47th legislature - STATE OF NEW MEXICO - first session, 2005


H. Diane Snyder










     Section 1. Section 3-29-2 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1965, Chapter 300, Section 14-28-2, as amended) is amended to read:

     "3-29-2. DEFINITIONS.--As used in the Sanitary Projects Act:

          A. "community" means [any] a rural unincorporated community and includes a combination of two or more rural unincorporated communities when they have been combined for the [purpose of securing the benefits of] purposes set forth in the Sanitary Projects Act;

          B. "association" includes [any] an association organized under Laws 1947, Chapter 206, Laws 1949, Chapter 79 or Laws 1951, Chapter 52, as well as any association organized under the provisions of the Sanitary Projects Act;

          C. "department" means the department of environment; [and

          D. "fund" means the sanitary projects fund]

          D. "member" or "membership" means a person who has paid the appropriate fees and has been issued a certificate as required by association bylaws;

          E. "person" means a single residence or property owner, as determined by the rules and regulations adopted by the association's board of directors; and

          F. "project" means a water supply or reclamation, storm drainage or wastewater facility owned, constructed or operated by an association."

     Section 2. Section 3-29-3 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1965, Chapter 300, Section 14-28-3, as amended) is amended to read:

     "3-29-3. PURPOSE OF ACT [STATEMENT OF POLICY].--The purpose of the Sanitary Projects Act is to improve the public health of [the people of New Mexico through a program that will provide for the installation of sanitary domestic water facilities, sewage works or both and thus eliminate present hazardous practices and conditions. It is, therefore, declared to be the policy of the legislature to assist in providing facilities for the development of adequate, sanitary domestic water supplies, sewage works or both, together with all parts and appurtenances as may be needed to provide water supplies, sewage works or both in rural unincorporated communities] rural communities in New Mexico by providing for the establishment and maintenance of a political subdivision of the state that is empowered by the state to receive public funds for acquisition, construction and improvement of water supply, storm drainage and wastewater facilities in communities, and to operate and maintain such facilities for the public good."

     Section 3. Section 3-29-4 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1965, Chapter 300, Section 14-28-4, as amended) is amended to read:

     "3-29-4. PROJECTS [ASSOCIATIONS--AID OF DEPARTMENT DIVISION--ENGINEER--PAYMENT FOR CONSTRUCTION].--[In order to effectuate this policy and to promote the general health and welfare of the rural communities of New Mexico, the department is empowered and directed and shall be provided financial assistance to carry out the legislative intent from the fund and to formulate and keep current a program of projects for construction in said communities. The projects to be included within such program shall be located or determined by the board of directors of the association which shall be created in each community participating in the program for the sponsoring and maintenance of such project, acting upon recommendations from and subject to the approval of the department.] Plans, 4

specifications and contracts [as specified in Section 14-28-5 NMSA 1953] for each project shall be prepared by a [licensed] practicing professional engineer licensed under the Engineering and Surveying Practice Act, and selected by the association and approved by the environmental improvement division of the department for each project in accordance with the provisions of [Sections 67-21-29 through 67-21-53 NMSA 1953] the Procurement Code. The engineer shall also supervise the construction and installation of the project and shall act as coordinator and mediator between the contractor awarded the contract and the association concerned. [The services of the engineer shall be secured by the association with the approval of the department except that if a project is of such small scale as not to be economically feasible to contract for engineering services, the department may furnish a licensed professional engineer from within the department to furnish such services. Reimbursement for services so rendered shall be made out of the fund, subject to the approval of the president of the association concerned as their agent and also subject to the approval of the department. Payment shall be made in two installments: one to cover the cost of preparing the plans, specifications and contract documents; the final payment to be made upon completion of the project to cover the cost of supervising the construction and installation. After approval of the plans, specifications and contract documents, the state purchasing agent shall call for and receive bids for construction of the project and shall award the bid as provided by law. The state reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Payment to contractors from state funds shall be made as follows: forty percent of the bid price may be paid upon fifty percent completion of the project; the final payment of sixty percent shall be made upon completion of the project and final testing and acceptance.]"

