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Vaughn |
2/06/03 |
HB |
HJM 28 |
Study Sex Crimes and Child Victims |
SB |
Maloy |
Contained |
Additional Impact |
Recurring or
Non-Rec |
Fund Affected |
FY03 |
FY04 |
FY03 |
FY04 |
Responses Received From
Children, Youth and Families Department
Synopsis of Bill
House Joint Memorial
28 directs the Children, Youth and Families Department to establish a task
force that will study the effectiveness of New Mexico’s current sex crimes
response system and to follow the recommendations of the 2002 committee report.
The task force will
also identify ways to address the needs of victims, bring perpetrators to justice
and minimize perpetrators’ future danger to society.
The task force will
report its progress to the interim health and human services committee no later
than October 2003.
Significant Issues
The memorial states
that an informal survey conducted among district attorneys, CYFD county office
managers, guardians ad litem and court appointed special advocate volunteers
demonstrated great disparity in understanding how to respond to allegations of
child sexual abuse. This results in a
fragmented response system.