46th legislature - STATE OF NEW MEXICO - first session, 2003
Section 1. Section 32A-1-4 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1993, Chapter 77, Section 13, as amended) is amended to read:
"32A-1-4. DEFINITIONS.--As used in the Children's Code: A. "adult" means [an individual] a person who is
eighteen years of age or older;
B. "child" means [an individual] a person who is
less than eighteen years old;
C. "court", when used without further qualification, means the children's court division of the district court and includes the judge, special master or commissioner appointed pursuant to the provisions of the Children's Code or supreme court rule;
D. "court appointed special advocate" or "CASA"
means a person appointed as a CASA, pursuant to the provisions
of the Children's Court Rules [and Forms], who assists the
court in determining the best interests of the child by
investigating the case and submitting a report to the court;
E. "custodian" means a person, other than a parent
or guardian, who exercises physical control, care or custody of
the child, including [any] an employee of a residential
facility or [any persons] a person providing out-of-home care;
F. "department" means the children, youth and families department, unless otherwise specified;
G. "foster parent" means a person, including a relative of the child, licensed or certified by the department or a child placement agency to provide care for children in the custody of the department or agency;
H. "guardian" means the person having the duty and authority of guardianship;
I. "guardianship" means the duty and authority to make important decisions in matters having a permanent effect on the life and development of a child and to be concerned about the child's general welfare and includes:
(1) the authority to consent to marriage, to enlistment in the armed forces of the United States or to major medical, psychiatric and surgical treatment;
(2) the authority to represent the child in legal actions and to make other decisions of substantial legal significance concerning the child;
(3) the authority and duty of reasonable visitation of the child;
(4) the rights and responsibilities of legal custody when the physical custody of the child is exercised by the child's parents, except when legal custody has been vested in another person; and
(5) when the rights of the child's parents have been terminated as provided for in the laws governing termination of parental rights or when both of the child's parents are deceased, the authority to consent to the adoption of the child and to make any other decision concerning the child that the child's parents could have made;
J. "guardian ad litem" means an attorney appointed by the children's court to represent and protect the best interests of the child in a court proceeding; provided that no party or employee or representative of a party to the proceeding shall be appointed to serve as a guardian ad litem;
K. "Indian child" means an unmarried person who is:
(1) less than eighteen years old;
(2) a member of an Indian tribe or is eligible for membership in an Indian tribe; and
(3) the biological child of a member of an Indian tribe;
L. "Indian child's tribe" means:
(1) the Indian tribe in which an Indian child is a member or eligible for membership; or
(2) in the case of an Indian child who is a member or eligible for membership in more than one tribe, the Indian tribe with which the Indian child has more significant contacts;
M. "judge", when used without further qualification, means the judge of the court;
N. "legal custody" means a legal status created by
the order of the court or other court of competent jurisdiction
that vests in a person, department or agency the right to
determine where and with whom a child shall live; the right and
duty to protect, train and discipline the child and to provide
the child with food, shelter, education and ordinary and
emergency medical care; the right to consent to major medical,
psychiatric, psychological and surgical treatment and to the
administration of legally prescribed psychotropic medications
pursuant to the Children's Mental Health and Developmental
Disabilities Act; and the right to consent to the child's
enlistment in the armed forces of the United States, all
subject to the powers, rights, duties and responsibilities of
the guardian of the child and subject to any existing parental
rights and responsibilities. [An individual] A person granted
legal custody of a child shall exercise the rights and
responsibilities as custodian personally, unless otherwise
authorized by the court entering the order;
O. "parent" or "parents" includes a biological or adoptive parent if the biological or adoptive parent has a constitutionally protected liberty interest in the care and custody of the child. A parent retains all of the duties and authority of guardianship and legal custody of the child, unless otherwise limited or altered by court order;
P. "permanency plan" means a determination by the court that the child's interest will be served best by:
(1) return to the parent;
(2) placement with a fit and willing person
who will [be the child's permanent guardian] provide a
permanent home for the child;
(3) placement for adoption after the parents' rights have been relinquished or terminated or after a motion has been filed to terminate parental rights;
(4) placement in the custody of the department until the child reaches the age of majority, unless the child is emancipated, pursuant to the Emancipation of Minors Act; or
(5) placement in the custody of the department under a planned permanent living arrangement that meets the department's definition of long-term foster care;
Q. "person" means an individual or any other form of entity recognized by law;
R. "preadoptive parent" means a person with whom a child has been placed for adoption;
S. "tribal court" means:
(1) a court established and operated pursuant to a code or custom of an Indian tribe; or
(2) any administrative body of an Indian tribe that is vested with judicial authority;
T. "tribal court order" means a document issued by a tribal court that is signed by an appropriate authority, including a judge, governor or tribal council member, and that orders an action that is within the tribal court's jurisdiction; and
U. "tribunal" means any judicial forum other than the court."
Section 2. Section 32A-1-17 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1993, Chapter 77, Section 26, as amended) is amended to read:
"32A-1-17. APPEALS.--
A. [Any] A party may appeal from a judgment of the
court to the court of appeals in the manner provided by law.
The appeal shall be heard by the court of appeals upon the
files, records and transcript of the evidence of the court.
Absent an order of the appellate court, files and records that
are required to be kept confidential and closed to the public
pursuant to any provision of the Children's Code shall be kept
confidential and closed to the public on appeal.
B. The appeal to the court of appeals does not stay the judgment appealed from, but the court of appeals may order a stay upon application and hearing consistent with the provisions of the Children's Code if suitable provision is made for the care and custody of the child. If the order appealed from grants the legal custody of the child to or withholds it from one or more of the parties to the appeal, the appeal shall be heard at the earliest practicable time.
C. If the court of appeals does not dismiss the
petition and order the child released, it shall affirm the
court's judgment or it shall modify the court's judgment and
remand the child to the jurisdiction of the court for
disposition consistent with the appellate court's decision on
the appeal. [Any] A party may appeal to the supreme court in
the manner provided by law.
