March 14, 2007





Amendment sponsored by Senator



    1. On page 1, line 13, after the semicolon, insert "PROVIDING FOR A DISTRIBUTION TO THE FUND;".


    2. On page 1, line 16, strike "This" and insert in lieu thereof "Sections 1 through 5 of this".


    3. On page 4, between lines 1 and 2, insert the following new section:


    "Section 6. Section 59A-53-7 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1984, Chapter 127, Section 978, as amended) is amended to read:




         A. Annually on or before the last day of July, the state treasurer shall distribute from the money in the fire protection fund, to each incorporated municipality and to each county fire district, the amount the marshal or the commission, as the case may be, has certified to [him] the state treasurer. Payment shall be made to the treasurer of any incorporated municipality and to the county treasurer of the county in which any county fire district is located for credit to the county fire district.


         B. The state treasurer is authorized to redirect a distribution to the New Mexico finance authority in the amount the marshal or the commission, as the case may be, has certified to [him] the state treasurer pursuant to an ordinance or a resolution passed by the municipality or county and a written agreement of the municipality or county in which any county fire district is located and the New Mexico finance authority.


         C. In addition to the distributions made pursuant to Subsections A and B of this section, upon certification by the marshal that the balance of the firefighters' survivors fund is less than fifty thousand dollars ($50,000), the state treasurer shall distribute an amount from the fire protection fund to the firefighters' survivors fund so that the balance of the firefighters' survivors fund equals fifty thousand dollars ($50,000)."".













Adopted ___________________ Not Adopted ________________________

          (Chief Clerk)                (Chief Clerk)



                  Date _________________