51st legislature - STATE OF NEW MEXICO - first session, 2013
A. Except as otherwise provided in another section of this act:
(1) the unexpended balance from the proceeds of severance tax bonds issued for a project that has been reauthorized in this act shall revert to the severance tax bonding fund:
(a) at the end of the expenditure period as set forth in this act, if the expenditure period is changed in this act; or
(b) if the expenditure period is not changed in this act, pursuant to the time frame set forth in the law that originally authorized the severance tax bonds or the time frame set forth in any law that has previously reauthorized the expenditure of the proceeds, whichever is later; and
(2) all remaining balances from the proceeds of severance tax bonds issued for a project that has been reauthorized in this act shall revert to the severance tax bonding fund three months after the reversion date for the unexpended balances.
B. For the purpose of this section, "unexpended balance" means the remainder of an appropriation after reserving for unpaid costs and expenses covered by binding written obligations to third parties.
A. Except as otherwise provided in another section of this act:
(1) the unexpended balance of an appropriation from the general fund or other state fund that has been changed in this act shall revert:
(a) at the end of the expenditure period as set forth in this act, if the expenditure period is changed in this act; or
(b) if the expenditure period is not changed in this act, pursuant to the time frame set forth in the law in which the original appropriation was made or the time frame set forth in any law that has previously changed the appropriation, whichever is later; and
(2) all remaining balances of an appropriation from the general fund or other state fund that has been changed in this act shall revert three months after the reversion date for the unexpended balance.
B. Except as provided in Subsection C of this section, the balance of an appropriation made from the general fund or other state fund shall revert pursuant to Subsection A of this section to the originating fund.
C. The balance of an appropriation made from the general fund or other state fund to the Indian affairs department or the aging and long-term services department for a project located on lands of an Indian nation, tribe or pueblo shall revert pursuant to Subsection A of this section to the tribal infrastructure project fund.
D. For the purpose of this section, "unexpended balance" means the remainder of an appropriation after reserving for unpaid costs and expenses covered by binding written obligations to third parties.
SECTION 3. SOUTH VALLEY POOL--EXTEND TIME--GENERAL FUND.--The time of expenditure for the public education department project originally appropriated in Subsection 52 of Section 55 of Chapter 42 of Laws 2007 and reappropriated to the local government division in Laws 2011, Chapter 183, Section 9 to plan, design, equip, construct and redevelop the south valley pool facility and grounds in Bernalillo county is extended through fiscal year 2015.
SECTION 4. ALBUQUERQUE TOWER PARK-WEST GATE LITTLE LEAGUE IMPROVEMENTS--EXTEND TIME--GENERAL FUND.--The time of expenditure for the project originally appropriated to the department of transportation in Subsection 14 of Section 52 of Chapter 347 of Laws 2005 and reappropriated to the local government division in Laws 2007, Chapter 341, Section 20 and reappropriated again in Laws 2011, Chapter 183, Section 7 to make improvements for Tower Park-West Gate little league in Albuquerque in Bernalillo county is extended through fiscal year 2015.
SECTION 5. NEW MEXICO STATE FAIR ALICE FAYE HOPPES PAVILION FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEM--CHANGE TO INFRASTRUCTURE AND IMPROVEMENTS AT THE STATE FAIR--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The unexpended balance of the appropriation to the state fair commission originally authorized in Subsection 1 of Section 16 of Chapter 92 of Laws 2008 and reauthorized in Laws 2012, Chapter 63, Section 15 for a fire suppression system at the Alice Faye Hoppes pavilion at the New Mexico state fairgrounds shall not be expended for the original or reauthorized purpose but is changed to make infrastructure and other improvements at the New Mexico state fairgrounds in Albuquerque in Bernalillo county.
SECTION 6. PETROGLYPH LITTLE LEAGUE CONCESSION STAND--CHANGE TO TRAILER PURCHASE FOR MOBILE CONCESSION STAND--EXTEND TIME--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The unexpended balance of the appropriation to the local government division in Subsection 129 of Section 3 of Chapter 7 of Laws 2009 (S.S.) to plan, design and construct a concession stand for the Petroglyph little league in Albuquerque in Bernalillo county shall not be expended for the original purpose but is changed to purchase and install a trailer to be used as a mobile concession stand for that little league. The time of expenditure is extended through fiscal year 2015.
