45th legislature - STATE OF NEW MEXICO - second session, 2002


Pete Campos





Section 1. AUTHORIZATION OF PROJECTS.--Pursuant to the provisions of Section 6-21-6.3 NMSA 1978, the legislature authorizes the New Mexico finance authority to make grants from the water and wastewater project grant fund to the following qualified entities for the following public projects on terms and conditions established by the authority:

A. to Acoma pueblo for a water and wastewater system feasibility study, wastewater projects and water projects;

B. to the Agua Sana mutual domestic water consumers association for water projects, phases 3-12;

C. to the Alcalde mutual domestic water consumers association for a wastewater project;

D. to Angel Fire for a wastewater project and water-wastewater projects;

E. to Artesia for a wastewater project;

F. to Bayard for a wastewater project and water project;

G. to Belen for wastewater projects and water projects;

H. to the Berino mutual domestic water consumers association for a water utility equipment project, a preliminary engineering report and a water project;

I. to Bernalillo for wastewater projects and a water project;

J. to the Bibo mutual domestic water consumers association for a water project;

K. to the Blanco water users association for a water project;

L. to Bloomfield for a wastewater project and water project;

M. to the Bluewater Acres domestic water users association for a water project;

N. to Bosque Farms for a wastewater project and water project;

O. to the Canjilon mutual domestic water consumers association for a water project;

P. to the Canones mutual domestic water consumers association for a wastewater project and a water project;

Q. to the Canyon mutual domestic water consumers association for a water project;

R. to Carrizozo for a wastewater project and water project;

S. to the Cebolleta land grant for a wastewater project;

T. to Chama for a wastewater project and water project;

U. to the Chamisal mutual domestic water consumers association for a water project;

V. to the Chupadero water and sewage corporation for a water project;

W. to Cimarron for a water project;

X. to the Cleveland mutual domestic water consumers association for a water project;

Y. to Cloudcroft for a wastewater project;

Z. to Columbus for a water project;

AA. to the Crosby mutual domestic water consumers and sewage works association for a water project;

BB. to the Cumberland water cooperative for a water project;

CC. to Deming for a wastewater project;

DD. to Des Moines for a water project;

EE. to the Desert Sands mutual domestic water consumers association for a water-wastewater equipment project and master water plan;

FF. to the Dona Ana mutual domestic water consumers association for a water project;

GG. to Eagle Nest for a wastewater project and water project;

HH. to Edgewood for a wastewater project;

II. to El Prado water and sanitation district for wastewater projects and water projects;

JJ. to El Rito domestic consumer water association for a water project;

KK. to El Valle de Los Ranchos de Taos water and sanitation district for a wastewater project;

LL. to Espanola for a water-wastewater project and water project;

MM. to Estancia for a wastewater project and water project;

NN. to the Fambrough mutual domestic water consumers association for a water project;

OO. to Fort Sumner for a water project;

PP. to the Gabaldon mutual domestic water consumers association for a water project;

QQ. to Grants for a water and sewer project;

RR. to the Greater Chimayo mutual domestic water consumers association for water projects;

SS. to the High Sierra water association for a water project;

TT. to Hurley for a preliminary engineering report and water project;

UU. to the Ilfeld mutual domestic water consumers association for a water project;

VV. to La Asociacion de Agua de los Brazos for a water project;

WW. to La Jara water users association for a water equipment and filtration project;

XX. to La Jicarita Valley association of mutual domestics for a water feasibility study;

YY. to La Luz mutual domestic water consumers association for a water and wastewater feasibility study;

ZZ. to Las Trampas mutual domestic water consumers association for a water project;

AAA. to Las Vegas for wastewater projects, a water meter project and water project;

BBB. to Lordsburg for a water project;

CCC. to Los Lunas for wastewater projects and a water project;

DDD. to Maxwell for a wastewater project and water project;

EEE. to the Mesquite mutual domestic water consumers and mutual sewage works association for a wastewater project and water project;

FFF. to the Mora mutual domestic water consumers association for a wastewater project;

GGG. to Mosquero for water projects;

HHH. to the Navajo Dam mutual domestic water consumers association for a water project;

III. to the Orchard Estates-Faculty Lane water association for a water project;

JJJ. to the Oro Grande mutual domestic water consumers association for a water project;

KKK. to the Pajarito Mesa mutual domestic water consumers association for a water project;

LLL. to the Pecan Park mutual domestic water consumers association for a water project;

MMM. to the Pineywoods Estates water association for a water project;

NNN. to the Plaza Blanca domestic water association for a water project;

OOO. to the Pojoaque Valley school district for a wastewater project and water project;

PPP. to the Quemado mutual water and sewage works association for a wastewater project;

QQQ. to Questa for a wastewater project and water project;

RRR. to the Ramah Navajo chapter for a water project;

SSS. to the Ramah water and sanitation district for a wastewater project;

TTT. to Raton for a wastewater project;

UUU. to Red River for a wastewater project and water project;

VVV. to the Regina mutual domestic water consumers association for a water project;

WWW. to Roy for wastewater projects;

XXX. to the San Acacia mutual domestic water consumers association for a water project;

YYY. to San Juan pueblo for a water-wastewater feasibility study, a wastewater project and water-wastewater projects;

ZZZ. to Santa Clara for a preliminary engineering report, wastewater project and water project;

AAAA. to Santa Fe for a water project;

BBBB. to the Seboyeta mutual domestic water consumers association for a water project;

CCCC. to Socorro for a water project;

DDDD. to Sunland Park for wastewater projects and a water project;

EEEE. to the Table Top water users association for a water project;

FFFF. to the Talpa mutual domestic water consumers association for a water project;

GGGG. to Taos for wastewater projects and a water project;

HHHH. to Tesuque pueblo for a wastewater project;

IIII. to Tucumcari for a wastewater project and water project;

JJJJ. to Tularosa for a wastewater project, water project and water feasibility study;

KKKK. to the Upper Holman mutual domestic water consumers association for a water project;

LLLL. to Virden for a water project;

MMMM. to Wagon Mound for a wastewater project and water project;

NNNN. to the White Cliffs mutual domestic water users association for a wastewater project and water project;

OOOO. to the Williams Acres water and sanitation district for a wastewater project; and

PPPP. to Zuni pueblo for water-sewerline extensions.

Section 2. VOIDING OF AUTHORIZATION.--If a qualified entity listed in Section 1 of this act has not certified to the New Mexico finance authority by the end of fiscal year 2004 its desire to continue to pursue a grant from the water and wastewater project grant fund for a public project listed in that section, then the legislative authorization granted to the New Mexico finance authority by Section 1 of this act to make a grant from the water and wastewater project grant fund to that qualified entity for that public project shall be void.

Section 3. APPROPRIATION.--One hundred fifty million dollars ($150,000,000) is appropriated from the general fund to the water and wastewater project grant fund for expenditure in fiscal year 2002 and subsequent fiscal years to carry out the provisions of Section 6-21-6.3 NMSA 1978. Any unexpended or unencumbered balance remaining at the end of a fiscal year shall not revert to the general fund.

Section 4. EMERGENCY.--It is necessary for the public peace, health and safety that this act take effect immediately.

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