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Whitaker |
03/20/03 |
HB |
322/aHTRC/aSFC |
Amend Small Cities Assistance Act |
SB |
Smith |
Estimated Revenue |
Subsequent Years Impact |
Recurring or
Non-Rec |
Fund Affected |
FY03 |
FY04 |
*$655.0 |
Recurring |
Cities Assistance Fund |
($655.0) |
Recurring |
Fund |
(Parenthesis ( ) Indicate Revenue Decreases)
Duplicates SB275
Received From
and Revenue Department
Synopsis of SFC Amendment
The House Taxation and
Revenue Committee amendment limits the maximum distribution amount to $56,000
but contained a technical error. The Senate Finance Committee amendment
corrects that error.
of HTRC Amendment
The House Taxation and Revenue Committee
amendment placed a ceiling of $56. 0 that can be distributed to municipalities
under pursuant to “Small Cities Assistance Fund”. *The amendment would reduce the fiscal
impact from $1,400.0 to $650.0; however under the existing bill language
regarding reversion to the General Fund is deleted. If this language was replaced, the associated
fiscal impact would be $650.0.
of Original Bill
Bill 322 amends the Small Cities Assistance
Act to revise the distribution formula for municipalities that currently
qualify for small cities assistance. The legislation increases the minimum
distribution amount to $35,000 and removes the $50,000 limit for the maximum
distribution amount. The bill deletes the population criteria for establishing
minimum and maximum distribution amounts.
bill includes provisions for distribution for FY 2003 to adjust to varying
distribution dates. The bill also
changes the date of the annual small cities distribution to the last day of February
of each fiscal year.
The following fiscal impact analysis is provided by the
Taxation and Revenue Department
FY 2004 impacts:
The proposal would affect General Fund revenue because
under the present law formula, not all of the small cities fund revenue is
distributed to small cities. The
remaining funds revert to the General Fund.
The proposal would increase the distributions in such a way that it
would eliminate the annual reversion to the General Fund. The provisions of Section 4 ensure the
balance in the small cities assistance fund would accumulate for a full year
prior to the FY 2004 distribution. The fund balance at that time is expected to
be approximately $4.8 million. The
expected distribution in the absence of this legislation is expected to be
approximately $3.4 million.
FY 2003 impacts:
department expects to distribute FY 2003 small cities assistance funds in
February. Since the distribution will be made before March 1, the general fund
reversion would be limited to the amount remaining in the small cities
assistance fund under Section 4 of the proposal. Under current law, the balance reverts
immediately after distribution. Thus,
there is no fiscal impact in FY 2003.
The Taxation
and Revenue Department provided the attached table which illustrates the impact
of the proposed distribution.
House Bill 322 does not include an emergency clause
and therefore will not take effect until
According to the Taxation and Revenue Department, the
Small Cities Assistance Distribution is financed by the small cities assistance
fund through an earmarked share of 10 percent of Compensating Tax revenue. Current
statute mandates the small cities distribution be calculated on or before June
10, and distributed on or before June 15, provided there is enough money in the
small cities assistance fund to cover the calculated distribution. Historically, the distribution has been made
by February or March.