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SPONSOR Jennings
SHORT TITLE Developmentally Disabled and Elderly Medicaid
SB 979
Appropriation Contained Estimated Additional Impact Recurring
or Non-Rec
Recurring General Fund
(Parenthesis ( ) Indicate Expenditure Decreases)
Estimated Revenue
Years Impact
or Non-Rec
Federal Funds
(Title XIX)
(Parenthesis ( ) Indicate Revenue Decreases)
Relates to HB 489, SB 259 and SB 423
Relates to Appropriation in the General Appropriation Act
LFC Files
Responses Received From
Department of Health (DOH)
Human Services Department (HSD)
Aging and Long-Term Services Department (ALTSD)
Synopsis of Bill
Senate Bill 979 appropriates $10 million from the general fund, $5 million to DOH for the pur-
pose of serving additional developmental disabilities Medicaid waiver clients and $5 million to
ALTSD for the purpose of serving additional disabled and elderly Medicaid waiver clients.
Senate Bill 979 -- Page 2
Significant Issues
HSD notes in January 2005, there were 3,057 developmental disabilities Medicaid waiver (DD
Waiver) applicants listed on the central registry waiting for services. The current average length
of wait for DD Waiver services is 47 months, although this varies by region. This bill provides
funding to serve approximately 200 persons depending upon the age and level of care character-
istics of the next 200 applicants. By allowing more persons with developmental disabilities to
receive waiver services, this bill will help the state reduce both the number of individuals on the
central registry wait list and the length of time individuals spend on the wait list.
HSD also notes, in December 2004, approximately 7,300 registrants were listed on the Disabled
and Elderly (D&E) Waiver central registry awaiting waiver services. The current average length
of wait for D&E Waiver services is 41 months. This bill provides funding to serve approxi-
mately 300 persons. By allowing more elderly or disabled persons to receive waiver services,
this bill will help the state reduce both the number of persons on the central registry wait list and
the length of time persons spend on the wait list.
The appropriation of $10 million contained in this bill is a recurring expense to the general fund.
Any unexpended or unencumbered balance remaining at the end of FY06 shall revert to the gen-
eral fund.
HSD indicates, of the $5 million appropriation to DOH, $430 thousand from the general fund
and the Medicaid federal administrative match at 50 percent, for a total of $860 thousand, will be
needed for program administration and participant support services.
Further, of the $5 million appropriation to DOH for DD Waiver services, HSD will need $225
thousand from the general fund and from the Medicaid federal administrative match at 50 per-
cent, for a total of $500 thousand, for program administration and participant support services.
The DD Waiver program is a Medicaid program administered by DOH. Persons who receive
DD Waiver services also receive full Medicaid State Plan (non-waiver) benefits. Medicaid State
Plan benefits will add approximately $517.6 thousand from the general fund and approximately
$1.3 million from the federal financial participation (FFP) at a rate of 71.15 percent to the Medi-
caid budget for a total of approximately $1.8 million.
This leaves $3.8 million from the general fund and FFP of $9.4 million, using a rate of 71.15
percent for new allocations for the DD Waiver. This amount of general fund and FFP will gen-
erate sufficient funding to allocate approximately 200 individuals. The total general fund and
FFP for new allocations is $13.3 million.
Of the $5 million appropriation to ALTSD, $500 thousand from the general fund and from the
Medicaid federal administrative match at 50 percent, for a total of $1 million will be needed for
program administration and participant support services.
Further, HSD indicates of the $5 million appropriation to ALTSD for D&E Waiver services,
HSD will need $225 thousand from the general fund and from the Medicaid federal administra-
tive match at 50 percent, for a total of $500 thousand, for program administration and participant
support services.
Senate Bill 979 -- Page 3
The D&E Waiver program is a Medicaid program administered by ALTSD. Persons who re-
ceive D&E Waiver services also receive full Medicaid State Plan (non-waiver) benefits. Medi-
caid State Plan benefits will add approximately $1.3 million from the general fund and $3.3 mil-
lion from federal financial participation (FFP) at a rate of 71.15 percent to the Medicaid budget
for a total of $4.6 million.
This leaves $2.9 from the general fund with a generated FFP of $7.3 million using a rate of 71.15
percent for new allocations for the D&E Waiver. This amount of general fund and FFP will gen-
erate sufficient funding to allocate approximately 300 individuals. The total general fund and
FFP for new allocations is $10.2 million.