D. A child who has filed notice of appeal shall be furnished a transcript of the proceedings, or as much of it as is requested, without cost upon the filing of an affidavit that the child or the person who is legally responsible for the care and support of the child is financially unable to purchase the transcript.
E. Appeals from the court to the court of appeals shall proceed in accordance with time limits to be established by the supreme court; provided, that a children's court attorney or a child may appeal a suppression of evidence order issued by a court by filing an appeal within ten days after the issuance of the suppression order.
F. Appeals from a tribal court order shall proceed pursuant to tribal law to an appropriate tribal court."
Section 3. Section 32A-2-3 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1993, Chapter 77, Section 32, as amended) is amended to read:
"32A-2-3. DEFINITIONS.--As used in the Delinquency Act:
A. "delinquent act" means an act committed by a child that would be designated as a crime under the law if committed by an adult, including the following offenses:
(1) an offense pursuant to municipal traffic codes or the Motor Vehicle Code:
(a) [any] driving while under the
influence of intoxicating liquor or drugs;
(b) [any] failure to stop in the event
of an accident causing death, personal injury or damage to
(c) [any] unlawful taking of a vehicle
or motor vehicle;
(d) [any] receiving or transferring of a
stolen vehicle or motor vehicle;
(e) [any] homicide by vehicle;
(f) [any] injuring or tampering with a
(g) [any] altering or changing of an
engine number or other vehicle identification numbers;
(h) [any] altering or forging of a
driver's license or permit or any making of a fictitious
license or permit;
(i) reckless driving;
(j) driving with a suspended or revoked license; or
(k) [any] an offense punishable as a
(2) buying, attempting to buy, receiving,
possessing or being served any alcoholic liquor or being
present in a licensed liquor establishment, other than a
restaurant or a licensed retail liquor establishment, except in
the presence of the child's parent, guardian, custodian or
adult spouse. As used in this paragraph, "restaurant" means
[any] an establishment where meals are prepared and served
primarily for on-premises consumption and that has a dining
room, a kitchen and the employees necessary for preparing,
cooking and serving meals. "Restaurant" does not include
[establishments] an establishment, as defined in regulations
promulgated by the director of the special investigations
division of the department of public safety, that [serve]
serves only hamburgers, sandwiches, salads and other fast
(3) [any] a felony violation of the provisions
of Sections 17-1-1 through 17-5-9 NMSA 1978 or any regulations
adopted by the state game commission that relate to the time,
extent, means or manner that game animals, birds or fish may be
hunted, taken, captured, killed, possessed, sold, purchased or
shipped and for which a fine may be imposed or a civil damage
(4) [any] a violation of Section 30-29-2 NMSA
1978, regarding the illegal use of a glue, aerosol spray
product or other chemical substance;
(5) [any] a violation of the Controlled
Substances Act;
(6) escape from the custody of a law
enforcement officer or a juvenile probation or parole officer
or from any placement made by the department by a child who has
been adjudicated a delinquent child; [or]
(7) [any] a violation of Section 30-15-1.1
NMSA 1978 regarding unauthorized graffiti on personal or real
property; or
(8) a violation of an order of protection issued pursuant to the provisions of the Family Violence Protection Act;
B. "delinquent child" means a child who has committed a delinquent act;
C. "delinquent offender" means a delinquent child who is subject to juvenile sanctions only and who is not a youthful offender or a serious youthful offender;
D. "detention facility" means a place where a child may be detained under the Children's Code pending court hearing and does not include a facility for the care and rehabilitation of an adjudicated delinquent child;
E. "felony" means an act that would be a felony if committed by an adult;
F. "misdemeanor" means an act that would be a misdemeanor or petty misdemeanor if committed by an adult;
G. "restitution" means financial reimbursement by
the child to the victim or community service imposed by the
court and is limited to easily ascertainable damages for injury
to or loss of property, actual expenses incurred for medical,
psychiatric and psychological treatment for injury to a person
and lost wages resulting from physical injury, which are a
direct and proximate result of a delinquent act. "Restitution"
does not include reimbursement for damages for mental anguish,
pain and suffering or other intangible losses. As used in this
subsection, "victim" means [any] a person who is injured or
suffers damage of any kind by an act that is the subject of a
complaint or referral to law enforcement officers or juvenile
probation authorities. Nothing contained in this definition
limits or replaces the provisions of Subsections A and B of
Section 32A-2-27 NMSA 1978;
H. "serious youthful offender" means an individual fifteen to eighteen years of age who is charged with and indicted or bound over for trial for first degree murder. A "serious youthful offender" is not a delinquent child as defined pursuant to the provisions of this section; and
I. "youthful offender" means a delinquent child subject to adult or juvenile sanctions who is:
(1) fourteen to eighteen years of age at the time of the offense and who is adjudicated for at least one of the following offenses:
(a) second degree murder, as provided in Section 30-2-1 NMSA 1978;
(b) assault with intent to commit a violent felony, as provided in Section 30-3-3 NMSA 1978;
(c) kidnapping, as provided in Section
30-4-1 NMSA 1978;
(d) aggravated battery, as provided in Subsection C of Section 30-3-5 NMSA 1978;
(e) aggravated battery upon a peace officer, as provided in Subsection C of Section 30-22-25 NMSA 1978;
(f) shooting at a dwelling or occupied building or shooting at or from a motor vehicle, as provided in Section 30-3-8 NMSA 1978;
(g) dangerous use of explosives, as provided in Section 30-7-5 NMSA 1978;
(h) criminal sexual penetration, as provided in Section 30-9-11 NMSA 1978;
(i) robbery, as provided in Section
30-16-2 NMSA 1978;
(j) aggravated burglary, as provided in Section 30-16-4 NMSA 1978;
(k) aggravated arson, as provided in Section 30-17-6 NMSA 1978; or
(l) abuse of a child that results in great bodily harm or death to the child, as provided in Section 30-6-1 NMSA 1978;
(2) fourteen to eighteen years of age at the time of the offense and adjudicated for any felony offense and who has had three prior, separate felony adjudications within a three-year time period immediately preceding the instant offense. The felony adjudications relied upon as prior adjudications shall not have arisen out of the same transaction or occurrence or series of events related in time and location. Successful completion of consent decrees are not considered a prior adjudication for the purposes of this paragraph; or
(3) fourteen years of age and adjudicated for first degree murder, as provided in Section 30-2-1 NMSA 1978."
