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Lujan |
02/01/02 |
HB |
HJM 45/aHTC |
Regional Public Transportation Alternatives |
SB |
Valdes |
Appropriation Contained |
Estimated Additional Impact |
Recurring or Non-Rec |
Fund Affected |
FY02 |
FY03 |
FY02 |
FY03 |
$0.1 Indeterminate |
(Parenthesis ( ) Indicate
Expenditure Decreases)
LFC Files
of HTC Amendment
The House Transportation Committee amendment
adds regional councils of government as entities that should be consulted in
preparation of the regional transportation systems study.
of Original Bill
House Joint Memorial
45 requests the Legislative Council direct the appropriate legislative committee
study, in consultation with the New Mexico Municipal League and the New Mexico
Association of Counties, to study the need for and barriers to regional
transportation systems. The study
should also identify resources and mechanisms to promote effective regional
transportation across multiple governmental jurisdictions.
Additionally, the
committee should include draft legislation to create regional transit authorities
and report recommendations to the Legislature by November 2002.
Regional transit services would improve the quality of life and enhance economic opportunities for New Mexico residents. Additionally, public transportation services would relieve existing congestion that plagues highways used to access some of the state’s urban work centers.
Significant federal match funding is available
through the Federal Transit Administration for local and regional public
transit. However, many New Mexico
communities do not have available resources to provide the necessary
match. Creation of regional authorities
would provide a mechanism to generate revenues for the required match.
Current state law restricts the State Highway
and Transportation Department from budgeting more than $50.0 annually from the
road fund for transportation programs.
This prevents the department from assisting local communities with the
required match funding.
The State Highway and Transportation Department
stated this proposed legislation does not impact the department. Therefore, a fiscal impact was not provided.
The State Highway and
Transportation Department could provide technical expertise to the legislative
committee assigned to study this issue.
[1]Begin typing on the * in replace mode. Do not add or delete spaces.