     Section 4. Section 3-29-5 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1965, Chapter 300, Section 14-28-5, as amended) is amended to read:


          [A. As a prerequisite to initiating a project, it shall be necessary for the sponsors of each project to submit a written proposal to the department that shall:

                (1) state the number of families in the association and that all rights of way needed can and will be obtained by the association;

                (2) make formal application to the department for a grant-in-aid from the fund;

                (3) agree to assist the engineer engaged to prepare the plans and specifications in every reasonable way; and

                (4) agree to contribute all unskilled labor and such skilled labor as is available and desirable and shall further agree to contribute local materials such as sand, gravel, stone, timbers, vigas, adobes and other materials that it is feasible and desirable to obtain locally. They shall further agree to finish the project on or before the date specified at the time the contracts are awarded.

          B.] A. No new association shall be formed under the Sanitary Projects Act by original incorporation after January 1, 2000, and no new association shall be formed by reorganization after January 1, 2000, unless the predecessor entity was in existence on January 1, 2000, if the service area of either association includes property contiguous to an incorporated municipality or an unincorporated area currently served by a municipality. The restrictions on forming an association set forth in this subsection shall not apply if the contiguous incorporated municipality does not provide the services or cannot provide the services to be provided by the association at or below the cost proposed by the association.

          [C.] B. No association may construct a project required in order to allow creation of a subdivision under the provisions of the Land Subdivision Act, the New Mexico Subdivision Act or Section 47-5-9 NMSA 1978; however, an association may construct a project serving a previously approved subdivision in the service area of the association.

          [D. After the association has been formed and a practicing professional engineer has been engaged to handle the plans, specifications and contract documents for the job, the engineer shall list separately the balance of all labor, materials and equipment and other items that are to be paid for from state funds and that are necessary to ensure the completion of an operating project, aside from the detailed estimates covering labor and material contributions by the association. Cost estimates shall be provided for all items listed in the mutual contract and the totals shall indicate the cost of the project to the state and also the estimated equivalent total cost the association is contributing. Projects shall not be approved unless the estimated equivalent total cost the association is contributing is equal to or exceeds one-third of the total estimated state cost for a completed job. Associations may contribute financial assistance in addition to the contributions of labor or materials as specified in this subsection in order to reach their one-third contribution or to provide for completion of a project not completely financed by the provisions of the Sanitary Projects Act. Should an association enter into a loan agreement with the farmers home administration or its successor agency, the department may deposit the amount of any grant-in-aid with the farmers home administration or its successor agency for the purpose of cooperating in the financing of a single contract covering one project.

          E. After the department has been satisfied that the prerequisites specified in Subsection B of this section have been complied with, the association shall be eligible for a grant-in-aid from the fund.

          F. Prior to approval of project plans and specifications by the department, such plans and specifications shall be submitted to and reviewed by the local government division of the department of finance and administration for conformity to countywide water and sewer plans. Approval of the plans by the local government division shall be a prerequisite to approval of the plans, specifications and contract documents by the department.]

          C. After July 1, 2005, no new association may be formed as a capital stock corporation."

     Section 5. Section 3-29-6 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1965, Chapter 300, Section 14-28-6, as amended) is amended to read:


