  Contractual services           158.0                                               158.0

      (c)  Other                        140.8                                               140.8       Subtotal                            [720.0]                                              720.0


(1) Deaf and hard-of-hearing:

The purpose of the deaf and hard-of-hearing program is to serve as a dynamic resource that will enhance the quality of life for deaf and hard-of-hearing citizens of New Mexico by being the recognized advocate on important issues impacting the deaf and hard-of-hearing community, the proactive provider of innovative programs and services and the statewide umbrella and information clearinghouse for interested individuals, organizations, agencies and institutions.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits                                      1,021.2                   1,021.2

      (b)  Contractual services           300.0        450.0      1,099.7                   1,849.7

      (c)  Other                                                  340.7                     340.7

      (d)  Other financing uses                                     491.0                     491.0 The internal service funds/interagency transfers appropriation to the deaf and hard-of-hearing program of the commission for deaf and hard-of-hearing persons in the other financing uses category includes four hundred sixty-six thousand dollars ($466,000) to transfer to the rehabilitation services program of the division of vocational rehabilitation to match with federal funds to provide deaf and hard-of-hearing rehabilitation services.

      The internal service funds/interagency transfers appropriation to the deaf and hard-of-hearing program of the commission for deaf and hard-of-hearing persons in the other financing uses category includes twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000) to transfer to the signed language interpreting practices board of the regulation and licensing department for interpreter licensure services.

      The general fund appropriation to the deaf and hard-of-hearing program of the commission for deaf and hard-of-hearing persons in the contractual services category includes three hundred thousand dollars ($300,000) for deaf and deaf-blind support service provider programs. 

      Performance measures:

      (a) Output:       Number of accessible technology equipment distributions                    1,000

      (b) Output:       Number of clients provided assistance to reduce or  

                        eliminate communication barriers                                            800

      Subtotal                            [300.0]      [450.0]    [2,952.6]                  3,702.6


The purpose of the Martin Luther King, Jr. commission is to promote Martin Luther King, Jr.'s nonviolent principles and philosophy to the people of New Mexico through remembrance, celebration and action so that everyone gets involved in making a difference toward the improvement of interracial cooperation and reduction of youth violence in our communities.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits              124.9                                               124.9

      (b)  Contractual services            12.7                                                12.7

      (c)  Other                         87.9                                                87.9       Subtotal                            [225.5]                                              225.5


(1) Blind services:

The purpose of the blind services program is to assist blind or visually impaired citizens of New Mexico to achieve economic and social equality so they can have independence based on their personal interests and abilities.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits            1,078.6        100.0                   3,690.4      4,869.0

      (b)  Contractual services            20.7         20.0                     117.5        158.2

      (c)  Other                        979.2      4,890.1         80.0      1,861.0      7,810.3 Any unexpended balances in the blind services program of the commission for the blind remaining at the end of fiscal year 2015 from appropriations made from the general fund shall not revert. 

      Performance measures:

      (a) Outcome:      Average hourly wage for the blind or visually impaired  

                        person                                                                    $13.50

      (b) Output:       Number of quality employment opportunities obtained for  

                        agency's blind or visually impaired clients                                  25

      (c) Output:       Number of blind or visually impaired clients trained in the  

                        skills of blindness to enable them to live independently in  

                        their homes and communities                                                 600

      Subtotal                          [2,078.5]    [5,010.1]       [80.0]    [5,668.9]    12,837.5


(1) Indian affairs:

The purpose of the Indian affairs program is to coordinate intergovernmental and interagency programs concerning tribal governments and the state.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits            1,135.7                                             1,135.7

      (b)  Contractual services           391.7                     249.3                     641.0

      (c)  Other                        965.8                                               965.8 The internal service funds/interagency transfers to the Indian affairs program of the Indian affairs department includes two hundred forty-nine thousand three hundred dollars ($249,300) from the tobacco settlement program fund for tobacco cessation and prevention programs for Native American communities throughout the state. 

      Performance measures:

      (a) Outcome:      Percent of capital and tribal infrastructure fund projects  

                        over fifty thousand dollars ($50,000) completed and closed                  75%

      Subtotal                          [2,493.2]                   [249.3]                  2,742.5


(1) Consumer and elder rights:

The purpose of the consumer and elder rights program is to provide current information, assistance, counseling, education and support to older individuals and persons with disabilities, residents of long-term care facilities and their families and caregivers that allow them to protect their rights and make informed choices about quality services.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits            1,897.2                     427.4        823.5      3,148.1

      (b)  Contractual services            66.0                                   11.0         77.0

      (c)  Other                        112.1                      31.5        238.9        382.5

      Performance measures:

      (a) Outcome:      Percent of resident-requested transitions from nursing  

                        homes to home- and community-based services completed to  

                        the satisfaction of the resident within nine months from  

                        the request                                                                  90%

      (b) Outcome:      Percent of ombudsman complaints resolved within sixty days                   90%

      Authorized FTE: 41.50 Permanent; 6.00 Term

(2) Aging network:

The purpose of the aging network program is to provide supportive social and nutrition services for older individuals and persons with disabilities so they can remain independent and involved in their communities and to provide training, education and work experience to older individuals so they can enter or re-enter the workforce and receive appropriate income and benefits.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits              106.3         39.0                                  145.3

      (b)  Contractual services            92.8         10.0                                  102.8

      (c)  Other                     29,598.4         80.0                   8,832.6     38,511.0

      Authorized FTE: 1.00 Permanent; 0.50 Term

The general fund appropriation to the aging network program of the aging and long-term services department in the other category to supplement the federal Older Americans Act shall be contracted to the designated area agencies on aging.

      Any unexpended balances in the aging network program of the aging and long-term services department remaining at the end of fiscal year 2015 from appropriations made from the other state funds from conference registration fees shall not revert to the general fund. 

      Performance measures:

      (a) Outcome:      Percent of individuals exiting the federal older  

                        worker program who obtain unsubsidized employment                            37%

      (b) Output:       Number of persons receiving aging network community services              95,500

      (c) Outcome:      Percent of older New Mexicans whose food insecurity is  

                        alleviated by meals received through the aging network                       62%

(3) Adult protective services:

The purpose of the adult protective services program is to investigate allegations of abuse, neglect and exploitation of seniors and adults with disabilities and provide in-home support services to adults at high risk of repeat neglect.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits            7,980.5                                             7,980.5

      (b)  Contractual services         1,213.3                   2,498.6                   3,711.9

      (c)  Other                      1,622.8                                             1,622.8

      Authorized FTE: 132.00 Permanent

      Performance measures:

      (a) Output:       Number of adults who receive in-home services or adult day  

                        services as a result of an investigation of abuse, neglect  

                        or exploitation                                                            1,300

      (b) Outcome:      Percent of emergency or priority one investigations in  

                        which a caseworker makes initial face-to-face contact with  

                        the alleged victim within prescribed timeframes                              98%

      (c) Output:       Number of adult protective services' investigations of  

                        abuse, neglect or exploitation                                             6,000

(4) Program support:

The purpose of program support is to provide clerical, record-keeping and administrative support in the areas of personnel, budget, procurement and contracting to agency staff, outside contractors and external control agencies to implement and manage programs.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits            3,484.9                                  442.1      3,927.0

      (b)  Contractual services           128.7                                               128.7

      (c)  Other                        182.7                                  182.7        365.4

      Authorized FTE: 53.00 Permanent; 1.00 Term

      Subtotal                         [46,485.7]      [129.0]    [2,957.5]   [10,530.8]    60,103.0


(1) Medical assistance:

The purpose of the medical assistance program is to provide the necessary resources and information to enable low-income individuals to obtain either free or low-cost health care.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits            5,150.8                                7,726.1     12,876.9

      (b)  Contractual services         9,506.9      3,021.3      1,205.5     37,606.8     51,340.5

      (c)  Other                    792,018.8     89,806.0    143,088.1  3,208,744.5  4,233,657.4

      (d)  Other financing uses         2,978.6        438.4        493.3     29,411.3     33,321.6  

      Authorized FTE: 180.50 Permanent; 11.00 Term

The internal service funds/interagency transfers appropriations to the medical assistance program of the human services department include one million three hundred twelve thousand four hundred dollars ($1,312,400) from the tobacco settlement program fund for the breast and cervical cancer treatment program and seven million nine hundred seven thousand three hundred dollars ($7,907,300) from the tobacco settlement program fund for medicaid programs.

      The general fund appropriation to the medical assistance program of the human services department in the other category includes five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000) for a centennial care or other managed-care waiver to include evidence-based home-visiting services for pregnant women and families of children under two years of age identified as high-risk by the department.

      The general fund appropriation to the medical assistance program of the human services department in the other category includes ten million dollars ($10,000,000) for a medicaid provider rate increase for hospitals, contingent on enactment of legislation providing for a direct matching contribution from the counties.

      The appropriations to the medical assistance program of the human services department assume the state will receive a federal medical assistance percentage (FMAP) rate of 100 percent for those enrolled in the new adult category, including those currently enrolled in the state coverage insurance program, beginning January 1, 2014 as provided for in the federal Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, as amended by the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010. Should the federal government reduce or rescind the FMAP rates established by the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, the human services department shall reduce or rescind eligibility for the new adult category.

      The general fund appropriation to the medical assistance program of the human services department in the contractual services category includes one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) to contract with a consortium of primary care training programs. 

      Performance measures:

      (a) Outcome:      Percent of children ages two to twenty-one years enrolled  

                        in medicaid managed care who had at least one dental visit  

                        during the measurement year                                                 72%

      (b) Outcome:      Percent of infants in medicaid managed care who had six or  

                        more well-child visits with a primary care physician before  

                        the age of fifteen months                                                   72%

      (c) Outcome:      Average percent of children and youth ages twelve months to  

                        nineteen years in medicaid managed care who visited a  

                        primary care physician during the measurement year                          92%

      (d) Outcome:      Percent of children in medicaid managed care ages five to  

                        eleven years who are identified as having persistent  

                        asthma and who were appropriately prescribed medication  

                        during the measurement year                                                  95%

      (e) Outcome:      Number of emergency room visits per one thousand medicaid  

                        member months                                                                 45

      (f) Outcome:      Percent hospital readmissions for adults eighteen and over,  

                        within thirty days of discharge                                             10%

(2) Medicaid behavioral health:

The purpose of the medicaid behavioral health program is to provide the necessary resources and information to enable low-income individuals to obtain either free or low-cost health care.


      (a)  Other                     95,611.0                              305,120.0    400,731.0

      Performance measures:

      (a) Outcome:      Percent of readmissions to same level of care or higher for  

                        children or youth discharged from residential treatment  

                        centers and inpatient care                                                    7%

      (b) Output:       Number of individuals served annually in substance abuse or  

                        mental health programs administered through the behavioral  

                        health collaborative statewide entity contract                          103,000

(3) Income support:

The purpose of the income support program is to provide cash assistance and supportive services to eligible low-income families so they can achieve self-sufficiency. Eligibility requirements are established by state law within broad federal statutory guidelines.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits           22,331.7        471.5                  31,178.3     53,981.5

      (b)  Contractual services         5,148.4         72.0                  23,135.1     28,355.5

      (c)  Other                     17,397.9      2,967.3                 790,418.0    810,783.2

      (d)  Other financing uses            65.3          1.4                  38,715.8     38,782.5       Authorized FTE: 1,011.00 Permanent; 54.00 Term; 50.00 Temporary

No less than fifteen percent and no more than twenty-five percent of the federal funds for the low-income home energy assistance program shall be used for weatherization programs.

      The federal funds appropriations to the income support program of the human services department include eleven million five hundred seven thousand seven hundred dollars ($11,507,700) from the federal temporary assistance for needy families block grant for administration of the New Mexico Works Act.

      The appropriations to the income support program of the human services department include eighty-seven thousand one hundred dollars ($87,100) from the general fund and fifty-six million six hundred forty-three thousand nine hundred dollars ($56,643,900) from the federal temporary assistance for needy families block grant to provide cash assistance grants to participants as defined in the New Mexico Works Act, including wage subsidies for participants, clothing allowances, diversion payments and state-funded payments to aliens.

      The federal funds appropriations to the income support program of the human services department include nine million seven hundred thousand dollars ($9,700,000) from the federal temporary assistance for needy families block grant for job training and placement and job-related transportation services, seven hundred thousand dollars ($700,000) for employment-related costs, one million seven hundred fifty thousand dollars ($1,750,000) for a substance abuse treatment program and one million seven hundred thousand dollars ($1,700,000) for a transitional employment program.

      The federal funds appropriations to the income support program of the human services department include thirty million five hundred twenty-seven thousand five hundred dollars ($30,527,500) from the federal temporary assistance for needy families block grant for transfer to the children, youth and families department for childcare programs, two million dollars ($2,000,000) for home visiting and six million one hundred thousand dollars ($6,100,000) for prekindergarten.

      The appropriations to the income support program of the human services department include seven million one hundred twenty-seven thousand three hundred dollars ($7,127,300) from the general fund and two million eight hundred fifteen thousand three hundred dollars ($2,815,300) from other state funds for general assistance. Any unexpended balances remaining at the end of fiscal year 2015 from the other state funds appropriation derived from reimbursements received from the social security administration for the general assistance program shall not revert.

      The general fund appropriations to the income support program of the human services department include two hundred ten thousand nine hundred dollars ($210,900) for the Navajo sovereign temporary assistance for needy families program.

      The general fund appropriations to the income support program of the human services department include thirty-one thousand dollars ($31,000) for the Zuni sovereign temporary assistance for needy families program.

      The human services department shall provide the department of finance and administration and the legislative finance committee quarterly reports on the expenditures of the federal temporary assistance for needy families block grant and state maintenance-of-effort expenditures. 

      Performance measures:

      (a) Outcome:      Percent of parent participants who meet temporary  

                        assistance for needy families federal work participation  

                        requirements                                                                 55%

      (b) Outcome:      Percent of temporary assistance for needy families  

                        two-parent recipients meeting federal work participation  

                        requirements                                                                60%

      (c) Outcome:      Percent of eligible children in families with incomes of  

                        one hundred thirty percent of the federal poverty level  

                        participating in the supplemental nutrition assistance  

                        program                                                                      88%

      (d) Outcome:      Percent of adult temporary assistance for needy families  

                        recipients who become newly employed during the report year                  55%

(4) Behavioral health services:

The purpose of the behavioral health services program is to lead and oversee the provision of an integrated and comprehensive behavioral health prevention and treatment system so that the program fosters recovery and supports the health and resilience of all New Mexicans.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits            2,143.3                                  918.5      3,061.8

      (b)  Contractual services        35,752.8                               20,997.7     56,750.5

      (c)  Other                        119.1         21.0                     415.7        555.8

      Authorized FTE: 33.00 Permanent; 9.00 Term

The general fund appropriation to the behavioral health services program of the human services department in the contractual services category includes seven hundred fifty thousand dollars ($750,000) for operational expenses of the Los Lunas substance abuse treatment center.

      The general fund appropriation to the behavioral health services program of the human services department in the contractual services category includes two hundred fifty thousand dollars ($250,000) for non-medicaid in-patient psychiatric services in southern New Mexico.

      The general fund appropriation to the behavioral health services program of the human services department in the contractual services category includes one hundred fifty thousand dollars ($150,000) for residential substance abuse treatment for women in northern New Mexico.

      The behavioral health services program of the human services department shall not use funding in the contractual services category or other category to enter into a contract with a managed care company for management of non-medicaid behavioral health funds. 