SECTION 7. WESTERN NEW MEXICO CORRECTIONAL FACILITY IMPROVEMENTS PLANNING AND DESIGN--EXPAND PURPOSE--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The capital program fund project in Subsection 2 of Section 5 of Chapter 5 of Laws 2011 (S.S.) to plan and design water, wastewater and erosion control improvements at the western New Mexico correctional facility in Cibola county may include construction.
SECTION 8. EAGLE NEST ENCHANTED EAGLE PARK ASBESTOS REMOVAL AND BUILDING DEMOLITION--EXPAND PURPOSE--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The local government division project in Subsection 42 of Section 16 of Chapter 64 of Laws 2012 to remove asbestos, including demolition and debris removal, from abandoned buildings in Enchanted Eagle park in Eagle Nest in Colfax county may include site improvements, including materials disposal and soil restoration.
SECTION 9. LAKE ROBERTS DAM AND SPILLWAY--CHANGE TO SPRINGER DAMS 1 AND 2--CHANGE AGENCY--EXTEND TIME--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The unexpended balance of the appropriation to the department of game and fish in Subsection 1 of Section 23 of Chapter 125 of Laws 2009 for construction and renovations to the Lake Roberts dam and spillway in Grant county shall not be expended for the original purpose but is appropriated to the office of the state engineer for construction and rehabilitation of dams 1 and 2 in Springer in Colfax county. The time of expenditure is extended through fiscal year 2015.
SECTION 10. GRADY FIRE TRUCK PURCHASE--CHANGE TO REPAY A LOAN--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The unexpended balance of the appropriation to the local government division in Subsection 45 of Section 16 of Chapter 64 of Laws 2012 to purchase a fire truck for Grady in Curry county shall not be expended for the original purpose but is changed to pay back a loan for that purpose.
SECTION 11. BOSQUE REDONDO MEMORIAL EXHIBITS--EXPAND PURPOSE--EXTEND TIME--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The cultural affairs department project in Subsection 2 of Section 9 of Chapter 125 of Laws 2009 to purchase and install exhibits at the Bosque Redondo memorial at Fort Sumner state monument in De Baca county may include design, construction and installation of an exhibition at that memorial. The time of expenditure is extended through fiscal year 2015.
SECTION 12. ANTHONY DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS--EXTEND TIME--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The time of expenditure for the department of transportation project originally authorized in Subsection 7 of Section 24 of Chapter 92 of Laws 2008 and reauthorized in Laws 2011, Chapter 183, Section 42 to plan, design and construct drainage improvements in Anthony in Dona Ana county is extended through fiscal year 2015.
SECTION 13. SAN MIGUEL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL RENOVATION--EXTEND TIME--GENERAL FUND.--The time of expenditure for the project originally appropriated to the local government division in Subsection 235 of Section 59 of Chapter 92 of Laws 2008 and reappropriated in Laws 2009, Chapter 128, Section 243 and reappropriated again to the public education department in Laws 2011, Chapter 183, Section 40 to renovate the San Miguel elementary school for use by the Gadsden independent school district in Dona Ana county is extended through fiscal year 2015.
SECTION 14. SAN MIGUEL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL RENOVATION--EXTEND TIME--GENERAL FUND.--The time of expenditure for the project originally appropriated to the local government division in Subsection 234 of Section 59 of Chapter 92 of Laws 2008 and reappropriated in Laws 2009, Chapter 128, Section 242 and reappropriated again to the public education department in Laws 2011, Chapter 183, Section 39 to renovate the San Miguel elementary school for use by the Gadsden independent school district in Dona Ana county is extended through fiscal year 2015.
SECTION 15. LAS CRUCES ARMIJO HOUSE RENOVATIONS--CHANGE TO VIETNAM VETERANS' MEMORIAL--EXTEND TIME--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The unexpended balance of the appropriation to the cultural affairs department originally authorized in Subsection 5 of Section 7 of Chapter 92 of Laws 2008 of which fifty-five thousand dollars ($55,000) was reauthorized and appropriated to the local government division in Laws 2012, Chapter 63, Section 36 to renovate the Armijo house in Las Cruces in Dona Ana county shall not be expended for the original or reauthorized purpose but is changed to make site improvements and construct a Vietnam War memorial in veterans' park in Las Cruces in Dona Ana county. The time of expenditure is extended through fiscal year 2015.
