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SPONSOR Ortiz y Pino
SHORT TITLE Withdraw Troops from Iraq
SM 44
LFC Files
Synopsis of Bill
Senate Memorial 44 expresses the intent of the New Mexico State Senate asking that the United
Congress hereby be called upon to rescind the Iraq resolution and to pass a resolution
calling for the immediate withdrawal of American troops from Iraq that this resolution in no way
condemn our military men and women who honorably performed their duties in Iraq according
to their understanding; and that copies of this memorial be transmitted to the president of the
United States senate, the majority leader of the United States house of representatives and the
members of the New Mexico congressional delegation.
No Fiscal Implications
Senate Memorial 44 makes the following statements;
Over four thousand New Mexico army and air national guard troops have served in Iraq;
Approximately five hundred New Mexico army and air national guard troops are
currently serving in Iraq; and
Nearly four thousand United States troops have lost their lives in the war in Iraq and
nearly thirty thousand have suffered injuries; and
Thirty-five soldiers from New Mexico have been killed in Iraq, including two in January
2008; and
President Bush deployed New Mexico's army and air national guard troops on the
pretense that weapons of mass destruction existed in Iraq; and
It has been conclusively determined that there were no weapons of mass destruction in
Iraq; and
President Bush deployed New Mexico's army and air national guard troops on the
Senate Memorial 44 – Page
pretense that Iraq was linked to the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack; and
It has been conclusively determined that Iraq was not involved in the September 11, 2001
terrorist attack; and
President Bush deployed New Mexico's army and air national guard troops on the
pretense that Iraq was the most serious threat facing the national security of the United
States; and
It has been conclusively determined that Iraq poses no risk to the national security of the
United States; and
The center for public integrity reported in January 2008 that the Bush administration
made at least nine hundred thirty-five false statements that led our nation into war in Iraq
under false pretenses; and
According to an MSNBC online survey, ninety-four percent of Americans believe that
President Bush misled the nation in order to go to war in Iraq; and
According to an October 2006 Newsweek poll:
sixty-four percent of Americans believe that the United States is losing ground in
the war in Iraq; and
sixty-six percent of Americans say the war has not made the United States safe
from terrorism; and
According to a November-December 2007 USA Today/Gallup poll, fifty-seven percent of
Americans believe that it was a mistake to go to war in Iraq in 2003; and
According to a CNN/USA Today/Gallup poll, fifty-five percent of Americans do not view
the war in Iraq as being related to the war against terrorism; and
United States' allies in Iraq have drastically reduced their forces since the March 2003
invasion; and
Three of the United States' allies in Iraq, Italy, Bulgaria and Ukraine, withdrew all of
their forces in 2005 and 2006, and a half dozen other allies are debating possible
withdrawals; and
According to a January 2008 Los Angeles Times/Bloomberg poll, nearly three out of four
American voters believe that United States forces should withdraw within the year; and
More than one thousand uniformed, active-duty military personnel, many of whom have
served in Iraq, have appealed for redress to congress stating that "staying in Iraq will not
work and is not worth the price. It is time for U.S. troops to come home."; and
According to a January 2008 International Policy Attitudes poll, eighty-seven percent of
Iraqis want their government to request a withdrawal of United States forces in Iraq; and
According to a December 2007 NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll, fifty-six percent of
Americans do not believe that the United States can achieve victory in Iraq; and
According to a January 2008 CNN/Opinion Research poll, sixty-three percent of
Americans oppose the war in Iraq; and
America's soldiers are caught in the middle of a civil war from which there is no victory
in sight; and
Almost one-half of all American military casualties are caused by roadside bombs, such
that American forces have simply become defenseless human targets for pointless