      Performance measures:

      (a) Outcome:      Percent of people receiving substance abuse treatments who  

                        demonstrate improvement in the alcohol domain                               90%

      (b) Outcome:      Percent of people receiving substance abuse treatments who  

                        demonstrate improvement in the drug domain                                  80%

      (c) Outcome:      Number of suicides among those ages fifteen to nineteen  

                        years served by the statewide entity                                          2

      (d) Outcome:      Percent of individuals discharged from inpatient facilities  

                        who receive follow-up services at thirty days                               65%

      (e) Outcome:      Percent of people with a diagnosis of alcohol or drug  

                        dependency who initiated treatment and received two or more  

                        additional services within thirty days of the initial visit                  60%

(5) Child support enforcement:

The purpose of the child support enforcement program is to provide location, establishment and collection services for custodial parents and their children; to ensure that all court orders for support payments are being met to maximize child support collections; and to reduce public assistance rolls.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits            4,835.3      3,230.3                  12,251.0     20,316.6

      (b)  Contractual services         1,745.5      1,166.1                   4,422.5      7,334.1

      (c)  Other                      1,254.2        833.2                   3,133.9      5,221.3       Authorized FTE: 383.00 Permanent

      Performance measures:

      (a) Outcome:      Percent of cases having current support due and for which  

                        support is collected                                                        60%

      (b) Outcome:      Amount of child support collected, in millions                             $136

      (c) Outcome:      Percent of cases with support orders                                        84%

      (d) Outcome:      Percent of children born out of wedlock with paternity  

                        establishment in child support cases                                       100%

(6) Program support:

The purpose of program support is to provide overall leadership, direction and administrative support to each agency program and to assist it in achieving its programmatic goals.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits            4,148.5      3,177.1                  10,687.2     18,012.8

      (b)  Contractual services         4,841.8        131.3                   8,210.6     13,183.7

      (c)  Other                      5,838.0        722.6                  10,572.6     17,133.2       Authorized FTE: 256.00 Permanent

      Performance measures:

      (a) Efficiency:   Percent compliance with internal schedule for turnaround  

                        time associated with the expenditure of federal funds and  

                        the request for reimbursement for expenditures from federal  

                        treasury                                                                   100%      Subtotal                      [1,010,887.9]  [106,059.5]  [144,786.9][4,543,665.6] 5,805,399.9


(1) Workforce transition services:

The purpose of the workforce transition program is to administer an array of demand-driven workforce development services to prepare New Mexicans to meet the needs of business.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits            1,260.3                   2,026.6     13,358.9     16,645.8

      (b)  Contractual services                                     442.4        871.0      1,313.4

      (c)  Other                                                2,096.9      1,397.4      3,494.3

      (d)  Other financing uses                      4,565.9                                4,565.9       Authorized FTE: 225.00 Permanent; 92.00 Term

      Performance measures:

      (a) Outcome:      Percent of youth who entered employment or are enrolled in  

                        postsecondary education or advanced training after  

                        receiving Workforce Investment Act services                                 57%

      (b) Output:       Percent of eligible unemployment insurance claims issued a  

                        determination within twenty-one days from the date of claim                 75%

      (c) Output:       Average time to complete a transaction with the  

                        unemployment insurance call center, in minutes                                15

      (d) Outcome:      Percent of those who received Wagner-Peyser employment  

                        services retaining employment after six months                              70%

      (e) Outcome:      Percent of individuals who enter employment after receiving  

                        Workforce Investment Act services                                            65%

      (f) Output:       Percent of individuals who receive Workforce Investment Act  

                        services that retain employment                                              85%

(2) Labor relations division:

The purpose of the labor relations program is to provide employment rights information and other work-site-based assistance to employers and employees.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits            1,153.0                     768.9        148.4      2,070.3

      (b)  Contractual services            39.6                      25.4                      65.0

      (c)  Other                        299.3                   1,354.7         30.6      1,684.6

      (d)  Other financing uses                      1,249.0                                1,249.0

      Authorized FTE: 31.00 Permanent; 2.00 Term

The internal service funds/interagency transfers appropriations to the labor relations program of the workforce solutions department include nine hundred thousand dollars ($900,000) from the worker's compensation administration fund. 

(3) Workforce technology division:

The purpose of the workforce technology program is to provide and maintain customer-focused, effective and innovative information technology services for the department and its service providers.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits              613.4                                2,227.0      2,840.4

      (b)  Contractual services         4,949.0                                  800.0      5,749.0

      (c)  Other                      1,220.6                   1,800.0        892.0      3,912.6

      (d)  Other financing uses                      1,800.0                                1,800.0


      Authorized FTE: 30.00 Permanent; 6.00 Term

      Performance measures:

      (a) Outcome:      Percent of time unemployment insurance benefits are paid  

                        within two business days of claimant certification                          100%

(4) Business services division:

The purpose of the business services program is to provide standardized business solution strategies and labor market information through the New Mexico public workforce system that is responsive to the needs of New Mexico businesses.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits               46.3                      30.0      1,876.7      1,953.0

      (b)  Contractual services                                                3,087.0      3,087.0

      (c)  Other                         48.0                                5,104.1      5,152.1

      (d)  Other financing uses                         30.0                                   30.0

      Authorized FTE: 22.00 Permanent; 7.00 Term

      Performance measures:

      (a) Output:       Number of personal contacts made by field office personnel  

                        with New Mexico businesses to inform them of available  

                        services                                                                  75,000

(5) Program support:

The purpose of program support is to provide overall leadership, direction and administrative support to each agency program to achieve organizational goals and objectives.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits                                      1,379.9      5,787.3      7,167.2

      (b)  Contractual services            61.7                     274.7        310.7        647.1

      (c)  Other                                                  681.5     13,586.6     14,268.1

      (d)  Other financing uses                      2,336.1                                2,336.1

      Authorized FTE: 82.00 Permanent; 17.00 Term

Notwithstanding the provisions of Sections 9-27-20 and 9-27-25 NMSA 1978, the workforce solutions department shall award a contract for the operation of the toll-free phone number for unemployment insurance claims through a competitive sealed bid or competitive sealed proposal process pursuant to the Procurement Code.

      Subtotal                          [9,691.2]    [9,981.0]   [10,881.0]   [49,477.7]    80,030.9


(1) Workers’ compensation administration:

The purpose of the workers' compensation administration program is to assure the quick and efficient delivery of indemnity and medical benefits to injured and disabled workers at a reasonable cost to employers.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits                         8,118.3                                8,118.3

      (b)  Contractual services                        355.0                                  355.0

      (c)  Other                                   1,580.0                                1,580.0

      (d)  Other financing uses                        900.0                                  900.0

      Performance measures:

      (a) Outcome:      Rate of serious injuries and illnesses caused by workplace  

                        conditions per one hundred workers                                          0.62

      (b) Outcome:      Percent of employers referred for investigation that are  

                        determined to be in compliance with insurance requirements  

                        of the Workers' Compensation Act                                            85%

      (c) Output:       Number of first reports of injury processed                              37,200

(2) Uninsured employers’ fund:


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits                           308.0                                  308.0

      (b)  Contractual services                         65.0                                   65.0

      (c)  Other                                     852.3                                  852.3

      Subtotal                                      [12,178.6]                              12,178.6


(1) Rehabilitation services:

The purpose of the rehabilitation services program is to promote opportunities for people with disabilities to become more independent and productive by empowering individuals with disabilities so they may maximize their employment, economic self-sufficiency, independence and inclusion and integration into society.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits            2,663.8                                9,842.3     12,506.1

      (b)  Contractual services           165.0                                  612.0        777.0

      (c)  Other                      1,650.6        100.0        466.0     12,929.4     15,146.0       Authorized FTE: 186.50 Permanent; 14.00 Term

The internal service funds/interagency transfers appropriation to the rehabilitation services program of the division of vocational rehabilitation in the other category includes four hundred sixty-six thousand dollars ($466,000) to match with federal funds to support and enhance deaf and hard-of-hearing rehabilitation services.

      Any unexpended or unencumbered balance in the division of vocational rehabilitation remaining at the end of fiscal year 2015 from appropriations made from the general fund shall not revert to the general fund. 

      Performance measures:

      (a) Outcome:      Number of clients achieving suitable employment for a  

                        minimum of ninety days                                                      850

      (b) Outcome:      Percent of clients achieving suitable employment outcomes  

                        of all cases closed after receiving planned services                         56%

(2) Independent living services:

The purpose of the independent living services program is to increase access for individuals with disabilities to technologies and services needed for various applications in learning, working and home management.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits               35.1                                                35.1

      (b)  Other                      1,171.5                                  250.0      1,421.5

      Authorized FTE: 0.50 Permanent

      Performance measures:

      (a) Output:       Number of independent living plans developed                                875

      (b) Output:       Number of individuals served for independent living                       1,000

(3) Disability determination:

The purpose of the disability determination program is to produce accurate and timely eligibility determinations to social security disability applicants so they may receive benefits.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits                                                   6,261.2      6,261.2

      (b)  Contractual services                                                  339.1        339.1

      (c)  Other                                                            10,195.9     10,195.9

      Authorized FTE: 90.00 Permanent; 6.00 Term

      Performance measures:

      (a) Efficiency:   Average number of days for completing an initial disability  

                        claim                                                                         90

      (b) Quality:      Percent of initial disability determinations completed  

                        accurately                                                                98.8%

      Subtotal                          [5,686.0]      [100.0]      [466.0]   [40,429.9]    46,681.9


(1) Governor’s commission on disability:

The purpose of the governor's commission on disability is to promote policies and programs that focus on common issues faced by New Mexicans with disabilities, regardless of type of disability, age or other factors. The commission educates state administrators, legislators and the general public on the issues facing New Mexicans with disabilities, especially as they relate to Americans with Disabilities Act directives, building codes, disability technologies and disability culture so they can improve the quality of life of New Mexicans with disabilities.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits              698.0                                  222.4        920.4

      (b)  Contractual services           138.6                                  110.2        248.8

      (c)  Other                        130.2         77.2                     100.0        307.4

      Performance measures:

      (a) Output:       Number of meetings held to develop collaborative  

                        partnerships with other state agencies and private  

                        disability agencies to ensure that quality of life issues  

                        for New Mexicans with disabilities are being addressed                      500

      (b) Outcome:      Percent of requested architectural plan reviews and site  

                        inspection completed                                                        80%

(2) Brain injury advisory council:

The purpose of the brain injury advisory council program is to provide guidance on the use and implementation of programs provided through the human services department’s brain injury services fund so the department may align service delivery with needs identified by the brain injury community.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits               67.8                                                67.8

      (b)  Contractual services            34.2                                                34.2

      (c)  Other                         18.9                                                18.9       Subtotal                          [1,087.7]       [77.2]                   [432.6]     1,597.5


(1) Developmental disabilities planning council:

The purpose of the developmental disabilities planning council program is to provide and produce opportunities for persons with disabilities so they may realize their dreams and potential and become integrated members of society.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits              444.5                                  156.4        600.9

      (b)  Contractual services            56.7                                  273.0        329.7

      (c)  Other                        232.0                      75.0         50.0        357.0

(2) Office of guardianship:

The purpose of the office of guardianship program is to enter into, monitor and enforce guardianship contracts for income-eligible persons and to help file, investigate and resolve complaints about guardianship services provided by contractors to maintain the dignity, safety and security of the indigent and incapacitated adults of the state.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits              363.7                                               363.7

      (b)  Contractual services         3,905.7                     639.0                   4,544.7

      (c)  Other                         71.2                                                71.2 Any unexpended balances in the office of guardianship of the developmental disabilities planning council remaining at the end of fiscal year 2015 from appropriations made from the general fund and internal service funds/interagency transfers shall not revert to the general fund. 

      Performance measures:

      (a) Outcome:      Percent of protected persons properly served with the least  

                        restrictive means, as evidenced by an annual technical  

                        compliance audit                                                             98%

      Subtotal                          [5,073.8]                   [714.0]      [479.4]     6,267.2


(1) Healthcare:

The purpose of the healthcare program is to provide quality acute care, long-term care and related health services to the beneficiaries of the miners' trust fund of New Mexico and the people of the region so they can maintain optimal health and quality of life.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits                        12,340.4                     144.5     12,484.9

      (b)  Contractual services                      3,828.0                      98.0      3,926.0

      (c)  Other                                   5,721.6                      81.5      5,803.1

      (d)  Other financing uses                                   5,800.0                   5,800.0       Authorized FTE: 210.50 Permanent; 13.50 Term

The internal service funds/interagency transfers appropriation to the healthcare program of miners' hospital of New Mexico in the other financing uses category includes five million eight hundred thousand dollars ($5,800,000) from the miners' trust fund. 

      Performance measures:

      (a) Outcome:      Annual percent of healthcare-associated infections                         <1.5%

      (b) Outcome:      Rate of unassisted patient falls per one thousand patient  

                        days in the long-term care facility                                          <5%

      (c) Quality:      Percent of patients readmitted to the hospital within  

                        thirty days with the same or similar diagnosis                               <5%

      Subtotal                                      [21,890.0]    [5,800.0]      [324.0]    28,014.0


(1) Public health:

The purpose of the public health program is to provide a coordinated system of community-based public health services focusing on disease prevention and health promotion to improve health status, reduce disparities and ensure timely access to quality, culturally competent health care.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits           26,165.6      1,736.0      2,279.5     21,293.7     51,474.8

      (b)  Contractual services        20,535.1      4,099.0     10,474.4     10,388.6     45,497.1

      (c)  Other                     16,695.7     26,486.2        248.6     43,224.7     86,655.2

      (d)  Other financing uses           551.2                                               551.2       Authorized FTE: 318.50 Permanent; 581.50 Term

Any unexpended balances in the public health program of the department of health in the contractual services category from appropriations made from the internal service funds/interagency transfers from the county-supported medicaid fund for the support of primary healthcare services related to the Rural Primary Health Care Act remaining at the end of fiscal year 2015 shall not revert.

      The internal service funds/interagency transfers appropriations to the public health program of the department of health include five million six hundred eighty-two thousand dollars ($5,682,000) from the tobacco settlement program fund for smoking cessation and prevention programs, seven hundred forty-eight thousand dollars ($748,000) from the tobacco settlement program fund for diabetes prevention and control services, two hundred ninety-three thousand dollars ($293,000) from the tobacco settlement program fund for human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immune deficiency syndrome prevention, services and medicine and one hundred twenty-eight thousand six hundred dollars ($128,600) from the tobacco settlement program fund for breast and cervical cancer screening. 

      Performance measures:

      (a) Output:       Percent of preschoolers (ages nineteen to thirty-five  

                        months) fully immunized                                                      85%

      (b) Quality:      Percent of students using school-based health centers who  

                        receive a comprehensive well exam                                            50%

      (c) Outcome:      Percent of teens participating in pregnancy prevention  

                        programs who report not being pregnant, or being  

                        responsible for getting someone pregnant, during the school  

                        year following participation at the end of the school year                  100%

(2) Epidemiology and response:

The purpose of the epidemiology and response program is to monitor health, provide health information, prevent disease and injury, promote health and healthy behaviors, respond to public health events, prepare for health emergencies and provide emergency medical and vital registration services to New Mexicans.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits            4,177.1        945.6        261.8      6,970.0     12,354.5

      (b)  Contractual services           652.9        207.5        119.1      3,217.6      4,197.1

      (c)  Other                      3,522.6        349.1         58.9      2,559.7      6,490.3

      Authorized FTE: 47.00 Permanent; 129.00 Term

      Performance measures:

      (a) Outcome:      Ratio of infant pertussis cases to total pertussis cases of  

                        all ages                                                                    1:15

(3) Laboratory services:

The purpose of the laboratory services program is to provide laboratory analysis and scientific expertise for policy development for tax-supported public health, environment and toxicology programs in the state of New Mexico to provide timely identification of threats to the health of New Mexicans.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits            5,651.6      1,300.0                   1,122.7      8,074.3

      (b)  Contractual services           135.9         37.2                      17.7        190.8

      (c)  Other                      2,601.2      1,194.1                     998.3      4,793.6

      Authorized FTE: 87.00 Permanent; 49.00 Term

      Performance measures:

      (a) Efficiency:   Percent of blood alcohol tests from  

                        driving-while-intoxicated cases completed and reported to  

                        law enforcement within fifteen business days                                 90%

      (b) Efficiency:   Percent of office of medical investigator cause-of-death  

                        toxicology cases that are completed and reported to the  

                        office of medical investigator within sixty business days                    90%

(4) Facilities management:

The purpose of the facilities management program is to provide oversight for department of health facilities that provide health and behavioral healthcare services, including mental health, substance abuse, nursing home and rehabilitation programs in both facility- and community-based settings, and serve as the safety net for the citizens of New Mexico.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits           43,651.7     58,403.3        716.0                 102,771.0

      (b)  Contractual services         4,690.3      6,001.6                               10,691.9

      (c)  Other                     11,038.1     11,955.6                               22,993.7

      Authorized FTE: 2,067.50 Permanent; 5.00 Term; 15.00 Temporary

      Performance measures:

      (a) Output:       Percent of staffed beds filled at all agency facilities                      90%

      (b) Explanatory:  Percent of uncompensated care at all agency facilities                       20%

      (c) Outcome:      Percent of long-term care patients experiencing one or more  

                        falls with injury                                                           3.3%

(5) Developmental disabilities support:

The purpose of the developmental disabilities support program is to administer a statewide system of community-based services and support to improve the quality of life and increase the independence and interdependence of individuals with developmental disabilities and children with or at risk for developmental delay or disability and their families.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits            5,650.9                   5,732.9        466.4     11,850.2

      (b)  Contractual services        10,931.5      1,200.0      2,864.7      1,261.2     16,257.4

      (c)  Other                     20,226.9                   1,315.8      1,080.7     22,623.4

      (d)  Other financing uses       111,492.0                                           111,492.0

      Authorized FTE: 78.00 Permanent; 97.00 Term

The general fund appropriation to the developmental disabilities support program of the department of health in the other financing uses category includes one hundred four million three hundred fifty thousand dollars ($104,350,000) for medicaid waiver services in local communities: one million two hundred sixty-one thousand five hundred dollars ($1,261,500) for medically fragile services and one hundred three million eighty-eight thousand five hundred dollars ($103,088,500) for services to the developmentally disabled. 

