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2-6-06 HB
SHORT TITLE Developmental Disability Waiting List
APPROPRIATION (dollars in thousands)
or Non-Rec
General Fund
(Parenthesis ( ) Indicate Expenditure Decreases)
Duplicates HB 718
Relates to HB 356
REVENUE (dollars in thousands)
Estimated Revenue
or Non-Rec
$35,380.3 Recurring Federal match
(Parenthesis ( ) Indicate Expenditure Decreases)
FY08 3 Year
Total Cost
or Non-Rec
N/A $14,000.0 $15,000.0 $29,000.0 Recurring General
(Parenthesis ( ) Indicate Expenditure Decreases)
LFC Files
Responses Received From
Department of Health (DOH)
Aging and Long-Term Services Department (ALTSD)
Human Services Department (HSD)
Senate Bill 189/SPACS – Page
Synopsis of SPACS Bill
The Senate Public Affairs Committee substitute for Senate Bill 189 creates the Medicaid Waiver
Services Fund in the state treasury and appropriates $59 million to that fund for use by HSD in
FY07 and three subsequent fiscal years, ending in FY10 to allocate additional individuals to the
Developmental Disabilities Medicaid Waiver (DD waiver) and the Disabled and Elderly Medi-
caid Waiver (D&E waiver) as follows:
DD Waiver $10.5 million $11 million $11 million 65 percent of remaining funds
D&E Waiver $3.5 million $4 million $4 million 35 percent of remaining funds
Pursuant to Section 3 of the substituted bill, the Medicaid Waiver Serivces Fund will not exist
after FY10.
The appropriation of $59 million contained in this bill is a recurring expense to the general fund.
Any unexpended or unencumbered balance remaining at the end of FY10 shall not revert to the
general fund.
DOH indicates the bill does not specify that once an individual is allocated, funds that support
the allocation must recur in the administering agencies’ budgets on an ongoing basis. When an
applicant is allocated to the DD waiver, they are entitled to continue to participate in the program
as long as they continue to meet federal level of care requirements.
Each fiscal year, the recurring costs for the year will increase by the amount distributed to reduce
the waiting list in the preceding year so that at the end of FY10, these programs will cost an addi-
tional $59 million (at minimum) annually. This being the case, putting the money in a fund for
this purpose requires a corresponding annual recurring commitment regardless of the overall
revenue picture for that fiscal year. This could, in effect, create an unfunded mandate.
This bill creates a new fund and provides for continuing appropriations. The LFC has concerns
with including continuing appropriation language in the statutory provisions for newly created
funds, as earmarking reduces the ability of the legislature to establish spending priorities.
HSD notes the appropriation of $59 million would qualify for federal matching funds, based on
the actual distribution of Federal Financial Participation (FFP) and Federal administrative 50
percent match. As shown in the attached matrix, the $59 thousand would be eligible for a total
match of $139.1 million fromFY07 through FY10 from federal Medicaid matching funds. This
information was provided by HSD and breaks out funding by administrative costs, state non-
waiver plans and direct services for DOH, HSD and ALTSD.
A few stipulations should be noted when looking at the attached matrix: 1) the FY10 scenario is
based on each department fully exhausting prior year funds and 2) the administrative percent-
ages, as shown in the footnote, are negotiated with the federal government. It should be noted
approximately $45.5 million of the total appropriation will go toward direct services under the
attached matrix.
Senate Bill 189/SPACS – Page
DOH indicates an appropriation of $10.5 million in FY07 will support services to approximately
550 additional individuals, depending upon the age and level of care characteristics of the appli-
cants. This projection assumes a FY07 federal Medicaid blended match rate of approximately 28
percent. The appropriation would be operationalized as follows: approximately $9.66 million for
direct services and Medicaid state non-waiver plans, and up to $840 thousand (8 percent) to as-
sure adequate program infrastructure and participant support.
The distributions from the fund of $11 million in FY08, FY09 could add approximately 580 in-
dividuals in each of those fiscal years, depending upon the age and level of care characteristics of
the applicants and the federal match rate for Medicaid services in those fiscal years.
In January 2005, there were 3,499 applicants listed on the waiting list. The current length of wait
for services through the DD waiver is approximately five years, although this varies by region.
DOH indicates the bill could help reduce the length of time individuals wait to enter the DD
waiver program.
HSD notes, according to an HSD/MAD ad hoc report of census data for clients served on the DD
waiver that reflects claims adjudicated as of January 6, 2006, there were 3,521 preexisting DD
waiver clients receiving services at the beginning FY06. According to DOH approximately 190
additional individuals are projected to receive DD waiver services in FY06. It is estimated that
the total number of individuals to receive DD waiver services for FY06 is approximately 3,711.
It is important to note that 3,711 is only an estimate of the number of individuals to receive DD
waiver in FY06. The actual number depends on the total number of individuals who leave the
waiver through attrition and the total number of crisis allocations that are made during FY06.
Generally, about 70 individuals leave the DD waiver each year due to attrition and 25 additional
crisis allocations are made each year.
According to ALTSD, in January 2006, there were approximately 7,285 registrants wait listed on
the D&E waiver waiting list. Registrants generally wait approximately forty-one months (or 3.5
years) before receiving an allocation for the D&E waiver.