Section 4. Section 32A-2-5 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1993, Chapter 77, Section 34, as amended) is amended to read:
A. Juvenile probation and parole services shall be provided by the department.
B. To carry out the objectives and provisions of the Delinquency Act, but subject to its limitations, the department has the power and duty to:
(1) receive and examine complaints and allegations that a child is a delinquent child for the purpose of considering beginning a proceeding pursuant to the provisions of the Delinquency Act;
(2) make case referrals for services as appear appropriate or desirable;
(3) make predisposition studies and assessments and submit reports and recommendations to the court;
(4) supervise and assist a child placed on probation or parole or under supervision by court order or by the juvenile parole board;
(5) give notice to any individual who has been the subject of a petition filed pursuant to the provisions of the Delinquency Act of the sealing of that individual's records in accordance with that act;
(6) informally dispose of up to three misdemeanor charges brought against a child within two years;
(7) give notice to the children's court attorney of the receipt of any felony complaint and of any recommended adjustment of such felony complaint;
(8) identify an Indian child for the purpose of contacting the Indian child's tribe in delinquency cases; and
(9) contact an Indian child's tribe to consult and exchange information for the purpose of preparing a predisposition report when commitment or placement of an Indian child is contemplated or has been ordered and indicate in the report the name of the person contacted in the Indian child's tribe and the results of the contact.
C. A juvenile probation and parole officer does not have the powers of a law enforcement officer. A juvenile probation and parole officer, upon securing a court order pursuant to the provisions of Section 32A-1-12 NMSA 1978, may take into physical custody and place in detention a child who is under supervision as a delinquent child or as a youthful offender when there is reasonable cause to believe that the child has violated the conditions of his probation or that the child may leave the jurisdiction of the court. Taking a child into custody under this subsection is subject to and shall proceed in accordance with the provisions of the Delinquency Act relating to custody and detention procedures and criteria."
Section 5. Section 32A-2-10 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1993, Chapter 77, Section 39) is amended to read:
A. A person taking a child into custody shall, with all reasonable speed:
(1) release the child to the child's parent, guardian or custodian and issue verbal counsel or warning as may be appropriate;
(2) release the child to the child's parent,
guardian or custodian upon their written promise to bring the
child before the court when requested by the court [and]. If
the parent, guardian or custodian fails, when requested, to
bring the child before the court as promised, the court may
order the child taken into custody and brought before the
(3) deliver the child to a place of detention
as provided in Section [32-2-11] 32A-2-12 NMSA 1978;
(4) deliver the child to a medical facility, if available, if the child is believed to be suffering from a serious illness that requires prompt treatment or prompt diagnosis; or
(5) deliver the child to an evaluation facility, if available, if the person taking the child into custody has reasonable grounds to believe the child presents a likelihood of serious harm to himself or others or is suffering from some other serious mental condition or illness that requires prompt treatment or prompt diagnosis.
B. When an alleged delinquent child is delivered to
a place of detention as provided in Section [32-2-12] 32A-2-12
NMSA 1978, [a department designee, prior to the placing of the
child in detention, shall review the need for detention and
shall release the child from custody unless detention is
appropriate under criteria set forth in the Delinquency Act or
has been ordered by the court pursuant to those criteria] only
a department employee or a trained county detention
professional designated by the department may place the child
in detention, in accordance with the criteria for detention set
forth in Section 32A-2-11 NMSA 1978. If the criteria for
detention of an alleged delinquent child are not met, the child
shall be released from custody.
C. If a child is taken into custody and is not released to the child's parent, guardian or custodian, the person taking the child into custody shall give written notice thereof as soon as possible, and in no case later than twenty-four hours, to the child's parent, guardian or custodian and to the court, together with a statement of the reason for taking the child into custody.
D. In all cases when a child is taken into custody,
the child shall be released to the child's parent, guardian or
custodian in accordance with the conditions and time limits set
forth in the Children's Court Rules [and Forms]."
Section 6. Section 32A-2-11 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1993, Chapter 77, Section 40) is amended to read:
A. Unless ordered by the court pursuant to the
provisions of the Delinquency Act, a child taken into custody
for [a] an alleged delinquent act shall not be placed in
detention [prior to the court's disposition unless probable
cause exists to believe that:
(1) detention of the child is necessary to
protect the community;
(2) the child will run away or be taken away
so as to be unavailable for proceedings of the court or its
(3) the child will commit injury to others; or
(4) if not detained, the child will cause
injury to himself or be subject to injury by others] unless a
detention risk assessment instrument is completed and a
determination is made at a detention hearing that the child:
(1) poses a substantial risk of harm to himself;
(2) poses a substantial risk of harm to others; or
(3) has previously demonstrated that he may leave the jurisdiction of the court.
B. The criteria for detention in this section shall
govern the decisions of all persons responsible for determining
whether detention is appropriate prior to [the court's
C. The department shall promulgate guidelines by
January 1, 1994 to implement the criteria for detention set
forth in Subsection A of this section and shall collect data
regarding the application of the criteria] a detention hearing,
based upon review of the detention risk assessment instrument.
