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F I S C A L   I M P A C T   R E P O R T




M. Garcia









Land Grant Committee











Appropriation Contained

Estimated Additional Impact


or Non-Rec












See Narrative






Responses Received From

State Land Office

Secretary of State’s Office

Energy, Minerals and Natural Resources Department

Regulation and Licensing Department




            Synopsis of SCONC Amendment


The Senate Conservation Committee has amended House Bill 74 to provide that the membership of the Land Grant Committee shall be “two members appointed by the president pro tempore of the senate, one member appointed by the senate minority leader, two members appointed by the speaker of the house, and one member appointed by the house minority leader.”


Before amendment, the bill provided that the Legislative Council Service would select the six member committee, choosing three members from the house and three from the senate.


            Synopsis of HAFC Amendment


The House Appropriations and Finance Committee amended HB 74 so as to strike all reference to the bill’s containing an appropriation.  As amended, all functions set forth in HB 74 remain intact, but no funding accompanies them.  It is assumed the costs of the committee would be absorbed by existing legislative budgets.




Synopsis of Original Bill


·        House Bill 74 creates the land grant committee.  The committee shall be 6 members, 3 appointed from the house of representatives and 3 appointed from the senate.  The purpose of the committee is to:


1.                  Study existing law regarding land grants and develop legislation to improve the law;

2.                  Gather testimony from land grant heirs from across New Mexico to acquire an understanding of the issues and concerns facing them;

3.                  Gather testimony from other community groups and state agencies to understand the relationship between land grant heirs and other property owners in New Mexico; and

4.                  Work in conjunction with the Guadalupe Hidalgo task force.  


·        HB 74 provides that the committee shall be staffed by the legislative council services.


·        The committee shall present its findings and recommendations to the second session of the forty-sixth legislature.


·        HB 74 appropriates $20,000 from the general fund to the legislative council services for FY03 for the purpose of paying the salaries and expenses of technical, legal and clerical staff; for purchasing equipment and supplies; and for reimbursing per diem and mileage expenses of the land grant committee members. 




HB 74 appropriates $20.0 from the general fund to the legislative council services for FY03.  Any unexpended or unencumbered balance remaining at the end of FY04 shall revert to the general fund.




While the State Land Office is solely responsible for determinations relating to state trust land, recommendations from the committee regarding changes to existing laws affecting land grants may effect the State Land Office’s determinations.  The State Land Office states it would welcome the opportunity to work with the committee to promote consistency and harmony in state trust land laws, land grant laws, federal law, New Mexico’s Enabling Act, the State Constitution.

