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SPONSOR: | Gubbels | DATE TYPED: | 03/15/01 | HB | HJM 86 | ||
SHORT TITLE: | State Fair's Impact on Neighborhoods | SB | |||||
ANALYST: | Gonzales |
or Non-Rec |
Affected | ||||
FY01 | FY02 | FY01 | FY02 | ||
See Narrative |
(Parenthesis ( ) Indicate Expenditure Decreases)
Relates to HB789
Duplicates SJM86
LFC Files
Synopsis of Bill
House Joint Memorial 86 requests the Legislative Council to direct the appropriate committee to review the authority of the State Fair Commission and the impact on surrounding neighborhoods of state fair commission policies and decisions for expansion and changes in operations. This memorial also directs the appropriate committee to report its findings and recommendation to the Legislature by November 1, 2001.
This Memorial does not contain an appropriation. However, there may be an administrative and fiscal impact on the Legislative Council Service in carrying out the intent of the joint memorial.
This memorial relates to House Bill 789 which requires the State Fair Commission (Commission) to perform an assessment of the impacts of an expansion or redevelopment of the state fair grounds or a substantial modification of the fair grounds plan and also requires the Commission to hold a public hearing on a plan for expansion or redevelopment of the state fair grounds or a substantial modification.
This memorial also is a duplicate of Senate Joint Memorial 86.
The State Fair has proposed major expansions and changes in the operation of the fair that could have significant impact on surrounding neighborhoods. Neighborhoods surrounding the fair have expressed concern and requested more extensive review and control over expansions and changes in operations that may affect them.