February 13, 2004

Madam President:

    Your CONSERVATION COMMITTEE, to whom has been referred


has had it under consideration and reports same with recommendation that it DO PASS, amended as follows:

    1. On page 4, line 5, after "project" insert "and wastewater project".

    2. On page 10, strike lines 8 and 9 in their entirety.

    3. Renumber the succeeding subsections accordingly.

    4. On page 11, line 2, after "project" insert "and a water project".

    5. On page 11, line 18, after "project" insert "and wastewater project".

    6. On page 12, line 6, after "project" insert "and wastewater project".

    7. On page 12, line 20, strike "and".

    8. On page 12, line 22, strike the period and insert in lieu thereof a semicolon.

    9. On page 12, between lines 22 and 23, insert the following new subsections:

         "131. to the Agua Pura mutual domestic water consumers association for a water project in Mora county;

         132. to the Anton Chico mutual domestic water consumers association for a water project in Guadalupe county;

         133. to the Buena Vista water association for a water project in Mora county;

         134. to the Canon mutual domestic water consumers association for a water and wastewater project in Taos county;

         135. to the Chacon mutual domestic water consumers association for a water project in Mora county;

         136. to the Pueblo of Cochiti for a water and wastewater project in Sandoval county;

         137. to the Coyote Creek mutual domestic water consumers association for water and wastewater projects in Catron county;

         138. to the Dilia mutual domestic water consumers association for a water project in Guadalupe county;

         139. to the Jicarita mutual domestic water consumers association for a water and wastewater project in Taos county;

         140. to La Cueva mutual domestic water consumers association for a water and wastewater project in San Miguel county;

         141. to La Cienega mutual domestic water consumers association for a water project in Santa Fe county;

         142. to La Manga mutual domestic water consumers association for a water project in San Miguel county;

         143. to the LeDoux mutual domestic water consumers association for a water project in Mora county;

         144. to the Llano mutual domestic water consumers association for a water and wastewater project in Taos county;

         145. to Mora independent school district for a wastewater project in Mora county;

         146. to the Pastura mutual domestic water consumers association for a water project in Guadalupe county;

         147. to the Rio Lucio mutual domestic water consumers association for a water and wastewater project in Taos county;

         148. to the Rodarte mutual domestic water consumers association for a water and wastewater project in Taos county;

         149. to the San Jose mutual domestic water consumers association for a water project in San Miguel county;

         150. to the San Luis Cabezon mutual domestic water consumers association for a water project in Sandoval county;

         151. to San Ysidro for a wastewater project in Sandoval county;

         152. to Santa Fe county for water and wastewater projects; and

         153. to the Turley-Manzanares ditch association for a water project in San Juan county.".,

and thence referred to the FINANCE COMMITTEE.

                               Respectfully submitted,


                               Carlos R. Cisneros, Chairman

Adopted_______________________ Not Adopted_______________________

          (Chief Clerk) (Chief Clerk)

                  Date ________________________

The roll call vote was 5 For 0 Against

Yes:      5

No:       0

Excused: Aragon, Duran, Gorham, Payne

Absent:   None
