49th legislature - STATE OF NEW MEXICO - second session, 2010


Ray Begaye










     Section 1. Section 7-20C-1 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1991, Chapter 176, Section 1) is amended to read:

     "7-20C-1. SHORT TITLE.--[Sections 1 through 15 of this act] Chapter 7, Article 20C NMSA 1978 may be cited as the "Local Hospital Gross Receipts Tax Act"."

     Section 2. Section 7-20C-2 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1991, Chapter 176, Section 2, as amended) is amended to read:

     "7-20C-2. DEFINITIONS.--As used in the Local Hospital Gross Receipts Tax Act:

          A. "county" means:

                (1) a class B county having a population of less than twenty-five thousand according to the most recent federal decennial census and having a net taxable value for rate-setting purposes for the 1990 property tax year or any subsequent year of more than two hundred fifty million dollars ($250,000,000);

                (2) a class B county having a population of less than forty-seven thousand but more than forty-four thousand according to the 1990 federal decennial census and having a net taxable value for rate-setting purposes for the 1992 property tax year of more than three hundred million dollars ($300,000,000) but less than six hundred million dollars ($600,000,000);

                (3) a class B county having a population of less than ten thousand according to the most recent federal decennial census and having a net taxable value for rate-setting purposes for the 1990 property tax year or any subsequent year of more than one hundred million dollars ($100,000,000);

                (4) a class B county having a population of less than twenty-five thousand according to the 1990 federal decennial census and having a net taxable value for rate-setting purposes for the 1993 property tax year of more than ninety-one million dollars ($91,000,000) but less than one hundred twenty-five million dollars ($125,000,000);

                (5) a class B county having a population of more than seventeen thousand but less than twenty thousand according to the 1990 federal decennial census and having a net taxable value for rate-setting purposes for the 1993 property tax year of more than one hundred fifty-three million dollars ($153,000,000) but less than one hundred fifty-six million dollars ($156,000,000);

                (6) a class B county having a population of more than fifteen thousand according to the 1990 federal decennial census and having a net taxable value for rate-setting purposes for the 1996 property tax year of more than one hundred fifty million dollars ($150,000,000) but less than one hundred seventy-five million dollars ($175,000,000);

                (7) an H class county;

                (8) a class A county having a population of less than one hundred fifteen thousand according to the 2000 federal decennial census or any subsequent federal decennial census and having a net taxable value for rate-setting purposes for the 2001 property tax year or any subsequent year of more than three billion dollars ($3,000,000,000); [or]

                (9) a class B county having a population of more than three thousand five hundred but less than ten thousand five hundred according to the 2000 federal decennial census or any subsequent federal decennial census and having a net taxable value for rate-setting purposes for the 2005 property tax year or any subsequent year of more than one hundred million dollars ($100,000,000) and less than one hundred sixteen million five hundred thousand dollars ($116,500,000); or

                (10) any county that is not a class A county having a population of more than three hundred thousand according to the most recent federal decennial census;

          B. "department" means the taxation and revenue department, the secretary of taxation and revenue or any employee of the department exercising authority lawfully delegated to that employee by the secretary;

          C. "governing body" means the board of county commissioners of a county;

          D. "health care facilities contract" means an agreement between a hospital or health clinic not owned by the county and a county imposing the tax authorized by the Local Hospital Gross Receipts Tax Act that obligates the county to pay to the hospital revenue generated by the tax authorized in that act as consideration for the agreement by the hospital or health clinic to use the funds only for nonsectarian purposes and to make health care services available for the benefit of the county;

          E. "hospital facility revenues" means all or a portion of the revenues derived from a lease of a hospital facility acquired, constructed or equipped pursuant to and operated in accordance with the Local Hospital Gross Receipts Tax Act;

          F. "local hospital gross receipts tax" means the tax authorized to be imposed under the Local Hospital Gross Receipts Tax Act;

          G. "person" means an individual or any other legal entity; and

          H. "state gross receipts tax" means the gross receipts tax imposed under the Gross Receipts and Compensating Tax Act."

     Section 3. Section 7-20C-3 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1991, Chapter 176, Section 3, as amended) is amended to read:


          A. A majority of the members elected to the governing body of a county may enact an ordinance imposing an excise tax on a person engaging in business in the county for the privilege of engaging in business. This tax is to be referred to as the "local hospital gross receipts tax". The rate of the tax shall be:

                (1) one-half percent of the gross receipts of the person engaging in business if the tax is initially imposed before January 1, 1993;

                (2) one-eighth percent of the gross receipts of the person engaging in business if the tax is initially imposed after January 1, 1993; [and]

                (3) a rate not to exceed one-half percent of the gross receipts of the person engaging in business if the tax is imposed after July 1, 1996 in a county described in Paragraph (4), (6), (7) or (8) of Subsection A of Section 7-20C-2 NMSA 1978; provided the tax may be imposed in any number of increments of one-eighth percent not to exceed an aggregate rate of one-half percent of gross receipts; and

                (4) a rate not to exceed one-fourth percent, which may be imposed in increments of one-eighth percent, of the gross receipts of the person engaging in business if the tax is imposed after January 1, 2010 in a county described in Paragraph (10) of Subsection A of Section 7-20C-2 NMSA 1978; provided that the rate of tax authorized by this paragraph may be imposed in addition to other local hospital gross receipts tax rate increments authorized for a county by this section.

