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Hurt |
HB |
State Engineer’s Aztec District Office |
SB |
459 |
Chabot |
Contained |
Additional Impact |
Recurring or
Non-Rec |
Fund Affected |
FY03 |
FY04 |
FY03 |
FY04 |
$339.9 |
Recurring |
Fund |
( ) Indicate Expenditure Decreases)
LFC Files
Received From
of the State Engineer (OSE)
of Bill
Senate Bill 459
appropriates $339.9 from the general fund to OSE for the purpose of a water
master position and other staff positions in the Aztec sub-office of the State
Engineer’s District 5 office.
OSE states the District 5 Aztec office has 2
permanent FTE and 1 term FTE to administer water rights, evaluate water right
applications, create and maintain the
The drought has put in jeopardy water for the
Navajo Indian Irrigation Project and the San Juan Chama Project because the
water level in Navajo Dam is only marginally above the outflow pipe. Unexplained depletions from the rivers
exacerbate the problem of dwindling water supplies. The Navajo Nation has requested active
administration of water on the
District Court judges have requested the State
Engineer perform a hydrographic study of the basin so they can complete the
adjudication process.
To fulfill these requests, OSE needs additional
staff in the Aztec Office. This bill
would allow the OSE to fund a water master position and additional staff of
5FTE. It would also allow the staff to
move to a larger building to perform their duties.
The appropriation of
$339.9 contained in this bill is a recurring expense to the general fund. Any unexpended or unencumbered balance remaining
at the end of fiscal year 2004 shall revert to the general fund.
Section 72-3-4 NMSA provides that the State
Engineer will prepare a budget for any water master and present it to the board
of county commissioners so the county treasurer can include it in the budget
distribution for the county. “The salary
and expenses of the water master and of his assistants shall be paid monthly by
the board of county commissioners…” If the role of the water master extends to
more than one county, the costs are proportionally shared among the counties.
OSE should investigate
whether the expense of the water master and assistants could be borne by the
county governments or if the county government can provide additional office
space to meet the District 5 needs at no expense to OSE.