      Performance measures:

      (a) Outcome:      Percent of adults receiving developmental disabilities day  

                        services who are engaged in community-integrated employment                  36%

      (b) Efficiency:   Percent of developmental disabilities waiver applicants who  

                        have a service plan in place within ninety days of income  

                        and clinical eligibility determination                                       98%

      (c) Explanatory:  Number of individuals on the developmental disabilities  

                        waiver receiving services                                                  4,725

      (d) Explanatory:  Number of individuals on the developmental disabilities  

                        waiver waiting list                                                        6,100

(6) Health certification, licensing and oversight:

The purpose of the health certification, licensing and oversight program is to provide health facility licensing and certification surveys, community-based oversight and contract compliance surveys and a statewide incident management system so that people in New Mexico have access to quality health care and that vulnerable populations are safe from abuse, neglect and exploitation.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits            3,729.7      1,171.3      3,126.9      1,968.1      9,996.0

      (b)  Contractual services           334.8        131.4         12.6          8.4        487.2

      (c)  Other                        547.7      1,023.8        454.5        410.6      2,436.6

      Authorized FTE: 45.00 Permanent; 104.00 Term

      Performance measures:

      (a) Output:       Percent of abuse, neglect and exploitation incidents for  

                        community-based programs investigated within forty-five days                 96%

(7) Medical cannabis:

The purpose of the medical cannabis program is to provide qualified patients with the means to legally and beneficially consume medical cannabis in a regulated system for alleviating symptoms caused by debilitating medical conditions and their medical treatments and to regulate a system of production and distribution of medical cannabis to ensure an adequate supply.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits                           591.4                                  591.4

      (b)  Contractual services                         90.1                                   90.1

      (c)  Other                                      83.5                                   83.5

      Authorized FTE: 7.00 Term

(8) Administration:

The purpose of the administration program is to provide leadership, policy development, information technology, administrative and legal support to the department of health so it achieves a high level of accountability and excellence in services provided to the people of New Mexico.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits            5,170.4                     444.5      4,281.9      9,896.8

      (b)  Contractual services         2,779.9         50.6        134.4      1,294.6      4,259.5

      (c)  Other                      4,263.5          5.5         24.6        684.0      4,977.6

      Authorized FTE: 129.00 Permanent; 5.00 Term

      Subtotal                        [305,196.3]  [117,062.8]   [28,269.2]  [101,248.9]   551,777.2


(1) Environmental health:

The purpose of the environmental health program is to protect public health and the environment through specific programs that provide regulatory oversight over food service and food processing facilities, compliance with the Safe Drinking Water Act, regulation of on-site treatment and disposal of liquid wastes, regulation of public swimming pools and baths, application of the mosquito abatement regulation and oversight of the waste isolation pilot plant transportation.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits            4,433.8                   9,473.6      1,880.0     15,787.4

      (b)  Contractual services                                   3,301.8         35.6      3,337.4

      (c)  Other                        726.8                   1,617.4        166.5      2,510.7       Authorized FTE: 133.50 Permanent; 103.00 Term

      Performance measures:

      (a) Outcome:      Percent of high-risk food-related violations corrected  

                        within the timeframes noted on the inspection report issued  

                        to permitted commercial food establishments                                 100%

      (b) Output:       Percent of public water systems surveyed to ensure  

                        compliance with drinking water regulations                                   96%

      (c) Efficiency:   Percent of public drinking water systems inspected within  

                        one week of confirmation of system problems that might  

                        acutely impact public health                                                100%

      (d) Output:       Percent of large quantity hazardous waste generators  

                        inspected                                                                    24%

(2) Resource protection:

The purpose of the resource protection program is to protect the quality of New Mexico’s ground- and surface-water resources to ensure clean and safe water supplies are available now and in the future to support domestic, agricultural, economic and recreational activities and provide healthy habitat for fish, plants and wildlife and to ensure that hazardous waste generation, storage, treatment and disposal are conducted in a manner protective of public health and environmental quality.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits            1,803.1                   4,007.0      6,077.8     11,887.9

      (b)  Contractual services                                     266.7      3,811.1      4,077.8

      (c)  Other                        137.5                     832.9      1,134.9      2,105.3

      (d)  Other financing uses                                                  100.0        100.0

      Authorized FTE: 47.00 Permanent; 133.5 Term

      Performance measures:

      (a) Output:       Percent of groundwater discharge permitted facilities  

                        receiving annual field inspections and compliance  

                        evaluations                                                                  52%

      (b) Outcome:      Percent of permitted facilities where monitoring results  

                        demonstrate compliance with groundwater standards                            72%

      (c) Outcome:      Percent of underground storage tank facilities in  

                        significant operational compliance with release prevention  

                        and release detection requirements of the petroleum storage  

                        tanks regulations                                                            70%

(3) Environmental protection:

The purpose of the environmental protection program is to regulate medical radiation and radiological technologist certification, provide public outreach about radon in homes and public buildings, ensure solid waste is handled and disposed without harming natural resources, ensure New Mexicans breathe healthy air and ensure every employee has safe and healthful working conditions.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits            1,870.4                   7,103.5      1,774.3     10,748.2

      (b)  Contractual services            40.6                     557.4        430.8      1,028.8

      (c)  Other                        314.5                   1,264.9        375.0      1,954.4

      Authorized FTE: 69.00 Permanent; 90.00 Term

      Performance measures:

      (a) Outcome:      Annual statewide greenhouse gas emissions                                48.6MMt

      (b) Outcome:      Percent of permitted active solid waste facilities and  

                        infectious waste generators inspected that were found to be  

                        in substantial compliance with the New Mexico solid waste  

                        rules                                                                        85%

      (c) Output:       Percent of radiation-producing machine inspections  

                        completed within the timeframes identified in radiation  

                        control bureau policies                                                     100%

(4) Resource management:

The purpose of the resource management program is to provide overall leadership, administrative, legal and information management support to programs to operate in the most knowledgeable, efficient and cost-effective manner so the public can receive the information it needs to hold the department accountable.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits            1,948.4         27.5      2,458.8      1,685.6      6,120.3

      (b)  Contractual services           235.7         69.6        191.7        317.8        814.8

      (c)  Other                        374.4          2.9        248.2        180.6        806.1

      Authorized FTE: 46.00 Permanent; 31.00 Term

      Performance measures:

      (a) Output:       Percent of enforcement actions brought within one year of  

                        inspection or documentation of violation                                     96%

(5) Special revenue funds:


      (a)  Contractual services                      3,000.0                                3,000.0

      (b)  Other                                  15,000.0                               15,000.0

      (c)  Other financing uses                     27,618.0                               27,618.0       Subtotal                         [11,885.2]   [45,718.0]   [31,323.9]   [17,970.0]   106,897.1


(1) Natural resource damage assessment and restoration:

The purpose of the natural resource damage assessment and restoration program is to restore or replace natural resources injured or lost due to releases of hazardous substances or oil into the environment.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits              197.6         61.9                                  259.5

      (b)  Contractual services             7.9      1,962.4                                1,970.3

      (c)  Other                         41.5                                                41.5

      Performance measures:

      (a) Outcome:      Number of acres of habitat restoration                                       750

      (b) Outcome:      Number of acre-feet of water conserved through restoration                   750

      Subtotal                            [247.0]    [2,024.3]                               2,271.3


(1) Veterans’ services:

The purpose of the veterans' services program is to carry out the mandates of the New Mexico legislature and the governor to provide information and assistance to veterans and their eligible dependents to obtain the benefits to which they are entitled to improve their quality of life.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits            2,049.8                                  249.7      2,299.5

      (b)  Contractual services           802.7                                   11.5        814.2

      (c)  Other                        234.2         71.9                      56.8        362.9

      Performance measures:

      (a) Output:       Number of veterans served by veterans' services department  

                        field offices                                                             36,000

      (b) Output:       Number of homeless veterans provided overnight shelter for  

                        a period of two weeks or more                                                180

      (c) Output:       Compensation received by New Mexico veterans as a result of  

                        the department's contracts with veterans' organizations, in  

                        millions                                                                    $190

      (d) Output:       Number of property tax waiver and exemption certificates  

                        issued to New Mexico veterans                                              8,000

      Subtotal                          [3,086.7]       [71.9]                   [318.0]     3,476.6


(1) Juvenile justice facilities:

The purpose of the juvenile justice facilities program is to provide rehabilitative services to youth committed to the department, including medical, educational, mental health and other services that will support their rehabilitation.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits           51,098.7      2,764.3        565.6         34.2     54,462.8

      (b)  Contractual services        10,036.8                     509.4      1,000.4     11,546.6

      (c)  Other                      6,320.2                     316.1         25.8      6,662.1       Authorized FTE: 930.30 Permanent; 3.00 Term

The general fund appropriation to the juvenile justice facilities program of the children, youth and families department in the personal services and employee benefits category includes nine hundred sixty-nine thousand dollars ($969,000) for compensation increases to enhance recruitment and retention. 

      Performance measures:

      (a) Outcome:      Percent of clients who successfully complete formal  

                        probation                                                                    70%

      (b) Outcome:      Percent of incidents in juvenile justice services  

                        facilities requiring use of force resulting in injury                       1.5%

      (c) Outcome:      Percent of clients recommitted to a children, youth and  

                        families department facility within two years of discharge  

                        from facilities                                                               9%

      (d) Outcome:      Percent of juvenile justice division facility clients age  

                        eighteen and older who enter adult corrections within two  

                        years after discharge from a juvenile justice facility                        6%

      (e) Output:       Number of physical assaults in juvenile justice facilities                 <260

(2) Protective services:

The purpose of the protective services program is to receive and investigate referrals of child abuse and neglect and provide family preservation and treatment and legal services to vulnerable children and their families to ensure their safety and well-being.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits           39,587.4                   1,200.0     10,745.5     51,532.9

      (b)  Contractual services        11,573.1        822.4         79.4      9,726.4     22,201.3

      (c)  Other                     24,802.2      1,950.0                  27,621.6     54,373.8

      (d)  Other financing uses                                                2,475.0      2,475.0       Authorized FTE: 842.80 Permanent; 6.00 Term

The general fund appropriation to the protective services program of the children, youth and families department in the personal services and employee benefits category includes six hundred thirty-six thousand nine hundred thousand dollars ($636,900) for compensation increases to enhance recruitment and retention. 

      Performance measures:

      (a) Outcome:      Percent of adult victims or survivors receiving domestic  

                        violence services who have an individualized safety plan                     93%

      (b) Outcome:      Percent of children who are not the subject of  

                        substantiated maltreatment within six months of a prior  

                        determination of substantiated maltreatment                                  93%

      (c) Output:       Percent of children who are not the subject of  

                        substantiated maltreatment while in foster care                            99.7%

(3) Early childhood services:

The purpose of the early childhood services program is to provide quality childcare, nutrition services, early childhood education and training to enhance the physical, social and emotional growth and development of children.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits            3,199.8                                4,922.3      8,122.1

      (b)  Contractual services        16,760.6                   5,213.5      4,701.1     26,675.2

      (c)  Other                     40,907.2      2,875.0     40,829.4     73,697.7    158,309.3  

      Authorized FTE: 121.50 Permanent; 44.00 Term

The internal service funds/interagency transfers appropriations to the early childhood services program of the children, youth and families department include thirty-eight million six hundred twenty-seven thousand five hundred dollars ($38,627,500) for childcare programs, including two hundred fifty thousand dollars ($250,000) for prekindergarten from the temporary assistance for needy families block grant to New Mexico.

      The general fund appropriations to the early childhood services program of the children, youth and families department include one million five hundred thousand dollars ($1,500,000) to pilot extended day prekindergarten, an additional seven hundred thousand dollars ($700,000) for childcare assistance provider education programs, five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000) for high-quality early childhood development center planning grants and an additional two million five hundred thousand dollars ($2,500,000) for home-visiting programs. 

      Performance measures:

      (a) Outcome:      Percent of children receiving state subsidy in stars/aim  

                        high programs level three through five or with national  

                        accreditation                                                                35%

      (b) Outcome:      Percent of licensed childcare providers participating in  

                        stars/aim high levels three through five or with national  

                        accreditations                                                               30%

      (c) Outcome:      Percent of children in state-funded prekindergarten showing  

                        measurable progress on the preschool readiness kindergarten  

                        tool                                                                         92%

(4) Program support:

The purpose of program support is to provide the direct services divisions with functional and administrative support so they may provide client services consistent with the department's mission and also support the development and professionalism of employees.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits            8,831.7                                3,168.3     12,000.0

      (b)  Contractual services         1,648.1                      71.5        314.1      2,033.7

      (c)  Other                      2,758.8                                2,063.6      4,822.4

      Authorized FTE: 155.00 Permanent; 4.00 Term

      Performance measures:

      (a) Outcome:      Turnover rate for youth care specialists                                     15%

      (b) Efficiency:   Average number of days to fill positions from the  

                        advertisement close date to candidate start date                              65

(5) Behavioral health services:

The purpose of the behavioral health services program is to provide coordination and management of behavioral health policy, programs and services for children.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits            2,166.3                     285.7                   2,452.0

      (b)  Contractual services        10,146.3                     426.3                  10,572.6

      (c)  Other                        557.3                                               557.3

      Authorized FTE: 30.00 Permanent; 9.00 Term

      Performance measures:

      (a) Outcome:      Percent of youth hospitalized for treatment of selected  

                        mental health disorders who receive a follow-up with a  

                        mental health practitioner within seven calendar days after  

                        discharge                                                                    50%

      (b) Outcome:      Percent of youth who show improvement in the substance  

                        disorder domain of the global assessment of individual need  

                        short screen                                                                 50%

      Subtotal                        [230,394.5]    [8,411.7]   [49,496.9]  [140,496.0]   428,799.1

TOTAL HEALTH, HOSPITALS              1,635,539.2    329,164.1    277,977.3  4,911,041.8  7,153,722.4

AND HUMAN SERVICES                                                                                G. PUBLIC SAFETYDEPARTMENT OF MILITARY AFFAIRS:

(1) National guard support:

The purpose of the national guard support program is to provide administrative, fiscal, personnel, facility construction and maintenance support to the New Mexico national guard in maintaining a high degree of readiness to respond to state and federal missions and to supply an experienced force to protect the public, provide direction for youth and improve the quality of life for New Mexicans.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits            3,089.3                                4,858.7      7,948.0

      (b)  Contractual services           509.3                                3,577.3      4,086.6

      (c)  Other                      3,288.2         81.4                   3,713.2      7,082.8

      Performance measures:

      (a) Outcome:      Rate of attrition of the New Mexico army national guard                      14%

      (b) Output:       Number of New Mexico youth challenge academy cadets who  

                        earn their high school equivalency annually                                  110

      Subtotal                          [6,886.8]       [81.4]                [12,149.2]    19,117.4


(1) Adult parole:

The purpose of the adult parole program is to provide and establish parole conditions and guidelines for inmates and parolees so they may reintegrate back into the community as law-abiding citizens.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits              347.6                                               347.6

      (b)  Contractual services             7.7                                                 7.7

      (c)  Other                        134.5                                               134.5

      Performance measures:

      (a) Efficiency:   Percent of revocation hearings held within thirty days of a  

                        parolee's return to the corrections department                               95%

      (b) Outcome:      Percent of parole certificates issued within ten days of  

                        hearing or ten days of receiving all relevant information  

                        needed                                                                     95.0%

      Subtotal                            [489.8]                                              489.8


The purpose of the juvenile public safety advisory board is to monitor each youth's rehabilitative process through therapy and support services to assure a low risk for reoffending or re-victimizing the community.


      (a)  Contractual services             5.0                                                 5.0

      (b)  Other                         10.0                                                10.0       Subtotal                             [15.0]                                               15.0


(1) Inmate management and control:

The purpose of the inmate management and control program is to incarcerate in a humane, professionally sound manner offenders sentenced to prison and to provide safe and secure prison operations. This includes quality hiring and in-service training of correctional officers, protecting the public from escape risks and protecting prison staff, contractors and inmates from violence exposure to the extent possible within budgetary resources.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits           89,802.6     12,525.7        113.7        143.5    102,585.5

      (b)  Contractual services        44,379.9                      36.0                  44,415.9

      (c)  Other                     98,514.2      1,105.2         83.4         27.7     99,730.5       Authorized FTE: 1,748.00 Permanent; 32.00 Term

The general fund appropriations to the inmate management and control program of the corrections department include one million five hundred seven thousand dollars ($1,507,000) to expand education services for inmates in prison. 

