47th legislature - STATE OF NEW MEXICO - first session, 2005


Luciano "Lucky" Varela










     Section 1. AUTHORIZATION OF PROJECTS.--Pursuant to the provisions of Section 6-21-6 NMSA 1978, the legislature authorizes the New Mexico finance authority to make loans from the public project revolving fund to the following qualified entities for the following public projects on terms and conditions established by the authority:

          1. to the Alamogordo public schools in Otero county for equipment, building and infrastructure projects;

          2. to the city of Alamogordo in Otero county for equipment, building, infrastructure and refinancing projects;

          3. to the Albuquerque/Bernalillo county water utility authority in Bernalillo county for equipment and infrastructure projects;

          4. to the city of Albuquerque in Bernalillo county for equipment, building, refinancing and infrastructure projects;

          5. to the Albuquerque public schools in Bernalillo and Sandoval counties for equipment, building, infrastructure and refinancing projects;

          6. to the Animas public schools in Hidalgo county for equipment, building, infrastructure and refinancing projects;

          7. to the Artesia public schools in Eddy and Chaves counties for equipment, building, infrastructure and refinancing projects;

          8. to the city of Artesia in Eddy county for equipment, building, infrastructure and refinancing projects;

          9. to the city of Aztec in San Juan county for refinancing equipment, building and infrastructure projects and acquisition of the east Aztec water users association;

          10. to the city of Bayard in Grant county for equipment and infrastructure projects;

          11. to the Belen consolidated schools in Valencia county for building and infrastructure projects;

          12. to the Bernalillo county metropolitan court in Bernalillo county for refinancing projects;

          13. to the Bernalillo public schools in Sandoval county for equipment, building, infrastructure and refinancing projects;

          14. to the Bloomfield schools in San Juan county for building and infrastructure projects;

          15. to the city of Bloomfield in San Juan county for equipment, building, refinancing, land acquisition and infrastructure projects;

          16. to the village of Capitan in Lincoln county for equipment acquisition projects;

          17. to the Capitan municipal schools in Lincoln county for equipment, building, infrastructure and refinancing projects;

          18. to the Carlsbad municipal schools in Eddy county for equipment, building, infrastructure and refinancing projects;

          19. to the city of Carlsbad in Eddy county for equipment, building, infrastructure and refinancing projects;

          20. to the village of Causey in Roosevelt county for equipment, building and infrastructure projects;

          21. to the Central consolidated schools in San Juan county for building teacherage and infrastructure projects;

          22. to the Clayton public schools in Union county for equipment, building, infrastructure and refinancing projects;

          23. to the Cloudcroft municipal schools in Otero county for equipment, building, infrastructure and refinancing projects;

          24. to the Clovis municipal schools in Curry county for equipment, building, infrastructure and refinancing projects;

          25. to the city of Clovis in Curry county for equipment, building, infrastructure and refinancing projects;

          26. to Colfax county for equipment, building, infrastructure and refinancing projects in Colfax county;

          27. to the village of Columbus in Luna county for equipment acquisition projects;

          28. to the Cuba independent schools in Sandoval county for equipment, building, infrastructure, refinancing and teacherage projects;

          29. to the Cuba soil and water conservation district in Sandoval county for equipment and infrastructure projects;

          30. to Curry county for equipment, building and infrastructure projects in Curry county;

          31. to the city of Deming in Luna county for solid waste projects;

          32. to the town of Dexter in Chaves county for equipment acquisition projects;

          33. to the Dexter consolidated schools in Chaves county for equipment, building, infrastructure and refinancing projects;

          34. to the east Rio Arriba soil and water conservation district in Rio Arriba county for equipment acquisition projects;

          35. to Eddy county for equipment, building and infrastructure projects in Eddy county;

          36. to Eddy county-Atoka volunteer fire department in Eddy county for equipment, building and infrastructure projects;

          37. to Eddy county-Joel volunteer fire department in Eddy county for equipment, building and infrastructure projects;

          38. to Eddy county-Malaga volunteer fire department in Eddy county for equipment, building and infrastructure projects;

          39. to Eddy county-White City volunteer fire department in Eddy county for equipment, building and infrastructure projects;

          40. to Elephant Butte in Sierra county for water rights acquisition and water projects;

          41. to the town of Elida in Roosevelt county for equipment, building and infrastructure projects;

          42. to the city of Espanola in Rio Arriba and Santa Fe counties for equipment, building, infrastructure and refinancing projects;

          43. to the Farmington municipal schools in San Juan county for equipment, building, infrastructure and refinancing projects;

          44. to the city of Farmington in San Juan county for equipment, building, infrastructure and refinancing projects;

          45. to the village of Folsom in Union county for equipment acquisition projects;

          46. to the Gadsden independent schools in Dona Ana and Otero counties for equipment, building, infrastructure and refinancing projects;

          47. to the city of Gallup in McKinley county for equipment, building, infrastructure and refinancing projects;

          48. to the Gallup-McKinley county public schools in McKinley county for equipment, building, infrastructure, refinancing and teacherage projects;

          49. to Grant county for equipment, building, infrastructure and refinancing projects in Grant county;

          50. to Grant county-Fort Bayard volunteer fire department in Grant county for equipment and vehicle acquisition projects;

          51. to Guadalupe county for equipment, building, infrastructure and refinancing projects in Guadalupe county;

          52. to the town of Hagerman in Chaves county for equipment acquisition projects;

          53. to the Hagerman municipal schools in Chaves county for equipment, building, infrastructure and refinancing projects;

          54. to Hatch Valley municipal schools in Dona Ana county for equipment, building, infrastructure and refinancing projects;

          55. to Hidalgo county for equipment, building, and infrastructure projects in Hidalgo county;