          A. The board of directors of each association shall be responsible for the [acquiring] acquisition or purchase of all property, rights of way, equipment and materials as may be necessary for the completion of [the] a project. The directors [acting in] shall act on behalf of the association and as its agents. The association, acting through its board of directors, [with the approval of the environmental improvement division] may exercise the right of eminent domain to take and acquire the necessary property or rights of way for the construction, maintenance and operation of water and sewer lines and related facilities, but such property and rights of way shall in all cases be so located as to do the least damage to private and public property consistent with proper use and economical construction. Such property or rights of way shall be acquired in the manner provided by the Eminent Domain Code. In accordance with Sections 42A-1-8 through 42A-1-12 NMSA 1978, engineers, surveyors and other persons under contract with the board for the purposes of the project shall have the right to enter upon property of the state, its political subdivisions, private persons and private and public corporations for the purpose of making necessary surveys and examinations for selecting and locating suitable routes for water and sewer lines and facilities. [Payments for such services, purchases and other purposes as are necessary shall be made from the fund upon voucher drawn by the secretary-treasurer of an association approved by the division and supported by warrant of the department of finance and administration drawn upon the state treasury.]

          B. The board of directors of the association may set and, from time to time, increase or adjust assessments, water and sewer rates, tolls or charges for services or facilities furnished or made available by the association. The assessments, tolls and charges include:

                (1) a base monthly service fee for each active connection delivering water;

                (2) a base monthly service fee for each inactive connection;

                (3) a standby charge for the privilege of connecting into the association's water service at some date in the future;

                (4) assessments based on the volume of water delivered;

                (5) a connection charge; and

                (6) an assessment necessary to cover the cost of extending either water or sewer service.

          C. The board of directors of the association may place a lien on property to which services have been extended in the amount of all outstanding assessments, charges and fees associated with the services. The board of directors may enforce the lien in a manner provided by the laws of the state. In the event the board of directors is forced to enforce the lien in a court of competent jurisdiction in New Mexico, the board of directors shall be entitled to recover all costs and attorney fees.

          D. The board of directors of the association shall shut off unauthorized connections, illegal connections or a connection for which charges are delinquent in payment. The board of directors may file suit in a court of competent jurisdiction to recover costs associated with an unauthorized or illegal connection or delinquent connection, including the cost of water delivered, charges for facility connection and disconnection, damages and attorney fees.

          E. The board of directors of the association shall prescribe and enforce rules and regulations for the connection to and disconnection from properties of facilities of the association.

          F. Each member of the board of directors of the association shall complete a minimum of eight hours of training, as determined by the department, within one year of election to the board. The training shall include applicable laws and regulations, such as the Open Meetings Act, Inspection of Public Records Act, Audit Act, Procurement Code, Sanitary Projects Act and rate setting."

     Section 6. Section 3-29-7 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1965, Chapter 300, Section 14-28-7, as amended) is amended to read:


          A. Insofar as the department deems it necessary for the purpose of the Sanitary Projects Act, the department may [as a condition to extending benefits under its provisions to any community or group of individuals] recommend [(1)] agreements, [or] covenants or rules in regard to operation, maintenance and permanent use of [such lands, water or facilities benefited by a domestic water supply, sewers or treatment plant or any of them; provided that the water supplies developed shall not in any case be used for irrigation of commercial crops. The liquid effluent from sewage plants shall not be used for the irrigation of truck crops or fruits, and livestock shall not have access to sewage plant effluents;

                (2) contributions in cash by the association in addition to the contract for labor, materials or services as specified in Section 3-29-5 NMSA 1978; provided that the association's contribution shall always equal or exceed one-third of the total state cost; and

                (3) that the state cooperate and contribute financial aid according to the following schedules:

                     (a) a maximum of seven thousand dollars ($7,000) for each water project or for each sewer project where twenty-eight or fewer dwelling units are to be served; provided that no association shall be formed that shall not provide service for at least ten domestic dwelling units; and

                     (b) two hundred fifty dollars ($250) per dwelling unit where more than twenty-eight dwelling units are to be served; provided that the total allowable maximum state expenditure for each water project or for each sewer project shall not exceed twelve thousand dollars ($12,000).

          B. A requisite to securing such allocation of funds upon a department recommendation shall be that the individuals either collectively or individually in an association shall agree to provide proper sewage disposal facilities for the sanitary removal of potentially harmful material classified as sewage, which shall be occasioned by the installation of running water facilities. Associations shall be eligible for construction grants as provided for in the Federal Water Pollution Control Act.