      Performance measures:

      (a) Outcome:      Percent of prisoners reincarcerated back into the  

                        corrections department within thirty-six months due to  

                        technical parole violations                                                  20%

      (b) Output:       Percent of eligible inmates who earn a general educational  

                        development diploma                                                         100%

      (c) Outcome:      Percent of prisoners reincarcerated back into the  

                        corrections department system within thirty-six months due  

                        to new charges or pending charges                                            20%

      (d) Output:       Percent of inmates testing positive for drug use or  

                        refusing to be tested in a random monthly drug test                          ≤2%

      (e) Output:       Number of inmate-on-inmate assaults with serious injury                       15

      (f) Output:       Number of inmate-on-staff assaults with serious injury                         4

      (g) Outcome:      Percent of sex offenders reincarcerated back into the  

                        corrections department within thirty-six months                              25%

(2) Corrections industries:

The purpose of the corrections industries program is to provide training and work experience opportunities for inmates to instill a quality work ethic and to prepare them to perform effectively in an employment position and to reduce idle time of inmates while in prison.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits              150.0      1,573.7                                1,723.7

      (b)  Contractual services                         25.4                                   25.4

      (c)  Other                                   2,405.7                                2,405.7

      Authorized FTE: 29.00 Permanent

(3) Community offender management:

The purpose of the community offender management program is to provide programming and supervision to offenders on probation and parole, with emphasis on high-risk offenders, to better ensure the probability of them becoming law-abiding citizens, to protect the public from undue risk and to provide intermediate sanctions and post-incarceration support services as a cost-effective alternative to incarceration.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits           17,901.1      1,074.8                               18,975.9

      (b)  Contractual services            59.4                                                59.4

      (c)  Other                     11,700.2      1,575.7                               13,275.9       Authorized FTE: 367.00 Permanent

The general fund appropriations to the community offender management program of the corrections department include one million five hundred thousand dollars ($1,500,000) to expand community-based employment, training and educational services; for evidence-based community behavioral health services and wrap-around services; and to expand drug court services in the second judicial district court. 

      Performance measures:

      (a) Outcome:      Percent of out-of-office contacts per month with offenders  

                        on high and extreme supervision on standard caseloads                        92%

      (b) Output:       Percent of male offenders who complete the residential  

                        treatment center program                                                     80%

(4) Program support:

The purpose of program support is to provide quality administrative support and oversight to the department operating units to ensure a clean audit, effective budget, personnel management and cost-effective management information system services.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits           10,203.2        184.0                               10,387.2

      (b)  Contractual services           652.6        412.1                                1,064.7

      (c)  Other                      2,166.0        170.5        249.8                   2,586.3

      Authorized FTE: 157.00 Permanent

      Performance measures:

      (a) Outcome:      Percent turnover of probation and parole officers                            10%

      (b) Outcome:      Percent turnover of correctional officers in public  

                        facilities                                                                   10%

      Subtotal                        [275,529.2]   [21,052.8]      [482.9]      [171.2]   297,236.1


(1) Victim compensation:

The purpose of the victim compensation program is to provide financial assistance and information to victims of violent crime in New Mexico so they can receive services to restore their lives.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits              947.1                                               947.1

      (b)  Contractual services           214.4                                               214.4

      (c)  Other                        707.2        579.5                                1,286.7       Performance measures:

      (a) Efficiency:   Average number of days to process applications                              <105

      (b) Outcome:      Percent of victims receiving direct advocacy                                 90%

(2) Federal grant administration:

The purpose of the federal grant administration program is to provide funding and training to nonprofit providers and public agencies so they can provide services to victims of crime.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits                                                     255.2        255.2

      (b)  Contractual services                                                   28.0         28.0

      (c)  Other                                                             4,192.7      4,192.7

      (d)  Other financing uses                                                  800.0        800.0

      Performance measures:

      (a) Efficiency:   Percent of sub-grantees that receive compliance monitoring  

                        via desk audits                                                              85%

      (b) Outcome:      Percent increase in the number of services provided to  

                        victims of crime by grant sub-recipients                                      2%      Subtotal                          [1,868.7]      [579.5]                 [5,275.9]     7,724.1


(1) Law enforcement:

The purpose of the law enforcement program is to provide the highest quality of law enforcement services to the public and ensure a safer state.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits           56,083.2      1,088.6      3,172.9      1,049.9     61,394.6

      (b)  Contractual services         1,494.5        583.0         84.2        530.0      2,691.7

      (c)  Other                     17,210.0      5,239.4      1,166.4        589.4     24,205.2

      (d)  Other financing uses                                   4,805.0                   4,805.0       Authorized FTE: 775.00 Permanent; 3.00 Term; 24.20 Temporary

The general fund appropriations to the law enforcement program and the motor transportation program of the department of public safety include sufficient funding to bring all state police officers, motor transportation officers and special investigation officers to proper step placement within the state police pay plan. 

      Performance measures:

      (a) Output:       Number of licensed alcohol premises inspections conducted  

                        per agent assigned to alcohol enforcement duties                             150

      (b) Output:       Number of driving-while-intoxicated checkpoints and  

                        saturation patrols conducted                                               1,175

      (c) Outcome:      Number of data-driven crime and traffic initiatives  

                        conducted                                                                    500

(2) Motor transportation:

The purpose of the motor transportation program is to provide the highest quality of commercial motor vehicle enforcement services to the public and ensure a safer state.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits           11,507.3        150.0      1,819.6      2,999.4     16,476.3

      (b)  Contractual services           562.7                   1,800.0      1,383.0      3,745.7

      (c)  Other                      3,869.6                     205.8        647.1      4,722.5       Authorized FTE: 212.50 Permanent; 55.00 Temporary

      Performance measures:

      (a) Output:       Number of commercial motor vehicle citations issued                       30,000

      (b) Output:       Number of commercial motor vehicle safety inspections                     90,000

(3) Statewide law enforcement support program:

The purpose of the statewide law enforcement support program is to promote a safe and secure environment for the state of New Mexico through intelligently led policing practices, vital scientific and technical support, current and relevant training and innovative leadership for the law enforcement community.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits            6,208.0      1,542.2                     563.1      8,313.3

      (b)  Contractual services           417.8        616.5        300.0        300.0      1,634.3

      (c)  Other                      1,948.3      1,815.5         75.0        525.7      4,364.5

      (d)  Other financing uses                                   2,000.0                   2,000.0  

      Authorized FTE: 82.00 Permanent; 40.00 Term

The general fund appropriations to the statewide law enforcement support program of the department of public safety include sufficient funding for all operations at the forensic laboratory in southeastern New Mexico. 

(4) Program support:

The purpose of program support is to manage the agency's financial resources, assist in attracting and retaining a quality workforce and provide sound legal advice and a clean pleasant working environment.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits            3,692.5                      96.8        431.3      4,220.6

      (b)  Contractual services           131.3                       5.0                     136.3

      (c)  Other                      1,296.1                       6.6      2,573.5      3,876.2

      Authorized FTE: 51.00 Permanent; 8.00 Term

The general fund appropriations to program support of the department of public safety include two hundred forty thousand dollars ($240,000) for operations at the New Mexico deoxyribonucleic acid crime lab in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

      Subtotal                        [104,421.3]   [11,035.2]   [15,537.3]   [11,592.4]   142,586.2


(1) Homeland security and emergency management program:

The purpose of the homeland security and emergency management program is to provide for and coordinate an integrated, statewide, comprehensive emergency management system for New Mexico, including all agencies, branches and levels of government for the citizens of New Mexico.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits            1,647.4                     103.3      2,984.4      4,735.1

      (b)  Contractual services            78.8                                1,338.6      1,417.4

      (c)  Other                        775.4        110.0         80.0     34,095.6     35,061.0

      Performance measures:

      (a) Output:       Number of working days between expenditure of federal funds  

                        and request for reimbursement from federal treasury                           15

      (b) Output:       Number of prior-year audit findings resolved                                   2

      Subtotal                          [2,501.6]      [110.0]      [183.3]   [38,418.6]    41,213.5

TOTAL PUBLIC SAFETY                    391,712.4     32,858.9     16,203.5     67,607.3    508,382.1H. TRANSPORTATIONDEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION:

(1) Programs and infrastructure:

The purpose of the programs and infrastructure program is to provide improvements and additions to the state's highway infrastructure to serve the interest of the general public. These improvements include those activities directly related to highway planning, design and construction necessary for a complete system of highways in the state.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits                        22,207.2                   3,715.6     25,922.8

      (b)  Contractual services                     68,035.8                 247,892.8    315,928.6

      (c)  Other                                  69,610.7                 152,849.0    222,459.7       Authorized FTE: 369.00 Permanent; 38.00 Term

Notwithstanding the provisions of Paragraph (1) of Subsection B of Section 6-21-6.8 NMSA 1978 or other substantive law to the contrary, any funds received by the New Mexico finance authority from the department of transportation in fiscal year 2015 as an annual administrative fee for issuing state transportation bonds pursuant to Sections 67-3-59.3 NMSA 1978 and 67-3-59.4 NMSA 1978 shall not be deposited into the local transportation infrastructure fund.

      The state transportation commission shall report to the legislature and the legislative finance committee the progress of publishing a fee schedule to reflect fair market value and charging and collecting fees pursuant to the fee schedule from a utility that places equipment along, across, over or under public highways over which the state transportation commission or department controls the rights-of-way. 

      Performance measures:

      (a) Explanatory:  Annual number of riders on park and ride                                >275,000

      (b) Explanatory:  Annual number of riders on the rail runner, in millions                     >1.3

      (c) Outcome:      Number of traffic fatalities                                                <330

      (d) Outcome:      Number of alcohol-related traffic fatalities                                <130

      (e) Outcome:      Number of non-alcohol-related traffic fatalities                            <215

      (f) Outcome:      Number of crashes in established safety corridors                           <600

      (g) Outcome:      Percent of projects in production let as scheduled                          >75%

      (h) Quality:      Percent of final cost-over-bid amount (less gross receipts  

                        tax) on highway construction projects                                      <3.0%

      (i) Outcome:      Percent of bridges in fair condition or better (based on  

                        deck area)                                                                  >75%

(2) Transportation and highway operations:

The purpose of the transportation and highway operations program is to maintain and provide improvements to the state's highway infrastructure to serve the interest of the general public. These improvements include those activities directly related to preserving roadway integrity and maintaining open highway access throughout the state system.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits                        92,111.5                   3,000.0     95,111.5

      (b)  Contractual services                     54,330.9                               54,330.9

      (c)  Other                                  76,710.7                               76,710.7       Authorized FTE: 1,820.00 Permanent; 16.70 Term

      Performance measures:

      (a) Output:       Number of statewide pavement preservation lane miles                      >2,500

      (b) Outcome:      Percent of non-interstate lane miles rated good                             >85%

      (c) Output:       Number of damage claims submitted each year                                  <20

      (d) Outcome:      Percent of non-national highway system lane miles rated good                >75%

      (e) Outcome:      Number of combined systemwide non-interstate miles in  

                        deficient condition                                                       <3,000

(3) Program support:

The purpose of program support is to provide management and administration of financial and human resources, custody and maintenance of information and property and the management of construction and maintenance projects.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits                        26,223.7                               26,223.7

      (b)  Contractual services                      4,035.4                                4,035.4

      (c)  Other                                  12,241.6                               12,241.6       Authorized FTE: 242.00 Permanent; 1.80 Term

      Performance measures:

      (a) Quality:      Number of external audit findings                                             <6

      (b) Quality:      Percent of prior-year audit findings resolved                               >80%

      (c) Outcome:      Vacancy rate in all programs                                                <10%

      Subtotal                                     [425,507.5]               [407,457.4]   832,964.9

TOTAL TRANSPORTATION                                425,507.5                 407,457.4    832,964.9I. OTHER EDUCATIONPUBLIC EDUCATION DEPARTMENT:

The purpose of the public education department is to provide a public education to all students. The secretary of public education is responsible to the governor for the operation of the department. It is the secretary's duty to manage all operations of the department and to administer and enforce the laws with which the secretary or the department is charged. To do this, the department is focusing on leadership and support, productivity, building capacity, accountability, communication and fiscal responsibility.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits            9,857.6      2,323.4         36.0      7,008.9     19,225.9

      (b)  Contractual services         1,100.2        828.3                  19,993.5     21,922.0

      (c)  Other                        862.0        656.3                     992.1      2,510.4       Authorized FTE: 145.90 Permanent; 93.90 Term; 1.00 Temporary

The general fund appropriations to the public education department include seven hundred fifty thousand dollars ($750,000) for operating and maintaining the operating budget management system and student teacher accountability reporting system contingent on the public education department granting access to these systems to the legislative finance committee and the legislative education study committee. 

      Performance measures:

      (a) Outcome:      Average processing time for school district federal  

                        budget adjustment requests processed, in days                                  7

      (b) Outcome:      Percent change from the preliminary unit value to the final  

                        unit value                                                                   <2%

      (c) Explanatory:  Number of eligible children served in state-funded  

                        prekindergarten                                                              TBD

      (d) Explanatory:  Number of elementary schools participating in the  

                        state-funded elementary school breakfast program                            TBD

      Subtotal                         [11,819.8]    [3,808.0]       [36.0]   [27,994.5]    43,658.3



      (a)  Northwest:                                  670.0                     350.0      1,020.0

      (b)  Northeast:                                  400.0                   1,410.0      1,810.0

      (c)  Lea county:                                 530.0                     360.0        890.0

      (d)  Pecos valley:                             1,500.0                     590.0      2,090.0

      (e)  Southwest:                                1,270.0                                1,270.0

      (f)  Central:                                  2,230.0                     410.0      2,640.0

      (g)  High plains:                              2,660.0                   1,410.0      4,070.0

      (h)  Clovis:                                   1,160.0                      28.0      1,188.0

      (i)  Ruidoso:                                  3,430.0                   1,180.0      4,610.0       Subtotal                                      [13,850.0]                 [5,738.0]    19,588.0



      (a)  Breakfast for elementary                                                  

            students                     1,924.6                                             1,924.6

      (b)  Regional education                                                        

            cooperatives operations        738.2                                               738.2

      (c)  Prekindergarten program     22,450.0                                            22,450.0

      (d)  Graduation, reality and dual                                              

            -role skills program           200.0                                               200.0

      (e)  New Mexico cyber academy       890.0                                               890.0

      (f)  Mock trials program            102.1                                               102.1

      (g)  Kindergarten-three plus     25,950.0                                            25,950.0

      (h)  Advanced placement           1,000.0                                             1,000.0

      (i)  Early reading initiative    13,500.0                                            13,500.0

      (j)  Teaching support for                                                      

            low-income students            500.0                                               500.0

      (k)  Intervention for D and F                                                  

            schools                      4,000.0                                             4,000.0

      (l)  Statewide formative                                                       

            assessments for fourth

            through tenth grade students 2,000.0                                             2,000.0

      (m)  Early college high school                                                 

            start up                       500.0                                               500.0

In setting the reimbursement amount for the summer 2014 kindergarten-three-plus program, the secretary of public education shall use the final unit value set for school year 2013-2014 as the basis for funding June, July and August 2014 kindergarten-three-plus programs.

      A regional education cooperative may submit an application to the public education department for an allocation from the seven hundred thirty-eight thousand two hundred dollar ($738,200) appropriation. The public education department may allocate amounts to a regional education cooperative provided the regional education cooperative’s application adequately justified a need for the allocation and the department finds the regional education cooperative submitted timely quarterly financial reports, is in compliance with state and federal financial reporting requirements, including annual audit requirements pursuant to the Audit Act, and is otherwise financially stable. An allocation made to a regional education cooperative may only be used for current-year operating expenses

      Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 32A-23-9 NMSA 1978 or other substantive law, the general fund appropriation to the public education department for the prekindergarten program includes no more than one million dollars ($1,000,000) for administrative and program support and no less than twenty-one million four hundred fifty thousand dollars ($21,450,000) to fund direct student participation. Of the twenty-one million four hundred fifty thousand dollars ($21,450,000) for direct student participation, one million five hundred thousand dollars ($1,500,000) shall be used by the public education department for an extended day prekindergarten pilot program during the 2014-2015 school year.

      The general fund appropriation to the public education department of thirteen million five hundred thousand dollars ($13,500,000) for the early reading initiative is contingent on enactment of an early literacy intervention bill during the second session of the fifty-first legislature.

      The general fund appropriation to the public education department for the early reading initiative includes six million eight hundred thousand dollars ($6,800,000) to be transferred to the teacher professional development fund for training on effective reading instruction and data-driven decision-making, for regional and district reading coaches, for intervention support in school districts and to support teachers with the implementation of a common formative assessment tool and reading interventions.

      The general fund appropriation to the public education department for teaching assistance for low-income students includes five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000) for a nonprofit organization with the primary purpose of recruiting recent college graduates and professionals who have a record of demonstrated achievement to teach for two years in low-income urban and rural public schools to provide teaching support in schools with at least sixty percent of the enrolled students eligible for free or reduced-fee lunch, with a priority for schools with eighty-five percent or more of the students enrolled in the school eligible for free or reduced-fee lunch. The public education department shall enter into a contract with a nonprofit organization no later than September 1, 2014.

      The general fund appropriation to the public education department for interventions in D and F schools is contingent on the department allocating the funds to schools rated D or F for both the 2012-2013 and 2013-2014 school years pursuant to the A-B-C-D-F Schools Rating Act. The appropriation includes one million dollars ($1,000,000) to be allocated to two or more New Mexico universities for a collaborative school principal leadership program involving one or more college of education and one or more business college.