C. The department shall develop and implement a detention risk assessment instrument. The department shall collect and analyze data regarding the application of the detention risk assessment instrument. Beginning January 1, 2004, the department shall provide the legislature with an annual written report with respect to its collection and analysis of data regarding the application of the detention risk assessment instrument."
Section 7. Section 32A-2-12 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1993, Chapter 77, Section 41) is amended to read:
A. A child alleged to be a delinquent child may be placed or detained, pending a court hearing, in any of the following places:
(1) a licensed foster home or a home otherwise authorized under the law to provide foster or group care;
(2) a facility operated by a licensed child welfare services agency;
(3) a shelter-care facility provided for in the Children's Shelter Care Act or a detention facility certified by the department for children alleged to be delinquent children; or
(4) any other suitable place, other than a
facility for the long-term care and rehabilitation of
delinquent children to which children adjudicated as delinquent
may be confined [under] pursuant to Section [32-2-19] 32A-2-19
NMSA 1978, designated by the court and which meets the
standards for detention facilities [under] pursuant to the
Children's Code and federal law.
B. A child alleged to be a youthful offender may be detained, pending a court hearing, in any of the following places:
(1) a detention facility, licensed by the department, for children alleged to be delinquent children;
(2) any other suitable place, other than a facility for the long-term care and rehabilitation of delinquent children to which children adjudicated as delinquent children may be confined pursuant to Section 32A-2-19 NMSA 1978, designated by the court and that meets the standards for detention facilities pursuant to the Children's Code and federal law.
C. A child alleged to be a youthful offender who is violent toward staff or other residents in a detention facility may be transferred and detained, pending a court hearing, in a county jail. In the event that a child is detained in a jail, the director of the jail shall presume that the child is vulnerable to victimization by inmates within the adult population because of his age, and shall take measures to provide protection to the child. However, provision of protective measures shall not result in diminishing a child's civil rights to less than those existing for an incarcerated adult.
D. A child who has previously been incarcerated as an adult or a person older than eighteen years of age shall not be detained in a juvenile detention facility or a facility for the long-term care and rehabilitation of delinquent children, but may be detained in a county jail. In the event that a child is detained in a jail, the director of the jail shall presume that the child is vulnerable to victimization by inmates within the adult population because of his age, and shall take measures to provide protection to the child. However, provision of protective measures shall not result in diminishing a child's civil rights to less than those existing for an incarcerated adult.
[B.] E. A child alleged to be a serious youthful
offender may be detained pending a court hearing in any of the
following places, prior to arraignment in metropolitan,
magistrate or district court:
(1) a detention facility, licensed by the department, for children alleged to be delinquent children;
(2) any other suitable place, other than a
facility for the long-term care and rehabilitation of
delinquent children to which children adjudicated as delinquent
children may be confined [under] pursuant to Section [32-2-19]
32A-2-19 NMSA 1978, designated by the court which meets the
standards for detention facilities [under] pursuant to the
Children's Code and federal law; or
(3) a county jail, if a facility in Paragraph
(1) or (2) of this subsection is not appropriate. In the event
that a child is detained in a jail, the director of the
[facility] jail shall presume that the child is vulnerable to
victimization by [detainees] inmates within the adult
population because of his age and shall take measures to
provide protection to the child. However, [no such protective
measure should] provision of protective measures shall not
result in diminishing a child's civil rights to less than those
existing for an incarcerated adult."
Section 8. Section 32A-2-13 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1993, Chapter 77, Section 42) is amended to read:
A. When a child who has been taken into custody is not released but is detained:
(1) a judicial determination of probable cause
shall be made by a judge or special master or magistrate within
[forty-eight] twenty-four hours, including Saturdays, Sundays
and legal holidays, except for children taken into custody
under an arrest warrant pursuant to the Children's Court Rules
[and Forms]. A statement by a law enforcement officer, which
shall include the charges, may be the basis of a probable cause
determination. The probable cause determination shall be
nonadversarial, may be held in the absence of the child and
counsel and may be conducted by telephone. If the court finds
no probable cause to believe the child committed an offense,
the child shall be released;
(2) a petition shall be filed within [forty-eight] twenty-four hours from the time the child is taken into
custody, excluding Saturdays, Sundays and legal holidays, and
if not filed within the stated time, the child shall be
released; and
(3) a detention hearing shall be held within twenty-four hours, excluding Saturdays, Sundays and legal holidays, from the time of filing the petition to determine whether continued detention is required pursuant to the criteria established by the Children's Code.
B. The judge may appoint one or more persons to serve as special master on a full- or part-time basis for the purpose of holding detention hearings. A juvenile probation and parole officer shall not be appointed as a special master. The judge shall approve all contracts with special masters and shall fix their hourly compensation, subject to the approval of the director of the administrative office of the courts.
C. Notice of the detention hearing, either oral or written, stating the time, place and purpose of the hearing shall be given by the person designated by the court to the child's parents, guardian or custodian, if they can be found, and to the child. The department shall be provided with reasonable oral or written notification and an opportunity to be heard. At any hearing held pursuant to this subsection, the department may appear as a party.
D. At the commencement of the detention hearing, the judge or special master shall advise the parties of their basic rights provided in the Children's Code and shall appoint counsel, guardians and custodians, if appropriate.
E. If the judge or special master finds that the child's detention is appropriate under the criteria established by the Children's Code, the judge or special master shall order detention in an appropriate facility in accordance with the Children's Code.
F. If the judge or special master finds that detention of the child is not appropriate under the criteria established by the Children's Code, the judge or special master shall order the release of the child, but, in so doing, may order one or more of the following conditions to meet the individual needs of the child:
(1) place the child in the custody of a parent, guardian or custodian or under the supervision of an agency agreeing to supervise the child;
(2) place restrictions on the child's travel, association with other persons or place of abode during the period of the child's release; or
(3) impose any other condition deemed reasonably necessary and consistent with the criteria for detaining children established by the Children's Code, including a condition requiring that the child return to custody as required.
