February 18, 2004

Madam President:

    Your CONFERENCE COMMITTEE, to whom has been referred


HOUSE BILL 96, as amended

has had it under consideration and reports same with the following recommendation:

    1. The following house education committee amendments be APPROVED: 

         Nos. 1 and 3 through 6.

    2. The following house education committee amendment be DISAPPROVED:

         No. 2.

    3. The following senate education committee amendments be APPROVED:

         Nos. 2 through 4 and 6 through 9.

    4. The following senate education committee amendments be DISAPPROVED:

         Nos. 1 and 5.

and that the bill be amended further as follows:

    5. On page 23, line 10, strike "department" and insert in lieu thereof "secretary, after consultation with the commission,".

    6. On page 23, line 20, strike "department" and insert in lieu thereof "secretary".

    7. On page 24, line 4, strike "department" and insert in lieu thereof "secretary".

    8. On page 24, line 7, strike "department" and insert in lieu thereof "secretary".

    9. On page 25, line 1, strike "department" and insert in lieu thereof "secretary, after consultation with the commission,".

    10. On page 25, between lines 4 and 5, insert the following new subsection:

         "H. The commission shall consult with the secretary and may recommend alternative actions for the secretary's consideration.".

    11. Reletter the succeeding subsection accordingly.

    12. On page 25, line 7, strike "department" and insert in lieu thereof "secretary".

                               Respectfully submitted,


                               Cynthia Nava


                               Richard M. Romero


                               Mark Boitano

Adopted____________________ Not Adopted_____________________

          (Chief Clerk) (Chief Clerk)

                  Date ______________