      The general fund appropriation to the public education department for early college high school start up shall be distributed to a minimum of two new early college high schools. The remaining balance may be used for either start up of additional early college high schools or for continued development of existing early college high schools.

      Any unexpended balances in the special appropriations to the public education department remaining at the end of fiscal year 2015 from appropriations made from the general fund shall revert to the general fund.

       Subtotal                         [73,754.9]                                           73,754.9


The purpose of the public school facilities oversight program is to oversee public school facilities in all eighty-nine school districts to ensure correct and prudent planning, building and maintenance using state funds and to ensure adequacy of all facilities in accordance with public education department approved educational programs.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits                         4,191.0                                4,191.0

      (b)  Contractual services                        179.5                                  179.5

      (c)  Other                                   1,253.4                                1,253.4  Performance measures:

      (a) Outcome:      Percent of projects meeting all contingencies completed  

                        within the specified period of awards                                        95%

      (b) Explanatory:  Statewide public school facility maintenance assessment  

                        report score measured at December 31 of prior calendar year                  TBD

      (c) Explanatory:  Statewide public school facility condition index measured  

                        at December 31 of prior calendar year                                        TBD

      Subtotal                                       [5,623.9]                               5,623.9

TOTAL OTHER EDUCATION                   85,574.7     23,281.9         36.0     33,732.5    142,625.1J. HIGHER EDUCATIONOn approval of the higher education department, the state budget division of the department of finance and administration may approve increases in budgets of agencies, in this section, with the exception of the policy development and institutional financial oversight program of the higher education department, whose other state funds exceed amounts specified. In approving budget increases, the director of the state budget division shall advise the legislature through its officers and appropriate committees, in writing, of the justification for the approval.

      Except as otherwise provided, any unexpended balances remaining at the end of fiscal year 2015 shall not revert to the general fund.

      The general fund appropriation to all institutional instruction and general purpose appropriations in this subsection includes sufficient funding to reward programs and faculty and staff efforts resulting in improved student performance.


(1) Policy development and institutional financial oversight:

The purpose of the policy development and institutional financial oversight program is to provide a continuous process of statewide planning and oversight within the department's statutory authority for the state higher education system and to ensure both the efficient use of state resources and progress in implementing a statewide agenda.


      (a)  Personal services and                                                     

            employee benefits            1,922.0        262.0                   1,142.2      3,326.2

      (b)  Contractual services           305.3         40.0                   1,776.0      2,121.3

      (c)  Other                      8,957.7         16.6        415.9      7,629.0     17,019.2 Any unexpended balances in the policy development and institutional financial oversight program of the higher education department remaining at the end of fiscal year 2015 from appropriations made from the general fund shall revert to the general fund. 

      Performance measures:

      (a) Efficiency:   Percent of properly completed capital infrastructure draws  

                        released to the state board of finance within thirty days  

                        of receipt from the institutions                                            100%

      (b) Output:       Percent of capital projects evaluations and audits  

                        performed to ensure institutional accountability and  

                        responsibility                                                               25%

(2) Student financial aid:

The purpose of the student financial aid program is to provide access, affordability and opportunities for success in higher education to students and their families so that all New Mexicans may benefit from postsecondary education and training beyond high school.


      (a)  Contractual services            53.5                                                53.5

      (b)  Other                     18,044.6      8,981.6     49,872.2        250.0     77,148.4

      (c)  Other financing uses         5,872.2                                             5,872.2

      Performance measures:

      (a) Outcome:      Percent of first-time freshman lottery recipients graduated  

                        from college after the ninth semester                                        75%

      (b) Outcome:      Percent of students who received state loan-for-service  

                        funding who provided service after graduation                                92%

      Subtotal                         [35,155.3]    [9,300.2]   [50,288.1]   [10,797.2]   105,540.8


(1) Main campus:

The purpose of the instruction and general program is to provide education services designed to meet the intellectual, educational and quality of life goals associated with the ability to enter the workforce, compete and advance in the new economy and contribute to social advancement through informed citizenship.


      (a)  Instruction and general                                                   

            purposes                   187,233.0    192,514.0                   5,202.0    384,949.0

      (b)  Other                                 181,295.0                 150,503.0    331,798.0

      (c)  Athletics                    2,544.6     31,960.0                      31.0     34,535.6

      (d)  Educational television       1,172.1      6,868.0                      53.0      8,093.1

      Performance measures:

      (a) Outcome:      Percent of first-time, full-time, degree-seeking freshmen  

                        completing an academic program within six years                              49%

      (b) Output:       Total number of baccalaureate degrees                                      3,450

(2) Gallup branch:

The purpose of the instruction and general program at New Mexico's community colleges is to provide credit and noncredit postsecondary education and training opportunities to New Mexicans so that they have the skills to be competitive in the new economy and are able to participate in lifelong learning activities.


      (a)  Instruction and general                                                   

            purposes                     9,281.2      6,277.4                     684.3     16,242.9

      (b)  Other                                   1,631.9                      22.1      1,654.0

      (c)  Nurse expansion                209.8                                               209.8

      Performance measures:

      (a) Outcome:      Percent of a cohort of full-time, first-time, degree- or  

                        certificate-seeking community college students who complete  

                        the program within one hundred fifty percent of normal time  

                        to completion                                                                10%

      (b) Output:       Number of students enrolled in the adult basic education  

                        program                                                                     386

(3) Los Alamos branch:

The purpose of the instruction and general program at New Mexico's community colleges is to provide credit and noncredit postsecondary education and training opportunities to New Mexicans so that they have the skills to be competitive in the new economy and are able to participate in lifelong learning activities.


      (a)  Instruction and general                                                   

            purposes                     1,904.5      1,811.5                     132.6      3,848.6

      (b)  Other                                     570.2                     245.8        816.0

      Performance measures:

      (a) Outcome:      Percent of a cohort of full-time, first-time, degree- or  

                        certificate-seeking community college students who complete  

                        the program within one hundred fifty percent of normal time  

                        to completion                                                                60%

      (b) Output:       Number of students enrolled in the adult basic education  

                        program                                                                     415

(4) Valencia branch:

The purpose of the instruction and general program at New Mexico's community colleges is to provide credit and noncredit postsecondary education and training opportunities to New Mexicans so that they have the skills to be competitive in the new economy and are able to participate in lifelong learning activities.


      (a)  Instruction and general                                                   

            purposes                     5,522.6      5,215.8                   2,197.8     12,936.2

      (b)  Other                                   1,648.1                     890.8      2,538.9

      (c)  Nurse expansion                170.3                                               170.3

      Performance measures:

      (a) Outcome:      Percent of a cohort of full-time, first-time, degree- or  

                        certificate-seeking community college students who complete  

                        the program within one hundred fifty percent of normal time  

                        to completion                                                                10%

      (b) Output:       Number of students enrolled in the adult basic education  

                        program                                                                    1,300

(5) Taos branch:

The purpose of the instruction and general program at New Mexico's community colleges is to provide credit and noncredit postsecondary education and training opportunities to New Mexicans so that they have the skills to be competitive in the new economy and are able to participate in lifelong learning activities.


      (a)  Instruction and general                                                   

            purposes                     3,492.1      4,068.3                     428.4      7,988.8

      (b)  Other                                     920.9                                  920.9

      (c)  Nurse expansion                244.6                                               244.6

      Performance measures:

      (a) Outcome:      Percent of a cohort of full-time, first-time, degree- or  

                        certificate-seeking community college students who complete  

                        the program within one hundred fifty percent of normal time  

                        to completion                                                                25%

      (b) Output:       Number of students enrolled in the adult basic education  

                        program                                                                      275

(6) Research and public service projects:


      (a)  Judicial selection              22.9                                                22.9

      (b)  Southwest research center    1,103.3                                             1,103.3

      (c)  Substance abuse program        137.1                                               137.1

      (d)  Resource geographic                                                       

            information system              65.7                                                65.7

      (e)  Southwest Indian law                                                      

            clinic                         208.2                                               208.2

      (f)  Bureau of business

            and economic research census/                                             

            population analysis            380.4                                               380.4

      (g)  New Mexico historical                                                     

            review                          47.7                                                47.7

      (h)  Ibero-American education        90.0                                                90.0

      (i)  Manufacturing engineering                                                 

            program                        558.8                                               558.8

      (j)  Wildlife law education          70.8                                                70.8

      (k)  Morrissey hall programs         47.6                                                47.6

      (l)  Disabled student services      192.4                                               192.4

      (m)  Minority student services      866.0                                               866.0

      (n)  Community-based education      515.4                                               515.4

      (o)  Corrine Wolfe children's law                                              

            center                         170.9                                               170.9

      (p)  Utton transboundary                                                       

            resources center               293.8                                               293.8

      (q)  International studies                                                     

            institute                       50.0                                                50.0

      (r)  Student mentoring program      289.3                                               289.3

      (s)  Land grant studies             131.9                                               131.9

      (t)  Small business innovation                                                 

            and research outreach program  125.0                                               125.0

      (u)  College degree mapping         100.0                                               100.0

(7) Health sciences center:

The purpose of the instructional and general program at the university of New Mexico health sciences center is to provide educational, clinical and research support for the advancement of health of all New Mexicans.


      (a)  Instruction and general                                                   

            purposes                    61,713.3     58,776.7                   5,295.4    125,785.4

      (b)  Other                                 286,448.3                  79,438.9    365,887.2 The other state funds appropriations to the university of New Mexico health sciences center include two million nine hundred sixty-two thousand one hundred dollars ($2,962,100) from the tobacco settlement program fund. 

      Performance measures:

      (a) Output:       Number of post-baccalaureate degrees awarded                                 320

      (b) Output:       Number of university of New Mexico cancer research and  

                        treatment center clinical trials                                             400

(8) Health sciences center research and public service projects:


      (a)  Native American suicide                                     

            prevention                     100.0          6.2                                  106.2

      (b)  Office of medical                                                         

            investigator                 4,974.4      2,770.9                       3.1      7,748.4

      (c)  Children's psychiatric                                                    

            hospital                     7,073.2     13,176.3                               20,249.5

      (d)  Carrie Tingley hospital      5,133.2     13,543.4                               18,676.6

      (e)  Out-of-county indigent                                                    

            fund                           664.4                                               664.4

      (f)  Newborn intensive care       3,305.5      2,105.7                     157.2      5,568.4

      (g)  Pediatric oncology           1,289.4        331.3                                1,620.7

      (h)  Internal medicine                                                         

            residencies                    535.0                                               535.0

      (i)  Poison and drug information                                               

            center                       1,534.8        602.1                      31.9      2,168.8

      (j)  Cancer center                2,673.9      4,627.9                  10,869.4     18,171.2

      (k)  Genomics, biocomputing and                                                

            environmental health research               999.4                                  999.4

      (l)  Trauma specialty education                  261.4                                  261.4

      (m)  Pediatrics specialty                                                      

            education                                   261.4                                  261.4

      (n)  Native American health                                                    

            center                         272.7         23.4                                  296.1

      (o)  Hepatitis community health                                                

            outcomes                     1,837.5        165.0                                2,002.5

      (p)  Nurse expansion              1,106.3                                             1,106.3

      (q)  Graduate nurse education     1,655.3                                             1,655.3

      (r)  Psychiatry residencies         202.0                                               202.0

      (s)  General surgery residencies    168.0                                               168.0       Subtotal                        [311,480.9]  [818,880.5]               [256,186.7] 1,386,548.1


(1) Main campus:

The purpose of the instruction and general program is to provide education services designed to meet the intellectual, educational and quality of life goals associated with the ability to enter the workforce, compete and advance in the new economy and contribute to social advancement through informed citizenship.


      (a)  Instruction and general                                                   

            purposes                   116,956.7    108,898.4                   7,142.9    232,998.0

      (b)  Other                                  83,523.5                 112,066.1    195,589.6

      (c)  Athletics                    3,187.2      9,919.4                      27.2     13,133.8

      (d)  Educational television       1,088.2        929.0                                2,017.2

      Performance measures:

      (a) Outcome:      Percent of full-time, degree-seeking, first-time freshmen  

                        completing an academic program within six years                              47%

      (b) Output:       Total number of baccalaureate degrees awarded                              2,550

(2) Alamogordo branch:

The purpose of the instruction and general program at New Mexico's community colleges is to provide credit and noncredit postsecondary education and training opportunities to New Mexicans so that they have the skills to be competitive in the new economy and are able to participate in lifelong learning activities.


      (a)  Instruction and general                                                   

            purposes                     7,874.5      5,426.8                   1,419.2     14,720.5

      (b)  Other                                     847.3                   4,803.4      5,650.7

      (c)  Nurse expansion                 65.5                                                65.5

      Performance measures:

      (a) Outcome:      Percent of a cohort of full-time, first-time, degree- or  

                        certificate-seeking community college students who complete  

                        the program within one hundred fifty percent of normal time  

                        to completion                                                               14%

      (b) Output:       Number of students enrolled in the adult basic education  

                        program                                                                      550

(3) Carlsbad branch:

The purpose of the instruction and general program at New Mexico's community colleges is to provide credit and noncredit postsecondary education and training opportunities to New Mexicans so that they have the skills to be competitive in the new economy and are able to participate in lifelong learning activities.


      (a)  Instruction and general                                                   

            purposes                     4,253.7      7,477.4                   1,094.4     12,825.5

      (b)  Other                                     710.1                   2,554.2      3,264.3

      (c)  Carlsbad manufacturing                                                    

            sector development program     234.2                                               234.2

      (d)  Nurse expansion                119.0                                               119.0

      Performance measures:

      (a) Outcome:      Percent of a cohort of full-time, first-time, degree- or  

                        certificate- seeking community college students who  

                        complete the program within one hundred fifty percent of  

                        normal time to completion                                                    10%

      (b) Outcome:      Percent of first-time, full-time, degree-seeking students  

                        enrolled in a given fall term who persist to the following  

                        spring term                                                                 70%

(4) Dona Ana branch:

The purpose of the instruction and general program at New Mexico's community colleges is to provide credit and noncredit postsecondary education and training opportunities to New Mexicans so that they have the skills to be competitive in the new economy and are able to participate in lifelong learning activities.


      (a)  Instruction and general                                                   

            purposes                    23,031.6     16,034.1                   1,127.6     40,193.3

      (b)  Other                                   4,128.3                  23,299.5     27,427.8

      (c)  Dental hygiene program          75.0                                                75.0

      (d)  Nurse expansion                211.5                                               211.5

      Performance measures:

      (a) Outcome:      Percent of a cohort of full-time, first-time, degree- or  

                        certificate-seeking community college students who complete  

                        the program within one hundred fifty percent of normal time  

                        to completion                                                                15%

      (b) Output:       Number of students enrolled in the adult basic education  

                        program                                                                    5,000

(5) Grants branch:

The purpose of the instruction and general program at New Mexico's community colleges is to provide credit and noncredit postsecondary education and training opportunities to New Mexicans so that they have the skills to be competitive in the new economy and are able to participate in lifelong learning activities.


      (a)  Instruction and general                                                   

            purposes                     3,627.4      1,571.1                   1,274.3      6,472.8

      (b)  Other                                     549.9                   1,812.7      2,362.6

      Performance measures:

      (a) Outcome:      Percent of a cohort of full-time, first-time, degree- or  

                        certificate-seeking community college students who complete  

                        the program within one hundred fifty percent of normal time  

                        to completion                                                                22%

      (b) Output:       Number of students enrolled in the adult basic education  

                        program                                                                      400

(6) Department of agriculture:


      (a)  Department of agriculture   11,044.4      4,051.7                   1,680.2     16,776.3

(7) Agricultural experiment station:


      (a)  Agricultural experiment                                                   

            station                     14,432.3      3,450.0                   9,500.0     27,382.3

(8) Cooperative extension service:


      (a)  Cooperative extension                                                     

            service                     13,056.8      3,800.0                   8,100.0     24,956.8

(9) Research and public service projects:


      (a)  Water resource research        317.2         62.0                   1,539.1      1,918.3

      (b)  Indian resources development   223.0                                               223.0

      (c)  Manufacturing sector                                                      

            development program            448.3                                1,599.4      2,047.7

      (d)  Minority student services      544.7         12.5                     424.5        981.7

      (e)  Arrowhead center for                                                      

            business development           232.1        175.3                     951.6      1,359.0

      (f)  Nurse expansion                699.7                                               699.7

      (g)  Mental health nurse                                                       

            practitioner                   252.8                                               252.8

      (h)  International studies                                                     

            institute                       50.0                                                50.0

      (i)  Alliance teaching and                                                     

            learning advancement            76.7                                                76.7       Subtotal                        [202,102.5]  [251,566.8]               [180,416.3]   634,085.6


(1) Main:

The purpose of the instruction and general program is to provide education services designed to meet the intellectual, educational and quality of life goals associated with the ability to enter the workforce, compete and advance in the new economy and contribute to social advancement through informed citizenship.


