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King |
02/01/02 |
HB |
109 |
Future Teachers Program |
SB |
Baca |
Contained |
Additional Impact |
Recurring or Non-Rec |
Fund Affected |
FY02 |
FY03 |
FY02 |
FY03 |
$300.0 |
Recurring |
General Fund |
(Parenthesis) Indicate Expenditure Decreases)
SB 125
Commission on Higher Education (CHE)
State Department of Education (SDE)
of Bill
House Bill 109 appropriates $300.0 from the general fund to the SDE and directs it to design and implement a program to recruit, mentor and prepare public school students and public university students to follow a career in teaching.
SDE is to develop a plan for students in grades six through post-secondary level to support and encourage students to enter the teaching profession. The department is permitted to contract for services to design and implement the program. The bill specifies certain components of the program including summer instruction in methodologies, classroom experience/observation and tutoring
The appropriation of
$300.0 contained in this bill is a recurring expense to the general fund. Any
unexpended or unencumbered balance remaining at the end of FY2003 shall revert
to the general fund.
HB 109 duplicates SB
125, Future Teachers Program.
In its analysis, the
CHE provides a brief summary of a three -year effort by SDE and CHE to improve
teacher quality:
1999 a “belief statement” that asserts “Quality Learning Requires Quality
Teaching” was formally adopted by the Commission on Higher Education and the
State Department of Education. Efforts
to implement this belief statement were immediately initiated through a
partnership with business, educational, and legislative stakeholders, the SBE,
and the CHE. The result of this
partnership was the design of a collaborative and systemic action plan for
improving teacher quality. That plan
resulted in New Mexico’s receipt of a statewide Title II Teacher Quality
Enhancement Grant. Leadership for this
grant is provided by the Teacher Education Accountability Council (TEAC)
co-chaired by the State Superintendent of Instruction and the Executive
Director of the CHE. TEAC members include statewide representatives from higher
education, public schools, the business community, the State Legislature, the
Office of the Governor, parents, and teachers. The responsibilities of the TEAC
include the oversight of the federal grant, strategic planning, and providing
policy recommendations to the SBE and the CHE.”
[1]Begin typing on the * in replace mode. Do not add or delete spaces.