March 11, 2005


HOUSE FLOOR AMENDMENT number ___1__ to SENATE BILL 267, as amended

Amendment sponsored by Representative

    1. Strike Senate Judiciary Committee Amendment 1.

    2. On page 9, line 20, through page 10, line 2, remove the brackets and line-through.

    3. On page 10, lines 2 through 9, strike the underscored language and on line 10, strike "commission.".

    4. On page 17, line 18, strike "one hundred twenty" and insert in lieu thereof "ninety".

    5. On page 17, line 21, after the semicolon insert "or".

    6. On page 18, line 3, strike the semicolon and "or" and insert in lieu thereof a period.

    7. On page 18, strike lines 4 through 11 in their entirety.

    8. On page 19, line 5, after "successfully", insert "one hundred twenty hours of prelicensing courses, including".

    9. On page 19, line 6, after "course" insert a comma.

    10. On page 36, line 21, strike "appropriated" and insert in lieu thereof "subject to appropriation by the legislature".



Adopted ___________________ Not Adopted ________________________

          (Chief Clerk)                (Chief Clerk)

                  Date _________________