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Sanchez |
02/06/02 |
HB |
Incarceration of Female Inmates Task Force |
SB |
SJM 48/aSRC |
Trujillo |
Contained |
Additional Impact |
Recurring or Non-Rec |
Fund Affected |
FY02 |
FY03 |
FY02 |
FY03 |
$0.1 Minimal |
Recurring |
General Fund |
( ) Indicate Expenditure Decreases)
to Appropriation in The General Appropriation Act
LFC Files
Responses Received
Corrections Department (CD)
of SRC Amendment
Senate Rules Committee amendments make technical
corrections by striking the word “polices” and inserts in lieu thereof
“policies” on page 2, lines 2 and 5.
of Original Bill
Senate Joint Memorial
48 requests the CD develop a task force to examine issues regarding the incarceration
of female inmates and report its findings to an appropriate interim committee.
The Memorial also invites the participation on
the task force of:
(1) the
Warden of the Women’s Correctional Facility in Grants,
(2) a
representative of the Corrections Corporation of America,
(3) a
representative of the New Mexico Women’s Justice Project,
a representative of the Office of the Attorney
(5) a
representative of the Public Defender Department,
(6) a
district court judge,
(7) a
representative of the Office of Health Services of the Corrections Department,
(8) a
representative of the Classification Office of the Corrections Department.
The task force is required to prepare a written
report of its findings and to submit its report to the appropriate Interim
Legislative Committee prior to November 1, 2002.
CD reports the most
significant issue to the agency is that the task force created by this memorial
is probably a much better way to address these matters, rather than the formal
Independent Board of Inquiry created by SB 196.
The memorial will
result in a minor increase in the administrative burden upon CD personnel who
would be required to participate in the task force.
There is no appropriation in the Memorial. CD
reports the memorial would result in a slight increase in costs to CD a result
of being required to participate in the task force and to prepare and submit a
report to the Interim Legislative Committee. CD should be able to absorb this
minor increase in costs.
The memorial will
result in a minor increase in the administrative burden upon CD.
Relates to SB196
Duplicates HJM52
[1]Begin typing on the * in replace mode. Do not add or delete spaces.