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Lundstrum |
02/07/02 |
HB |
359 |
School Revenue Bonds |
SB |
Smith |
Estimated Revenue |
Subsequent Years
Impact |
Recurring or Non-Rec |
Fund Affected |
FY02 |
FY03 |
(Parenthesis ( ) Indicate Revenue Decreases)
State Department of Education
of Bill
House Bill 359 amends the School Bond Revenue
Act. The bill allows federal funds to
be pledged for school revenue bonds even if the federal funds are subject to
annual appropriation. It also allows
other revenue, including income from future income projects, to be pledged to
pay for these bonds.
The bill defines “income projects” as a facility that produces an income to the
school district, including: 1) housing for teachers, 2) the land upon which the
income project is situated and 3) improvements to the land upon which an income
project are situated.
The bill defines “pledgeable revenue” as net
income from the income project, net income from future income projects and
federal grants. Revenue from the state, property taxes or other bond issues is
specifically excluded from this definition.
This bill defines “federal grant” as a payment,
grant, subsidy, contribution or other money from the United States or any of
its agencies that is not otherwise restricted as to the use and that the federal
government allows to be pledged or used to pay
debt service on bonds. Revenue from
federal grants may be pledged even if it is subject to annual appropriation.
Prior to issuing these bonds to finance an
income project, a local school board must furnish the State Board of Education
with the following items: 1) a detailed description of the income project, 2)
an explanation of the necessity for the income project, 3) an estimate of the
total cost of the project, 4) the projected net income of the project and any
other revenues that will be pledged to pay for the project and 5) yearly
operating cost estimates for the income project.
The Department of Education reports that this bill appears to support the following consensus performance measure for public schools: Percent and number of school facilities that attain a Facility Condition Index equal to or greater than the Public School Capital Outlay Council (PSCOC)-established level (Equitable Access and Opportunity).
[1]Begin typing on the * in replace mode. Do not add or delete spaces.