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McSorley |
01/29/02 |
HB |
Study Alternative Energy Resources |
SB |
SJM26 |
Trujillo |
Contained |
Additional Impact |
Recurring or Non-Rec |
Fund Affected |
FY02 |
FY03 |
FY02 |
FY03 |
$0.1 Indeterminate |
( ) Indicate Expenditure Decreases)
LFC Files
Responses Received From:
Energy, Minerals and Natural Resources
Department (EMNRD)
Commissioner of Public Lands (CPL)
Environment Department (ED)
of Bill
Senate Joint Memorial
26 requests the Legislative Council to direct the appropriate legislative Interim
Committee to study means to foster use of alternative energy resources.
EMNRD reports this
memorial would create a study of means that the state could use to facilitate
the increased use of alternative energy resources. The study could serve as a
basis for developing legislative or policy initiatives which could stimulate
alternative energy development in New Mexico.
According to CPL,
alternative energy sources are not defined in the bill. Solar radiation and wind are mentioned but
other energy sources such as geothermal or technologies such as fuel cells or energy
conservation are not discussed in the memorial.
Slight administrative
implications have been reported by EMNRD and
EMNRD suggests on page
2, line 10: Insert a comma after “states” to clarify that the intent of the
memorial is to direct the appropriate legislative interim committee “to study
alternative energy…and to encourage development of alternative energy sources.”
EMNRD reports New Mexico has a diverse and
extensive renewable energy resource base.
For example, New Mexico ranks 2nd among all states in solar
and 12th in wind resources.
Significant geothermal and biomass resources are also located within our
borders. Yet New Mexico’s renewable
resources remain largely untapped. Increased use of alternative energy
resources could be beneficial to New Mexico and its citizens for several
a) Many
alternative energy resources have less environmental impact than conventional resources;
b) Alternative
energy resources are usually decoupled from supply and cost changes of conventional
c) Development
of untapped alternative energy resources would result in increased economic
d) Alternative
energy resources can be developed locally, reducing dependency upon imported resources.
ED indicates the
information and recommendations resulting from the study should better enable
the legislature to formulate a well-founded strategy for fostering the use of
alternative energy resources.
ED suggests as an alternative, the legislature could request that
appropriate agencies of the executive branch prepare a report on approaches to
fostering use of alternative energy resources.
The legislature could also commission a panel of independent experts to
prepare and present such a study.
[1]Begin typing on the * in replace mode. Do not add or delete spaces.