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Garcia |
01/24/02 |
HB |
Doña Ana Fiesta De San
Ysidro |
SB |
112 |
Gonzales |
Contained |
Additional Impact |
Recurring or Non-Rec |
Fund Affected |
FY02 |
FY03 |
FY02 |
FY03 |
10.0 |
Non-Recurring |
GF |
( ) Indicate Expenditure Decreases)
Estimated Revenue |
Subsequent Years
Impact |
Recurring or Non-Rec |
Fund Affected |
FY02 |
FY03 |
Minimal |
Non-Recurring |
OSF – Museum |
(Parenthesis ( ) Indicate Revenue Decreases)
LFC Files
Office of Cultural Affairs (OCA)
of Bill
SB112 appropriates $10.0
from the general fund to the Office of Cultural Affairs for the purpose of
supporting La Fiesta de San Ysidro, an annual public program and
education event of the N.M. Farm & Ranch Heritage Museum in Las Cruces,
Doña Ana County.
This is a one-time appropriation to support a cultural events public program. This bill permits the New Mexico Farm & Ranch Heritage Museum to expand educational programming in conjunction with the annual La Fiesta de San Ysidro, which is tentatively scheduled for the weekend of May 17, 2003. The event includes demonstrations, performances, and workshops interpreting New Mexico’s rural and farming culture, focusing on the Spanish/Catholic traditions surrounding San Ysidro, the patron saint of farming. SB112 would enable the Museum to offer additional activities as well as a greater number of demonstrator/performers taking part in the event while generally increasing outreach efforts.
The OCA has developed a performance measure
related to its education, outreach and technical assistance program to increase
by 2% the number of participants in educational and special events at the
Museum in FY 2003 compared to FY 2002.
The appropriation
of $10.0 contained in this bill is a non-recurring expense to the general fund.
Any unexpended or unencumbered balance remaining at the end of FY03 shall
revert to the general fund.
The OCA has indicated that while private
fundraising efforts would continue to support the event’s production and operation,
funds resulting from this appropriation would focus on a significant expansion
of educational programming during the one-day event. It is expected that the enhanced success of the program will
contribute to private fundraising efforts for FY 2004 and beyond, but there is
no guarantee that expenditures for this program will equal or exceed that for
FY 2003 in subsequent years.
It would be expected the expansion of the event
should increase revenues derived from admission fees to the event because of
visitors who are attracted to the additional programming, although the exact
amount cannot be definitively determined, any additional admissions would be a
one-time increase of $3 per adult and $2 per child plus that for any repeat
visitors. OCA states that if there are
charges for people taking part in workshops held during the event, those would
produce small amounts of revenue as well in indeterminate amounts. Such revenue increases would likely not
amount to more than $1,000.
[1]Begin typing on the * in replace mode. Do not add or delete spaces.