G. An order releasing a child on any conditions specified in this section may at any time be amended to impose additional or different conditions of release or to return the child to custody or detention for failure to conform to the conditions originally imposed.
H. At the detention hearing, all relevant and material evidence helpful in determining the need for detention may be admitted by the judge or special master even though it would not be admissible in a hearing on the petition.
I. If the child is not released at the detention hearing and a parent, guardian or custodian was not notified of the hearing and did not appear or waive appearance at the detention hearing, the judge or special master shall rehear the detention matter without unnecessary delay upon the filing of an affidavit stating the facts and a motion for rehearing.
J. If a child is not released at the detention hearing, the child shall be reevaluated within ten days of the detention hearing, in conjunction with a pre-trial conference.
K. If the judge or special master finds that detention of the child is appropriate, but the child is not placed in a facility within ten days after the detention hearing, the child shall be released and placed under appropriate supervision, so long as the child does not pose a substantial risk of harm to himself or others."
Section 9. Section 32A-2-14 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1993, Chapter 77, Section 43) is amended to read:
"32A-2-14. BASIC RIGHTS.--
A. A child subject to the provisions of the Delinquency Act is entitled to the same basic rights as an adult, except as otherwise provided in the Children's Code.
B. If after due notice to the parent, guardian or custodian and after a hearing determining indigency, the parent, guardian or custodian is declared indigent by the court, the public defender shall represent the child. If the court finds that the parent, guardian or custodian is financially able to pay for an attorney but is unwilling to do so, the court shall order the parent, guardian or custodian to reimburse the state for public defender representation.
C. No person subject to the provisions of the Delinquency Act who is alleged or suspected of being a delinquent child shall be interrogated or questioned without first advising the child of the child's constitutional rights and securing a knowing, intelligent and voluntary waiver.
D. Before any statement or confession may be introduced at a trial or hearing when a child is alleged to be a delinquent child, the state shall prove that the statement or confession offered in evidence was elicited only after a knowing, intelligent and voluntary waiver of the child's constitutional rights was obtained.
E. In determining whether the child knowingly, intelligently and voluntarily waived the child's rights, the court shall consider the following factors:
(1) the age and education of the respondent;
(2) whether [or not] the respondent is in
(3) the manner in which the respondent was advised of his rights;
(4) the length of questioning and circumstances under which the respondent was questioned;
(5) the condition of the quarters where the respondent was being kept at the time he was questioned;
(6) the time of day and the treatment of the respondent at the time that he was questioned;
(7) the mental and physical condition of the respondent at the time that he was questioned; and
(8) whether [or not] the respondent had the
counsel of an attorney, friends or relatives at the time of
being questioned.
F. Notwithstanding any other provision to the contrary, no confessions, statements or admissions may be introduced against a child under the age of thirteen years on the allegations of the petition. There is a rebuttable presumption that any confessions, statements or admissions made by a child thirteen or fourteen years old to a person in a position of authority are inadmissible.
G. An extrajudicial admission or confession made by the child out of court is insufficient to support a finding that the child committed the delinquent acts alleged in the petition unless it is corroborated by other evidence.
H. The child and the parent, guardian or custodian of the child shall be advised by the court or its representative that the child shall be represented by counsel at all stages of the proceedings on a delinquency petition. If counsel is not retained for the child or if it does not appear that counsel will be retained, counsel shall be appointed for the child.
I. A child under the age of thirteen alleged or adjudicated to be a delinquent child shall not be fingerprinted or photographed for identification purposes without obtaining a court order.
J. The court, at any stage of the proceeding on a petition under the Children's Code, may appoint a guardian ad litem for a child who is a party if the child has no parent, guardian or custodian appearing on behalf of the child or if the parent's, guardian's or custodian's interests conflict with those of the child. A party to the proceeding or an employee or representative of a party shall not be appointed as guardian ad litem.
K. The court shall appoint a guardian for a child if the court determines that the child does not have a parent or a legally appointed guardian in a position to exercise effective guardianship. No officer or employee of an agency that is vested with the legal custody of the child shall be appointed guardian of the child except when parental rights have been terminated and the agency is authorized to place the child for adoption.
L. A person afforded rights under the Delinquency Act shall be advised of those rights at that person's first appearance before the court on a petition under that act.
M. A serious youthful offender who is detained prior to trial in an adult facility has a right to bail as provided under SCRA 1986, Rule 5-401. A child held in a juvenile facility designated as a place of detention prior to adjudication does not have a right to bail but may be released pursuant to the provisions of the Delinquency Act.
N. The provisions of the Delinquency Act shall not be interpreted to limit the right of a child to petition a court for a writ of habeas corpus."
Section 10. Section 32A-2-19 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1993, Chapter 77, Section 48, as amended) is amended to read:
A. At the conclusion of the dispositional hearing, the court may make and include in the dispositional judgment its findings on the following:
(1) the interaction and interrelationship of the child with the child's parents, siblings and any other person who may significantly affect the child's best interests;
(2) the child's adjustment to his home, school and community;
(3) the mental and physical health of all individuals involved;
(4) the wishes of the child as to his custodian;
(5) the wishes of the child's parents as to the child's custody;
(6) whether there exists a relative of the child or other individual who, after study by the department, is found to be qualified to receive and care for the child;
(7) the availability of services recommended in the predisposition report; and
(8) the ability of the parents to care for the child in the home.