      (a)  Instruction and general                                                   

            purposes                    27,964.8     12,533.7                     430.9     40,929.4

      (b)  Other                                  13,187.0                  11,002.0     24,189.0

      (c)  Athletics                    1,986.6        454.0                       0.6      2,441.2

      Performance measures:

      (a) Output:       Percent of full-time, degree-seeking, first-time freshmen  

                        completing an academic program within six years                              20%

      (b) Output:       Total number of baccalaureate degrees awarded                                370

(2) Research and public service projects:


      (a)  Minority student services      557.8        555.9                                1,113.7

      (b)  Advanced placement             281.3        230.9                                  512.2

      (c)  Forest and watershed                                                      

            institute                      313.6                                  312.3        625.9

      (d)  Nurse expansion                 66.1                                                66.1      Subtotal                         [31,170.2]   [26,961.5]                [11,745.8]    69,877.5


(1) Main:

The purpose of the instruction and general program is to provide education services designed to meet the intellectual, educational and quality of life goals associated with the ability to enter the workforce, compete and advance in the new economy and contribute to social advancement through informed citizenship.


      (a)  Instruction and general                                                   

            purposes                    16,584.0     10,806.2                     346.5     27,736.7

      (b)  Other                                   3,393.5                   9,226.8     12,620.3

      (c)  Athletics                    1,744.7        418.2                                2,162.9

      Performance measures:

      (a) Output:       Total number of baccalaureate degrees awarded                                200

      (b) Output:       Percent of full-time, degree-seeking, first-time freshmen  

                        completing an academic program within six years                              23%

(2) Research and public service projects:


      (a)  Child development center       211.7        532.4                                  744.1

      (b)  Instructional television        78.4                                                78.4

      (c)  Web-based teacher licensure    141.4                                               141.4

      (d)  Nurse expansion                884.3                                               884.3

      (e)  Service learning program        50.0                                                50.0       Subtotal                         [19,694.5]   [15,150.3]                 [9,573.3]    44,418.1


(1) Main campus:

The purpose of the instruction and general program is to provide education services designed to meet the intellectual, educational and quality of life goals associated with the ability to enter the workforce, compete and advance in the new economy and contribute to social advancement through informed citizenship.


      (a)  Instruction and general                                                   

            purposes                    27,341.9     18,114.0                   4,362.2     49,818.1

      (b)  Other                                  15,212.8                  35,196.1     50,408.9

      (c)  Athletics                    1,989.3      1,615.3                      22.0      3,626.6

      (d)  Educational television       1,103.5      1,411.7                      40.0      2,555.2

      Performance measures:

      (a) Output:       Total number of baccalaureate degrees awarded                                650

      (b) Output:       Percent of full-time, degree-seeking, first-time freshmen  

                        completing an academic program within six years                              30%

(2) Roswell branch:

The purpose of the instruction and general program at New Mexico's community colleges is to provide credit and noncredit postsecondary education and training opportunities to New Mexicans so that they have the skills to be competitive in the new economy and are able to participate in lifelong learning activities.


      (a)  Instruction and general                                                   

            purposes                    11,980.1      8,747.8                     837.9     21,565.8

      (b)  Other                                   7,173.2                  14,642.6     21,815.8

      (c)  Airframe mechanics              60.4                                                60.4

      (d)  Nurse expansion                 74.8                                                74.8

      (e)  Special services program                                                  

            expansion                       61.9                                                61.9

      Performance measures:

      (a) Outcome:      Percent of students who complete a program within 

                        one hundred fifty percent of time                                            17%

      (b) Outcome:      Percent of first-time, full-time, degree-seeking students  

                        enrolled in a given fall term who persist to the following  

                        spring term                                                                76.2%

(3) Ruidoso branch:

The purpose of the instruction and general program at New Mexico's community colleges is to provide credit and noncredit postsecondary education and training opportunities to New Mexicans so that they have the skills to be competitive in the new economy and are able to participate in lifelong learning activities.


      (a)  Instruction and general                                                   

            purposes                     2,130.5      3,051.0                     408.5      5,590.0

      (b)  Other                                     654.6                   3,284.5      3,939.1

      Performance measures:

      (a) Outcome:      Percent of a cohort of full-time, first-time, degree- or  

                        certificate-seeking community college students who complete  

                        the program within one hundred fifty percent of normal time  

                        to completion                                                                20%

      (b) Output:       Number of students enrolled in adult basic education                         450

(4) Research and public service projects:


      (a)  Blackwater Draw site and                                                  

            museum                          95.0         34.6                                  129.6

      (b)  Student success programs       455.8                                               455.8

      (c)  Nurse expansion                258.1                                               258.1

      (d)  At-risk student tutoring       245.5                                               245.5

      (e)  Allied health                  155.6                                               155.6       Subtotal                         [45,952.4]   [56,015.0]                [58,793.8]   160,761.2


(1) Main:

The purpose of the instruction and general program is to provide education services designed to meet the intellectual, educational and quality of life goals associated with the ability to enter the work force, compete and advance in the new economy and contribute to social advancement through informed citizenship.


      (a)  Instruction and general                                                   

            purposes                    27,257.9     13,000.0                               40,257.9

      (b)  Other                                  12,718.2                               12,718.2

      (c)  Athletics                      210.0         10.0                                  220.0

      Performance measures:

      (a) Output:       Percent of full-time, degree-seeking, first-time freshmen  

                        completing an academic program within six years                              48%

      (b) Output:       Total number of degrees awarded                                              310

(2) Bureau of mine safety:


      (a)  Bureau of mine safety          338.4                                  134.5        472.9  

(3) Bureau of geology and mineral resources:


      (a)  Bureau of geology and mineral                                             

            resources                    4,121.9        400.0                     633.0      5,154.9 The general fund appropriation to the bureau of geology and mineral resources of the New Mexico institute of mining and technology includes one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) from federal Mineral Leasing Act receipts.  

(4) Petroleum recovery research center:


      (a)  Petroleum recovery research                                               

            center                       1,996.0                                1,913.3      3,909.3

(5) Geophysical research center:


      (a)  Geophysical research center    861.0                                3,085.0      3,946.0  

(6) Research and public service projects:


      (a)  Energetic materials research                                              

            center                         749.8      7,500.0                  35,000.0     43,249.8

      (b)  Science and engineering fair   212.4                                               212.4

      (c)  Institute for complex                                                     

            additive systems analysis      857.0                                1,665.9      2,522.9

      (d)  Cave and karst research        384.6                                               384.6

      (e)  Homeland security center       554.2                                1,500.0      2,054.2      Subtotal                         [37,543.2]   [33,628.2]                [43,931.7]   115,103.1


(1) Main:

The purpose of the instruction and general program is to provide education services designed to meet the intellectual, educational and quality of life goals associated with the ability to enter the workforce, compete and advance in the new economy and contribute to social advancement through informed citizenship.


      (a)  Instruction and general                                                   

            purposes                    10,826.7      6,974.4                   6,651.3     24,452.4

      (b)  Other                                   2,892.5                   6,154.5      9,047.0

      (c)  Athletics                      200.3                                               200.3

      (d)  Nurse expansion                254.5                                               254.5

      (e)  Science, technology,                                                      

            engineering and math

            initiative                     150.0                                               150.0

      Performance measures:

      (a) Output:       Percent of first-time, full-time freshmen completing an  

                        academic program within six years                                            25%

      (b) Output:       Total number of baccalaureate degrees awarded                                 70

      Subtotal                         [11,431.5]    [9,866.9]                [12,805.8]    34,104.2


The purpose of the instruction and general program at New Mexico's community colleges is to provide credit and noncredit postsecondary education and training opportunities to New Mexicans so that they have the skills to be competitive in the new economy and are able to participate in lifelong learning activities.


      (a)  Instruction and general                                                   

            purposes                     9,764.4     27,909.4                   3,598.3     41,272.1

      (b)  Other                                   7,062.2                   8,396.1     15,458.3

      (c)  Small business development                                                

            centers                      4,175.0                                1,975.6      6,150.6

      (d)  Nurse expansion                277.4                                               277.4

      (e)  IBEST program                  500.0                                               500.0

      Performance measures:

      (a) Outcome:      Percent of a cohort of full-time, first-time, degree- or  

                        certificate-seeking community college students who complete  

                        the program within one hundred fifty percent of normal time  

                        to completion                                                                11%

      (b) Output:       Number of students enrolled in the adult basic education  

                        program                                                                    2,200

      Subtotal                         [14,716.8]   [34,971.6]                [13,970.0]    63,658.4


The purpose of the instruction and general program at New Mexico's community colleges is to provide credit and noncredit postsecondary education and training opportunities to New Mexicans so that they have the skills to be competitive in the new economy and are able to participate in lifelong learning activities.


      (a)  Instruction and general                                                   

            purposes                    54,948.0     94,295.1                   5,434.8    154,677.9

      (b)  Other                                   9,715.0                  49,834.0     59,549.0

      (c)  Nurse expansion                196.3                                               196.3

      Performance measures:

      (a) Outcome:      Percent of a cohort of full-time, first-time, degree- or  

                        certificate-seeking community college students who complete  

                        the program within one hundred fifty percent of normal time  

                        to completion                                                               11%

      (b) Outcome:      Percent of first-time, full-time, degree-seeking students  

                        enrolled in a given fall term who persist to the following  

                        spring term                                                                  83%

      Subtotal                         [55,144.3]  [104,010.1]                [55,268.8]   214,423.2


The purpose of the instruction and general program at New Mexico's community colleges is to provide credit and noncredit postsecondary education and training opportunities to New Mexicans so that they have the skills to be competitive in the new economy and are able to participate in lifelong learning activities.


      (a)  Instruction and general                                                   

            purposes                     7,457.1         90.0                   1,380.0      8,927.1

      (b)  Athletics                      216.7                                               216.7

      (c)  Nurse expansion                291.2                                               291.2

      (d)  Student retention and                                                     

            completion                     579.5                                               579.5

      Performance measures:

      (a) Outcome:      Percent of a cohort of full-time, first-time, degree- or  

                        certificate-seeking community college students who complete  

                        the program within one hundred fifty percent of normal time  

                        to completion                                                                20%

      (b) Outcome:      Percent of first-time, full-time, degree-seeking students  

                        enrolled in a given fall term who persist to the following  

                        spring term                                                                  70%

      Subtotal                          [8,544.5]       [90.0]                 [1,380.0]    10,014.5


The purpose of the instruction and general program at New Mexico's community colleges is to provide credit and noncredit postsecondary education and training opportunities to New Mexicans so that they have the skills to be competitive in the new economy and are able to participate in lifelong learning activities.


      (a)  Instruction and general                                                   

            purposes                     4,255.5      1,233.6                     372.0      5,861.1

      (b)  Other                                   1,440.0                   1,172.0      2,612.0

      (c)  Athletics                       59.9                                                59.9

      (d)  Wind training center           121.0                                               121.0

      Performance measures:

      (a) Outcome:      Percent of a cohort of full-time, first-time, degree- or  

                        certificate-seeking community college students who complete  

                        the program within one hundred fifty percent of normal time  

                        to completion                                                                45%

      (b) Output:       Number of students enrolled in the adult basic education  

                        program                                                                      400

      Subtotal                          [4,436.4]    [2,673.6]                 [1,544.0]     8,654.0


The purpose of the instruction and general program at New Mexico's community colleges is to provide credit and noncredit postsecondary education and training opportunities to New Mexicans so that they have the skills to be competitive in the new economy and are able to participate in lifelong learning activities.


      (a)  Instruction and general                                                   

            purposes                     5,504.6     17,179.7                     878.5     23,562.8

      (b)  Other                                   3,092.4                   4,827.5      7,919.9

      (c)  Athletics                      332.0                                               332.0

      (d)  Oil and gas job training                                                  

            center                         176.7                                               176.7

      (e)  Nurse expansion                309.1                                               309.1

      (f)  Lea county distance                                                       

            education consortium            30.0                                                30.0

      Performance measures:

      (a) Outcome:      Percent of a cohort of full-time, first-time, degree- or  

                        certificate-seeking community college students who complete  

                        the program within one hundred fifty percent of normal time  

                        to completion                                                                33%

      (b) Outcome:      Percent of first-time, full-time, degree-seeking students  

                        enrolled in a given fall term who persist to the following  

                        spring term                                                                  80%

      Subtotal                          [6,352.4]   [20,272.1]                 [5,706.0]    32,330.5


The purpose of the instruction and general program at New Mexico's community colleges is to provide credit and noncredit postsecondary education and training opportunities to New Mexicans so that they have the skills to be competitive in the new economy and are able to participate in lifelong learning activities.


      (a)  Instruction and general                                                   

            purposes                    24,770.5     35,249.2                   1,806.6     61,826.3

      (b)  Other                                   8,978.6                  13,475.3     22,453.9

      (c)  Dental hygiene program         168.0                                               168.0

      (d)  Nurse expansion                216.8                                               216.8

      Performance measures:

      (a) Outcome:      Percent of a cohort of full-time, first-time, degree- or  

                        certificate-seeking community college students who complete  

                        the program within one hundred fifty percent of normal time  

                        to completion                                                                15%

      (b) Outcome:      Percent of first-time, full-time, degree-seeking students  

                        enrolled in a given fall term who persist to the following  

                        spring term                                                                  83%

      Subtotal                         [25,155.3]   [44,227.8]                [15,281.9]    84,665.0


The purpose of the instruction and general program at New Mexico's community colleges is to provide credit and noncredit postsecondary education and training opportunities to New Mexicans so that they have the skills to be competitive in the new economy and are able to participate in lifelong learning activities.


      (a)  Instruction and general                                                   

            purposes                     9,892.9      4,696.6                     765.1     15,354.6

      (b)  Other                                   4,530.0                  12,517.7     17,047.7

      (c)  Nurse expansion                298.2                                               298.2

      Performance measures:

      (a) Outcome:      Percent of a cohort of full-time, first-time, degree- or  

                        certificate-seeking community college students who complete  

                        the program within one hundred fifty percent of normal time  

                        to completion                                                                14%

      (b) Outcome:      Percent of first-time, full-time, degree-seeking students  

                        enrolled in a given fall term who persist to the following  

                        spring term                                                                  74%

      Subtotal                         [10,191.1]    [9,226.6]                [13,282.8]    32,700.5


The purpose of the New Mexico military institute is to provide college-preparatory instruction for students in a residential, military environment culminating in a high school diploma or associates degree.


      (a)  Instruction and general                                                   

            purposes                     1,229.7     22,834.4                     116.5     24,180.6

      (b)  Athletics                      280.6         53.7                                  334.3

      (c)  Knowles legislative                                                       

            scholarship program            917.8                                               917.8

      Performance measures:

      (a) Outcome:      American college testing composite scores for graduating  

                        high school seniors                                                           22

      Subtotal                          [2,428.1]   [22,888.1]                   [116.5]    25,432.7


The purpose of the New Mexico school for the blind and visually impaired program is to provide the training, support and resources necessary to prepare blind and visually impaired children of New Mexico to participate fully in their families, communities and workforce and to lead independent, productive lives.


      (a)  Instruction and general                                                   

            purposes                       763.9     11,377.0                     792.9     12,933.8

      (b)  Early childhood center         377.7                                               377.7

      (c)  Low vision clinic programs     117.8                                               117.8

      Performance measures:

      (a) Outcome:      Number of school districts that have established a  

                        memorandum of understanding requesting mentorship support  

                        services for visually impaired professionals entering the  

                        field                                                                         40

      (b) Quality:      Number of school districts (over baseline year) that use  

                        NMSBVI's internet database to follow visually impaired  

                        students                                                                       5

      Subtotal                          [1,259.4]   [11,377.0]                   [792.9]    13,429.3


The purpose of the New Mexico school for the deaf program is to provide a school-based comprehensive, fully accessible and language-rich learning environment for its students who are deaf and hard-of-hearing and to work collaboratively with families, agencies and communities throughout the state to meet the unique communication, language and learning needs of children and youth who are deaf and hard-of-hearing.


      (a)  Instruction and general                                                   

            purposes                     3,935.9     11,700.5                     399.2     16,035.6

      (b)  Statewide outreach services    241.2                                               241.2

      Performance measures:

      (a) Outcome:      Percent of students in kindergarten through twelfth grade  

                        demonstrating academic improvement across curriculum domains                 80%

      (b) Outcome:      Rate of transition to postsecondary education,  

                        vocational-technical training schools, junior colleges,  

                        work training or employment for graduates based on a  

                        three-year rolling average                                                  100%

      (c) Outcome:      Percent of students in grades three to twelve who are late  

                        language learners who demonstrate significant gains in  

                        language and communication as demonstrated by pre- and  

                        post-test results                                                            80%

      Subtotal                          [4,177.1]   [11,700.5]                   [399.2]    16,276.8

TOTAL HIGHER EDUCATION                 826,935.9  1,482,806.8     50,288.1    691,992.7  3,052,023.5K. PUBLIC SCHOOL SUPPORTExcept as otherwise provided, unexpended balances of appropriations made in this subsection shall not revert at the end of fiscal year 2015.


