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F I S C A L   I M P A C T   R E P O R T














Albuquerque Native American Student Concerns







L. Baca




Appropriation Contained

Estimated Additional Impact


or Non-Rec















(Parenthesis ( ) Indicate Expenditure Decreases)



LFC files


Response Received From

New Mexico public education Department (PED)




Synopsis of HEC Amendments


The House Education Committee amendments to House Joint Memorial:


  • Provide technical and editorial changes that clarify the intent of the memorial and limit the membership on the Indian Education Advisory Council to representatives from urban communities,
  • References the “too few” employment of Native American administrators instead of too few teachers,
  • Requests the employment of a superintendent knowledgeable in Native American language and culture instead of a superintendent who is a Native American,
  • Requests that the meeting co-hosted by the Albuquerque Native American community and APS be held within six months to obtain input from the Native American community, and
  • Adds the following language:


“BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Albuquerque public school district address the family- and home-related education issues that may cause the low performance, high absences and other problems of native American students;”

     Synopsis of Original Bill


House Joint Memorial 13 requests that the PED and the Albuquerque Public Schools (APS):


  • conduct an in-depth study to decrease the high dropout rate among Native American students,
  • develop and emphasize a curriculum that reflects the contributions of Native American cultures,
  • create a superintendent position filled by a Native American and increase the number of top level Native American administrators,
  • collaborate with the Native American Community to address the needs of Native American students,
  • encourage community and parental involvement,
  • request that urban Native Americans representatives serve on the various Indian Education Advisory councils throughout the state and the interim legislative Indian Education Affairs Committee.


Significant Issues


Traditionally, the achievement of Native American public school students has been the lowest of all student groups tested.  Irrelevant curricula, language differences, insensitivity and/or lack of awareness of Native American cultures and economic status have often been cited as the reason for this lack of success. Closely related to this lack of achievement in school is the high dropout rate among Native American students.  This memorial proposes a process to address these problems as they relate to Native American students in the Albuquerque Public Schools and the state.




This memorial does not propose an appropriation but the activities advocated will require that both the PED and APS invest staff and other resources to comply with this request.  In addition, the PED and APS will have to involve other school districts and tribal groups to carry out the intent of this memorial: identify areas of need and concern so the appropriate strategies can be developed and implemented to address these needs and concerns.

