Fiscal impact reports (FIRs) are prepared by the Legislative Finance Committee (LFC) for standing finance committees of the NM Legislature. The LFC does not assume responsibility for the accuracy of these reports if they are used for other purposes.


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F I S C A L    I M P A C T    R E P O R T












Accountability In Government Act Changes










Appropriation Contained

Estimated Additional Impact


or Non-Rec





















(Parenthesis ( ) Indicate Expenditure Decreases)




LFC Files

Energy, Mineral and Natural Resources Department

Department of Health

Worker’s Compensation Administration

Department of Transportation



       Synopsis of the House Government and Urban Affairs Committee Amendment


The House Government and Urban Affairs Committee amendment will keep the  name of the act “ Accountability in Government Act” by striking the name change to managing and legislating for results.   The HGUA amendment will require the governor to prepare and submit the budget no later than January 10 in odd-numbered years (during sixty day session).


Synopsis of Bill


The bill is part of a consensus agreement between the Department of Finance and Administration – State Budget Division (DFA/SBD) and the Legislative Finance Committee (LFC) staff. A majority of the proposed changes improve the processes and submissions required by the Accountability in Government Act (AGA). The bill will also change the date required for the executive budget submission to January 15th for a 60-day legislative sessions and January 5th for a 30-day legislative session.



The bill changes the name of the Accountability on Government Act to Managing and Legislating for Results in Government Act.  This name is more in line with executive and legislative initiatives in this area. The name change also reflects the emphasis on agencies results.


The bill also consolidates several deadlines for DFA/SBD and agencies. This consolidation will reduce paperwork and staff time spent on AGA paperwork requirements. The date for DFA/SBD to issue instructions to the agencies for development of performance measures is changed from June 1st to June 15th.  This date allows DFA/SBD to integrate the instructions for the development of performance measures in the budget request instructions which are also due on June 15th.


To improve functionality and clarify requirements, two of the three deadlines in the act are consolidated. Under current law, agencies are required to submit their program list on May 1st and their performance measures on July 1st. The bill also establishes a deadline of July 15th for agencies to request a change in their programs or performance measures. DFA/SBD will have thirty days to consult with the LFC and approve or disapprove the requested change.


The bill clarifies the requirement that agencies need to develop and maintain a monitoring plan and not submit it annually. 


A new requirement is the introduction of quarterly reporting for key agencies and key performance measures. The bill places the selection of agencies and measure with DFA/SBD, but requires consultation with the LFC.


The bill adds definition of “output” and “performance target”.  Inclusion of the performance target definition will require agencies to identify the expected level of  performance for each of their program measures. 




The bill has no direct fiscal implications. The changes are designed to reduce paperwork, improves processes and allow better analysis by DFA/SBD and LFC staff.





DFA/SBD will need to work with the LFC to identify key agencies and performance measures prior to agencies submitting quarterly reports.

