February 3, 2009




Mr. Speaker:


    Your BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY COMMITTEE, to whom has been referred




has had it under consideration and reports same with recommendation that it DO PASS, amended as follows:


1. On page 2, lines 4 and 5, strike "and charter schools".


     2. On page 2, line 15, strike ", land".


     3. On page 3, line 3, strike "village of".


     4. On page 5, lines 21 and 22, strike "board of regents at New Mexico state university" and insert in lieu thereof "Arrowhead center".


     5. On page 5, line 24, strike "for Arrowhead center".


     6. On page 6, line 20, after "wastewater" insert ", solid waste".


     7. On page 7, lines 21 through 23, strike Subsection 49 in its entirety.


     8. Renumber the succeeding subsections accordingly.


     9. On page 8, line 17, strike the second occurrence of "and".


     10. On page 8, line 21, strike the period and insert in lieu thereof a semicolon.


     11. On page 8, between lines 21 and 22, insert the following:


          "56. to Roosevelt county for building, equipment, water, wastewater and refinance projects in Roosevelt county;


          57. to the city of Portales in Roosevelt county for equipment, building, infrastructure, road, water, wastewater and refinance projects;


          58.  to Chaves county for equipment, building, land acquisition, water, wastewater and refinance projects in Chaves county;


          59.  to the city of Eunice in Lea county for equipment, building, water, wastewater, solid waste, infrastructure, refinance and land acquisition projects;


          60.  to the north central regional transit district in Santa Fe, Rio Arriba and Taos counties for equipment, building, land acquisition, refinance and infrastructure projects;


          61.  to the eastern Sandoval county arroyo flood control authority for equipment, building, land acquisition, refinance and infrastructure projects in Sandoval county;


          62.  to the university of New Mexico medical group in Bernalillo and Sandoval counties for building, equipment, land acquisition, refinance and infrastructure projects;


          63.  to the village of Folsom in Union county for equipment, building, infrastructure, land acquisition and refinance projects;


          64.  to the town of Edgewood in Santa Fe county for equipment, building, infrastructure, water, wastewater, solid waste, land acquisition and refinance projects;


          65. to Socorro county for equipment, building, refinance, water and wastewater projects in Socorro county;


          66. to the city of Socorro in Socorro county for equipment, building, refinance, water and wastewater projects;

          67. to Valencia county for equipment, building, refinance, water and wastewater projects in Valencia county;


          68. to the city of Roswell in Chaves county for equipment, building, infrastructure, water, wastewater, solid waste, land acquisition and refinance projects;


          69. to the governing board of Santa Fe community college in Santa Fe county for equipment, building, land acquisition, infrastructure and refinance projects;


          70. to the Carrizozo municipal school district in Lincoln county for equipment, infrastructure, building and refinance projects;


          71. to the Creative Education Prep charter school in Bernalillo county for equipment, building, infrastructure, land acquisition and refinance projects;


          72. to the Digital Arts and Technology Academy charter school in Bernalillo county for equipment, building, infrastructure, land acquisition and refinance projects;


          73. to the East Mountain High charter school in Bernalillo county for equipment, building, infrastructure, land acquisition and refinance projects;


          74. to the North Valley Academy charter school in Bernalillo county for equipment, building, infrastructure, land acquisition and refinance projects;


          75. to El Camino Real Academy charter school in Bernalillo county for equipment, building, infrastructure, land acquisition and refinance projects;


          76. to La Academia de Esperanza charter school in Bernalillo county for equipment, building, infrastructure, land acquisition and refinance projects;


          77. to La Luz del Monte Learning Center charter school in Bernalillo county for equipment, building, infrastructure, land acquisition and refinance projects;


          78. to Los Puentes charter school in Bernalillo county for equipment, building, infrastructure, land acquisition and refinance projects;


          79. to the Montessori Elementary charter school in Bernalillo county for equipment, building, infrastructure, land acquisition and refinance projects;


          80. to the Montessori of the Rio Grande charter school in Bernalillo county for equipment, building, infrastructure, land acquisition and refinance projects;


          81. to the Mountain Mahogany Community charter school in Bernalillo county for equipment, building, infrastructure, land acquisition and refinance projects;


          82. to Nuestros Valores charter school in Bernalillo county for equipment, building, infrastructure, land acquisition and refinance projects;


          83. to the Public Academy for Performing Arts charter school in Bernalillo county for equipment, building, infrastructure, land acquisition and refinance projects;


          84. to the Robert F. Kennedy charter school in Bernalillo county for equipment, building, infrastructure, land acquisition and refinance projects;


          85. to the South Valley Academy charter school in Bernalillo county for equipment, building, infrastructure, land acquisition and refinance projects;


          86. to the Southwest Learning Center charter school in Bernalillo county for equipment, building, infrastructure, land acquisition and refinance projects;


          87. to the Learning Community charter school in Bernalillo county for equipment, building, infrastructure, land acquisition and refinance projects;


          88. to the Twenty-first Century Public Academy charter school in Bernalillo county for equipment, building, infrastructure, land acquisition and refinance projects;


          89. to the School for Integrated Arts and Technology charter school in Bernalillo county for equipment, building, infrastructure, land acquisition and refinance projects;


          90. to the Amy Biehl charter high school in Bernalillo county for equipment, building, infrastructure, land acquisition and refinance projects;


          91. to the Cesar Chavez Community charter school in Bernalillo county for equipment, building, infrastructure, land acquisition and refinance projects;


          92. to La Academia de Lengua y Cultura charter school in Bernalillo county for equipment, building, infrastructure, land acquisition and refinance projects;


