46th legislature - STATE OF NEW MEXICO - second session, 2004


Leonard Tsosie










     Section 1. Section 22-23-1 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1973, Chapter 285, Section 1) is amended to read:

     "22-23-1. SHORT TITLE.--[This act] Chapter 22, Article 23 NMSA 1978 may be cited as the "Bilingual Multicultural Education Act"."

     Section 2. A new section of the Bilingual Multicultural Education Act, Section 22-23-1.1 NMSA 1978, is enacted to read:

     "22-23-1.1. [NEW MATERIAL] LEGISLATIVE FINDINGS.--The legislature finds that:

          A. while state and federal combined funding for New Mexico's bilingual multicultural education programs was forty-one million dollars ($41,000,000) in 2003, the funds do not directly support bilingual multicultural education program instruction;

          B. the state's bilingual multicultural education program goals are for all students to:

                (1) become bilingual and biliterate in English and a second language, including Spanish, a native language or another language; and

                (2) meet state academic content standards and benchmarks in all subject areas;

          C. districts do not fully understand how to properly assess, place and monitor students in bilingual multicultural education programs so that the students may become academically successful;

          D. because inaccurate reporting on student participation in bilingual multicultural education programs has a direct impact on state and federal funding, accountability measures are necessary to track bilingual multicultural education program funds;

          E. the federal No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 does not preclude using state funds for bilingual multicultural education programs;

          F. Article 12, Section 8 of the constitution of New Mexico recognizes the value of bilingualism as an educational tool;

          G. professional development is needed for district employees, including teachers, teacher assistants, principals, bilingual directors or coordinators, associate superintendents, superintendents and financial officers in the areas of:

                (1) research-based bilingual multicultural education programs and implications for instruction;

                (2) best practices of English as a second language, English language development and bilingual multicultural education programs; and

                (3) classroom assessments that support academic and language development;

          H. parents in conjunction with teachers and other district employees shall be empowered to decide what type of bilingual multicultural education program works best for their children and their community. Districts shall also provide parents with appropriate training in English or in the home language to help their children succeed in school;

          I. because grades kindergarten through three provide the foundation for learning languages, bilingual multicultural education programs are most beneficial when taught to students during those key years. The state shall, therefore, fund bilingual multicultural education programs for students in grades kindergarten through three before funding bilingual multicultural education programs at higher grade levels;

          J. a standardized curriculum, including instructional materials with scope and sequence, is necessary to ensure that the bilingual multicultural education program is consistent and building on the language skills the students have previously learned. The instructional materials for Native American bilingual multicultural education programs shall be written, when permitted by the Indian nation, tribe or pueblo, and if written materials are not available, an oral standardized curriculum shall be implemented;

          K. equitable and culturally relevant learning environments, educational opportunities and culturally relevant instructional materials for Native American students enrolled in public schools are necessary to satisfy a goal of the Indian Education Act; and

          L. cognitive and affective development of the students is encouraged by:

                (1) using the cultural and linguistic backgrounds of the students in a bilingual multicultural education program;

                (2) providing students with opportunities to expand their conceptual and linguistic abilities and potentials in a successful and positive manner; and

                (3) teaching students to appreciate the value and beauty of different languages and cultures."

     Section 3. Section 22-23-2 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1973, Chapter 285, Section 2) is repealed and a new Section 22-23-2 NMSA 1978 is enacted to read:

     "22-23-2. [NEW MATERIAL] DEFINITIONS.--As used in the Bilingual Multicultural Education Act:

          A. "bilingual multicultural education program" means a program using two languages, one of which is English, as a medium of instruction in the teaching and learning process;

          B. "culturally and linguistically different" means students who are of a different cultural background than mainstream United States culture and whose home or heritage language, inherited from the student's family, tribe or country of origin, is a language other than English;

          C. "department" means the public education department;

          D. "district" means a public school or any combination of public schools in a district;

          E. "English language learner" means a student whose first language is not English and who is unable to read, write and understand English at a level comparable to grade level English proficient peers and native English speakers;

          F. "home language" means a language other than English that is the primary language spoken at home;

          G. "school board" means a local school board; and

          H. "standardized curriculum" means a curriculum that is aligned with the state academic content standards and benchmarks."

     Section 4. Section 22-23-4 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1973, Chapter 285, Section 4) is amended to read:


          A. The [state board] department shall issue [guidelines] rules for the development and implementation of bilingual multicultural education programs.

          B. The department shall administer and enforce the provisions of the Bilingual Multicultural Education Act.

          C. The department shall assist school boards in developing and evaluating bilingual multicultural education programs.

          D. In the development, implementation and administration of [this program] the bilingual multicultural education programs, the [state board and the] department shall give preference to New Mexico residents who have received specialized training in bilingual education when hiring personnel."