(1) State equalization guarantee distribution:

The purpose of public school support is to carry out the mandate to establish and maintain a uniform system of free public schools sufficient for the education of, and open to, all the children of school age in the state.

      Appropriations:                2,487,440.8      1,500.0                            2,488,940.8 The rate of distribution of the state equalization guarantee distribution shall be based on a program unit value determined by the secretary of public education. The secretary of public education shall establish a preliminary unit value to establish budgets for the 2014-2015 school year and then, on verification of the number of units statewide for fiscal year 2015 but no later than January 31, 2015 may adjust the program unit value once.

      The general fund appropriation to the state equalization guarantee distribution includes sufficient funds to provide a one and one-half percent salary increase for all teachers, other instructional staff and other licensed and unlicensed staff, and the compensation shall be effective the first full pay period after July 1, 2014. This amount does not include and is in addition to salary increases due to licensure advancement pursuant to the School Personnel Act. The general fund appropriation to the state equalization guarantee distribution includes additional funds for school districts and charter schools to provide salary increases for licensed and unlicensed staff in a flexible way to improve recruitment and retention, for differential pay for hard-to-staff positions, to address pay differences to enhance equity among staff and to acknowledge deserving employees. Each school district and charter school shall submit an allocation plan to the public education department prior to budget approval.

      The general fund appropriation to the state equalization guarantee distribution includes sufficient funds to provide an additional three percent average salary increase for all licensed education assistants effective the first full pay period after July 1, 2014. Prior to the approval of a school district or charter school’s budget, the secretary of public education shall verify each school district or charter school is providing an additional three percent average salary increase for all education assistants.

      The general fund appropriation to the state equalization guarantee distribution includes sufficient funds to increase the minimum salary of all level one licensed teachers from thirty thousand dollars ($30,000) to thirty-two thousand five hundred dollars ($32,500). Notwithstanding the provision of the School Personnel Act or other substantive law, the secretary of public education shall ensure that no full-time licensed level one teacher receives a base salary less than thirty-two thousand five hundred dollars ($32,500) during fiscal year 2015.

      The general fund appropriation to the state equalization guarantee distribution includes twenty million dollars ($20,000,000) to increase the cost differential factor for the at-risk index of the public school funding formula contingent on enactment of legislation during the second session of the fifty-first legislature amending Section 22-8-23.3 NMSA 1978.

      The general fund appropriation to the state equalization guarantee distribution includes five million seven hundred sixty-one thousand six hundred dollars ($5,761,600) to create a factor in the funding formula for school districts with fewer than two hundred students contingent on enactment of legislation during the second session of the fifty-first legislature.

      After considering those elementary physical education programs eligible for state financial support and the amount of state funding available for elementary physical education, the secretary of public education shall annually determine the programs and the consequent numbers of students in elementary physical education that will be used to calculate the number of elementary physical education program units.

      For the 2014-2015 school year, the state equalization guarantee distribution includes sufficient funding for school districts and charter schools to implement a new formula-based program. Those districts and charter schools shall use current-year membership in the calculation of program units for the new formula-based program.

      The general fund appropriation to the state equalization guarantee distribution reflects the deduction of federal revenue pursuant to Paragraph (2) of Subsection C of Section 22-8-25 NMSA 1978 that includes payments commonly known as “impact aid funds” pursuant to 20 U.S.C. 7701 et seq., and formerly known as “PL874 funds”.

      The general fund appropriation to the public school fund shall be reduced by the amounts transferred to the public school fund from the current school fund and from the federal Mineral Leasing Act receipts otherwise unappropriated.

      Any unexpended balances in the authorized distributions remaining at the end of fiscal year 2015 from appropriations made from the general fund shall revert to the general fund. 

      Performance measures:

      (a) Outcome:      Percent of fourth-grade students who achieve proficiency or  

                        above on the standards-based assessment in reading                          52%

      (b) Outcome:      Percent of fourth-grade students who achieve proficiency or  

                        above on the standards-based assessment in mathematics                      50%

      (c) Outcome:      Percent of eighth-grade students who achieve proficiency or  

                        above on the standards-based assessment in reading                          65%

      (d) Outcome:      Percent of eighth-grade students who achieve proficiency or  

                        above on the standards-based assessment in mathematics                      50%

      (e) Outcome:      Percent of recent New Mexico high school graduates who take  

                        remedial courses in higher education at two-year and  

                        four-year schools                                                          <40%

(2) Transportation distribution:

      Appropriations:                  102,056.6                                           102,056.6 The general fund appropriation to the transportation distribution includes sufficient funds to provide a one and one-half percent salary increase for all transportation employees effective the first full pay period after July 1, 2014. This amount does not include and is in addition to salary increases due to licensure advancement pursuant to the School Personnel Act, Article 10A of Chapter 22, NMSA 1978. The general fund appropriation to the transportation distribution includes additional funds for school districts and charter schools to provide salary increases for transportation employees in a flexible way to improve recruitment and retention, for differential pay for hard-to-staff positions, to address pay differences to enhance equity among staff and to acknowledge deserving employees. Each school district and charter school must submit an allocation plan to the public education department prior to budget approval.

(3) Supplemental distribution:


      (a)  Out-of-state tuition           346.0                                               346.0

      (b)  Emergency supplemental       2,000.0                                             2,000.0 The secretary of public education shall not distribute any emergency supplemental funds to a school district or charter school that is not in compliance with the Audit Act. Emergency supplemental funds shall not be distributed to any school district or charter school having cash and invested reserves, or other resources or any combination thereof, equaling five percent or more of their operating budget.

      Any unexpended balances in the supplemental distribution of the public education department remaining at the end of fiscal year 2015 from appropriations made from the general fund shall revert to the general fund.

      Subtotal                      [2,591,843.4]    [1,500.0]                           2,593,343.4


      Appropriations:                                                         414,202.3    414,202.3       Subtotal                                                               [414,202.3]   414,202.3


(1) Instructional material fund:

      Appropriations:                   20,364.6                                            20,364.6 The appropriation to the instructional material fund is made from the federal Mineral Leasing Act (30 U.S.C. 181, et seq.) receipts. 

(2) Dual credit instructional materials:

      Appropriations:                      857.0                                               857.0

The general fund appropriation to the public education department for dual-credit instructional materials shall be used by the department to reimburse school districts, charter schools, state-supported schools and bureau of Indian education high schools in New Mexico for the cost of required textbooks and other course supplies for students enrolled in the dual-credit program to the extent of the available funds.

      Subtotal                         [21,221.6]                                           21,221.6


      Appropriations:                    1,824.6                                             1,824.6

The general fund appropriation to the public education department for the Indian Education Act includes four hundred thousand dollars ($400,000) for a national nonprofit organization with the primary purpose of recruiting recent college graduates and professionals who have a record of demonstrated achievement to teach for two years in low-income urban and rural public schools to provide teaching support in schools with a high proportion of Native American students. The public education department shall enter into a contract with a nonprofit organization no later than September 1, 2014. Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 22-33A-8 NMSA 1978 or other substantive law, unexpended balances from the four hundred thousand dollar ($400,000) appropriation remaining at the end of fiscal year 2015 shall revert to the general fund.

      Subtotal                          [1,824.6]                                            1,824.6


      Appropriations:                   10,000.0                                            10,000.0

The general fund appropriation of ten million dollars ($10,000,000) to the public education department for the supplemental special education maintenance of effort distribution shall be distributed in the same manner and on the same basis as the state equalization guarantee distribution.

      Subtotal                         [10,000.0]                                           10,000.0

TOTAL PUBLIC SCHOOL SUPPORT          2,624,889.6      1,500.0                 414,202.3  3,040,591.9


APPROPRIATIONS                       6,084,004.1  3,816,593.2    477,588.3  6,578,522.8 16,956,708.4

      Section 5. SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS.--The following amounts are appropriated from the general fund or other funds as indicated for the purposes specified. Unless otherwise indicated, the appropriation may be expended in fiscal years 2014 and 2015. Unless otherwise indicated, any unexpended balances of the appropriations remaining at the end of fiscal year 2015 shall revert to the appropriate fund.


      COURTS                                            140.0                                  140.0

For desktop scanners. The appropriation is from the warrant enforcement fund.


      COURTS                               116.0                                               116.0

For information technology equipment, security equipment and vehicles for district courts and the administrative office of the courts.


      COURTS                                          1,200.0                                1,200.0

For lease costs and security enhancements in magistrate courts statewide. The appropriation is from the magistrate court facility fund.


      COURTS                               461.0                                               461.0

For expenditure in fiscal year 2015 for the employer share of the increased cost of judicial pensions contingent on enactment of judicial pension reform legislation of the second session of the fifty-first legislature.

(5)   ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE OF THE DISTRICT ATTORNEYS                                 

Any unexpended balances remaining at the end of fiscal year 2014 from revenues received in fiscal year 2014 and prior years by a district attorney or the administrative office of the district attorneys from the United States department of justice pursuant to the southwest border prosecution initiative shall not revert but shall remain with the recipient district attorney’s office. The administrative office of the district attorneys shall provide to the department of finance and administration and the legislative finance committee prior to November 1, 2014 a detailed report documenting the amount of all southwest border prosecution initiative funds that do not revert at the end of fiscal year 2014 for each of the district attorneys and the administrative office of the district attorneys.


Any unexpended balances remaining at the end of fiscal year 2014 from revenues received in fiscal year 2014 and prior years by a district attorney from any Native American tribe, pueblo, or political subdivision pursuant to a contract, memorandum of understanding, joint powers agreement or grant shall not revert but shall remain with the recipient district attorney’s office. The administrative office of the district attorneys shall provide the department of finance and administration and the legislative finance committee prior to November 1, 2014 a detailed report documenting the amount of all funds received from Native American tribes, pueblos and political subdivisions pursuant to a contract, memorandum of understanding, joint powers agreement or grant that do not revert at the end of fiscal year 2014 for each of the district attorneys and the administrative office of the district attorneys.


Notwithstanding the provisions of the District Attorney Personnel and Compensation Act or other substantive law, the administrative office of the district attorneys and individual district attorneys may provide out-of-cycle salary increases to more than twenty percent of all eligible employees per office during fiscal years 2014 and 2015 provided that adequate funds exist.


Up to two million seven hundred twenty thousand dollars ($2,720,000) transferred from the State Engineer for water litigation on interstate streams and their tributaries shall not revert and shall be extended through fiscal year 2015.

(9)   ATTORNEY GENERAL                                3,783.0                                3,783.0

For housing counseling and litigation and foreclosure mediation. This appropriation is from the mortgage settlement fund.


      ADMINISTRATION                       350.0                                               350.0

For annual disbursement to the renewable energy transmission authority for operating costs beginning in fiscal year 2015.


      ADMINISTRATION                     1,000.0                                             1,000.0

For a review and reconciliation of bank versus book transactions from the period commencing with the implementation of the statewide human resource, accounting and management reporting system and continuing through January 31, 2013.

(12)  GENERAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT                                                     

The period of time for expending the four hundred fifty-eight thousand five hundred dollar ($458,500) appropriation from the purchasing enterprise fund contained in Subsection 10 of Section 5 of Chapter 19 of Laws 2012 to implement an electronic bid and contracts management web-based system is extended through fiscal year 2015.

(13)  GENERAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT                                                     

The period of time for expending the one million four hundred thousand dollar ($1,400,000) appropriation from the public buildings repair fund in Subsection 23 of Section 5 of Chapter 227 of Laws 2013 to the property control division to conduct facility condition assessments of all state facilities under the jurisdiction of the property control division is re-appropriated to the facilities management division for the same purpose and is extended through fiscal year 2015.

(14)  GENERAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT                                                     

The period of time for expending the nine hundred thousand dollar ($900,000) appropriation from the public buildings repair fund in Subsection 20 of Section 5 of Chapter 227 of Laws 2013 to the property control division for buildings outside Santa Fe under the jurisdiction of the division is re-appropriated to the facilities management division and is extended through fiscal year 2015.

(15)  PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT        1,000.0                                             1,000.0


For the magistrate retirement fund contingent on the passage of pension reform legislation to improve the funded ratio of the plan during the second session of the fifty-first legislature.

(16)  PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT          500.0                                               500.0


For the judicial retirement fund contingent on the passage of pension reform legislation to improve the funded ratio of the plan during the second session of the fifty-first legislature.

(17)  TOURISM DEPARTMENT                   500.0                                               500.0

For expenditure in fiscal year 2015 for the cooperative advertising program.


      DEPARTMENT                         2,000.0                                             2,000.0

For economic development projects pursuant to the Local Economic Development Act.


      DEPARTMENT                           500.0                                               500.0

For the mainstreet program, including sufficient funding for frontier areas of the state.


      DEPARTMENT                         1,000.0                                             1,000.0

For expenditure in fiscal year 2015 for the job training incentive program.


      DEPARTMENT                                         75.0                                   75.0

For the securities education, training and enforcement division to deploy a mass media public service campaign alerting investors of fraud risk. The appropriation is from cash balances in the securities enforcement and investor education fund.


      INSURANCE                                                      100.0                     100.0

For an audit of premium tax collections.

(23)  CULTURAL AFFAIRS DEPARTMENT          100.0                                               100.0

For landscaping for the national hispanic cultural center, contingent on repayment of one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) of capital outlay proceeds by the national hispanic cultural center foundation.

(24)  CULTURAL AFFAIRS DEPARTMENT          100.0        100.0                                  200.0

For operating costs and to employ youth conservation corps youth at Los Luceros. The other state funds appropriation is from the youth conservation corps fund.

(25)  CULTURAL AFFAIRS DEPARTMENT          300.0                                               300.0

For improvements to programs and properties at state historic sites.

(26)  NEW MEXICO LIVESTOCK BOARD            40.0                                                40.0

To train and equip livestock inspectors.

(27)  NEW MEXICO LIVESTOCK BOARD           100.0                                               100.0

To purchase vehicles.

(28)  DEPARTMENT OF GAME AND FISH                       250.0                                  250.0

For legal expenses. The appropriation is from the game protection fund.

(29)  DEPARTMENT OF GAME AND FISH                       460.0                                  460.0

For vehicle and equipment replacement. The appropriation is from the game protection fund.

(30)  DEPARTMENT OF GAME AND FISH                       150.0                                  150.0

To contract for peoplesoft expertise to develop and implement internal processes for the grant module in the statewide human resource, accounting and management reporting system. The appropriation is from the game protection fund.


      RESOURCES DEPARTMENT                              194.0                                  194.0

For network hardware and software in the oil and gas conservation division. The appropriation is from the oil reclamation fund.


      RESOURCES DEPARTMENT                 100.0                                               100.0

For operating costs associated with establishing the veterans fire crew program.

(33)  COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC LANDS         200.0                                               200.0

For a study to assess the feasibility of acquiring lands identified by the federal bureau of land management as being subject to disposal for the purpose of generating revenue. The state land office shall report the findings and recommendations of the study to the governor and to the legislature.

(34)  COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC LANDS                      250.0                                  250.0

To convert historical right-of-way parcel location information into a geographic information system framework. The appropriation is from the state lands maintenance fund.

(35)  STATE ENGINEER                                                                  

The period of time for expending the six million five hundred thousand dollar ($6,500,000) appropriation from the general fund contained in Subsection 44 of Section 5 of Chapter 227 of Laws 2013 for water litigation on interstate streams and their tributaries is extended through fiscal year 2015.

(36)  STATE ENGINEER                       483.0                                               483.0

To update regional and state water plans. The interstate stream commission shall report to the interim water and natural resources committee on the progress and content of the water plans.

(37)  COMMISSION FOR THE BLIND              75.0                                                75.0

To purchase magnification devices for visually impaired persons.

(38)  HUMAN SERVICES DEPARTMENT                                                       

Any unexpended balances remaining at the end of fiscal year 2014 from reimbursements received from the social security administration to support the general assistance program shall not revert and may be expended by the human services department in fiscal year 2015 for payments to recipients in the general assistance program.

(39)  CORRECTIONS DEPARTMENT                                                          

Any unexpended balance remaining at the end of fiscal year 2014 from revenues received from the United States department of justice pursuant to the state criminal alien assistance program of the New Mexico corrections department shall not revert but shall remain with the corrections department for expenditure in fiscal year 2015. The New Mexico corrections department shall provide to the department of finance and administration and the legislative finance committee by November 1, 2014 a detailed report documenting the amount of all state criminal alien assistance program funds that do not revert at the end of fiscal year 2014 and also ensure proper reporting in the department’s fiscal year 2014 audit.

(40)  DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION                                                    

Up to four hundred million dollars ($400,000,000) of other state funds and federal funds appropriations to the programs and infrastructure program of the department of transportation pertaining to prior fiscal years may be extended through fiscal year 2015.

(41)  DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION                                                    

Up to eighty million dollars ($80,000,000) of other state funds and federal funds appropriations to the transportation and highway operations program of the department of transportation pertaining to prior fiscal years may be extended through fiscal year 2015.