          B. The local hospital gross receipts tax imposed:                 (1) initially before January 1, 1993 shall be imposed only once for the period necessary for payment of the principal and interest on revenue bonds issued to accomplish the purpose for which the revenue is dedicated, but the period shall not exceed ten years from the effective date of the ordinance imposing the tax; or

                (2) after July 1, 1996 in a county described in Paragraph (4) or (8) of Subsection A of Section 7-20C-2 NMSA 1978 shall be imposed for the period necessary for payment of the principal and interest on revenue bonds issued to accomplish the purpose for which the revenue is dedicated, but the period shall not exceed forty years from the effective date of the ordinance imposing the tax; provided, however, that the governing body of a county described in Paragraph (8) of Subsection A of Section 7-20C-2 NMSA 1978 that has enacted an ordinance imposing an increment of the local hospital gross receipts tax pursuant to the provisions of this paragraph may, prior to the date of the delayed repeal of the ordinance, enact an ordinance to modify the period of imposition of the tax and modify the purposes for which the revenue from the tax is dedicated, consistent with one or more of the purposes permitted pursuant to Paragraph (6) of Subsection D of this section. The ordinance shall be subject to the election requirement of Subsection E of this section.

          C. No local hospital gross receipts tax authorized in Subsection A of this section shall be imposed initially after January 1, 1993 in a county described in Paragraph (2), (3) or (5) of Subsection A of Section 7-20C-2 NMSA 1978 unless:

                (1) in a county described in Paragraph (2) of Subsection A of Section 7-20C-2 NMSA 1978, the voters of the county have approved the issuance of general obligation bonds of the county sufficient to pay at least one-half of the costs of the county hospital facility or county twenty-four-hour urgent care or emergency facility for which the local hospital gross receipts tax revenues are dedicated, including the costs of all acquisition, renovation and equipping of the facility; or

                (2) in a county described in Paragraph (3) or (5) of Subsection A of Section 7-20C-2 NMSA 1978, the county will not have in effect at the same time a county hospital emergency gross receipts tax and the voters of the county have approved the imposition of a property tax at a rate of one dollar ($1.00) on each one thousand dollars ($1,000) of taxable value of property in the county for the purpose of operation and maintenance of a hospital owned by the county and operated and maintained either by the county or by another party pursuant to a lease with the county.

          D. The governing body of a county enacting an ordinance imposing a local hospital gross receipts tax shall dedicate the revenue from the tax as provided in this subsection. In any election held, the ballot shall clearly state the purpose to which the revenue will be dedicated and the revenue shall be used by the county for that purpose. The revenue shall be dedicated as follows:

                (1) prior to January 1, 1993, the governing body, at the time of enacting an ordinance imposing the rate of the tax authorized in Subsection A of this section, shall dedicate the revenue for acquisition of land for and the design, construction, equipping and furnishing of a county hospital facility to be operated by the county or operated and maintained by another party pursuant to a lease with the county;

                (2) if the governing body of a county described in Paragraph (2), (3) or (5) of Subsection A of Section 7-20C-2 NMSA 1978 is enacting the ordinance imposing the tax after July 1, 1993, the governing body shall dedicate the revenue for acquisition, renovation and equipping of a building for a county hospital facility or a county twenty-four-hour urgent care or emergency facility or for operation and maintenance of that facility, whether operated and maintained by the county or by another party pursuant to a lease or management contract with the county, for the period of time the tax is imposed not to exceed ten years;

                (3) if the governing body of a county described in Paragraph (4) or (8) of Subsection A of Section 7-20C-2 NMSA 1978 is enacting the ordinance imposing the tax after July 1, 1995, the governing body shall dedicate the revenue for acquisition of land or buildings for and the renovation, design, construction, equipping or furnishing of a county hospital facility or health clinic to be operated by the county or operated and maintained by another party pursuant to a health care facilities contract, lease or management contract with the county; provided, however, that the governing body of a county described in Paragraph (8) of Subsection A of Section 7-20C-2 NMSA 1978 that has imposed an increment of the local hospital gross receipts tax prior to January 1, 2009 and dedicated the revenue from that imposition pursuant to the provisions of this paragraph may, prior to the date of the delayed repeal of the ordinance imposing the increment of the tax, enact an ordinance to modify the period of imposition of the tax and modify the purposes for which the revenue from the tax is dedicated, consistent with one or more of the purposes permitted pursuant to Paragraph (6) of this subsection. The ordinance shall be subject to the election requirement of Subsection E of this section;