According to an HSD/MAD ad hoc report of census data for clients served on the D&E waiver
that reflects claims adjudicated as of January 6, 2006, there were 1,936 preexisting D&E waiver
clients receiving services at the beginning FY06. According to HSD/MAD approximately 846
additional individuals are projected to receive D&E waiver services in FY06. It is estimated that
the total number of individuals to receive D&E waiver services for FY06 is approximately 2,782.
It is important to note that 2,782 is only an estimate of the number of individuals to receive D&E
waiver in FY 06. The actual number depends on the total number of individuals who leave the
waiver through attrition and the total number of emergency crisis allocations that are made dur-
ing FY06.
Based on the appropriation and federal match, (excluding an additional money contributed to the
fund) HSD estimates that approximately 3,545 (1,820 DD waiver and 1,725 D&E waiver) addi-
tional people would be served. HSD indicates the bill would have a positive impact on the wait
list litigation by reducing both the number of persons on the DD waiver and D&E waiver central
registries wait list and the length of time persons spend on the wait list.
Senate Bill 189/SPACS – Page
ALTSD indicates there are currently 7,285 registrants on the D&E waiver waiting list. The cur-
rent average length of wait for D&E waiver services is approximately 34 months. ALTSD indi-
cates this bill allocates funds to provide waiver services to 612 persons who are disabled or eld-
erly in FY07, 741 in FY08 and an additional 741 in FY09, and 764 additional persons in FY10.
ALTSD estimates that 2,858 persons may be served through this appropriation based on a full
12-month enrollment in the program.
DOH indicates additional program infrastructure would be needed over the four-year period to
continue to effectively operate the DD waiver program. This bill does not address the additional
FTE or other program costs related to serving the additional individuals. As allowed under fed-
eral guidelines up to 8 percent of the appropriation would need to be used by DOH for program
infrastructure and participant support services.
In FY07 through FY10 additional FTE will be needed to enable DOH to ensure that the man-
agement standards mandated by federal law for the waiting list and the Medicaid processes are
upheld and to assure continued compliance with the new stipulated agreement in the Jackson liti-
gation. These FTE will provide training/technical assistance to individuals served and commu-
nity service agencies.
With this appropriation in FY07, the Division of Health Improvement estimates it would require
additional 10 FTE for every 300 allocations in order to maintain current caseloads in Incident
Management Bureau and functions within the Quality Management Bureau. The Division of
Health Improvement would require the additional FTE to handle a larger sample size for its cur-
rent provider program audits and to address the increase in the number of providers.
HSD states the department has programmatic oversight of the D&E and DD waivers. The DD
and D&E waiver applications, to be approved by the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Ser-
vices (CMS) by June 2006 for implementation on July 1, 2006, would have to be amended to
accommodate the higher expenditures and recipient count. The number of unduplicated recipi-
ents approved in the waiver cannot be exceeded without prior approval of CMS. HSD would
have to adjust the Medicaid utilization review (UR) contractor’s budget to ensure coverage of the
cost of additional reviews. Program oversight and UR contract oversight would also be impacted.
HSD would have to manage and oversee the distribution of money from the fund. HSD would
have to complete additional financial eligibility determinations and provide other support to the
additional individuals.
HSD indicates an additional impact of $29 million from the general fund for this bill; however,
the department does not provide a breakout of that need.
As this funding will more than double the size of the D&E waiver program, ALTSD will need
six (6) additional FTE as follows:
3 direct D&E waiver program operational staff
2 additional resource center support staff
1 additional administrative services division support staff
ALTSD notes, since additional persons will receive waiver services, there will be additional fi-
nancial implications on the administration of the program. Additional positions will be needed
Senate Bill 189/SPACS – Page
to administer the program expansion. It is estimated that $337 thousand for the above positions
will be needed by ALTSD for FY07. It seems the administrative cost allowed for in the matrix
covers these costs for ALTSD.
The Senate Public Affairs Committee substitute for Senate Bill 189 duplicates House Bill 718.
Additionally, the Senate Public Affairs Committee substitute for Senate Bill 189 relates to House
Bill 356, which appropriates $4 million to reduce the DD waiver waiting list by 200.
DOH states funds appropriated under this bill will need to be managed on an ongoing basis by
DOH and ALTSD, therefore, the distribution of funds through HSD could be eliminated and
funds could be directly distributed from the fund into the administering agencies’ base budgets.
Using HSD to access the funds adds an unnecessary administrative step to the budget process,
with no apparent benefit to the state or persons served.
It should be noted the direct services portion of funding for the D&E waiver resides at HSD.
Therefore, sidestepping HSD would only be applicable to DOH.
The intended use of this funding requires that it not be a one time only distribution. Funds equal
to the amount of each year’s distribution must be recurring to DOH and ALTSD in years subse-
quent to the initial distribution. For example the $10.5 million distributed in FY07 will be added
in FY08 and subsequent fiscal years, on a recurring basis, to the DOH base budget in order to
provide ongoing services to person allocated in FY07.
ALTSD notes, based on the D&E waiver application approved by CMS for FY06, the D&E
waiver is authorized to serve up to 3,000 unduplicated individuals or the number of individuals
allowed by legislative appropriation, whichever number is less. The CMS unduplicated indi-
viduals approved for FY07 is yet to be determined. The appropriation contained in this bill will
result in a higher number of unduplicated individuals served. Implementation of this bill will
require approval from CMS for an additional amendment to the application to increase the num-
ber of unduplicated recipients.