B. If a child is found to be delinquent, the court may impose a fine not to exceed the fine that could be imposed if the child were an adult and may enter its judgment making any of the following dispositions for the supervision, care and rehabilitation of the child:
(1) any disposition that is authorized for the disposition of a neglected or abused child, in accordance with the Abuse and Neglect Act;
(2) transfer legal custody to the department, an agency responsible for the care and rehabilitation of delinquent children, which shall receive the child at a facility designated by the secretary of the department as a juvenile reception facility. The department shall thereafter determine the appropriate placement, supervision and rehabilitation program for the child. The judge may include recommendations for placement of the child. Commitments are subject to limitations and modifications set forth in Section 32A-2-23 NMSA 1978. The types of commitments include:
(a) a short-term commitment of one year, followed by a period of parole for ninety days;
(b) a long-term commitment for no more than two years in a long-term facility for the care and rehabilitation of adjudicated delinquent children;
(c) if the child is a delinquent offender who committed one of the criminal offenses set forth in Subsection I of Section 32A-2-3 NMSA 1978, a commitment to age twenty-one, unless sooner discharged; or
(d) if the child is a youthful offender, a commitment to age twenty-one, unless sooner discharged;
(3) place the child on probation under those conditions and limitations as the court may prescribe;
(4) place the child in a local detention facility that has been certified in accordance with the provisions of Section 32A-2-4 NMSA 1978 for a period not to exceed fifteen days within a three hundred sixty-five day time period;
(5) if a child is found to be delinquent solely on the basis of Paragraph (3) of Subsection A of Section 32A-2-3 NMSA 1978, the court shall only enter a judgment placing the child on probation or ordering restitution or imposing a fine not to exceed the fine that could be imposed if the child were an adult or any combination of these dispositions; or
(6) if a child is found to be delinquent solely on the basis of Paragraph (2), (4) or (5) of Subsection A of Section 32A-2-3 NMSA 1978, the court may make any disposition provided by this section and may enter its judgment placing the child on probation and, as a condition of probation, transfer custody of the child to the department for a period not to exceed six months without further order of the court; provided that this transfer shall not be made unless the court first determines that the department is able to provide or contract for adequate and appropriate treatment for the child and that the treatment is likely to be beneficial.
C. When the child is an Indian child, the Indian child's cultural needs shall be considered in the dispositional judgment and reasonable access to cultural practices and traditional treatment shall be provided.
D. No child found to be delinquent shall be committed or transferred to a penal institution or other facility used for the execution of sentences of persons convicted of crimes.
E. Whenever the court vests legal custody in an agency, institution or department, it shall transmit with the dispositional judgment copies of the clinical reports, predisposition study and report and other information it has pertinent to the care and treatment of the child.
F. Prior to any child being placed in the custody of the department, the department shall be provided with reasonable oral or written notification and an opportunity to be heard.
G. In addition to any other disposition pursuant to this section or any other penalty provided by law, if a child fifteen years of age or older is adjudicated delinquent on the basis of Paragraph (2), (4) or (5) of Subsection A of Section 32A-2-3 NMSA 1978, the child's driving privileges may be denied or the child's driver's license may be revoked for a period of ninety days. For a second or a subsequent adjudication, the child's driving privileges may be denied or the child's driver's license revoked for a period of one year. Within twenty-four hours of the dispositional judgment, the court may send to the motor vehicle division of the taxation and revenue department the order adjudicating delinquency. Upon receipt of an order from the court adjudicating delinquency, the director of the motor vehicle division of the taxation and revenue department may revoke or deny the delinquent's driver's license or driving privileges. Nothing in this section may prohibit the delinquent from applying for a limited driving privilege pursuant to Section 66-5-35 NMSA 1978, and nothing in this section precludes the delinquent's participation in an appropriate educational, counseling or rehabilitation program.
H. In addition to any other disposition pursuant to this section or any other penalty provided by law, when a child is adjudicated delinquent on the basis of Paragraph (7) of Subsection A of Section 32A-2-3 NMSA 1978, the child shall perform the mandatory community service set forth in Section
30-15-1.1 NMSA 1978. When a child fails to completely perform the mandatory community service, the name and address of the child's parent or legal guardian shall be published in a newspaper of general circulation, accompanied by a notice that he is the parent or legal guardian of a child adjudicated delinquent for committing graffiti."
Section 11. Section 32A-2-20 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1993, Chapter 77, Section 49, as amended) is amended to read:
A. The court has the discretion to invoke either an adult sentence or juvenile sanctions on a youthful offender. The children's court attorney shall file a notice of intent to invoke an adult sentence within ten working days of the filing of the petition, provided that the court may extend the time for filing of the notice of intent to invoke an adult sentence, for good cause shown, prior to the adjudicatory hearing. A preliminary hearing by the court or a hearing before a grand jury shall be held, within ten days after the filing of the intent to invoke an adult sentence, to determine whether probable cause exists to support the allegations contained in the petition.
B. If the children's court attorney has filed a notice of intent to invoke an adult sentence and the child is adjudicated as a youthful offender, the court shall make the following findings in order to invoke an adult sentence:
(1) the child is not amenable to treatment or rehabilitation as a child in available facilities; and
(2) the child is not eligible for commitment to an institution for the developmentally disabled or mentally disordered.
C. In making the findings set forth in Subsection B of this section, the judge shall consider the following factors:
(1) the seriousness of the alleged offense;
(2) whether the alleged offense was committed in an aggressive, violent, premeditated or willful manner;
(3) whether a firearm was used to commit the alleged offense;
(4) whether the alleged offense was against persons or against property, greater weight being given to offenses against persons, especially if personal injury resulted;
(5) the sophistication and maturity of the child as determined by consideration of the child's home, environmental situation, emotional attitude and pattern of living;
(6) the record and previous history of the child;
(7) the prospects for adequate protection of the public and the likelihood of reasonable rehabilitation of the child by the use of procedures, services and facilities currently available; and
(8) any other relevant factor, provided that factor is stated on the record.
D. If a child has previously been sentenced as an adult pursuant to the provisions of this section, there shall be a rebuttable presumption that the child is not amenable to treatment or rehabilitation as a child in available facilities.
