Fiscal impact reports (FIRs) are prepared by the Legislative Finance Committee (LFC) for standing finance committees of the NM Legislature. The LFC does not assume responsibility for the accuracy of these reports if they are used for other purposes.


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F I S C A L    I M P A C T    R E P O R T





Taylor, JG







Rio Bravo Boulevard Extension










Appropriation Contained

Estimated Additional Impact


or Non-Rec












OSF/State Land Maintenance Fund







 (Parenthesis ( ) Indicate Revenue Decreases)




LFC Files


Response Received From

State Land Office (SLO)


No Response From

Department of Transportation (DOT)




      Synopsis of HTC Amendment


The House Transportation Committee amendment extends the time for expenditure from Fiscal Year 2005 to Fiscal Years 2005 through 2007. The unencumbered balance remaining at the end of Fiscal Year 2007 shall revert to the State Land Maintenance Fund and not the General Fund.


Synopsis of  Original Bill


House Bill 568 appropriates $1 million from the uncommitted balances of the advanced coal lease payments in the suspense account of the State Land Maintenance Fund to the Commissioner of Public Lands to plan, design and construct an extension of Rio Bravo Boulevard to Mesa del Sol.



Significant Issues


SLO has a rule providing for advance payments by coal companies to prevent the expiration of a lease.  The rule states:  "In lieu of the actual production requirement, expiration of a lease may be prevented by the timely payment of an advance...equal to the estimated royalty obligation which would be due if one percent (1%) of the recoverable reserved of the leased land were produced.  Payment on or before a lease anniversary date will act to extend the lease until the next ensuing anniversary date; provided, however, that the lease shall not be extended for more than 10 years by such payment.

Several companies have utilized this advance payment process, including those involved with the Salt River Project.  Now that the Salt River Project is defunct, those advance lease payments are being moved to the SLO suspense account and are uncommitted balances that can be used for this specific appropriation.  Balances for the other projects must be held in suspense pending decisions by the pertinent companies or the 10 year deadline. 


SLO notes this is really a capital project bill.  The length of time for the appropriation should probably be extended for the same number of years as other capital projects are extended.


This project was previously called University Boulevard, but this bill uses the name Rio Bravo at the request of the DOT.




The appropriation of $1 million contained in this bill is a non-recurring expense to the uncommitted balances of the advanced coal lease payments in the suspense account of the State Land Maintenance Fund.  Any unexpended or unencumbered balance remaining at the end of Fiscal Year 2005 shall revert to the General Fund.


The Legislature appropriated $1.6 million in State Land Maintenance Fund last year for this project.  The project has already received the following funding:


                        University Boulevard Extension to Mesa del Sol


            SLO                 $1,600.0          State Land Maintenance Fund

            DOT                $   417.0          Severance Tax Bonds

            DOT                $1,700.0          General Fund

            GRIP               $6,000.0          Highway Bonds

            TOTAL            $9,717.0


The Commissioner was informed by the developer, Forest City Covington, that an additional $3-4 million would be needed to complete the project.  The Commissioner agreed to allow a request for an appropriation from these uncommitted balances up to the $1 million to be used so that the Mesa del Sol project could continue.




SLO states this money cannot revert to the General Fund; it must revert to the State Land Maintenance Fund.