The funding contained in SB 979 would be a recurring cost to the state. As each individual is
added to the waiver, full budget funding for that person must be included in subsequent year
budgets to cover continuing services.
This bill would have significant administrative implications for HSD. HSD would need addi-
tional staff to conduct Medicaid eligibility determinations for the additional waiver applicants.
HSD would also need additional staff to provide Medicaid oversight of the waiver including
staffing for program, billing, and compliance monitoring responsibilities. Since HSD would
have additional costs to provide Medicaid non-waiver, State Plan services to additional waiver
recipients, HSD staff that manage non-waiver, State Plan Medicaid service programs would also
have increased responsibilities.
These additional FTEs would reduce the exposure to HSD with respect to existing and potential
other lawsuits brought with regard to federal Medicaid management standards and the obligation
to monitor the risks and services provided to clients receiving services through Medicaid fund-
Since most waiver recipients would continue to receive waiver services in subsequent years, the
administrative impact specified in the paragraph above would continue in future years.
HSD will have to make changes necessary in the New Mexico Medicaid Utilization Review
(NMMUR) contract budget to assure coverage of the cost of additional reviews for new waiver
recipients. Program oversight and NMMUR contract oversight would also be impacted to the
extent that additional consumers entail a proportionate increase in problem-resolution incidents.
HSD programmatic oversight of the DD and D&E Waivers may entail amending the waiver ap-
proved by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to accommodate the higher
expenditures and recipient count.
DOH indicates the impact will be significant. In FY05, additional FTE were created which en-
abled DOH to ensure that the management standards mandated by federal law for the Central
Registry and the Medicaid processes were upheld. In FY06, administrative funds may be used
for two additional staff at DOH needed to assure compliance with the new stipulated agreement
in the Jackson litigation. These FTE will provide training/technical assistance to individuals
served their families/guardians and community service agencies.
Senate Bill 979 -- Page 4
In FY06, DOH estimates it would require an additional 3 FTE to maintain current caseloads.
DOH would require the additional FTE to handle a larger sample size for its current provider
program audits and to address a possible increase in the number of providers. It has been estab-
lished that for each individual receiving DD Waiver services, DOH will receive 1 incident report
per year. This would mean approximately 250 additional incidents to be investigated by DOH.
The additional 5 FTE would help DOH assure it is meeting Medicaid management standards;
monitor clients funded via DOH, and meet obligations related to the Jackson and Lewis settle-
ALTSD notes the bill would have significant administrative implications. ALTSD would need
additional staff to provide oversight of the waiver providers including staffing for program, bill-
ing, and compliance monitoring responsibilities. Program oversight would be impacted to the
extent that additional consumers entail a proportionate increase in providers as well as problem-
resolution incidents.
These additional FTEs would reduce the exposure to ALTSD with respect to existing and poten-
tial other lawsuits brought with regard to the D&E Waiver program and the obligation to monitor
the risks and services provided to clients receiving services through Medicaid funding.
Senate Bill 979 relates to House Bill 489, which appropriates $3 million to ALTSD to serve ad-
ditional individuals on the D&E Waiver; Senate Bill which, as amended, appropriates $3.54 mil-
lion to DOH to restore provider reimbursement rate cuts; and Senate Bill 259, which appropri-
ates $6.4 million for waiver services to persons with developmental disabilities.
One half of the appropriation in the bill is made to ALTSD. HSD cautions, however, the
ALTSD budget for the D&E Waiver program direct services is included in the HSD budget. The
appropriation should be made to HSD, as ALTSD only handles the administrative portion of the
HSD, DOH and ALTSD are pursuing “Mi Via”, a self-directed approach to care for HCBS
Waiver services. This initiative will include services to individuals who are disabled and elderly.
HSD indicates this bill is consistent with the self-directed initiative by specifying that funds must
be spent on a particular population.
Once the bill is enacted ALTSD and DOH will have to pursue aggressive recruitment and train-
ing initiatives to qualify providers, permit entry of persons into the system and ensure their
health and safety. Historically, the provider system (case management and direct service provid-
ers) has been able to sustain growth at a maximum of 200 to 400 individuals entering into service
within any fiscal year.