[1] NOTE:  As provided in LFC policy, this report is intended only for use by the standing finance committees of the legislature.  The Legislative Finance Committee does not assume responsibility for the accuracy of the information in this report when used in any other situation.


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F I S C A L   I M P A C T   R E P O R T














Statewide Library Services











Appropriation Contained

Estimated Additional Impact


or Non-Rec














General Fund


(Parenthesis ( ) Indicate Expenditure Decreases)




LFC Files

Office of Cultural Affairs, State Library

State Commission of Public Records




     Synopsis of Bill


Senate Bill 130 appropriates $600.0 from the general fund to the library division of the office of cultural affairs for expenditure in fiscal year 2003 for the purpose of establishing a virtual stateside library catalogue and a statewide library materials delivery system.


     Significant Issues


With the establishment of a library resource sharing program, libraries (possibly even individuals) would be able to request material owned by libraries in the state and have materials delivered to requesting libraries.  The State Library analysis indicated the program would provide for the merging together of 20 library catalogs that would include more than 35 libraries’ holdings.  Libraries and possibly individuals will be able to generate an interlibrary loan request through the program.  Funds would be available for libraries to place their periodical/serials holdings in the electronic catalogs.  The State Library also indicated a document delivery system linking 37 communities throughout New Mexico will be established through this program. 



It is expected this program would result in an increase in borrowing and lending of library materials among New Mexico libraries.  There are significant collections in New Mexico libraries, but unfortunately there is currently not an easy way for libraries to know about the holdings in other libraries.  This program would provide one virtual catalog of the major libraries in New Mexico.  It would make accessible the bibliographic records of the academic, public and school libraries.  The program utilizes the most recent library technology that enables the merging of 20 library catalogs, but also makes electronic interlibrary loan possible.  One exciting component to the program is the ability of all libraries in the state to use the virtual catalog and to generate interlibrary loan requests through the system. 


The State Library states the following improvements as a result of this appropriation:


1)     The document delivery between libraries would be enhanced through the program.  The establishment of a document delivery system linking libraries throughout the state would result in the delivery of library material from one library to another within 48 hours.  For example – a customer in Raton when he/she has identified a book that he/she would like to read, but which is not available at his library, would be able to borrow the book from another New Mexico library.  The book should be available at the Raton Public Library within 48 hours if the book is available for loan.


2)     Periodical/serials holdings in libraries throughout New Mexico will be accessible through this program.  At the present time, it is very difficult to know the periodical/serials holdings of libraries in New Mexico.  As a result, interlibrary loan requests for periodicals/serials are oftentimes not sent to the appropriate library or have gone out of state.  Having access to current and accurate periodicals/serials holdings would result in a more efficient and effective interlibrary loan program.  This should translate into better service to libraries’ customers; and


The Commission of Public Records reports the following: “Virtual electronic catalog records already exist for many of the larger libraries.  These online catalogues are available to smaller libraries and to the general public through the libraries respective websites.  However each website must be searched individually and cannot be searched collectively.  Materials described by the catalog records not only include books but they also include restricted materials such as out-of-print book public records, and manuscript collections. These materials may not be loaned and may require photocopying.  Therefore there would be a cost associated with duplicating materials.  The delivery service would need to be self-supporting after FY03.  The full cost of the delivery system should be examined if books and materials are to be delivered throughout the state.  Some material cannot be transmitted via regular mail (rare, non-circulating or archival material).  This would require funds for operating automobiles, i.e. gas, servicing, storage, insurance and staff support or alternatively contracting with delivery providers and passing the cost on to the requesting library or absorbing the cost in the State Library's budget.”


The State Records Center and Archives (SRCA) has 720 record groups described in the State Library’s online catalog, SALSA.  If the virtual statewide library catalogue database were established SRCA collections described in SALSA would be included.  Requests for loan of materials to smaller libraries would be denied by the SRCA, as these materials are original records.



Public records and manuscript collections held by the State Archives are not subject to loan, however they are subject to the Inspection of Public Records Act, therefore the materials would be made available onsite or through photocopies.




The appropriation of $600.0 contained in this bill is a non-recurring expense to the general fund. Any unexpended or unencumbered balance remaining at the end of FY03 shall revert to the general fund.


The State Records Center and Archives has a policy to charge for duplication of archival records.  Since catalog records are not sufficiently detailed, the requestor may not be able to discern an individual document and request its reproduction. Depending on the number of requests, there may be a fiscal impact on the agency.




The agency is appropriated by program in the General Appropriations Act, not by division.




1)     Who would bear the cost of duplicating materials, the borrower or lender?


2)     The virtual online bibliographic database platform would need to be hosted by an institution.  Would the State Library host the database and provide all of the upkeep and servicing?  Will the upkeep require additional operating funds be allocated to the State Library?


3)  Is an additional FTE implied in the appropriation?



 [1]Begin typing on the * in replace mode.  Do not add or delete spaces.