47th legislature - STATE OF NEW MEXICO - first session, 2005


Debbie A. Rodella









     WHEREAS, lake and reservoir storage is a key component of effective water management in the state of New Mexico, especially during times of drought; and

     WHEREAS, the level of water is directly related to fishing and boating interests, water quality, species reproductive rates, aesthetic and recreational values of parks, lakes and reservoirs, quality of life and the economy of surrounding areas; and

     WHEREAS, maintaining a permanent conservation or recreational pool at lakes within state parks would protect the natural resources, recreational values, quality-of-life and economic benefits of these state parks; and

     WHEREAS, it would benefit the state to establish and sustain minimum recreational pool levels at all reservoirs and lakes located within state parks to serve the purposes stated above; and

     WHEREAS, a minimum recreational pool level was established at Elephant Butte reservoir within Elephant Butte Lake state park, but the recreational pool has not been maintained due to drought condition and reservoir spills; and

     WHEREAS, there is growing interest in the feasibility of increasing water storage and establishing minimum recreational pools to benefit recreation at places such as Eagle Nest Lake state park, Heron Lake state park and Ute Lake state park; and

     WHEREAS, a minimum recreational pool of water, the pool level that supports boat access, fish reproduction and aquatic stewardship, can be quantified; and

     WHEREAS, the release and storage of water at state lakes and reservoirs is governed either by state law, federal law, contract, interstate compact or combinations of two or more of the foregoing; and

     WHEREAS, storage of additional water in Eagle Nest Lake state park to benefit recreation has been hampered by constraints imposed by permit number seventy-one administered by the department of game and fish; and

     WHEREAS, in the case of Heron Lake state park, existing federal law and bureau of reclamation policies are preventing the storage of additional water from the San Juan-Chama project for longer periods that would benefit recreation and tourism; and

     WHEREAS, the New Mexico congressional delegation can assist the state of New Mexico in amending affected laws and urging the bureau of reclamation to re-evaluate and change its policies regarding storage of water from San Juan Chama project in Heron Lake state park;

     NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF NEW MEXICO that the energy, minerals and natural resources department, the department of game and fish, the office of the state engineer and the interstate stream commission submit to the appropriate interim legislative committee in 2005 for its consideration an analysis and set of recommendations identifying issues, costs, limitations and the feasibility of establishing and maintaining minimum recreational pool levels for the fifteen lakes and reservoirs located within the state park system; and

     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the department of game and fish report to the appropriate interim legislative committee in 2005 regarding the department's recommendations for how to increase water available for recreation in Eagle Nest lake; and

     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of this memorial be transmitted to the New Mexico congressional delegation to request their assistance in improving the situation with respect to water available for recreation at Heron lake; and

     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of this memorial be transmitted to the energy, minerals and natural resources department, the department of game and fish, the office of the state engineer and the interstate stream commission.

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