     Section 5. Section 22-23-5 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1973, Chapter 285, Section 5, as amended) is amended to read:


          A. The school board may prepare and submit to the department a bilingual multicultural education program plan in accordance with [guidelines] rules issued by the [state board] department.

          B. At regular intervals, [the school board] the department and a parent advisory committee from the district shall review the goals and priorities of the plan and make appropriate recommendations to the [state board] department.

          C. Bilingual multicultural education programs shall be located in [the regular public schools of] the district and delivered as part of the regular academic program. Involvement of students in [any programs] a bilingual multicultural education program shall not have the effect of segregating students by ethnic group, color or national origin.

          D. Each district shall maintain academic achievement and language proficiency data and update the data annually to evaluate bilingual multicultural education program effectiveness and use of funds. The department shall annually compile and report this data to the appropriate interim legislative committee.

          E. Districts shall provide professional development to district employees, including teachers, teacher assistants, principals, bilingual directors or coordinators, associate superintendents, superintendents and financial officers in the areas of:

                (1) research-based bilingual multicultural education programs and implications for instruction;

                (2) best practices of English as a second language, English language development and bilingual multicultural education programs; and

                (3) classroom assessments that support academic and language development.

          F. Bilingual multicultural education programs shall be part of the district's professional development plan. Bilingual educators, including teachers, teacher assistants, instructional support personnel, principals and program administrators, shall participate in professional development and training."

     Section 6. Section 22-23-6 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1973, Chapter 285, Section 6, as amended) is amended to read:


          A. To be eligible for state financial support, each bilingual multicultural education program shall:

                (1) provide for the educational needs of linguistically and culturally different students, including Native American children and other students who may wish to participate, in grades kindergarten through twelve, with priority to be given to programs in grades kindergarten through three, in [any public school or any combination of public schools in] a district;

                (2) fund programs for culturally and linguistically different students in the state in grades kindergarten through three for which there is an identifiable need to improve the language capabilities of both English and the home language of these students before funding programs at higher grade levels;

                (3) use two languages as mediums of instruction for any part or all of the curriculum of the grade levels within the program;

                (4) use teachers who have specialized in elementary or secondary education and who have received [special] specialized training in bilingual education conducted through the use of two languages. These teachers shall administer language proficiency assessments in both English and in the home language until proficiency in each language is achieved; [and]

                (5) emphasize the history and cultures associated with the students' [mother tongue] home language;

                (6) establish a parent advisory committee, representative of the language and culture of the students, to assist and advise in the development, implementation and evaluation of the bilingual multicultural education program; and

                (7) provide procedures to ensure that parental notification is given prior to bilingual multicultural education program placement.

          B. Each bilingual multicultural education program [must] shall meet each requirement of Subsection A of this section and be approved by the department [the state superintendent or his representative] to be eligible for state financial support.

          [C. The provisions in Paragraph (1) of Subsection A of this section relating to grades seven through twelve shall be phased in as follows:

                (1) grades seven and eight in the 1988-89 school year;

                (2) grades nine and ten in the 1989-90 school year; and

                (3) grades eleven and twelve in the 1990-91 school year.]" 

     Section 7. A new section of the Bilingual Multicultural Education Act, Section 22-23-7.1 NMSA 1978, is enacted to read:

     "22-23-7.1. [NEW MATERIAL] BILINGUAL MULTICULTURAL EDUCATION PROGRAMS--USE OF FUNDS.--Bilingual multicultural education program funds shall not supplant a district's responsibility for providing teachers, instructional materials and other services designed to help students reach their full academic potential. Districts shall only use bilingual multicultural education program funds for expenses directly related to:

          A. providing students with opportunities to expand their conceptual and linguistic abilities and potentials in a successful and positive manner;

          B. teaching students to appreciate the value and beauty of different languages and cultures;

          C. using the cultural and linguistic backgrounds of students in the bilingual multicultural education program;

          D. serving the cultural and linguistic needs of students participating in the bilingual multicultural education program;

          E. helping English language learners achieve the same level of academic success as their English fluent peers;

          F. providing professional development for district employees, including teachers, teacher assistants, principals, bilingual directors and coordinators, associate superintendents, superintendents and financial officers;

          G. ensuring that English language learners are not enrolled in special education solely because of language barriers; and

          H. supporting parental involvement in bilingual multicultural program education."

     Section 8. REPEAL.--Section 22-23-3 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1973, Chapter 285, Section 3) is repealed.