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SPONSOR: | Campos | DATE TYPED: | 2/26/01 | HB | |||
SHORT TITLE: | Move Section 271 Process Forward | SB | SJM 26 | ||||
ANALYST: | Valenzuela |
or Non-Rec |
Affected | ||||
FY01 | FY02 | FY01 | FY02 | ||
NFI | |||||
(Parenthesis ( ) Indicate Expenditure Decreases)
LFC Files
Office of the Attorney General
General Services Department
Public Regulation Commission
Synopsis of Bill
Senate Joint Memorial 26 requests the Public Regulation Commission (PRC), the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and Qwest to move forward on Section 271 approval. The purpose is to fully implement competition in New Mexico telecommunication industry for the benefit of business and residential consumers.
Significant Issues
Section 271 are FCC rules that identify those steps in which local competition in telecommunications may begin. The rules place a number of requirements on incumbent local exchange carriers (ILECs) before they can compete in long distance telecommunication.
Senate Joint Memorial 26 does not carry an appropriation.