SECTION 16. NEW MEXICO FARM AND RANCH HERITAGE MUSEUM EXHIBITS AND TORTUGAS HALL CONSTRUCTION--EXTEND TIME--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The time of expenditure for the cultural affairs department project in Subsection 3 of Section 9 of Chapter 125 of Laws 2009 to continue construction and completion of Tortugas hall and to purchase and install exhibits at the New Mexico farm and ranch heritage museum in Las Cruces in Dona Ana county is extended through fiscal year 2015.
SECTION 17. SANTA TERESA PORT OF ENTRY STATIC SCALE AND BORDER AUTHORITY BUILDING--EXTEND TIME--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The time of expenditure for the capital program fund project in Subsection 5 of Section 3 of Chapter 7 of Laws 2009 (S.S.) for construction and to equip and install a platform static scale at the Santa Teresa port of entry in Dona Ana county and to design, construct, equip and furnish a building for the border authority at the Santa Teresa border crossing in Dona Ana county is extended through fiscal year 2015.
SECTION 18. SANTA TERESA SAFETY INSPECTION FACILITY--EXTEND TIME--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The time of expenditure for the project originally authorized to the local government division in Subsection 149 of Section 3 of Chapter 7 of Laws 2009 (S.S.) and reauthorized to the general services department in Laws 2011, Chapter 183, Section 52 to plan, design and construct improvements to a safety inspection facility in Santa Teresa in Dona Ana county is extended through fiscal year 2015.
SECTION 19. SANTA TERESA SAFETY INSPECTION STATION--EXTEND TIME--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The time of expenditure for the local government division project originally authorized in Subsection 3 of Section 23 of Chapter 42 of Laws 2007 and reauthorized to the capital program fund in Subsection B of Section 279 of Chapter 83 of Laws 2008 to plan, design and construct a safety inspection station at Santa Teresa in Dona Ana county and further reauthorized in Laws 2011, Chapter 183, Section 53 for a time extension is extended through fiscal year 2015.
SECTION 20. SUNLAND PARK MUNICIPAL COMPLEX--CHANGE TO STREETS AND DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS IN SUNLAND PARK--CHANGE AGENCY--EXTEND TIME--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The unexpended balance of the appropriation to the local government division in Subparagraph (c) of Paragraph (8) of Subsection A of Section 18 of Chapter 105 of Laws 2010 for a municipal complex in Sunland Park shall not be expended for the original purpose but is appropriated to the department of transportation to plan, design, construct and rehabilitate streets and drainage systems in Sunland Park in Dona Ana county. The time of expenditure is extended through fiscal year 2015.
SECTION 21. SUGARITE AND MANZANO STATE PARKS AND OTHER STATE PARKS LAND PURCHASES--CHANGE TO LIVING DESERT ZOO AND GARDENS STATE PARK ELECTRICAL IMPROVEMENTS--EXTEND TIME--PROCEEDS FROM THE SALE OF THE COTTONWOOD-WALNUT CREEK PROPERTY IN EDDY COUNTY.--The unexpended balance of the appropriation made from the proceeds of the sale of the Cottonwood-Walnut creek property in Eddy county in Laws 2004, Chapter 67, Section 1 for purchasing adjacent lands at Sugarite and Manzano state parks or at other parks shall not be expended for the original purpose but is changed for improvements to the electrical system, including the purchase and installation of conductors, infrastructure for a new primary service, transformers and meters, at Living Desert Zoo and Gardens state park in Eddy county. The time of expenditure is extended through fiscal year 2015.
SECTION 22. SECOND STREET ROAD AND DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS IN ROY--EXPAND PURPOSE TO VARIOUS STREETS IN ROY--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The department of transportation project in Subsection 29 of Section 18 of Chapter 64 of Laws 2012 to plan, design and construct road and drainage improvements to Second street in Roy in Harding county may include improvements to various streets in Roy.