          C. No privy, cesspool, septic tank or other means of sewage disposal or treatment shall be located within one hundred fifty feet of any well, spring or other source of domestic water supply created under the provisions of the Sanitary Projects Act.

          D.] water supply, reclamation, storm drainage and wastewater facilities. The department may in its discretion and shall upon the petition of twenty-five percent of the [users of a project] members of the association hold a hearing and make a determination as to whether [a sanitary project] the association is being operated and managed in the best interest of all [local citizens] members of the association. If the department, after a hearing, determines that [a project] an association is not being operated or managed in the best interests of the [local citizens] members, the department may intervene in the operation and management with full powers, including the power to set and collect assessments from members of the association, to set and collect service charges and use the same for the proper operation and management of the [project] association. The department may appoint and delegate authority to a representative to oversee operation of the association for a specified period.

          B. The department may:

                (1) conduct periodic reviews of the operation of the association;

                (2) require the association to submit information to the department;

                (3) require submittal of audits required pursuant to the Audit Act; and

                (4) require that each member of the board of directors complete eight hours of training as described in Section 3-29-6 NMSA 1978."

     Section 7. Section 3-29-9 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1965, Chapter 300, Section 14-28-9) is amended to read:

     "3-29-9. RULES AND REGULATIONS [COOPERATION AND ASSISTANCE BY FEDERAL AND STATE AGENCIES].--For the purposes of the Sanitary Projects Act, the department may [A.] perform such acts and prescribe such rules and regulations as are deemed necessary to carry out its provisions, insofar as the public health is involved [and

          B. secure the cooperation and technical assistance of any federal or state agency and further may request that geological surveys be made by the state engineer to determine the feasibility of developing water supplies for specific projects]."

     Section 8. Section 3-29-12 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1965, Chapter 300, Section 14-28-12, as amended) is amended to read:


          A. The local administration of [any project] the association and the operation and maintenance of the [completed] project shall be carried out in each community by a board of directors composed of [five] an odd number of at least three members. Members of the board of directors shall: [be elected biennially from the membership of the association for staggered terms of four years each, except that in the first election, which shall be held in 1970, the elected directors shall draw lots so that two of the directors shall serve first terms of two years each, after which the positions of the two directors ending in 1972 shall be filled by the election of two successor directors for full four-year terms. The purpose of the two-year first terms is to provide for a system of staggered four-year terms so that three directors will be elected in one year and two years later the other two directors shall be elected.]

                (1) be elected annually or as specified in the bylaws of the association;

                (2) be members in good standing of the association; and

                (3) serve staggered terms of up to four years to ensure that terms will end in different election years.

          B. The board of directors shall choose among its members a president, a vice president and a secretary-treasurer or a secretary and a treasurer.

          C. [The board of directors shall appoint a foreman to care for and regulate the association project or projects.] Funds [in an amount] sufficient to provide for proper operation and maintenance of the association shall be identified through a rate-setting analysis that will ensure enough revenue to cover yearly expenses and emergencies, a reserve fund for non-major capital items and equitable pay for staff. The rate-setting analysis may be reviewed and changed if necessary on a yearly basis and shall be obtained by the association by a monthly assessment against the users of the facilities, [said] the assessment to be determined by the board of directors.

          D. The board of directors of the association shall have power to do all things necessary in the local administration of any project subject to the provisions of the Sanitary Projects Act.

          [E. The department shall require that an association shall be formed and a board of directors chosen before any community may participate in any benefits.]"