[D.] E. If the court invokes an adult sentence, the
court may sentence the child to less than, but shall not
exceed, the mandatory adult sentence. A youthful offender
given an adult sentence shall be treated as an adult offender
and shall be transferred to the legal custody of an agency
responsible for incarceration of persons sentenced to adult
sentences. This transfer terminates the jurisdiction of the
court over the child with respect to the delinquent acts
alleged in the petition.
[E.] F. If a juvenile disposition is appropriate,
the court shall follow the provisions set forth in Section
32A-2-19 NMSA 1978. A youthful offender may be subject to
extended commitment in the care of the department until the age
of twenty-one, pursuant to the provisions of Section 32A-2-23
NMSA 1978.
[F.] G. A fourteen to eighteen year old child
charged with first degree murder, but convicted of an offense
less than first degree murder, is subject to the dispositions
set forth in this section."
Section 12. Section 32A-2-23 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1993, Chapter 77, Section 52, as amended) is amended to read:
A. A judgment transferring legal custody of an adjudicated delinquent child to an agency responsible for the care and rehabilitation of delinquent children divests the court of jurisdiction at the time of transfer of custody, unless the transfer of legal custody is for a commitment not exceeding fifteen days pursuant to the provisions of Section 32A-2-19 NMSA 1978, in which case the court retains jurisdiction, and:
(1) the juvenile parole board pursuant to the Juvenile Parole Board Act has the exclusive power to parole or release the child, subject to the provisions of Section 32A-7-8 NMSA 1978;
(2) the supervision of a child after release
under Paragraph (1) of this subsection [may] shall be conducted
by the [juvenile parole board in conjunction with the
department or any other suitable state agency or under any
contractual arrangements the juvenile parole board deems
appropriate; and] department;
(3) a child who completes a short-term commitment of one year, upon his release shall be placed on parole and supervised by the department for a period of ninety days; and
[(3)] (4) the period of time a child absconds
from parole or probation supervision shall toll all time limits
for the requirement of filing a petition to revoke probation or
parole and shall toll the computation of the period of
probation or parole supervision pursuant to the provisions of
the Delinquency Act.
B. A judgment of probation or protective supervision shall remain in force for an indeterminate period not to exceed the term of commitment from the date entered.
C. A child shall be released by an agency and probation or supervision shall be terminated by juvenile probation and parole services or the agency providing supervision when it appears that the purpose of the order has been achieved before the expiration of the period of the judgment. A release or termination and the reasons therefor shall be reported promptly to the court in writing by the releasing authority.
D. Prior to the expiration of a long-term commitment, as provided for in Section 32A-2-19 NMSA 1978, the court may extend the judgment for additional periods of one year until the child reaches the age of twenty-one if the court finds that the extension is necessary to safeguard the welfare of the child or the public interest.
E. Prior to the expiration of a judgment of probation, the court may extend the judgment for an additional period of one year until the child reaches the age of twenty-one if the court finds that the extension is necessary to protect the community or to safeguard the welfare of the child.
F. The court may dismiss a motion if it finds after preliminary investigation that the motion is without substance. If the court is of the opinion that the matter should be reviewed, it may, upon notice to all necessary parties, proceed to a hearing in the manner provided for hearings on petitions alleging delinquency. The court may terminate a judgment if it finds that the child is no longer in need of care, supervision or rehabilitation or it may enter a judgment extending or modifying the original judgment if it finds that action necessary to safeguard the child or the public interest.
G. A child may make a motion to modify a children's court or adult disposition within thirty days of the judge's decision. If the court is of the opinion that the matter should be reviewed, it may, upon notice to all necessary parties, proceed to a hearing in the manner provided for hearings on petitions alleging delinquency."
Section 13. Section 32A-2-26 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1993, Chapter 77, Section 55) is amended to read:
A. On motion by or on behalf of [an individual] a
person who has been the subject of a delinquency petition or on
the court's own motion, the court shall vacate its findings,
orders and judgments on the petition and order the legal and
social files and records of the court, probation services and
any other agency in the case sealed [and]. If requested in the
motion, the court shall also order law enforcement files and
records sealed. An order sealing records and files shall be
entered if the court finds that:
(1) two years have elapsed since the final
release of the [individual] person from legal custody and
supervision or two years have elapsed since the entry of any
other judgment not involving legal custody or supervision; and
(2) the [individual] person has not, within
the two years immediately prior to filing the motion, been
convicted of a felony or of a misdemeanor involving moral
turpitude or been found delinquent by a court and no proceeding
is pending seeking such a conviction or finding.
B. Reasonable notice of the motion shall be given to:
(1) the children's court attorney;
(2) the authority granting the release;
(3) the law enforcement officer, department and central depository having custody of the law enforcement files and records if those records are included in the motion; and
(4) any other agency having custody of records or files subject to the sealing order.
C. Upon the entry of the sealing order, the
proceedings in the case shall be treated as if they never
occurred and all index references shall be deleted [and]. The
court, law enforcement officers and departments and agencies
shall reply, and the [individual] person may reply, to an
inquiry that no record exists with respect to [such] the
person. Copies of the sealing order shall be sent to each
agency or official named in the order.
D. Inspection of the files and records or the release of information in the records included in the sealing order may thereafter be permitted by the court only:
(1) upon motion by the [individual] person who
is the subject of the records and only to those persons named
in the motion; and
(2) in its discretion, in an individual case,
to any clinic, hospital or agency that has the [individual]
person under care or treatment or to other persons engaged in
fact finding or research.
E. Any finding of delinquency or need of services or conviction of a crime subsequent to the sealing order may at the court's discretion be used by the court as a basis to set aside the sealing order.
F. A person who has been the subject of a petition filed pursuant to the provisions of the Delinquency Act shall be notified in writing by the juvenile probation and parole officer of the right to have records sealed at the expiration of the disposition.
G. A person who is not the subject of a delinquency petition or a person who is determined by the court not to be a delinquent offender shall have his files and records automatically sealed by the court.