SECTION 23. JAMES MURRAY BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS--EXTEND TIME--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The time of expenditure for the capital program fund project in Subsection 8 of Section 7 of Chapter 125 of Laws 2009 to plan, design and construct improvements, including reconfiguring office layout, remodeling restrooms and replacing the heating, ventilation and air conditioning system, in the James Murray building in Hobbs in Lea county is extended through fiscal year 2015.
SECTION 24. BAAHAALI CHAPTER POWERLINE EXTENSIONS--EXTEND TIME--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The time of expenditure for the Indian affairs department project authorized in Subsection 89 of Section 3 of Chapter 7 of Laws 2009 (S.S.) to plan, design and construct powerline extensions in the Baahaali chapter of the Navajo Nation in McKinley county is extended through fiscal year 2015.
SECTION 25. CROWNPOINT WELLNESS CENTER--EXTEND TIME--GENERAL FUND.--The time of expenditure for the Indian affairs department project originally appropriated in Subsection 43 of Section 66 of Chapter 42 of Laws 2007 and reappropriated in Laws 2011, Chapter 183, Section 58 to plan, design, construct, equip and furnish a wellness center, including purchasing a modular building, in Crownpoint in McKinley county is extended through fiscal year 2015.
SECTION 26. TOHATCHI CHAPTER PARKS AND PLAYGROUNDS--EXTEND TIME--GENERAL FUND.--The time of expenditure for the project originally appropriated to the local government division in Subsection 154 of Section 26 of Chapter 2 of Laws 2007 and reappropriated to the Indian affairs department in Laws 2009, Chapter 128, Section 312 and reappropriated again in Laws 2011, Chapter 183, Section 66 to plan, design, construct, renovate and equip a skateboard park, volleyball park, picnic area, playground area, trails and landscaping in the Tohatchi chapter of the Navajo Nation in McKinley county is extended through fiscal year 2015.
SECTION 27. TOHATCHI CHAPTER POWERLINE EXTENSION--CHANGE TO MULTIPURPOSE BUILDING FOR VETERANS--EXTEND TIME--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The unexpended balance of the appropriation to the Indian affairs department originally authorized in Subsection 18 of Section 115 of Chapter 126 of Laws 2004 and reauthorized in Laws 2009, Chapter 128, Section 311 and reauthorized again in Laws 2011, Chapter 183, Section 67 for a powerline extension project in the Tohatchi chapter of the Navajo Nation in McKinley county shall not be expended for the original purpose but is changed to plan and design a multipurpose building for veterans in that chapter. The time of expenditure is extended through fiscal year 2015.
SECTION 28. LINCOLN AND OTERO COUNTIES FLOOD DAMAGE IMPROVEMENTS--EXTEND TIME--GENERAL FUND.--The time of expenditure for the appropriation to the homeland security and emergency management department in Laws 2008 (S.S.), Chapter 8 to plan, design and construct improvements to roads, bridges and infrastructure damaged by severe flooding in Lincoln and Otero counties is extended through fiscal year 2015.
SECTION 29. SIERRA BLANCA, EAGLE NEST, MALOOF AND YOUTH DIAGNOSTIC AND DEVELOPMENT CENTER FACILITIES IMPROVEMENTS--EXTEND TIME--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The time of expenditure for the capital program fund project originally authorized in Subsection 7 of Section 6 of Chapter 42 of Laws 2007 and reauthorized in Laws 2011, Chapter 183, Section 71 for grounds and security improvements at Camp Sierra Blanca, Eagle Nest, Maloof and youth diagnostic and development center facilities in multiple counties is extended through fiscal year 2015.
SECTION 30. LORDSBURG PORT OF ENTRY, SANTA TERESA INSPECTION STATION AND LAS CRUCES STATE POLICE DISTRICT HEADQUARTERS IMPROVEMENTS--EXTEND TIME--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The time of expenditure for the capital program fund project originally authorized in Subsection 7 of Section 7 of Chapter 125 of Laws 2009 to equip, furnish and landscape the site, including a spur road, at the Lordsburg port of entry in Hidalgo county and reauthorized in Laws 2012, Chapter 63, Section 32 to include planning, designing, constructing, furnishing and equipping renovations at the Santa Teresa inspection station and the Las Cruces state police district headquarters in Dona Ana county is extended through fiscal year 2015.
