51st legislature - STATE OF NEW MEXICO - first session, 2013


Michael Padilla









     WHEREAS, the residents of New Mexico recognize that everyone's success depends on helping children to succeed in school and reach their full potential in life and on realizing that young people need a solid foundation of support to help them become well-educated, confident and productive citizens; and

     WHEREAS, mentoring is a proven effective strategy that helps children and young adults by matching them with caring, responsible adults who can provide guidance and direction and build confidence; and

     WHEREAS, mentors build character, encourage success, boost confidence, lift expectations and inspire young people to do their best; and

     WHEREAS, mentors serve as friends, role models, teachers and sources of stability during a critical time in a child's life; and

     WHEREAS, research shows that mentoring has beneficial long-term effects on youth by increasing academic engagement and decreasing the likelihood of substance abuse and other harmful behaviors; and

     WHEREAS, mentoring strengthens the state's economic and social well-being by helping young people reach their potential while helping maintain healthy families and promoting more vibrant communities; and

     WHEREAS, residents of New Mexico are making a profound difference in the lives of young people by serving as mentors, supported by many private- and public-sector organizations that offer mentoring opportunities; and

     WHEREAS, many children in New Mexico are in need of a caring adult mentor, and closing this mentoring gap will take more investment, partnerships and volunteers that are ready to make a difference in a child's life; and

     WHEREAS, President Obama's administration is working to expand mentoring and other volunteer opportunities across the United States through the United We Serve initiative, the corporation for national and community service and other agencies and programs; and

     WHEREAS, "National Mentoring Month" is an opportunity to raise public awareness on the importance of mentoring, to recognize the dedication of individuals that serve as mentors and to encourage more citizens to help build a brighter future of New Mexico's youth through mentoring;

     NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE SENATE OF THE STATE OF NEW MEXICO that the month of January 2013 be proclaimed "National Mentoring Month" in the New Mexico senate and that the people of New Mexico be encouraged to recognize the importance of mentoring, to look for opportunities to serve as mentors in their communities and to observe this month with appropriate activities and programs.

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