          93. to the Academy of Trade and Technology charter school in Bernalillo county for equipment, building, infrastructure, land acquisition and refinance projects;


          94. to the Horizon West Academy charter school in Bernalillo county for equipment, building, infrastructure, land acquisition and refinance projects;


          95. to La Promesa charter school in Bernalillo county for equipment, building, infrastructure, land acquisition and refinance projects;


          96. to the Monte del Sol charter school in Santa Fe county for equipment, building, infrastructure, land acquisition and refinance projects;


          97. to the Academy of Technology and the Classics charter school in Santa Fe county for equipment, building, infrastructure, land acquisition and refinance projects;


          98. to the Turquoise Trail charter school in Santa Fe county for equipment, building, infrastructure, land acquisition and refinance projects;


          99. to the Anansi charter school in Taos county for equipment, building, infrastructure, land acquisition and refinance projects;


          100. to the Taos charter school in Taos county for equipment, building, infrastructure, land acquisition and refinance projects;


          101. to the Red River Valley charter school in Taos county for equipment, building, infrastructure, land acquisition and refinance projects;


          102. to the Roots and Wings charter school in Taos county for equipment, building, infrastructure, land acquisition and refinance projects;


          103. to the Moreno Valley charter school in Colfax county for equipment, building, infrastructure, land acquisition and refinance projects;


          104. to the Walatowa charter school in Sandoval county for equipment, building, infrastructure, land acquisition and refinance projects;


          105. to the San Diego Riverside charter school in Sandoval county for equipment, building, infrastructure, land acquisition and refinance projects;


          106. to the Cottonwood Valley charter school in Socorro county for equipment, building, infrastructure, land acquisition and refinance projects;


          107. to La Academia Dolores Huerta charter school in Dona Ana county for equipment, building, infrastructure, land acquisition and refinance projects;


          108. to the Alma D'Arte charter school in Dona Ana county for equipment, building, infrastructure, land acquisition and refinance projects;


          109. to the Sidney Gutierrez charter school in Chaves county for equipment, building, infrastructure, land acquisition and refinance projects;


          110. to the Middle College charter high school in McKinley county for equipment, building, infrastructure, land acquisition and refinance projects;


          111. to the Rio Gallinas charter school in San Miguel county for equipment, building, infrastructure, land acquisition and refinance projects;


          112. to the Aldo Leopold charter high school in Grant county for equipment, building, infrastructure, land acquisition and refinance projects;


          113. to the Jefferson Montessori charter school in Eddy county for equipment, building, infrastructure, land acquisition and refinance projects;


          114. to the mid-region council of governments in Bernalillo county for infrastructure, equipment and rail spur projects;


          115. to the city of Clovis in Curry county for equipment, building, infrastructure, water, wastewater and refinance projects;


          116. to Eddy county for equipment, building, infrastructure, water, wastewater and refinance projects in Eddy county;


          117. to Guadalupe county for equipment, building, infrastructure, water, wastewater and refinance projects in Guadalupe county;


          118. to the village of Ruidoso in Lincoln county for equipment, building, infrastructure, water, wastewater and refinance projects;


          119. to the city of Ruidoso Downs in Lincoln county for equipment, building, infrastructure, water, wastewater and refinance projects;


          120. to the board of regents of the university of New Mexico in Bernalillo and Taos counties for equipment, building, infrastructure, land acquisition and refinance projects;


          121. to the Lordsburg municipal schools in Hidalgo county for equipment, land acquisition, building, infrastructure and refinance projects;


          122. to Hatch Valley public schools in Dona Ana county for equipment, land acquisition, building, infrastructure and refinance projects;


          123. to the Hagerman municipal school district in Chaves county for equipment, land acquisition, building, infrastructure and refinance projects;


          124. to the Dexter consolidated school district in Chaves county for equipment, land acquisition, building, infrastructure and refinance projects;


          125. to the Truth or Consequences municipal schools in Sierra county for equipment, land acquisition, building, infrastructure and refinance projects;


          126. to the Native American charter academy in Bernalillo county for equipment, land acquisition, building, infrastructure and refinance projects;


          127. to the governing board of Luna community college in San Miguel county for equipment, land acquisition, building, infrastructure and refinance projects;


          128. to the southern Sandoval county arroyo flood control authority in Sandoval county for equipment, land acquisition, building, infrastructure and refinance projects;


          129. to the city of Truth or Consequences in Sierra county for equipment, land acquisition, building, infrastructure and refinance projects;


          130. to the village of Angel Fire in Colfax county for equipment, land acquisition, building, infrastructure, special assessment district and refinance projects;


          131. to the downtown Las Cruces tax increment development district in Dona Ana county for equipment, land acquisition, building, infrastructure and refinance projects;


          132. to the Hobbs homestead estates public improvement district for equipment, land acquisition, building, infrastructure and refinance projects;


          133. to the Winrock tax increment development district in Bernalillo county for building, equipment, land acquisition, infrastructure and refinance projects;


          134. to the Quorum tax increment development district in Bernalillo county for building, equipment, land acquisition, infrastructure and refinance projects; and


          135. to the board of regents of the New Mexico school for the blind and visually impaired in Otero county for equipment, building, infrastructure, land acquisition and refinance projects.".


     12. On page 8, line 24, strike "2010" and insert in lieu thereof "2012".,



and thence referred to the TAXATION AND REVENUE COMMITTEE.                             

                             Respectfully submitted,





Debbie A. Rodella, Chair



Adopted     Not Adopted

           (Chief Clerk)                            (Chief Clerk)





The roll call vote was 10 For 0 Against

Yes:      10

No:       0

Excused:  Gardner, Garcia, T.

Absent:   None