SECTION 31. STATE BUILDINGS DEMOLITION AND DECOMMISSIONING--EXTEND TIME--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The time of expenditure for the capital program fund project in Subsection 22 of Section 7 of Chapter 125 of Laws 2009 for demolition, decommissioning and asbestos abatement of state buildings, including the Campbell, Woolston, Mecham and Old Huning buildings on the Los Lunas campus in Valencia county and the old dormitory at the New Mexico rehabilitation center in Roswell in Chaves county, is extended through fiscal year 2015.
SECTION 32. FIBEROPTIC CONNECTIONS TO STATE FACILITIES AND PURCHASE OF TELECOMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT--CHANGE TO NORTHERN NEW MEXICO STATE SCHOOL INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY INFRASTRUCTURE--CHANGE AGENCY--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The unexpended balance of the appropriation to the department of information technology in Laws 2012, Chapter 64, Section 14 to construct REDI net fiberoptic connections to state facilities and to purchase and install telecommunications equipment to route traffic to and from the state's network hub in the Simms building in Santa Fe in Santa Fe county shall not be expended for the original purpose but is appropriated to the board of regents of northern New Mexico state school to purchase and install information technology, including related equipment, furniture and infrastructure, at the El Rito and Espanola campuses of northern New Mexico state school in Rio Arriba county.
SECTION 33. ACEQUIA DE LA POSECION IMPROVEMENTS--EXPAND PURPOSE TO INCLUDE LOAN PAYBACK--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The interstate stream commission project in Subsection 11 of Section 15 of Chapter 64 of Laws 2012 to plan, design and construct acequia improvements, including lining, for the acequia de la Posecion in Truchas in Rio Arriba county may include paying back a loan for that acequia.
SECTION 34. NEW MEXICO BEHAVIORAL HEALTH INSTITUTE ASBESTOS ABATEMENT--EXTEND TIME--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The time of expenditure for the capital program fund project in Subsection 12 of Section 7 of Chapter 125 of Laws 2009 for asbestos abatement at the New Mexico behavioral health institute in Las Vegas in San Miguel county is extended through fiscal year 2015.
SECTION 35. NEW MEXICO BEHAVIORAL HEALTH INSTITUTE FORENSIC SECURITY--EXTEND TIME--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The time of expenditure for the capital program fund project in Subsection 13 of Section 7 of Chapter 125 of Laws 2009 to plan, design, construct and provide upgrades of forensic security needs at the New Mexico behavioral health institute in Las Vegas in San Miguel county is extended through fiscal year 2015.
SECTION 36. RAIL RUNNER AVENUE EXTENSION IN BERNALILLO--EXPAND PURPOSE--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The department of transportation project in Subsection 42 of Section 18 of Chapter 64 of Laws 2012 to plan and design an extension of Rail Runner avenue in Bernalillo in Sandoval county may include construction.
SECTION 37. FRED LUNA BUILDING PARKING AREA IN BELEN--CHANGE TO RIO RANCHO ALL INCLUSIVE PARK--CHANGE AGENCY--EXTEND TIME--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The unexpended balance of the appropriation to the capital program fund originally authorized in Subsection 25 of Section 7 of Chapter 125 of Laws 2009 to plan, design, construct and equip a parking area for the Fred Luna building in Belen in Valencia county shall not be expended for the original purpose but is appropriated to the local government division to design, construct and equip an all inclusive park with high standards of accessibility in Rio Rancho in Sandoval county. The time of expenditure is extended through fiscal year 2015.
SECTION 38. LA FAMILIA MEDICAL CENTER ON ALTO STREET--EXPAND PURPOSE--EXTEND TIME--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The local government division project in Subsection 181 of Section 3 of Chapter 7 of Laws 2009 (S.S.) to plan, design, construct, equip and furnish an expansion to, and make improvements to the interior infrastructure of, La Familia medical center on Alto street in Santa Fe in Santa Fe county may include making improvements to the exterior of that building and site. The time of expenditure is extended through fiscal year 2015.
