51st legislature - STATE OF NEW MEXICO - first session, 2013


John M. Sapien









     WHEREAS, Johnnie Archibeque was, first and foremost, a devoted family man, married to his wife Eloisa for thirty-three years, with five children, Melba, Sandra, Johnny, Theresa and Frank; and

     WHEREAS, Johnnie Archibeque was a loving grandfather to eleven grandchildren and sixteen great-grandchildren, who lovingly referred to him as "Grandpy"; and

     WHEREAS, Johnnie Archibeque worked in construction for fifteen years and was a member of the local affiliate of the united brotherhood of carpenters and joiners where he helped lobby on behalf of public education; and

     WHEREAS, Johnnie Archibeque served as Sandoval county clerk for three terms; and

     WHEREAS, Johnnie Archibeque was always a strong advocate for public education, even before he worked for fifteen years in the Bernalillo public school district; and

     WHEREAS, Johnnie Archibeque retired in 1993 but continued to work as an advocate for causes important to him, including as an educational support professional for the national education association-New Mexico, where he was instrumental in getting bargaining rights in his local chapter in the 1990s and was later inducted into the national education association-New Mexico hall of fame; and

     WHEREAS, Johnnie Archibeque was also active in lobbying for key issues on behalf of the American association of retired persons; and

     WHEREAS, Johnnie Archibeque also loved politics and started his political career as a bill clerk and then served two terms in the New Mexico house of representatives, in 1945-46 and 1957-58, where he sat on several legislative committees, including the house education committee and the house labor committee; and

     WHEREAS, Johnnie Archibeque always stayed involved in political issues, traveling each year to the state capitol during the legislative session to lobby legislators on education funding, support for retirees and health care reform; and

     WHEREAS, Johnnie Archibeque made many lifetime friends inside and outside the state capitol, in his hometown of Bernalillo and just about any place Johnnie went as he carried with him an unforgettable smile, infinite charm and impressive historical knowledge of New Mexico politics;

     NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE SENATE OF THE STATE OF NEW MEXICO that Johnnie Archibeque be commended and remembered for his love and commitment to public service to the state of New Mexico and for his devotion to education and his support for the state's retirees and health care reform; and

     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Thursday, February 14, 2013, be declared "Johnnie Archibeque Day" in the senate; and

     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of this memorial be transmitted to the family of Johnnie Archibeque and to Jack Torres, mayor of the town of Bernalillo.

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