50th legislature - STATE OF NEW MEXICO - second session, 2012


Richard D. Vigil









     WHEREAS, all TRiO programs are vested in the notion that committed students deserve an opportunity to obtain higher education without regard to race, gender, national origin or disability status, and regardless of their family's economic resources or educational background; and

     WHEREAS, seven TRiO programs are funded by the United States department of education, including talent search, upward bound, upward bound math and science, veterans upward bound, student support services, the Ronald E. McNair postbaccalaureate program and educational opportunity centers; and

     WHEREAS, since 1965, more than ten million five hundred thousand Americans from poor and working families have benefited from the services of TRiO pre-college and college programs; and

     WHEREAS, currently, more than one thousand two hundred colleges, universities and community agencies in the country host more than two thousand six hundred TRiO programs, serving eight hundred sixty-six thousand young people and adults from poor and working families; and

     WHEREAS, TRiO services include assistance in choosing a college; tutoring; personal and financial counseling; career counseling; assistance in applying to college; workplace and college visits; special instruction in reading, writing, study skills and mathematics; assistance in applying for financial aid; and academic assistance in high school or assistance to reenter high school; and

     WHEREAS, TRiO programs have been providing educational support and increased access to higher education for disadvantaged students for more than forty years; and

     WHEREAS, in New Mexico and west Texas, there currently are thirty-six TRiO programs that bring in over twelve million dollars ($12,000,000) in federal funding and serve more than twelve thousand students; and

     WHEREAS, the congress of the United States first enacted National TRiO Day in 1986 to recognize the achievements of all TRiO programs and their role in advancing equal opportunity in post-secondary education; and

     WHEREAS, TRiO day is meant to increase awareness and garner support for all TRiO programs, TRiO students, college graduates, administrators, counselors and state and federal supporters; and

     WHEREAS, these successful federal programs work to help low-income and first-generation students to enter college and earn a college degree and should be expanded to serve more Americans;

     NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE STATE OF NEW MEXICO that February 3, 2012 be declared "National TRiO Day" in the house of representatives; and

     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this memorial be transmitted to Roland Salas, director of student support services at New Mexico highlands university.

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