SECTION 39. MANUEL LUJAN BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS--EXTEND TIME--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The time of expenditure for the capital program fund project originally authorized in Subsection 15 of Section 7 of Chapter 125 of Laws 2009 and reauthorized in Laws 2012, Chapter 64, Section 35 for infrastructure improvements, renovation, furnishing and equipping the Manuel Lujan building in Santa Fe in Santa Fe county is extended through fiscal year 2015.
SECTION 40. NEW MEXICO SCHOOL FOR THE DEAF DEFICIENCIES CORRECTION--EXTEND TIME--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The time of expenditure for the public school capital outlay fund project in Subsection 2 of Section 29 of Chapter 125 of Laws 2009 for asbestos abatement, mold remediation and other renovations to address critical deficiencies at the New Mexico school for the deaf in Santa Fe in Santa Fe county is extended through fiscal year 2015.
SECTION 41. SANTA FE COUNTY FACILITIES FOR THE DISABLED--CHANGE TO FURNISHINGS FOR THE DISABLED--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The unexpended balance of the appropriation to the local government division in Subsection 111 of Section 16 of Chapter 64 of Laws 2012 for improvements and renovations to county-owned facilities for the disabled in Santa Fe county shall not be expended for the original purpose but is changed to purchase furnishings for use by the disabled in Santa Fe county.
SECTION 42. SANTA FE MULTIMODAL TRANSIT ROAD IMPROVEMENTS--EXTEND TIME--GENERAL FUND.--The time of expenditure for the department of transportation project originally appropriated in Subsection 56 of Section 30 of Chapter 2 of Laws 2007 and reappropriated in Laws 2008, Chapter 83, Section 383 and reappropriated again in Laws 2011, Chapter 183, Section 104 to purchase land for, plan, design, construct and equip road improvements for multimodal transit along Old Santa Fe trail, including El Gancho way, in Santa Fe in Santa Fe county is extended through fiscal year 2015.
SECTION 43. ACADEMY FOR TECHNOLOGY AND THE CLASSICS KITCHEN CONSTRUCTION--CHANGE TO PURCHASE, EXPAND OR RENOVATE FACILITY--EXTEND TIME--GENERAL FUND.--The unexpended balance of the appropriation to the local government division originally appropriated in Subsection 644 of Section 68 of Chapter 42 of Laws 2007 and reappropriated to the public education department in Laws 2011, Chapter 183, Section 106 to construct and equip a kitchen and cafeteria at Academy for Technology and the Classics charter school in the Santa Fe public school district in Santa Fe county shall not be expended for the original or reappropriated purpose but is changed to purchase, expand and renovate the facility for that charter school. The time of expenditure is extended through fiscal year 2015.
SECTION 44. NEW MEXICO STATE VETERANS' HOME ALZHEIMER'S UNIT--EXTEND TIME--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The time of expenditure for the capital program fund project originally authorized in Subsection 9 of Section 7 of Chapter 125 of Laws 2009 and reauthorized in Laws 2012, Chapter 63, Section 101 to plan, design, construct, furnish, equip and landscape a skilled nursing Alzheimer's unit at the New Mexico state veterans' home in Truth or Consequences in Sierra county is extended through fiscal year 2015.
SECTION 45. RIO RANCHO REGIONAL PARK FACILITY--CHANGE TO SIERRA COUNTY HOSPITAL--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The unexpended balance of the appropriation to the local government division originally authorized in Subsection 85 of Section 21 of Chapter 92 of Laws 2008 and reauthorized in Laws 2012, Chapter 63, Section 89 for the all-inclusive regional park facility in Rio Rancho in Sandoval county shall not be expended for the original or reauthorized purpose but is changed to plan, design, construct and equip a hospital in Truth or Consequences in Sierra county.
SECTION 46. NEW MEXICO STATE VETERANS' HOME ALZHEIMER'S UNIT--EXTEND TIME--REVENUE BONDS.--The time of expenditure for the revenue bond project originally authorized in Subsection C of Section 8 of Chapter 320 of Laws 2005 and reauthorized in Subsection 3 of Section 94 of Chapter 42 of Laws 2007 for an Alzheimer's unit and other improvements at the New Mexico state veterans' home in Truth or Consequences in Sierra county and further reauthorized in Laws 2011, Chapter 183, Section 109 to extend the time is extended through fiscal year 2015.