          56. to the city of Hobbs in Lea county for equipment, building, infrastructure and refinancing projects;

          57. to the town of Hurley in Grant county for equipment and infrastructure projects;

          58. to the Jemez Valley municipal schools in Sandoval county for building and infrastructure projects;

          59. to the Las Cruces public schools in Dona Ana county for equipment, building, infrastructure and refinancing projects;

          60. to the city of Las Cruces in Dona Ana county for equipment, building, infrastructure and refinancing projects;

          61. to the city of Las Vegas in San Miguel county for equipment, building, infrastructure and refinancing projects;

          62. to Lincoln county-Hondo volunteer fire department in Lincoln county for equipment acquisition projects;

          63. to the Lincoln solid waste authority in Lincoln county for infrastructure, building, equipment and refinancing projects;

          64. to the village of Logan in Quay county for equipment acquisition building infrastructure and refinancing projects;

          65. to the Lordsburg municipal schools in Hidalgo county for equipment, building, infrastructure and refinancing projects;

          66. to Los Alamos county for equipment, building, infrastructure and refinancing projects in Los Alamos county;

          67. to the Los Alamos public schools in Los Alamos county for equipment, building, infrastructure and refinancing projects;

          68. to the Los Lunas public schools in Valencia county for equipment, building, infrastructure and refinancing projects;

          69. to the city of Lovington in Lea county for equipment, building, infrastructure and refinancing projects;

          70. to the Magdalena municipal schools in Socorro county for equipment, building, infrastructure and refinancing projects;

          71. to Mora county for equipment, building, and infrastructure projects in Mora county;

          72. to Mora county-Buena Vista volunteer fire department in Mora county for equipment acquisition projects;

          73. to New Mexico highlands university in San Miguel county for equipment, building, refinancing and infrastructure projects;

          74. to New Mexico state university in Dona Ana county for equipment, building, infrastructure and refinancing projects;

          75. to the Otero county-Dungan volunteer fire department in Otero county for equipment acquisition projects;

          76. to the Pojoaque valley public schools in Santa Fe county for equipment, building, infrastructure and refinancing projects;

          77. to the city of Raton in Colfax county for refinancing equipment, building and infrastructure projects;

          78. to the Rio Rancho public schools in Sandoval county for building and infrastructure projects;

          79. to the city of Rio Rancho in Sandoval county for special assessment district 6, special assessment district 7, building and infrastructure projects;

          80. to the city of Rio Rancho in Sandoval county for equipment, building, infrastructure and refinancing projects;

          81. to the Roswell independent schools in Chaves county for equipment, building, infrastructure and refinancing projects;

          82. to the city of Roswell in Chaves county for equipment, building, infrastructure and refinancing projects;

          83. to the Ruidoso municipal schools in Lincoln county for equipment, building, infrastructure and refinancing projects;

          84. to the village of Ruidoso in Lincoln county for building projects;

          85. to the village of San Jon in Quay county for equipment and infrastructure projects;

          86. to San Miguel county for equipment, building, infrastructure and refinancing projects in San Miguel county;

          87. to the San Miguel county-Pecos Canyon volunteer fire department in San Miguel county for equipment acquisition projects;

          88. to the village of San Ysidro in Sandoval county for water and wastewater projects and equipment acquisition projects;

          89. to the Santa Fe public schools in Santa Fe county for equipment, building, infrastructure and refinancing projects;

          90. to Santa Fe county for equipment, building, infrastructure and refinancing projects in Santa Fe county;

          91. to Sandoval county for refinancing projects in Sandoval county;

           92. to the city of Santa Rosa in Guadalupe county for equipment acquisition projects;

           93. to the town of Silver City in Grant county for equipment acquisition projects;

           94. to the Socorro consolidated schools in Socorro county for building and infrastructure projects;

          95. to Socorro county for equipment and infrastructure projects in Socorro county;

          96. to the city of Sunland Park in Dona Ana county for water, wastewater, and water rights acquisition projects;

          97. to the town of Taos in Taos county for equipment, building, infrastructure and refinancing projects;

          98. to Taos county-Hondo/Seco volunteer fire department in Taos county for equipment acquisition projects;

          99. to the Texico municipal schools in Curry and Roosevelt counties for equipment, building, infrastructure and refinancing projects;

          100. to Torrance county-Northeast Torrance number five fire district in Torrance county for infrastructure, building and equipment projects;

          101. to the Truth or Consequences municipal schools in Sierra county for equipment, building, infrastructure and refinancing projects;

          102. to the city of Truth or Consequences in Sierra county for equipment, building, infrastructure and refinancing projects;

          103. to the Tucumcari public schools in Quay county for equipment, building, infrastructure and refinancing projects;

          104. to the city of Tucumcari in Quay county for equipment, building, refinancing and infrastructure projects;

          105. to the village of Tularosa in Otero county for equipment and infrastructure projects;

          106. to Union county for equipment, building, infrastructure and refinancing projects in Union county;

          107. to the Ventana West public improvements district in Sandoval county for equipment, building, infrastructure and refinancing projects; and

          108. to the West Rim mutual domestic water consumers association in Taos county for well projects.

     Section 2. VOIDING OF AUTHORIZATION.--If a qualified entity listed in Section 1 of this act has not certified to the New Mexico finance authority by the end of fiscal year 2008 its desire to continue to pursue a loan from the public project revolving fund for a public project listed in that section, the legislative authorization granted to the New Mexico finance authority by Section 1 of this act to make a loan from the public project revolving fund to that qualified entity for that public project is void.

     Section 3. EMERGENCY.--It is necessary for the public peace, health and safety that this act take effect immediately.

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