     Section 9. Section 3-29-13 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1965, Chapter 300, Section 14-28-13) is amended to read:

     "3-29-13. EXISTING ASSOCIATIONS [ELIGIBLE FOR ADDITIONAL BENEFITS].--Associations organized under the provisions of Laws 1947, Chapter 206, Laws 1949, Chapter 79 or Laws 1951, Chapter 52 shall have the same powers and duties as associations organized under the provisions of the Sanitary Projects Act and shall be eligible [for benefits for construction of sewers and treatment plants] to construct, operate and maintain a project without [the necessity for] organizing a new association; provided that the articles of incorporation shall be amended in accordance with the provisions of Section [14-28-19 New Mexico Statutes Annotated, 1953 Compilation] 3-29-19 NMSA 1978."

     Section 10. Section 3-29-15 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1965, Chapter 300, Section 14-28-15, as amended) is amended to read:

     "3-29-15. ASSOCIATION CONSTITUTES A PUBLIC BODY CORPORATE [DEBTS--ISSUANCE OF BONDS].--[A.] Upon the filing of each certificate and copy thereof as provided in Section 3-29-17 NMSA 1978, the persons so associating, their successors and those who may thereafter become members of the association constitute a public body corporate by the name set forth in the certificate and by such name may sue and be sued, have capacity to make contracts, acquire, hold, enjoy, dispose of and convey property real and personal, accept grants and donations, borrow money, incur indebtedness, impose fees and assessments and do any other act or thing necessary or proper for carrying out the purposes of their organization.

          [B. Associations shall have power to become indebted or issue bonds in a form approved by the attorney general for expansion and improvement of the association's facilities by pledging future income from service charges. Such indebtedness by an association is contingent upon approval by the department and the department of finance and administration and upon a proper showing by the association to both departments that the indebtedness is for necessary refinancing, refunding, expansion or improvement purposes and that the financial condition and future income of the association warrant approval of such indebtedness or issuance of bonds by the association. No association has power to become indebted or issue bonds of any kind other than as permitted by this section.]"

     Section 11. Section 3-29-16 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1965, Chapter 300, Section 14-28-16, as amended) is amended to read:


          A. The members of an association shall execute a certificate setting forth:

                (1) the name of the association;

                (2) the name of the [incorporators] individuals organizing the association;

                (3) the location of the principal office of the association in this state;

                (4) the objects and purposes of the association;

                (5) the address of the initial registered office of the association and the name of the initial registered agent at that address;

                (6) [the amount of capital stock and number and denomination of the shares or, if the incorporators do not desire to issue shares of stock] the plan and manner of acquiring membership and of providing funds or means for the acquisition, construction, improvement and maintenance of its work and for its necessary expenses;

                [(7) the period, if any, delimited for the duration of the association; and]

                (7) the duration of existence of the association, which may be perpetual;

                (8) the number and manner of electing the board of directors of the association and the length of the terms that the directors will serve;

                (9) the definition of a member of the association and the voting rights associated with the membership; and

                (10) the manner of dissolution of the association as a public body.

          B. Pursuant to the registered agent requirement of Paragraph (5) of Subsection A of this section, there shall be attached to the certificate a statement executed by the registered agent in which the agent acknowledges acceptance of the appointment by the filing association, if the agent is an individual, or a statement executed by an authorized officer of a corporation in which the officer acknowledges the corporation's acceptance of the appointment by the filing association as its registered agent, if the agent is a corporation.

          C. The certificate or any amendment thereof made as provided in Section 3-29-19 NMSA 1978 may also contain provisions not inconsistent with the Sanitary Projects Act or other law of this state that the [incorporators] organizers may choose to insert for the regulation and conduct of the business and affairs of the association. There shall accompany each certificate a list [of the names of all members of the association, the list] to [also] show the total number of members of the association and the total number of dwelling units [that can be] served [if the project is completed] by the association at the time of filing."

     Section 12. Section 3-29-17 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1965, Chapter 300, Section 14-28-17, as amended) is amended to read:

     "3-29-17. FILING OF CERTIFICATE AND BYLAWS.--The certificate of association and bylaws shall be acknowledged as required for deeds of real estate and shall be filed in the office of the public regulation commission. A copy of the certificate, duly certified by the commission or county clerk, shall be evidence in all courts and places."