SECTION 47. SOCORRO COUNTY VEGUITA HEALTH AND COMMUNITY CENTER--EXTEND TIME--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The time of expenditure for the local government division project originally authorized in Subsection 185 of Section 3 of Chapter 7 of Laws 2009 (S.S.) to plan, design, construct and equip the Veguita health and community center in Socorro county is extended through fiscal year 2015.
SECTION 48. ACEQUIA WATER STORAGE PROJECTS STATEWIDE--EXTEND TIME--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The time of expenditure for the office of the state engineer project in Subsection 48 of Section 3 of Chapter 7 of Laws 2009 (S.S.) to repair and rehabilitate acequia water storage projects statewide is extended through fiscal year 2015.
SECTION 49. APPROPRIATIONS FOR ROAD PROJECTS ENUMERATED IN LAWS 2003 (S.S.), CHAPTER 3, SECTION 27--EXTEND TIME--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The time of expenditure for the department of transportation road projects authorized in Laws 2008 (S.S.), Chapter 9 for purposes specified in Paragraphs (1) and (3) through (37) of Subsection A of Section 27 of Chapter 3 of Laws 2003 (S.S.) is extended through fiscal year 2015.
SECTION 50. MOTOR VEHICLE DIVISION FIELD OFFICE RENOVATIONS STATEWIDE--EXTEND TIME--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The time of expenditure for the capital program fund project originally authorized in Subsection 7 of Section 3 of Chapter 7 of Laws 2009 (S.S.) to plan, design and construct a motor vehicle division field office in Santa Fe in Santa Fe county and reauthorized in Laws 2012, Chapter 63, Section 103 to include renovating, improving, furnishing and equipping the motor vehicle division field offices statewide is extended through fiscal year 2015.
SECTION 51. SOUTHERN NEW MEXICO REHABILITATION CENTER IMPROVEMENTS--EXPAND PURPOSE--EXTEND TIME--REVENUE BONDS.--The revenue bond project originally authorized in Subsection C of Section 8 of Chapter 320 of Laws 2005 and reauthorized in Subsection 1 of Section 94 of Chapter 42 of Laws 2007 for improvements at the southern New Mexico rehabilitation center and further reauthorized in Laws 2011, Chapter 183, Section 27 to extend the time may include improvements to department of health facilities statewide. The time of expenditure is extended through fiscal year 2015.
SECTION 52. CRISTOBAL DE LA SERNA LAND GRANT OFFICE BUILDING--EXTEND TIME--GENERAL FUND.--The time of expenditure for the interstate stream commission appropriation originally appropriated in Subsection 31 of Section 67 of Chapter 42 of Laws 2007 and reappropriated to the local government division in Laws 2011, Chapter 183, Section 119 to purchase land, plan, design, construct, equip and furnish an office building for La Merced in the Cristobal de la Serna land grant in Taos county is extended through fiscal year 2015.
SECTION 53. CERRO COMMUNITY CENTER--CHANGE TO QUESTA COMMUNITY CENTER--SEVERANCE TAX BONDS.--The unexpended balance of the appropriation to the local government division in Subsection 132 of Section 16 of Chapter 64 of Laws 2012 for a community center in Cerro in Taos county shall not be expended for the original purpose but is changed to plan, design, construct, purchase, renovate and furnish a community center in Questa in Taos county.
SECTION 54. ALBUQUERQUE PUBLIC ART WORK--CHANGE TO MORIARTY MAINSTREET PROJECT ROUTE 66 IMPROVEMENTS--CHANGE AGENCY--EXTEND TIME--GENERAL FUND.--The unexpended balance of the appropriation to the local government division in Subsection 85 of Section 59 of Chapter 92 of Laws 2008 and reappropriated in Laws 2012, Chapter 63, Section 6 to plan, design, construct and install a landmark public art work in Albuquerque in Bernalillo county shall not be expended for the original purpose but is appropriated to the economic development department to plan, design and construct mainstreet project Route 66 improvements in Moriarty in Torrance county. The time of expenditure is extended through fiscal year 2015.
SECTION 55. EMERGENCY.--It is necessary for the public peace, health and safety that this act take effect immediately.
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