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Aragon |
02/11/02 |
HB |
Teach History of Bataan Death March |
SB |
SJM 91 |
Woodlee |
Contained |
Additional Impact |
Recurring or Non-Rec |
Fund Affected |
FY02 |
FY03 |
FY02 |
FY03 |
( ) Indicate Expenditure Decreases)
SJM 82
Office of Cultural Affairs (OCA)
State Department of Public Education (SDE)
of Bill
Senate Joint Memorial 91 requests the State
Department of Public Education to develop and require inclusion of a detailed
chapter of the artillerymen of the 200th coast artillery and the 515th
anti-aircraft battalions of the New Mexico National Guard Service in the
Philippines in 1941 and 1942, including the infamous Bataan Death March and the
subsequent years of honorable service while imprisoned, in all New Mexico
public school history courses. The
joint memorial further resolves that the material be produced within the next
year and reviewed for accuracy by living veterans of that service. Additionally, the joint memorial calls for
New Mexico school children to participate in ceremonies honoring New Mexico’s
veterans, especially those of the Bataan Death March.
The Office of Cultural Affairs indicates that
the Bataan Death March is commemorated each year at an event known as the
"Bataan Memorial Death March" held annually at White Sands Missile
Range "in memory of the brave soldiers who fought so gallantly in defense
of the Philippine Islands in World War II." This event is said to be the country's largest military memorial
In addition, SDE indicates that the development of instructional materials and curriculum has not been the responsibility of the State Department of Public Education. However, the department is in the process of developing a website to support standards-based instruction in New Mexico schools. This web site will contain resources and instructional aids to assist classrooms teachers and students to understand the role of New Mexicans in WWII, including the Bataan Death March. WWII veterans will have the opportunity to review and contribute to this valuable resource.
The standards-based website will include an
interactive feature that will allow teachers to submit units based on the
standards. The department’s Curriculum,
Instruction, and Learning Technologies staff will solicit specific units and
resources to meet the intent of this memorial.
Senate Joint
Memorial 91 duplicates Senate Joint Memorial 82.
[1]Begin typing on the * in replace mode. Do not add or delete spaces.