(42)  PUBLIC EDUCATION DEPARTMENT        1,500.0                                             1,500.0

For professional development and training on implementation of common core state standards.

(43)  PUBLIC EDUCATION DEPARTMENT                     1,500.0                                1,500.0

For emergency support to school districts experiencing shortfalls from balances received by the public education department pursuant to Section 66-5-44 NMSA 1978. All requirements for distribution of funds shall be in accordance with Section 22-8-30 NMSA 1978.

(44)  HIGHER EDUCATION DEPARTMENT        2,900.0                                             2,900.0

For expenditure in fiscal year 2015 to ensure eligible students, who have received three or more semesters of the legislative lottery scholarship by the end of fiscal year 2014, receive scholarship awards for full tuition costs for fiscal year 2015.

(45)  HIGHER EDUCATION DEPARTMENT        8,000.0                                             8,000.0

For expenditure in fiscal year 2015 to the lottery tuition fund for the legislative lottery scholarship program contingent on enactment of legislation of the second session of the fifty-first legislature that improves solvency of the lottery tuition fund.

(46)  HIGHER EDUCATION DEPARTMENT          500.0                                               500.0

For colleges and universities that failed to achieve positive student performance outcomes in the instructional and general expenditure funding formula for fiscal year 2015. Funding shall be available to improve performance on submission of an action plan that proposes strategies and measures for improving student performance and is approved by the higher education department.

(47)  COMPUTER SYSTEMS ENHANCEMENT FUND  6,217.6                                             6,217.6

For transfer to the computer systems enhancement fund for system replacements or enhancements.

TOTAL SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS            28,042.6      8,102.0        100.0                  36,244.6

      Section 6. SUPPLEMENTAL AND DEFICIENCY APPROPRIATIONS.--The following amounts are appropriated

from the general fund, or other funds as indicated, for expenditure in fiscal year 2014 for the purposes specified. Disbursement of these amounts shall be subject to certification by the agency to the department of finance and administration and the legislative finance committee that no other funds are available in fiscal year 2014 for the purpose specified and approval by the department of finance and administration. Any unexpended balances remaining at the end of fiscal year 2014 shall revert to the appropriate fund.


      COURTS                               150.0                                               150.0

For the court appointed attorney program.


      COURTS                                20.0                                                20.0

For judges pro-tempore.


      COURTS                               300.0                                               300.0

For juror and interpreter costs.

(4)   GENERAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT          350.0                                               350.0

For a shortfall in utility and maintenance costs in fiscal year 2014 for the facilities management division.

(5)   GENERAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT                       822.7                                  822.7

For a shortfall in fiscal year 2013 in state unemployment claims reimbursement to be paid from the local public body unemployment compensation reserve fund.

(6)   GENERAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT                     2,540.6                                2,540.6

For a shortfall in fiscal year 2013 in state unemployment claims reimbursements to be paid from the state government unemployment compensation reserve fund.


      RELATIONS BOARD                        2.7                                                 2.7

For information technology expenses.


      RELATIONS BOARD                        2.8                                                 2.8

For a shortfall in personal services and employee benefits at the end of fiscal year 2013.

(9)   PUBLIC REGULATION COMMISSION         678.0                                               678.0

For a shortfall in personal services and employee benefits in the policy and regulation program at the end of fiscal year 2014.

(10)  NEW MEXICO STATE FAIR                             500.0                                  500.0

For repayment of long-term debt owed to the risk management division of the general services department. The appropriation is from cash balances.


      PLANNING COUNCIL                     164.0                                               164.0

For guardianship services.



Any unexpended balances remaining at the end of fiscal year 2014 from the office of guardianship of the developmental disabilities planning council shall not revert to the general fund and shall be used in fiscal year 2015 to support the office of guardianship of the developmental disabilities planning council.


      DEPARTMENT                                                   9,750.0                   9,750.0

An amount equal to the difference between nine million seven hundred fifty thousand dollars ($9,750,000) and the amount transferred to the children, youth and families department from the tobacco settlement program fund pursuant to Section 2 of Chapter 228 of Laws 2013 from the federal temporary assistance for needy families block grant to the children, youth and families department in fiscal year 2014 in order to fully fund appropriations made from the tobacco settlement program fund contained in Section 2 of Chapter 228 of Laws 2013.


      EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT                 812.7                                               812.7

For federal funds that expired before reimbursement.

(15)  PUBLIC EDUCATION DEPARTMENT                                                     

The contingent provisions for the supplemental special education maintenance of effort distribution in Subsection K of Section 4 of Chapter 227 of Laws 2013 and the contingent provisions of this section notwithstanding, the public education department shall distribute the ten million dollar ($10,000,000) appropriation for the supplemental special education maintenance of effort distribution provided in Subsection K of Section 4 of Chapter 227 of Laws 2013 to school districts and charter schools for special education purposes in fiscal year 2014. The distribution shall be in the same manner and on the same basis as the state equalization guarantee distribution.

(16)  HIGHER EDUCATION DEPARTMENT                    11,000.0                               11,000.0

From the student financial aid-special programs fund to the lottery tuition fund to supplement the

legislative lottery scholarship program contingent on enactment of legislation of the second session of the fifty-first legislature addressing solvency of the program.TOTAL SUPPLEMENTAL AND DEFICIENCY

APPROPRIATIONS                           2,480.2     14,863.3      9,750.0                  27,093.5

      Section 7. DATA PROCESSING APPROPRIATIONS.--The following amounts are appropriated from the computer systems enhancement fund, or other funds as indicated, for the purposes specified. Unless otherwise indicated, the appropriation may be expended in fiscal years 2014, 2015 and 2016. Unless otherwise indicated, any unexpended balances remaining at the end of fiscal year 2016 shall revert to the computer systems enhancement fund or other funds as indicated. For executive branch agencies, the department of finance and administration shall allocate six million sixty-seven thousand six hundred dollars ($6,067,600) from the funds for the purposes specified upon receiving certification and supporting documentation from the Information Technology Commission that indicates compliance with the project certification process. The judicial information systems council shall certify compliance to the department of finance and administration for judicial branch projects. For executive branch agencies, all hardware and software purchases funded through appropriations made in Sections 4, 5, 6 and 7 of this act shall be procured using consolidated purchasing led by the state chief information officer and state purchasing division to achieve economies of scale and to provide the state with the best unit price.


      COURTS                                            150.0                                  150.0

To implement a data interface with the statewide human resources, accounting and management reporting system.

(2)   TAXATION AND REVENUE DEPARTMENT                12,897.1                               12,897.1

To implement the motor vehicle division system modernization project. Eight million six thousand eight hundred dollars ($8,006,800) of the other state funds appropriation is from cash balances.


The period of time for expending the six million dollars ($6,000,000) contained in Subsection 5 of Section 7 of Chapter 19 of Laws 2012 to stabilize the existing system and begin modernizing the oil and natural gas administration and revenue database is extended through fiscal year 2016. Before implementation, the taxation and revenue department, the energy, minerals and natural resources department and the commissioner of public lands shall certify that the oil and natural gas administration and revenue database can be migrated to the new platform and the migration will not negatively impair their day-to-day operations or collection of revenue. The department of information technology will work with the three agencies on a detailed migration and testing plan that includes estimated costs for stabilizing the system. The plan shall be fully executed before migrating the system to the new platform. On completion of the stabilization of the existing system, the oil and natural gas administration and revenue database service center, with approval of the three agencies, shall develop a five-year action plan that includes distinct phases and estimated costs for the replacement system and shall jointly produce a request for proposals to commence the replacement of the oil and natural gas administration and revenue database. The appropriations are contingent on the oil and natural gas administration and revenue database service center project manager providing timely monthly status and independent validation and verification reports to the governor, the department of finance and administration and the legislative finance committee on the platform migration and replacement system and written verification from the three agencies of the need for the appropriations. Four million dollars ($4,000,000) is appropriated from the computer systems enhancement fund and two million dollars ($2,000,000) is appropriated from the state lands maintenance fund.


The period of time for expending the one million nine hundred forty-six thousand three hundred dollars ($1,946,300) from the retiree health care fund contained in Subsection 6 of Section 7 of Chapter 19 of Laws 2012 to replace the retiree benefits system is extended through fiscal year 2016.

(5)   GENERAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT                     1,500.0                                1,500.0

To implement the risk management information system. The appropriations are from the workers’ compensation retention fund, the public property reserve fund and the public liability fund.

(6)   STATE COMMISSION OF PUBLIC RECORDS The period of time for expending the four hundred fifty thousand dollars ($450,000) appropriated from the computer systems enhancement fund contained in Subsection 9 of Section 7 of Chapter 19 of Laws 2012 to provide a centralized electronic records repository is extended through fiscal year 2016.

(7)   COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC LANDS The period of time for expending the one million three hundred thirty-five thousand dollars ($1,335,000) appropriated from the state lands maintenance fund contained in Subsection 10 of Section 7 of Chapter 6 of Laws 2010 as extended in Subsection 13 of Section 7 of Chapter 19 of Laws 2012 to implement a land information management system is granted a final extension through fiscal year 2015.


The period of time for expending the two million three hundred thirty-two thousand dollars ($2,332,000) appropriated from the state lands maintenance fund contained in Subsection 12 of Section 7 of Chapter 19 of Laws 2012 to complete the implementation of the land information management system is extended through fiscal year 2016.

(9)   COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC LANDS                    1,300.0                                1,300.0

To continue implementation of the land information management system. The appropriation is from the state lands maintenance fund.

(10)  STATE ENGINEER                                    100.0                                  100.0

To develop a plan for modernizing the litigation and adjudication business systems.

(11)  HUMAN SERVICES DEPARTMENT                         527.3                   1,023.7      1,551.0

To implement the child support enforcement replacement system.

(12)  DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY                       550.0                                  550.0

To complete the implementation of an automated fingerprint identification system as part of the western

identification network.

TOTAL DATA PROCESSING APPROPRIATIONS                 17,024.4                   1,023.7     18,048.1


            A. Eleven million two hundred eighty-three thousand six hundred ninety-six dollars ($11,283,696) is appropriated from the general fund to the department of finance and administration for expenditure in fiscal year 2015 to provide a salary increase of one and one-half percent to employees in budgeted positions who have completed their probationary period subject to satisfactory job performance. The salary increases shall be effective the first full pay period after July 1, 2014 and distributed as follows:

                   (1) one hundred seventy-eight thousand three hundred dollars ($178,300) to provide permanent legislative employees, including permanent employees of the legislative council service, legislative finance committee, legislative education study committee, legislative building services, the house and senate, house and senate chief clerks’ offices and house and senate leadership, with a salary increase of one and one-half percent;

                   (2) four hundred seventy-three thousand forty-three dollars ($473,043) to provide the justices of the supreme court a salary increase to one hundred thirty-four thousand nine hundred twenty-two dollars ($134,922) and to provide the chief justice of the supreme court, the chief judge of the court of appeals, and judges of the court of appeals, district courts, metropolitan courts and magistrate courts a salary increase pursuant to the provisions of Section 34-1-9-NMSA 1978;

                   (3) forty-four thousand one hundred forty-eight dollars ($44,148) to provide a salary increase of three percent for district attorneys;                                                                     (4) one million five hundred eighty-four thousand two hundred five dollars ($1,584,205) to provide child support hearing officers, special commissioners, all judicial permanent employees and all district attorney permanent employees other than elected district attorneys and other employees whose salaries are set by statute with a salary increase of one and one-half percent; and                    (5) nine million four thousand dollars ($9,004,000) to provide incumbents in agencies governed by the State Personnel Act, including attorney general employees and workers’ compensation judges, with a salary increase of one and one-half percent as follows:

                          (a) four million three hundred forty-two thousand eight hundred twenty-four dollars ($4,342,824) for classified employees not represented by a collective bargaining agreement;

                          (b) three million nine hundred thirty-five thousand five hundred twenty-nine dollars ($3,935,529) for classified employees represented by a collective bargaining agreement in effect on July 1, 2014; and

                          (c) seven hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred forty-seven dollars ($725,647) for executive exempt employees, including attorney general employees and workers compensation judges.

            B. Nine million six hundred eighty-nine thousand three hundred dollars ($9,689,300) is appropriated from the general fund to the higher education department for expenditure in fiscal year 2015 to provide faculty and staff of four- and two-year public post-secondary educational institutions with an annual salary increase of one and one-half percent. The compensation increase shall be effective the first full pay period after July 1, 2014.

            C. Ten million seven hundred sixty-six thousand five hundred four dollars ($10,766,504) is appropriated from the general fund to the department of finance and administration for expenditure in fiscal year 2015 to be distributed in the same proportion and amounts as section A with the exception of subsections (2) and (3) to provide salary adjustments to address specific problems related to recruitment and retention, including, but not limited to: compensation relative to market salaries, high agency vacancy and turnover rates resulting from inadequate salaries compared with market salaries, salary compaction internal to agencies, internal agency pay equity and difficult-to-fill positions. Employees receiving these adjustments shall be in budgeted positions and have completed their probationary period subject to satisfactory job performance. The salary increases shall be effective the first full pay period after July 1, 2014. Executive agencies under the control of the governor shall prepare and submit an implementation plan for the expenditure of these funds by April 1, 2014 to the department of finance and administration, state personnel office and legislative finance committee. The department of finance and administration shall review and approve the implementation plans and distributions to make the funds available the first full pay period after July 1, 2014;

                           (1) two hundred fifty-eight thousand five hundred ninety-six dollars ($258,596) is appropriated from the general fund to the department of finance and administration for adjustments to appropriations in Sections A and C as necessary.

            D. Three million dollars ($3,000,000) is appropriated from the general fund to the department of finance and administration for expenditure in fiscal year 2015 to provide a salary increase of five percent to commissioned police officers of the state police division in accordance with the New Mexico state police career pay system to begin the implementation of the law enforcement pay plan and a salary increase of five percent to commissioned officers in the motor transportation division governed by the State Personnel Act.

            E. Two million dollars ($2,000,000) is appropriated from the general fund to the department of finance and administration for expenditure in fiscal year 2015 to provide salary adjustments in specific job classifications identified by the department of finance and administration and the state personnel office as having specific problems affecting recruitment and retention, including but not limited to compensation relative to market salaries, high agency vacancy and turnover rates resulting from inadequate salaries compared with market salaries, salary compaction internal to agencies, internal agency pay equity and difficult-to-fill positions. Employees receiving these adjustments will be in budgeted positions and will have completed their probationary period subject to satisfactory job performance. The department of finance and administration shall allocate the distribution such that no employee receives more than a five percent increase under this subsection.

            F. The department of finance and administration shall distribute a sufficient amount to each agency to provide the appropriate increase for those employees whose salaries are received as a result of the general fund appropriations in the General Appropriation Act of 2014. Any unexpended or unencumbered balances remaining at the end of fiscal year 2015 shall revert to the general fund.

            G. For those state employees whose salaries are referenced in or received as a result of nongeneral fund appropriations in the General Appropriations Act of 2014, the department of finance and administration shall transfer from the appropriate fund to the appropriate agency the amount required for the salary increases equivalent to those provided for in this section, and such amounts are appropriated for expenditure in fiscal year 2015. Any unexpended or unencumbered balance remaining at the end of fiscal year 2015 shall revert to the appropriate fund. 

Section 9. FUND TRANSFERS.--

      A. Ten million dollars ($10,000,000) is transferred from the general fund to the water trust fund during fiscal year 2015.

      B. Notwithstanding the provisions of Sections 6-4-9, 6-4-10 and 6-4-11 NMSA 1978 or other substantive law, the department of finance and administration shall transfer an amount from the tobacco settlement permanent fund to the tobacco settlement program fund equal to the difference between nineteen million two hundred eighty-two thousand seven hundred dollars ($19,282,700) and the amount transferred to the tobacco settlement program fund pursuant to Paragraph B of Section 6-9-4 NMSA 1978 in fiscal year 2014 to fully fund appropriations made from the tobacco settlement program fund contained in Section 4 of Chapter 227 of Laws 2013.

      C. Notwithstanding the provisions of Sections 6-4-9, 6-4-10 and 6-4-11 NMSA 1978 or other substantive law, the department of finance and administration shall transfer an amount from the tobacco settlement permanent fund to the tobacco settlement program fund equal to the difference between appropriations contained in Section 4 of this act made from the tobacco settlement program fund and the amount transferred to the tobacco settlement program fund pursuant to Paragraph B of Section 6-9-4 NMSA 1978 in fiscal year 2015 to fully fund appropriations made from the tobacco settlement program fund contained in Section 4 of this act.

      D. Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 6-24-23 NMSA 1978, the higher education department shall transfer from the lottery tuition fund to the tobacco settlement permanent fund an amount equal to the amount transferred from the tobacco settlement permanent fund to the lottery tuition fund pursuant to paragraph D of Section 6-4-9 NMSA 1978 in fiscal year 2014.      Section 10. SEVERABILITY.-- If any part or application of this act is held invalid, the remainder or its application to other situations or persons shall not be affected.