                (4) if the governing body of a county described in Paragraph (6) or (9) of Subsection A of Section 7-20C-2 NMSA 1978 is enacting the ordinance imposing the tax after July 1, 1997, the governing body shall dedicate the revenue for either or a combination of the following:

                     (a) acquisition of land or buildings for and the design, construction, renovation, equipping or furnishing of a hospital facility or health clinic owned by the county or a hospital or health clinic with which the county has entered into a health care facilities contract lease or management contract; or

                     (b) operations and maintenance of a hospital or health clinic owned by the county or a hospital or a health clinic with which the county has entered into a health care facilities contract;

                (5) if the governing body of a county described in Paragraph (7) of Subsection A of Section 7-20C-2 NMSA 1978 is enacting the ordinance imposing the tax after January 1, 2002, the governing body shall dedicate the revenue for acquisition, lease, renovation or equipping of a hospital facility or for operation and maintenance of that facility, whether operated and maintained by the county or by another party pursuant to a health care facilities contract, lease or management contract with the county; [and]

                (6) if the governing body of a county described in Paragraph (8) of Subsection A of Section 7-20C-2 NMSA 1978 is enacting the ordinance imposing one or more increments of the tax after January 1, 2009, the governing body shall dedicate the revenue for either or both of the following:

                     (a) payment of the principal and interest on revenue bonds, including refunding bonds, issued for acquisition of land or buildings for and the renovation, design, construction, equipping or furnishing of hospital facilities or health care clinic facilities to be operated by the county or operated and maintained by another party pursuant to a health care facilities contract, lease or management contract with the county; and

                     (b) use as matching funds for state or federal programs benefiting the facilities; and

                (7) if the governing body of a county described in Paragraph (10) of Subsection A of Section 7-20C-2 NMSA 1978 is enacting an ordinance imposing an increment of the tax authorized in Paragraph (4) of Subsection A of this section, the governing body shall dedicate the revenue as matching funds for state or federal programs benefiting a hospital that is located in the county and is designated as a sole community provider by the centers for medicare and medicaid services or benefiting patient care at the hospital.

          E. The ordinance shall not go into effect until after an election is held and a simple majority of the qualified electors of the county voting in the election vote in favor of imposing the local hospital gross receipts tax and, in the case of a county described in Paragraph (3) or (5) of Subsection A of Section 7-20C-2 NMSA 1978, also vote in favor of a property tax at a rate of one dollar ($1.00) for each one thousand dollars ($1,000) of taxable value of property in the county. The governing body shall adopt a resolution calling for an election within seventy-five days of the date the ordinance is adopted on the question of imposing the tax. The question may be submitted to the qualified electors and voted on as a separate question in a general election or in any special election called for that purpose by the governing body. A special election on the question shall be called, held, conducted and canvassed in substantially the same manner as provided by law for general elections. If the question of imposing a local hospital gross receipts tax fails or if the question of imposing both a local hospital gross receipts tax and a property tax fails, the governing body shall not again propose a local hospital gross receipts tax for a period of one year after the election. A certified copy of any ordinance imposing a local hospital gross receipts tax shall be mailed to the department within five days after the ordinance is adopted in an election called for that purpose.

          F. An ordinance enacted pursuant to the provisions of Subsection A of this section shall include an effective date of either July 1 or January 1, whichever date occurs first after the expiration of at least three months from the date the ordinance is approved by the electorate.

          G. An ordinance repealed under the provisions of the Local Hospital Gross Receipts Tax Act shall be repealed effective on either July 1 or January 1.

          H. As used in this section, "taxable value of property" means the sum of:

                (1) the net taxable value, as that term is defined in the Property Tax Code, of property subject to taxation under the Property Tax Code;

                (2) the assessed value of products, as those terms are defined in the Oil and Gas Ad Valorem Production Tax Act;

                (3) the assessed value of equipment, as those terms are defined in the Oil and Gas Production Equipment Ad Valorem Tax Act; and

                (4) the taxable value of copper mineral property, as those terms are defined in the Copper Production Ad Valorem Tax Act, subject to taxation under the Copper Production Ad Valorem Tax Act."

     Section 4. EFFECTIVE DATE.--The effective date of the provisions of this act is July 1, 2010.

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