     Section 13. Section 3-29-17.4 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 2001, Chapter 200, Section 7) is amended to read:

     "3-29-17.4. ANNUAL REPORT.--

          A. An association shall file, within the time prescribed by the Sanitary Projects Act, on forms prescribed and furnished by the public regulation commission to the association not less than thirty days prior to the date the report is due, an annual report setting forth:

                (1) the name of the association [and the state or country under the laws of which it is incorporated];

                (2) the address of the registered office of the association in the state and the name of its registered agent in this state at that address;

                (3) a brief statement of the character of the affairs that the association is actually conducting; and

                (4) the names and respective addresses of the directors and officers of the association.

          B. The report shall be signed and sworn to by [any] two of the members of the association. If the association is in the hands of a receiver or trustee, the report shall be executed on behalf of the association by the receiver or trustee. A copy of the report shall be maintained at the association's principal place of business as contained in the report and shall be made available to the general public for inspection during regular business hours."

     Section 14. Section 3-29-17.5 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 2001, Chapter 200, Section 8) is amended to read:


          A. The annual report of the association shall be delivered to the public regulation commission on or before the fifteenth day of the fifth month following the end of its [taxable] fiscal year.

          B. A supplemental report shall be filed by the association with the public regulation commission, if, within thirty days after the filing of the annual report required under the Sanitary Projects Act, a change is made in:

                (1) the name of the association;

                (2) the mailing address, street address or the geographical location of the association's registered office in this state and the name of the agent upon whom process against the association may be served; or

                (3) the character of the association's business and its principal place of business within [or without] the state.

          C. Proof to the satisfaction of the public regulation commission that, prior to the due date of [any] a report required by [Subsections A or B of] this section, the report was deposited in the United States mail in a sealed envelope, properly addressed, with postage prepaid, shall be deemed compliance with the requirements of this section. If the commission finds that the report conforms to the requirements of the Sanitary Projects Act, it shall file the report. If the commission finds that it does not conform, it shall promptly return the report to the association for [any] necessary corrections. The penalties prescribed for failure to file the report within the time provided shall not apply if the report is corrected to conform to the requirements of the Sanitary Projects Act and returned to the commission within thirty days from the date on which it was mailed to the association by the commission.

          D. The public regulation commission may, upon application by the association and for good cause shown, extend, for no more than a total of twelve months, the date on which [any return] an annual report required by the provisions of the Sanitary Projects Act must be filed or the date on which the payment of [any] a fee is required. The commission shall, when an extension of time has been granted an association under the [United States] federal Internal Revenue Code of 1986 for the time in which to file a return, grant the association the same extension of time to file the required [return] annual report and to pay the required fees, provided that a copy of the approved federal extension of time is attached to the association's report, and provided further that no such extension shall prevent the accrual of interest as otherwise provided by law.

          E. Nothing contained in this section prevents the collection of a fee or penalty due upon the failure of an association to submit the required report.

          F. No annual or supplemental report required to be filed under this section shall be deemed to have been filed if the fees accompanying the report have been paid by check and the check is dishonored upon presentation.

          G. An association that fails or refuses to file a report for a year within the time prescribed by the Sanitary Projects Act is subject to a penalty of ten dollars ($10.00) to be assessed by the public regulation commission.

          H. An association shall file a member accountability report that shall include:

                (1) a financial statement prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles; and

                (2) a copy of the Open Meetings Act resolution stating what notice for a public meeting is reasonable. The report shall be signed and sworn to as to accuracy and completeness by all members of the board of directors of the association. A statement shall be included in the consumer confidence report required for water systems that the member accountability report is available to the public upon request. The member accountability report shall be filed with the department with the consumer confidence report no later than July 1 of each year."