H. If two years have elapsed since a person was released from legal custody and supervision and the department has not received any new allegations of delinquency regarding the person, that person's files and records shall be automatically sealed."
Section 14. Section 32A-2-29 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1993, Chapter 77, Section 58) is amended to read:
A. The municipal, magistrate or metropolitan court
shall have original exclusive jurisdiction over all Motor
Vehicle Code or municipal traffic code violations when the
person alleged to have committed the violation is a child, with
the exception of those violations contained in Paragraph (1) of
Subsection A of Section [32-2-3] 32A-2-3 NMSA 1978 and all
traffic offenses alleged to have been committed by the child
arising out of the same occurrence pursuant to Subsection B of
this section.
B. If the [children's] court acquires jurisdiction
over a child pursuant to any of those Motor Vehicle Code
violations contained in Paragraph (1) of Subsection A of
Section [32-2-3] 32A-2-3 NMSA 1978, it shall have jurisdiction
over all traffic offenses alleged to have been committed by the
child arising out of the same occurrence.
C. All traffic offenses which the child is found to have committed by the municipal, magistrate or metropolitan court or for which the child is adjudicated delinquent by the children's court shall be subject to the reporting requirements and the suspension and revocation provisions of the Motor Vehicle Code and shall not be subject to the confidentiality provisions of the Delinquency Act.
D. No tribunal may incarcerate [any] a child who
has been found guilty of any Motor Vehicle Code or municipal
traffic code violations [without first securing the approval of
the children's court.]"
Section 15. Section 32A-2-32 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1993, Chapter 77, Section 61) is amended to read:
A. All social records, including diagnostic evaluation, psychiatric reports, medical reports, social studies reports, pre-parole reports and supervision histories obtained by the juvenile probation office, parole officers and parole board or in possession of the department, are privileged and shall not be disclosed directly or indirectly to the public.
B. The records described in Subsection A of this section shall be open to inspection only by:
(1) court personnel;
(2) court appointed special advocates;
(3) the child's attorney or guardian ad litem;
(4) department personnel;
(5) any local substitute care review board or any agency contracted to implement local substitute care review boards;
(6) corrections department personnel;
(7) law enforcement officials;
(8) district attorneys;
(9) any state government social services agency in any state;
(10) those persons or entities of a child's Indian tribe specifically authorized to inspect such records pursuant to the federal Indian Child Welfare Act of 1978 or any regulations promulgated thereunder;
(11) tribal juvenile justice system and social service representatives;
(12) a foster parent, if the records are those of a child currently placed with that foster parent or of a child being considered for placement with that foster parent when the records concern the social, medical, psychological or educational needs of the child;
(13) school personnel involved with the child if the records concern the child's social or educational needs;
(14) health care or mental health professionals involved in the evaluation or treatment of the child, the child's parents, guardians or custodian or other family members;
(15) representatives of the protection and advocacy system, pursuant to the provisions of the federal Developmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights Act and the federal Protection and Advocacy for Mentally Ill Individuals Amendments Act of 1991; and
(16) any other person or entity, by order of the court, having a legitimate interest in the case or the work of the court.
C. Whoever intentionally and unlawfully releases any information or records closed to the public pursuant to this section or releases or makes other unlawful use of records in violation of this section is guilty of a petty misdemeanor."
Section 16. Section 32A-2-33 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1999, Chapter 216, Section 1) is amended to read:
A. If a public school administrator or employee has
reasonable cause to believe that a child is in possession of or
has been in possession of a firearm on school premises in
violation of [the federal Gun-Free Schools Act of 1994 or]
Section 30-7-2.1 NMSA 1978, the administrator or employee shall
immediately report the child's actions to a law enforcement
agency and the children, youth and families department.
B. Upon receipt of a report pursuant to Subsection
A of this section, the law enforcement agency [shall
immediately] may conduct an investigation to determine if there
is probable cause to believe that the child possessed a firearm
on school premises.
C. If the law enforcement agency determines there
is probable cause to believe that the child possessed a firearm
on school premises, the law enforcement agency [shall
immediately] may take the child into custody and deliver the
child to a detention facility licensed by the department.
After the child is delivered to a detention facility, the
department shall comply with the notification provisions set
forth in Subsection C of Section 32A-2-10 NMSA 1978. The child
shall be detained in the detention facility, pending a
detention hearing pursuant to the provisions of Section
32A-2-13 NMSA 1978.
D. As used in this section, "firearm" means any
weapon [which] that will or is designed to or may readily be
converted to expel a projectile by the action of an explosion;
the frame or receiver of any such weapon; or any firearm
muffler or firearm silencer. "Firearm" includes any handgun,
rifle or shotgun."
Section 17. Section 32A-7-8 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1993, Chapter 77, Section 201) is amended to read:
A. A child is eligible to appear before the juvenile parole board forty days after the entry of a judgment transferring legal custody to an agency for the care and rehabilitation of delinquent children, unless recommended for an earlier appearance by the agency responsible for such care and rehabilitation.
B. In the event parole is denied, the child shall be eligible for review sixty days thereafter.
C. In the event parole for a child is denied by the juvenile parole board, but parole is recommended for the child by the department, within ten days after the denial of parole the department may transmit all records for review by the court of the judicial district from which legal custody of the child was transferred. The court shall have jurisdiction to review the matter and issue an order regarding the child's prospective parole.
[C.] D. The juvenile parole board may review the
case of any child upon its own motion at any time after parole
is denied.
[D.] E. The provisions of the Juvenile Parole Board
Act apply to all children who, on [the effective date of that
act] July 1, 1993, are on parole or eligible to be placed on
parole with the same effect as if that act had been in effect
at the time they were placed on parole or became eligible to be
placed on parole."
Section 18. EFFECTIVE DATE.--The effective date of the provisions of this act is July 1, 2003.