March 14, 2005
SENATE FLOOR AMENDMENT number ___1___ toSENATE BILL 307, as amended
Amendment sponsored by Senator
1. On page 3, lines 8 and 9, strike "transportation-related facilities or projects, such as streets, roads, bridges," and insert in lieu thereof "street-related improvements, such as".
2. On page 5, lines 8 through 14, strike Subsection C in its entirety and insert in lieu thereof the following subsection:
"C. shall provide that:
(1) no district shall be created if one person would own or control more than twenty percent of the residential parcels in the district; and
(2) no district shall be created unless:
(a) the property within the district has been platted for at least ten years; and
(b) residences have been constructed on over seventy percent of the residential parcels within the district;".
3. On page 6, line 24, after "of", insert "nonresidential real property and".
4. On page 10, between lines 8 and 9, insert the following paragraph:
"(6) the estimated benefit that the initial improvements will bring to each parcel within the district and the method used for determining the benefit;".
5. Renumber the succeeding paragraphs accordingly.
6. On page 13, line 25, after "of", insert "nonresidential real property and".
7. On page 14, line 2, strike the period and insert in lieu thereof a comma and "provided that no assessment against a parcel of real property shall exceed the estimated benefit to that parcel.".
Adopted ___________________ Not Adopted ________________________
(Chief Clerk) (Chief Clerk)
Date _________________