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F I S C A L   I M P A C T   R E P O R T













Repeal Public School Code











Appropriation Contained

Estimated Additional Impact


or Non-Rec
















(Parenthesis ( ) Indicate Expenditure Decreases)




State Department of Education (SDE)




     Synopsis of Amendment by Senate Education Committee for Senate Bill 33


The amendment strikes the appropriation and removes the section that applies to the appropriation. The amendment does not change the original intent of the bill.


     Synopsis of Bill


Senate Bill 33 repeals the Public School Code and creates the Public School Code Review Task Force.


     Significant Issues


Senate Bill 33 creates a 16-member Public School Code Review Task Force composed as  follows:


-        three members ( including two principals and one teacher) appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives;


-        two members (including one principal and one teacher ) appointed by the minority leader of the House of Representatives;


-        three members ( including two principals and one teacher) appointed by the President Pro Tem of the Senate;


-        two members ( including one principal and one teacher) appointed by the minority leader of the Senate;


-        one member of the Governor’s staff


-        one member of the business community appointed by the Governor;


-        one school parent appointed by the Governor;


-        two school district superintendents appointed by the state superintendents’s association;


-        one member appointed by the State Board of Education.


The members will be appointed by July 31,2002 and function as a task force until December 31,2003.


The bill charges the task force with conducting a review of the “Public School Code and state board of education rules governing primary and secondary education in  New Mexico to identify those statutes and rules that unnecessarily burden administrators and teachers at the school site, and that prevent administrators and teachers at the school site from effectively performing their roles as instructional leaders and educators.


The task force is directed to present its findings and recommendations no later than December 31,2003. The State Department of Education is directed to staff the task force.




Senate Bill 33 appropriates $20.0 from the general fund for the per diem and mileage costs for members.


According to SDE, the task force will place a significant burden on the department to be absorbed within available resources.  In addition, to the staffing requirements the projects suggests the need for experts in a variety of areas, and no appropriation is available to support this function.




According to SDE, if the outcome of the task force is to rewrite the Public School Code in its entirety, the department will be required to implement  changed requirements in a broad variety of areas, including public school funding, program requirements, transportation accountability and numerous other areas. Also, public school districts will be required to implement and respond to changed requirements.  A complete revamping of the state’s system of public education will require significant fiscal and administrative resources for implementation, both at the state and local levels.




According to SDE, the provisions of the Public School Code are broad-ranging and cover virtually all aspects of the public education system. The task of rewriting the code in its entirety in an 18 month period is formidable, given the complexity of a number of the areas subsumed in the code.


RS/ar :sb

 [1]Begin typing on the * in replace mode.  Do not add or delete spaces.