     Section 15. Section 3-29-19 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1965, Chapter 300, Section 14-28-19) is amended to read:

     "3-29-19. AMENDMENT OF [ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION] CERTIFICATE OF ASSOCIATION AND BYLAWS--METHOD.--Every association may [change its name, increase or decrease its capital stock or membership, change the location of its principal office in this state, extend the period of its existence and] make such [other] amendment, change or alteration as may be desired not inconsistent with the Sanitary Projects Act or other law of this state by a resolution adopted by a vote of a majority of the members present at any regular or special meeting duly held upon such notice as the bylaws provide. A certified copy of such resolution with the affidavit of the president and secretary that [said] the resolution was duly adopted by a majority vote of [such shareholders or] the members at a meeting held in accordance with the provisions of this section shall be filed and recorded as provided for filing and recording the original certificate of [incorporation] association and bylaws, and thereupon the certificate of [incorporation] association and bylaws shall be deemed to be amended accordingly, and a copy of such certificate of amendment certified by the [state corporation] public regulation commission or the county clerk shall be accepted as evidence of each change or amendment in all courts and places."

     Section 16. A new section of the Sanitary Projects Act is enacted to read:


          A. Members shall adopt bylaws by a majority vote of the membership of the association setting forth:

                (1) the name of the association;

                (2) the requirement of an association seal;

                (3) the fiscal year of the association;

                (4) guidelines for membership, which shall include the sentence "Membership shall not be denied because of the applicant's race, color, creed, national origin or sex.";

                (5) guidelines for meetings of the membership, which shall include the date or time period of a membership meeting, required notice of a meeting, establishment of a quorum and the order of business to be conducted at a meeting of the membership;

                (6) the functions of the board of directors, including a conflict of interest policy for the board;

                (7) the duties of officers of the board of directors;

                (8) a description of the area of service; and

                (9) provisions for the board of directors to establish rules and regulations to govern the day-to-day operations of the project, including a code of conduct for staff and provisions to establish an annual budget, rate structure, assessments and reserve funds.

          B. The bylaws, or any amendment thereof made as provided in Section 3-29-19 NMSA 1978, may also contain provisions not inconsistent with the Sanitary Projects Act or other law of this state that the organizers may choose to insert for the regulation and conduct of the business and affairs of the association."

     Section 17. A new section of the Sanitary Projects Act is enacted to read:

     "[NEW MATERIAL] EXEMPTIONS FROM SPECIAL DISTRICT PROCEDURES ACT PROVISIONS.--An association formed pursuant to the provisions of the Sanitary Projects Act may be formed exclusively as provided in that act, and formation of the association shall be exempt from all review and requirements set forth in the Special Districts Procedures Act."

     Section 18. A new section of the Sanitary Projects Act is enacted to read:

     "[NEW MATERIAL] MERGER OF TWO OR MORE ASSOCIATIONS INTO ONE ASSOCIATION.--Two or more associations may merge into one association pursuant to a plan of merger approved in the manner provided in state law. The board of directors of each association shall, by resolution adopted by each board, approve a plan of merger setting forth:

          A. the names of the associations proposing to merge, and the associations into which they propose to merge which is hereinafter designated as the "surviving association";

          B. the terms and conditions of the proposed merger;

          C. the manner and basis of converting each association into obligations or other securities of the surviving association;

          D. a statement of any changes in the articles of incorporation of the surviving association to be affected by the merger; and

          E. other provisions with respect to the proposed merger as deemed necessary or desirable."

     Section 19. REPEAL.--Sections 3-29-8, 3-29-10 and 3-29-18 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1965, Chapter 300, Sections 14-28-8, 14-28-10 and 14-28-18, as amended) are repealed.

     Section 20. SEVERABILITY.--If any part or application of this act is invalid, the remainder of its application to other situations or persons shall not be affected.

     Section 21. EMERGENCY.--It is necessary for the public peace, health and safety that this act take effect immediately.

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