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Sharer |
02/04/02 |
HB |
Gross Receipts Tax Task Force |
SB |
SJM 85 |
Gilbert |
Contained |
Additional Impact |
Recurring or Non-Rec |
Fund Affected |
FY02 |
FY03 |
FY02 |
FY03 |
( ) Indicate Expenditure Decreases)
LFC Files
No Response Received
Taxation and Revenue Department
of Bill
Senate Joint Memorial
85 requests the Legislative Council to appoint a task force of legislators and
tax policy experts from the private sector, higher education, and other
organizations to study the impact of the gross receipts tax on consumers and
business activity. Additionally, the joint memorial directs the task force to
consider the impact of repealing the gross receipts tax and replacing it with a
revenue source sufficient to offset the loss of gross receipts tax revenue.
This joint memorial points out that New Mexico
is one of only four states that impose a gross receipts tax and that such tax
is a barrier to businesses considering relocating to New Mexico. The current
tax is not applied uniformly since there at least ninety gross receipts tax
exemptions, some of which are granted simply due to the efforts of a particular
industry’s lobbying efforts. As a result, the current gross receipts tax base
continues to be eroded due to legislative efforts to ease the tax burden on
some consumers or to encourage economic development. The joint memorial points
out that replacing the gross receipts tax could have multiple benefits for the
state, including increasing general fund revenue.
The Legislative
Council Service would be responsible for providing administrative support to
the task force. The joint memorial also directs that the task force to make its
findings and recommendations, if any, to the second session of the forty-sixth
[1]Begin typing on the * in replace mode. Do not add or delete spaces.